ENERGY COMMUNITIES ALLIANCE Congressional Voting Guide 116th Congress, 1st Session ECA Congressional Voting Guide 1st Session, 116th Congress The Energy Communities Alliance (ECA) presents the 2019 Congressional Voting Guide. This resource provides a summary of how each member of Congress voted on key pieces of legislation related to nuclear energy issues in the first session of the 116th Congress. Within the charts in this guide, each member’s vote is designated by a symbol: a + indicates a Yea vote; a - indicates a Nay vote; and a | indicates the mem- ber did not vote (due to a member no longer holding the office or due to a member not being present to vote). FISCAL YEAR 2020 ENERGY APPROPRIA- FISCAL YEAR 2020 NATIONAL DEFENSE TIONS (H.R. 1865) AUTHORIZATION ACT (NDAA) (S.1790) In December 2019, Congress passed a The FY 2020 NDAA contains several package of spending bills that in- new policies impacting DOE commu- cludes FY 2020 funding for DOE. H.R. nities. The bill supports NNSA’s plutoni- 1865 increases overall DOE spending um pit production strategy by putting nearly $3 billion for a total of $38.5 bil- into law a requirement to produce at lion in FY 2020. Of that amount, de- least 80 pits per year by 2030. S.1790 fense environmental cleanup funding also authorized a major new work- increases $231 million for a total of force program called the National $6.2 billion—the highest level of fund- Lab Jobs ACCESS Program, which will ing in at least 10 years. NNSA is funded allow DOE to award 5-year grants to at a record $16.7 billion (a $1.5 billion eligible entities for apprenticeships, increase over the FY 2019 level). The aiming to focus on preparing a work- bill also increases Office of Science force with the skills and qualifications spending to $7 billion and Office of needed at NNSA facilities. Nuclear Energy (NE) spending to $1.49 The NDAA addresses DOE’s high-level billion. The bill does not include any waste definition interpretation by pro- funds for Yucca Mountain licensing hibiting FY 2020 funds from being used activities. to implement DOE’s interpretation within the State of Washington. Con- House vote: Passed 297-120 gress clarified that the provision is not Senate vote: Passed 71-23 intended to discourage implementa- tion at other sites around the country or in future fiscal years. ECA Congressional Voting Guide | 116th Congress 2 Finally, in response to DOE Order NUCLEAR WASTE POLICY AMEND- 140.1, the NDAA requires DOE to pro- MENTS ACT OF 2019 (NWPAA) (H.R. vide a written notification if it denies a 2699) Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety The NWPAA was introduced by Reps. Board (DNFSB) request for access to Jerry McNerney (D-CA) and John information, and the bill requires DOE Shimkus (R-IL) in May 2019 and by to provide DNFSB with “unfettered Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) in Novem- access to facilities within its purview, ber 2019. The bill aims to update regardless of hazard or risk category DOE’s ability to manage nuclear of such facilities.” waste by assisting “the resolution of House vote: Passed 377-48 the pending safety license for Yucca Senate vote: Passed 86-8 Mountain and provide DOE authority to move forward with an interim stor- NUCLEAR ENERGY LEADERSHIP ACT age program that would consolidate (NELA) (S.903 / H.R. 3306) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from decom- missioned reactors while work on Yuc- The Nuclear Energy Leadership Act ca progresses.” The bill contains provi- (NELA) was introduced by Senators sions to transfer SNF from seismically Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Cory Book- active areas and allows DOE to en- er (D-NJ) in March 2019. The bill aims gage in “infrastructure activities” to to “boost nuclear energy innovation enable construction and operation of and ensure advanced reactors can a repository at Yucca Mountain. The provide clean, safe, affordable, and House Energy and Commerce Com- reliable power to meet national and mittee advanced H.R. 2699 and or- global energy needs.” Provisions in- dered the bill to be reported in No- clude authorization of long-term pow- vember 2019. er purchase agreements; advanced nuclear reactor research and devel- Note: Because this bill has not yet re- opment goals; a nuclear energy stra- ceived a full vote on the House or tegic plan; and a university nuclear Senate floors, a + indicates cospon- leadership program. sorship of the bill; a - indicates the member did not cosponsor the bill. Note: Because this bill has not yet re- ceived a full vote on the House or House cosponsors: 26 Senate floors, a + indicates cospon- Senate cosponsors: 1 sorship of the bill; a - indicates the member did not cosponsor the bill. House cosponsors: 21 Senate cosponsors: 20 3 ECA Congressional Voting Guide | 116th Congress SENATE VOTING RECORD FY20 Energy FY20 NWPAA NELA Appropriations NDAA ALABAMA Doug Jones (D) + + - + Richard Shelby (R) + + - - ALASKA Dan Sullivan (R) + + - + Lisa Murkowski (R) + + - - ARIZONA Kyrsten Sinema (D) + + - - Martha McSally (R) + + - + ARKANSAS Tom Cotton (R) - + - - John Boozman (R) + + - - CALIFORNIA Dianne Feinstein (D) + + - - Kamala Harris (D) | | - - COLORADO Cory Gardner (R) + + - - Michael Bennet (D) + + - + CONNECTICUT Chris Murphy (D) + + - - Richard Blumenthal (D) + + - - DELAWARE Tom Carper (D) - + - - Chris Coons (D) + + - + FLORIDA Rick Scott (R) - + - - Marco Rubio (R) + + - - GEORGIA David Perdue (R) + + - - Johnny Isakson (R) | | - - HAWAII Mazie Hirono (D) + + - - Brian Schatz (D) + + - - IDAHO Jim Risch (R) - + - + Mike Crapo (R) + + - + ECA Congressional Voting Guide | 116th Congress 4 SENATE VOTING RECORD FY20 Energy FY20 NWPAA NELA Appropriations NDAA ILLINOIS Dick Durbin (D) + + - - Tammy Duckworth (D) + + - + INDIANA Mike Braun (R) - - - + Todd Young (R) + + - - IOWA Joni Ernst (R) + + - - Chuck Grassley (R) + + - - KANSAS Pat Roberts (R) + + - - Jerry Moran (R) + + - - KENTUCKY Mitch McConnell (R) + + - - Rand Paul (R) - - - - LOUISIANA Bill Cassidy (R) - + - - John Kennedy (R) - + - - MAINE Angus King (I) + + - - Susan Collins (R) + + - - MARYLAND Ben Cardin (D) + + - + Chris Van Hollen (D) + + - - MASSACHUSETTS Elizabeth Warren (D) | | - - Ed Markey (D) + - - - MICHIGAN Debbie Stabenow (D) + + - - Gary Peters (D) + + - - MINNESOTA Amy Klobuchar (D) | | - - Tina Smith (D) + + - - MISSISSIPPI Roger Wicker (R) + + - - Cindy Hyde-Smith (R) + + - - 5 ECA Congressional Voting Guide | 116th Congress SENATE VOTING RECORD FY20 Energy FY20 NDAA NWPAA NELA Appropriations MISSOURI Josh Hawley (R) - + - - Roy Blunt (R) + + - - MONTANA Jon Tester (D) + + - - Steve Daines (R) - + - - NEBRASKA Deb Fischer (R) + + - - Ben Sasse (R) - + - - NEVADA Jacky Rosen (D) + + - - Catherine Cortez Masto (D) + + - - NEW HAMPSHIRE Jeanne Shaheen (D) + + - - Maggie Hassan (D) + + - - NEW JERSEY Bob Menendez (D) + + - - Cory Booker (D) | | - + NEW MEXICO Martin Heinrich (D) + + - - Tom Udall (D) + + - - NEW YORK Kirsten Gillibrand (D) - - - - Chuck Schumer (D) + + - - NORTH CAROLINA Thom Tillis (R) + + - - Richard Burr (R) + + - - NORTH DAKOTA Kevin Cramer (R) + + + + John Hoeven (R) + + - - OHIO Sherrod Brown (D) + + - - Rob Portman (R) + + - + OKLAHOMA Jim Inhofe (R) - + - - James Lankford (R) - + - - OREGON Jeff Merkley (D) + - - - Ron Wyden (D) + - - - ECA Congressional Voting Guide | 116th Congress 6 SENATE VOTING RECORD FY20 Energy FY20 NDAA NWPAA NELA Appropriations PENNSYLVANIA Bob Casey Jr. (D) + + - - Pat Toomey (R) - + - - RHODE ISLAND Sheldon Whitehouse (D) + + - + Jack Reed (D) + + - - SOUTH CAROLINA Lindsey Graham (R) + + - + Tim Scott (R) - + - - SOUTH DAKOTA Mike Rounds (R) + + - - John Thune (R) + + - - TENNESSEE Marsha Blackburn (R) - + - - Lamar Alexander (R) + + - + TEXAS Ted Cruz (R) - + - - John Cornyn (R) - + - - UTAH Mitt Romney (R) + + - - Mike Lee (R) - - - - VERMONT Bernie Sanders (I) | | - - Patrick Leahy (D) + + - - VIRGINIA Tim Kaine (D) + + - - Mark Warner (D) + + - - WASHINGTON Maria Cantwell (D) + + - - Patty Murray (D) + + - - WEST VIRGINIA Joe Manchin (D) + + - + Shelley Moore Capito (R) + + - + WISCONSIN Tammy Baldwin (D) + + - - Ron Johnson (R) - + - - WYOMING John Barrasso (R) - + + - Mike Enzi (R) - - - - 7 ECA Congressional Voting Guide | 116th Congress HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES VOTING RECORD FY20 Energy Appropriations FY20 NDAA NWPAA NELA ALABAMA Bradley Byrne (R) - + - - Martha Roby (R) + + - - Mike Rogers (R) - + - - Robert Aderholt (R) + + - - Mo Brooks (R) - + - - Gary Palmer (R) - + - - Terri Sewell (D) + + - - ALASKA Don Young (R) + + - - ARIZONA Tom O'Halleran (D) + + - - Ann Kirkpatrick (D) + + - - Raúl Grijalva (D) + - - - Paul Gosar (R) - + - - Andy Biggs (R) - + - - David Schweikert (R) - + - - Ruben Gallego (D) + + - - Debbie Lesko (R) - + + - Greg Stanton (D) + + - - ARKANSAS Rick Crawford (R) - + - - French Hill (R) + + - - Steve Womack (R) + + - - Bruce Westerman (R) - + - - CALIFORNIA Doug LaMalfa (R) + + - - Jared Huffman (D) + - - - John Garamendi (D) + + - - Tom McClintock (R) - - - - Mike Thompson (D) + + - - Doris Matsui (D) + + - - Ami Bera (D) + + - - Paul Cook (R) + + - - Jerry McNerney (D) + + - - Josh Harder (D) + + - - Mark DeSaulnier (D) + - - - Nancy Pelosi (D) | | - - Barbara Lee (D) + - - - Jackie Speier (D) + + - - Eric Swalwell (D) + + - - Jim Costa (D) + + - - Ro Khanna (D) + - - - ECA Congressional Voting Guide | 116th Congress 8 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES VOTING RECORD FY20 Energy Appropriations FY20 NDAA NWPAA NELA CALIFORNIA Anna Eshoo (D) + + - - Zoe Lofgren (D) + + - + Jimmy Panetta (D) + + - - TJ Cox (D) + + - - Devin Nunes (R) - + - - Kevin McCarthy (R) + + - - Salud Carbajal
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