January 11, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D37 historic coverage gains the United States has made nomination of Elaine L. Chao, to be Secretary of in children’s health, which have resulted in the low- Transportation, after the nominee, who was intro- est uninsured rate for children in the Nation’s his- duced by Senators McConnell and Paul, testified and tory. Subsequently, the point of order that the answered questions in her own behalf. amendment was in violation of Section 305(b)(2) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 was sustained, NOMINATION and thus the amendment fell. Pages S253–54, S265 Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded Message from the President: Senate received the a hearing to examine the nomination of Rex Wayne following message from the President of the United Tillerson, of Texas, to be Secretary of State, after the States: nominee, who was introduced by Senators Cornyn Transmitting, pursuant to law, the 2016 National and Cruz, and former Senator Sam Nunn, testified Drug Control Strategy; which was referred to the and answered questions in his own behalf. Committee on the Judiciary. (PM–1) Pages S273–74 BUSINESS MEETING Messages from the House: Page S274 Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee ordered fa- Measures Referred: Page S274 vorably reported protocol to the North Atlantic Executive Communications: Pages S274–76 Treaty of 1949 on the Accession of Montenegro Additional Cosponsors: Pages S276–80 (Treaty Doc. 114–12). Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: NOMINATION Pages S280–81 Committee on the Judiciary: Committee concluded a Additional Statements: Page S273 hearing to examine the nomination of Jeff Sessions, Amendments Submitted: Pages S281–95 of Alabama, to be Attorney General, Department of Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S295 Justice, after receiving testimony from Senator Book- er; Representatives John Lewis and Richmond; Mi- Privileges of the Floor: Page S295 chael B. Mukasey, former Attorney General, and Record Votes: Twenty record votes were taken Larry Thompson, former Deputy Attorney General, today. (Total—26) both of the Department of Justice, Chuck Canter- Pages S252–57, S259–62, S264–65, S268 bury, Fraternal Order of Police, David Cole, Amer- Adjournment: Senate convened at 12 noon on ican Civil Liberties Union, and William Smith, Wednesday, January 11, 2017 and adjourned at 1:36 former Chief Counsel, Administrative Oversight and a.m. on Thursday, January 12, 2017, until 12:30 the Courts Subcommittee, Senate Judiciary Com- p.m. on the same day. (For Senate’s program, see the mittee, all of Washington, D.C.; Peter Kirsanow, remarks of the Acting Majority Leader in today’s United States Commission on Civil Rights, Cleve- Record on page S295.) land, Ohio; Amita Swadhin, Mirror Memoirs, Los Angeles, California; Jayann Sepich, DNA Saves, Committee Meetings Carlsbad, New Mexico; Cornell William Brooks, Na- tional Association for the Advancement of Colored (Committees not listed did not meet) People, Baltimore, Maryland; Willie Huntley, former Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District NOMINATION of Alabama, Mobile; Jesse Seroyer, former United Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: States Marshal, Middle District of Alabama, Mont- Committee concluded a hearing to examine the gomery; and Oscar Vazquez, Fort Worth, Texas. h House of Representatives Additional Cosponsors: Page H392 Chamber Action Reports Filed: There were no reports filed today. Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced:30 pub- lic bills, H.R. 431–460; 1 private bill, H.R. 461; Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he and 2 resolutions, H. Res. 44–45, were introduced. appointed Representative Fleischmann to act as Pages H389–91 Speaker pro tempore for today. Page H303 VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:38 Jan 12, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 5627 E:\CR\FM\D11JA7.REC D11JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST D38 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST January 11, 2017 Recess: The House recessed at 11:29 a.m. and re- ability of major rules by requiring retrospective re- convened at 12 noon. Page H312 view and report; Pages H352–54 Securities and Exchange Commission Regulatory Young (IA) amendment (No. 7 printed in part A Accountability Act and Commodity End-User of H. Rept. 115–2) that allows for sufficient time (at Relief Act—Rule for consideration: The House least 90 days) for affected entities to take steps to agreed to H. Res. 40, providing for consideration of comply with issued guidance; Pages H354–55 the bill (H.R. 78) to improve the consideration by Posey amendment (No. 16 printed in part A of the Securities and Exchange Commission of the costs H. Rept. 115–2) that requires federal agencies to re- and benefits of its regulations and orders; and pro- port on influential scientific information and associ- viding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 238) to re- ated peer reviews disseminated or to be disseminated authorize the Commodity Futures Trading Commis- in a rulemaking proceeding; Pages H362–64 sion, to better protect futures customers, to provide Goodlatte amendment (No. 1 printed in part A of end-users with market certainty, to make basic re- H. Rept. 115–2) that revises section 2 of title II of forms to ensure transparency and accountability at the bill to restrain unwarranted interpretation of am- the Commission, to help farmers, ranchers, and end- biguous statutes to find implied delegations of legis- users manage risks, and to help keep consumer costs lative rulemaking authority, and of ambiguous stat- low, by a recorded vote of 233 ayes to 170 noes, utes and regulations to expansively extend agency Roll No. 33, after the previous question was ordered authority (by a recorded vote of 237 ayes to 185 by a yea-and-nay vote of 232 yeas to 168 nays, Roll noes, Roll No. 35); and Pages H344–47, H364 No. 32. Pages H316–22 Peterson amendment (No. 5 printed in part A of Suspension—Proceedings Resumed: The House H. Rept. 115–2) that prohibits agencies from impar- agreed to suspend the rules and pass the following tially communicating with the public in order to measure which was debated on Tuesday, January generate support or opposition to a proposed rule (by 10th: a recorded vote of 260 ayes to 161 noes, Roll No. Tested Ability to Leverage Exceptional National 36). Pages H351–52, H364–65 Talent Act of 2017: H.R. 39, to amend title 5, Rejected: United States Code, to codify the Presidential Inno- Vela´zquez amendment (No. 4 printed in part A of vation Fellows Program, by a 2⁄3 yea-and-nay vote of H. Rept. 115–2) that sought to strike Title III of 386 yeas to 17 nays, Roll No. 34. Pages H322–23 the bill and replaces it with alternative language that reforms the Regulatory Flexibility Act to reduce Regulatory Accountability Act of 2017: The the burden of regulations on small businesses; House passed H.R. 5, to reform the process by Pages H349–51 which Federal agencies analyze and formulate new Castor (FL) amendment (No. 8 printed in part A regulations and guidance documents, to clarify the of H. Rept. 115–2) that sought to ensure that any nature of judicial review of agency interpretations, rule intended to protect public health and welfare is and to ensure complete analysis of potential impacts exempted from the requirements of this act (by a re- on small entities of rules, by a yea-and-nay vote of corded vote of 189 ayes to 231 noes, Roll No. 37); Pages H323–72 238 yeas to 183 nays, Roll No. 45. Pages H355–56, H365–66 Rejected the Demings motion to recommit the Cicilline amendment (No. 9 printed in part A of bill to the Committee on the Judiciary with instruc- H. Rept. 115–2) that sought to provide for the pre- tions to report the same back to the House forthwith vention of the transmission of foodborne illness or to with an amendment, by a recorded vote of 190 ayes meet preventive-control requirements for food safety to 233 noes, Roll No. 44. Pages H370–71 (by a recorded vote of 190 ayes to 232 noes, Roll Agreed to: No. 38); Pages H356–57, H366 Chaffetz amendment (No. 2 printed in part A of Johnson (GA) amendment (No. 10 printed in part H. Rept. 115–2) that establishes a timeline by A of H. Rept. 115–2) that sought to exempt rules which the Office of Information and Regulatory Af- that significantly improve the employment, reten- fairs must issue guidelines under title I of the bill; tion, and wages of workforce participants, especially Pages H347–48 those with significant barriers to employment, such Chabot amendment (No. 3 printed in part A of as persons with disabilities or limited English pro- H. Rept. 115–2) that requires an agency to include ficiency (by a recorded vote of 188 ayes to 234 noes, an economic assessment or a summary of it when an Roll No. 39); Pages H357–58, H366–67 agency certifies that a proposed rule will not have a Ruiz amendment (No. 11 printed in part A of H. ‘‘significant economic impact on a substantial num- Rept. 115–2) that sought to exempt rules pertaining ber of small entities’’ under the Regulatory Flexi- to the safety of children’s products or toys (by a re- bility Act; this will ensure an agency’s decision to corded vote of 190 ayes to 233 noes, Roll No. 40); certify a rule and not conduct a full regulatory flexi- Pages H358–59, H367–68 bility analysis is supported by data; Pages H348–49 Scott (VA) amendment (No. 12 printed in part A Graves (LA) amendment (No. 6 printed in part A of H.
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