Supplementary Material Table S1 Summary of Radioactive Cs

Supplementary Material Table S1 Summary of Radioactive Cs

Supplementary material Table S1 Summary of radioactive Cs concentrations (134Cs + 137Cs) in 169 marine species caught off Fukushima Prefecture in 2011 (April–December) and 2012 (January–October). 2011 2012 Radioacrive Cs Radioacrive Cs (Bq/kg-wet) ND% n (Bq/kg-wet) ND% n Depth (m) Class Scientific name a Max. Min. Max. Min. Body parts b Shipment c Habitat Fishing d Max. Min. Average Osteichthyes Sebastes cheni 3200 36 0 32 3100 ND 1.2 81 MWS Banned Demersal G, BF, T 60 3 25 Pleuronectes yokohamae 1380 ND 2 98 2600 ND 4 176 MWS Banned Demersal G, B, BF, T 139 3 47 Lateolabrax japonicus 670 46 0 32 2110 20 0 65 M Banned Demersal G, B, BF, T 195 3 46 Hexagrammos otakii 3000 ND 2.6 114 1740 ND 6.8 222 M Banned Demersal C, G, B, BF, T 195 3 52 Sebastes thompsoni 1630 70 0 15 1500 ND 15.4 26 MWS Banned Demersal G, BF, T 150 23 51 Microstomus achne 1140 ND 12.5 80 1460 ND 32.1 218 MWS Banned Demersal C, G, BF, T 330 6 91 Occella iburia 54 54 0 1 1440 ND 13.3 15 M Banned Demersal B, T 226 7 81 Sebastes schlegelii 2190 134 0 6 1340 ND 15.4 26 MWS Banned Demersal C, G, B, BF, T 160 7 38 Sebastes vulpes 910 ND 25 4 1310 ND 37.1 35 MWS Banned Demersal G, BF, T 200 10 54 Platichthys bicoloratus 1220 25 0 61 1200 ND 2.2 89 MWS Banned Demersal G, B, BF, T 105 9 42 Physiculus maximowiczi 1770 ND 13.7 51 1150 ND 22.3 121 MWS Banned Demersal C, G, B, BF, T 510 3 145 Paralichthys olivaceus 4500 ND 0.6 176 1000 ND 5.4 280 M Banned Demersal C, G, B, BF, T 228 5 51 Hemitripterus villosus 260 ND 7.7 13 710 ND 7.6 92 MWS Banned Demersal G, T 220 7.5 97 Platycephalus indicus 290 51 0 15 650 11 0 25 M Banned Demersal G, T 59 6 18 Eopsetta grigorjewi 183 30 0 19 580 ND 35.5 76 MWS Banned Demersal G, T 210 11 76 Verasper variegatus 340 43 0 4 570 10 0 9 M Banned Demersal G, T 152 17 60 Sebastes pachycephalus 870 142 0 4 560 79 0 21 MWS Banned Demersal C, G, BF 23 3 11 Platichthys stellatus 148 27 0 2 550 123 0 3 MWS Banned Demersal G, B 26 7 18 Paraplagusia japonica 330 26 0 9 390 20 0 13 MWS Banned Demersal G, T 33 10 19 Conger myriaster 176 ND 16.3 43 360 ND 27.8 90 MWS Banned Demersal C, G, B, BF, T 480 3 86 Stichaeus grigorjewi ND ND 100 1 320 320 0 1 M Banned Demersal T 330 138 234 Gadus macrocephalus 300 11 0 23 260 ND 18.3 180 M Banned Demersal G, B, BF, T 510 16 163 Nibea mitsukurii 390 68 0 23 217 15 0 52 MWS Banned Demersal C, G, B, T 83 6 21 Acanthopagrus schlegelii 240 13 0 7 210 ND 12.5 16 MWS Banned Demersal G, BF 27 3 13 Pleuronichtys cornutus 470 8.2 0 18 190 10 0 23 MWS Banned Demersal G, T 81 11 47 Cynoglossus joyneri 250 18 0 11 185 ND 7.7 13 MWS Banned Demersal G, T 59 10 23 Takifugu snyderi 230 25 0 14 180 ND 28.6 14 M Banned Demersal G, T 105 10 47 Pseudopleuronectes herzensteini 420 ND 1.6 64 150 ND 14.3 147 MWS Banned Demersal G, BF, T 210 11 71 Verasper moseri 0 140 ND 58.3 12 M Banned Demersal G, T 420 6 92 Takifugu pardalis 370 112 0 3 137 ND 9.1 11 M Banned Demersal G, T 68 10 29 Oncorhynchus masou 0 130 ND 75 4 MWS Banned Pelagic G, T 105 6 34 Ditrema temmincki 224 224 0 1 124 15 0 10 MWS Banned Demersal C, G, BF 23 3 12 Ammodytes personatus 14400 82 0 23 122 ND 67.9 56 WB Banned Pelagic B, T 72 3 22 Hippoglossoides dubius 79 ND 42.9 7 121 ND 65.9 82 MWS Banned Demersal G, T 510 23 183 Chelidonichthys spinosus 440 28 0 42 120 ND 39.5 43 MWS Banned Demersal G, BF, T 125 10 51 Theragra chalcogramma 97 ND 50 6 110 ND 57.4 54 MWS Banned Demersal G, BF, T 420 18 186 Conger japonicus 0 100 90 0 2 MWS Demersal C, G 8 6 7 Tanakius kitaharai 88 ND 26.5 34 96 ND 38 92 MWS Demersal T 230 50 119 Pennahia argentata 79 12 0 12 93 ND 15.6 45 MWS Demersal G, B, T 124 7 54 Sebastiscus marmoratus 0 92 92 0 1 MWS Demersal G 12 12 12 Lepidotrigla microptera 360 24 0 38 86 ND 15.6 90 MWS Demersal G, T 200 11 73 Lophius litulon 400 ND 7.1 28 81 ND 62.8 78 M Demersal G, T 228 17 93 Sebastes matsubarae 0 72 14 0 4 MWS Demersal BF 216 180 191 Trichiurus lepturus 0 71 44 0 2 MWS Pelagic T 124 65 95 Clidoderma asperrimum 152 ND 57.1 7 64 ND 80.6 62 M Demersal G, T 510 25 189 Pagrus major 83 12 0 7 62 ND 34.6 26 MWS Demersal G, BF, T 90 3 35 Trachurus japonicus 270 ND 17.1 41 59 ND 56.8 44 MWS Pelagic G, B, BF, T 215 4 74 Salangichthys ishikawae 94 58 0 3 58 ND 16.2 37 WB Demersal G, B 21 3 9 Takifugu poecilonotus 186 55 0 5 53 7 0 4 M Demersal T 95 10 53 Zeus faber 380 ND 11.8 51 46 ND 32.6 43 M Demersal G, BF, T 125 6 58 Helicolenus hilgendorfi 72 8.8 0 5 46 ND 76.4 72 MWS Demersal BF, T 260 95 180 Evynnis tumifrons 91 ND 19.2 26 44 ND 42.3 26 MWS Demersal G, BF, T 105 24 59 Stereolepis doederleini 55 13 0 3 39 ND 40 5 MWS Demersal T 124 53 80 Hyporhamphus sajori 0 34 ND 37.5 8 MWS Pelagic B 39 10 28 Hippoglossoides pinetorum 28 28 0 1 33 ND 47.8 23 MWS Demersal T 226 50 147 Pterothrissus gissu 53 ND 20 5 29 ND 80 15 MWS Demersal BF, T 330 122 190 Pleuronichthys japonicus 80 ND 8.3 12 28 ND 43.8 16 MWS Demersal G, T 105 37 74 Dexistes rikuzenius 31 ND 46.2 26 28 ND 79.8 124 MWS Demersal T 260 63 156 Sillago japonica 400 400 0 1 26 26 0 1 WB Demersal T 90 10 50 Oplegnathus fasciatus 0 22 12 0 2 M Demersal G 13 8 11 Table S1. Continued 1 2011 2012 Radioacrive Cs Radioacrive Cs (Bq/kg-wet) ND% n (Bq/kg-wet) ND% n Depth (m) Class Scientific name a Max. Min. Max. Min. Body parts b Shipment c Habitat Fishing d Max. Min. Average Alcichthys elongatus 0 20.4 20.4 0 1 MWS Demersal T 50 50 50 Glyptocephalus stelleri 29 ND 66.7 3 18 ND 91.7 36 MWS Demersal T 420 90 185 Takifugu porphyreus 128 54 0 7 13 ND 66.7 9 M Demersal T 115 50 79 Salangichthys microdon 0 12 ND 50 2 WB Demersal B 8 7 8 Thamnaconus modestus 12 12 0 1 11 ND 50 2 MWS Demersal G, BF, T 68 10 36 Liparis tanakai 39 ND 25 4 11 ND 60 5 M Demersal G, T 105 20 60 Engraulis japonica 850 ND 21.7 69 11 ND 98 101 WB Pelagic B, BF, T 50 3 15 Sardinella zunasi 0 11 11 0 1 MWS Pelagic B 10 10 10 Chlorophthalmus albatrossis 184 ND 28.6 7 9 ND 92 50 WB Demersal T 230 120 175 Scombrops gilberti 0 9 ND 50 2 MWS Demersal BF, T 216 180 198 Sebastes owstoni 0 9 9 0 1 MWS Demersal T 260 260 260 Atheresthes evermanni 7.2 7.2 0 1 8.7 ND 85.7 7 MWS Demersal T 500 218 342 Seriola quinqueradiata 270 ND 10 20 8 ND 95 20 MWS Pelagic G, TO, BF, T 128 8 32 Repomucenus ornatipinnis 0 8 ND 50 2 MWS Demersal T 50 40 45 Doederleinia berycoides 30 ND 25 4 ND ND 100 9 MWS Demersal T 226 116 149 Oplegnathus punctatus 0 ND ND 100 4 MWS Demersal G 21 7.5 14 Scorpaena neglecta 0 ND ND 100 1 MWS Demersal T 105 105 105 Cociella crocodila 0 ND ND 100 1 M Demersal T 41 41 41 Synaphobranchus kaupii ND ND 100 1 ND ND 100 1 MWS Demersal T 470 420 445 Zenopsis nebulosa 127 ND 5.6 18 ND ND 100 11 MWS Demersal T 195 47 101 Sebastolobus macrochir ND ND 100 2 ND ND 100 12 MWS Target Demersal T 510 420 480 Glossanodon semifasciatus ND ND 100 1 ND ND 100 3 WB Demersal T 165 124 145 Pleurogrammus azonus ND ND 100 1 ND ND 100 1 MWS Demersal T 220 150 188 Aptocyclus ventricosus 0 ND ND 100 1 MWS Demersal G 9 9 9 Hyperoglyphe japonica 21.9 ND 33.3 6 ND ND 100 8 MWS Demersal BF, T 230 57 170 Scomber japonicus 186 ND 10 10 ND ND 100 10 MWS Pelagic G, BF, T 200 12 73 Etrumeus teres 22.8 22.8 0 1 ND ND 100 2 B Pelagic G, T 85 6 37 Seriola dumerili 73 ND 20 5 ND ND 100 1 MWS Pelagic G, BF 38 14 27 Thunnus orientalis 41 24 0 5 ND ND 100 1 M Pelagic TO 128 80 117 Konosirus punctatus 0 ND ND 100 2 MWS Pelagic G, B 10 6 8 Scomber australasicus 68 ND 12.5 8 ND ND 100 17 MWS Pelagic G, TO, BF, T 215 10 102 Coryphaena hippurus ND ND 100 1 ND ND 100 1 MWS Pelagic TO 125 120 123 Oncorhynchus keta ND ND 100 24 ND ND 100 10 MWS Pelagic G 34 5 12 Clupea pallasii 0 ND ND 100 1 MWS Pelagic T 205 205 205 Cypselurus pinnatibarbatus japonicus 0 ND ND 100 1 MWS Pelagic B 10 10 10 Sebastes ventricosus 280 280 0 1 0 MWS Pelagic BF 35 35 35 Sebastes nivosus 149 149 0 1 0 MWS Demersal G 6 6 6 Gnathophis nystromi nystromi 132 27 0 3 0 MWS Pelagic T 60 50 55 Oncorhynchus kisutch 73 73 0 1 0 MWS Demersal G 20 20 20 Sphyraena pinguis 50 50 0 1 0 MWS Demersal T 98 98 98 Cookeolus japonicus 32 32 0 1 0 MWS Demersal T 50 50 50 Pseudorhombus cinnamoneus 27 27 0 1 0 MWS Demersal T 44 44 44 Abyssicola macrochir 21.7 21.7 0 1 0 MWS Pelagic T 330 330 330 Stephanolepis cirrhifer 7 ND 66.7 3 0 M Demersal G, T 53 33 41 Aluterus monoceros ND ND 100 1 0 M Demersal G 26 26 26 Katsuwonus pelamis ND ND 100 1 0 M Demersal P 500 500 500 Bothrocara tanakae ND ND 100 1 0 MWS Pelagic T 330 330 330 Malacocottus zonurus ND ND 100 1 0 MWS Demersal T 330 330 330 Cololabis saira ND ND 100 1 0 MWS Demersal SH 500 500 500 Takifugu rubripes ND ND 100 1 0 M Demersal T 60 60 60 Sarda orientalis ND ND 100 1 0 M Pelagic TO 125 125 125 Sardinops melanostictus 30 ND 33.3 3 0 B Pelagic B, BF, T 11 5 8 Chondrichthyes Okamejei kenojei 1560 51 0 103 1050 29 0 137 MWS Banned Demersal G, B, BF, T 85.5 6 33 Mustelus manazo 107 9.7 0 17 180 36 0 6 M Banned Demersal G, T 100 10 42 Dasyatis matsubarai 103 103 0 1 99 99 0 1 MWS Demersal G, T 75 23 49 Squalus acanthias 62 12 0 3 45 ND 42.9 7 M Demersal T 180 11 79 Dasyatis akajei 250 37 0 5 0 MWS Demersal G, T 55 14 31 Cephalopoda Octopus conispadiceus 40 ND 85 20 6.6 ND 99.1 112 MWS Target Demersal T 510 48 166 Octopus vulgaris 26.6 ND 82.4 17 ND ND 100 14 MWS Demersal C, G, T 100 3 34 Enteroctopus dofleini 360 ND 69.2 26 ND ND 100 95 MWS Target Demersal C, G, T 510 6 130 Loligo japonica 82 ND 66.7 9 ND ND 100 31 WB Pelagic T 160 10 76 Todarodes pacificus 49 ND 88.9 18 ND ND 100 49 WB Target Pelagic T 240 62 156 Photololigo edulis 22.7 ND 77.8 9 ND ND 100 7 WB Pelagic T 210 44 104 Octopus ocellatus ND ND 100 1 ND ND 100 3 MWS Demersal T 72 42 59 Sepia andreana ND ND 100 6 ND ND 100 8 WB Pelagic T 105 30 66 Loligo bleekeri ND ND 100 6 ND ND 100 20 WB Target Pelagic T 202 42 106 Berryteuthis magister 0 ND ND 100 1 WB Pelagic T 480 480 480 Table S1.

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