MILITARY POLICE September, 1964 35 cents MILITARY POLICE a Capt George R. Kaine SSgt Larry Greene Editor Associate Editor VOLUME XIV September, 1964 NUMBER 2 FEATURE ARTICLES Officers Project LAMP .. ..... ...... 4 24th Reports Success With Dogs ________-- 10 President Redstone Adds Traffic Vehicle ................ ... ..-.. .. .. .. 10 Col Karl W. Gustafson Safety Roadeo Leaves 549th MPs Aware of Task _ 11 H ands of the Long A rm .... ---------. - -----...--... .. ..----. 12 Honorary President. 327th T rains in the L oop ... - -.. ...................--........ ....... 15 Maj Gen Carl C. Turner New Traffic Signals ..... ..----.... .......-- ....------------------ 16 23 Years Plus 1J Centuries .. ..... ..-----.--------- 19 Vice-President 2d MP Group Organized in Europe ............................. 20 Col Lionel E. Scott 342d at Pickett for A N A CD U TR A --.... .............. .............................. 21 USAREUR Honor Guard Adds Company Insignia to Executive Council New York Collection ......-------------- 21 Lt Col John F. Kwock Gordon Center Absorbs USAMPS __ . .. ...--.........--------------------- 22 Lt Col Harold M. Schwiebert Zama Builds Dog Patrol Vehicle .... .- ---............ -- . 22 Lt Col Leland H. Paul II Corps PM Says MPs and QCs Pull Together ....--. 23 Capt Travis W. Parker REGULAR FEATURES Capt Thomas J. McGreevy Bulletin Board ...........-------------- 3 MPA Roundup 25 Capt Keith L. Reber Membership Awards 15 Sports Hi-Lites 33 Dr. Neal B. Andregg The Reading Table 24 Your Move 33 Sgt Maj Howard B. Cagle Membership Blank 34 Sgt Maj Jack Dotson MSgt Pete R. Schiro SFC John Stewart 1IIHE MILITARY POLICE ASSOCIATION is a nonprofit organization supported by the fees of its members. Its purpose is to advance the science of police administration and crime prevention, and to preserve and foster the spirit of fellowship among former, present, and future law enforce- rent personnel of the Armed Forces and other persons interested in the police profession. Secretary-Treasurer Membership in the Military Police Association is open to all persons who have been or may be engaged in law enforcement and to any other persons interested in the Capt Roy A. Kennington objectives of the association. Dues are $4.00 per year in the USA or to APOs, payable in 35¢. advance, and includes a year's subscription to the Military Police Journal. Single copies, SSgt Joe E. Tounzen Second-class postage paid Augusta, Ga., and Clinton, S. C. Correspondence pertaining to member- Business Manager ship should be addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer, Military Police Association, Box 3385 Hill Georgia - 30904. Station, Augusta, PFC Martin Willhite -mpa- Assistant Business Manager THE MILITARY POLICE JOURNAL is published monthly by the Military Police Association, 5 Inc., for the benefit of its members, and is not an official publication of the Department of the Sp Edwin Ewing Army. Views expressed in articles appearing in the MILITARY POLICE JOURNAL Circulation Manager do not necessarily reflect official thought nor do they reflect the opinions of the members of the Executive Council or its officers. The editor welcomes the personal views PFC Alan Hantman of authors which stimulate interest and provoke thought on matters of police administration, crime Clerk-Typist prevention and military police activities. No payment is guaranteed. Copyright @, 1964 by The Military Police Association. Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in Clinton, S. C. by Jacobs Brothers. Manuscripts should be addressed to the Editor, Military Police Journal, Box 3385 Hill Station, Augusta, Ga. - 30904. MILITARY POLICE -mpa- ASSOCIATION, Inc. All photographs contained in this issue are Official US Army Photos unless other- wise accredited. [h \\Ivl jA Y POLICE JOURNAL " '. i y 4, ' iuaS~,b r ar 1 BULLETIN BOARD THE COVER All service police organizations are reminded of the 1964 Provost Marshal General Trophy Pistol This month's cover recognizes the 23rd anniver- Team Match to be fired between 1 and 10 October. is a postal match and all police units, active sary of the Military Police Corps which will be This duty, reserve and National Guard are eligible to celebrated world-wide on 26 September. Organized compete. All entries must arrive at Association as the Corps of Military Police on that day in 1941 Headquarters by 26 October to be included in the and redesignated in 1950 as the Military Police competition. Corps, the branch stands today a trusted and re- Packets containing rules booklets, individual score spected member of the Army team. A modern, pace- cards and team score cards were mailed to some setting law enforcement agency, the Corps has con- 700 service police units in June. Major command provost marshals were also mailed samples of the tinued to broaden its base in keeping with a pro- packets for command information. and enters its 24th year standing as gressive Army If your organization has not yet received a a ready force for command control in any and every packet, do not delay-time grows short. Air mail corner of the globe. a request to the MPA today and have your team ready to go on 1 October. * * * * * * * * * * The 1965 Roster of Officers and Warrant Of- The JOURNAL extends congratulations to five ficers of the Military Police Corps will be published recent Outstanding Graduates of training cycles at by the Association and will be ready for distribution the 4th Training Regiment (Military Police) who were in late November. The annual roster lists all of- awarded the MPA Outstanding Graduate Plaque. The ficers and warrant officers in sequence by grade recipients and their respective training companies are and by date of rank. Information is also provided Pvt Reuben R. Hertzog, Co K; Pvt Walter H. Karr, Co on permanent grade, date of birth and length of D; Pvt Randall L. Hoffman, Co. B; Pvt Joseph V. service. An alphabetical listing is included in the Arabia, Co F; and Pvt Owen L. Hoffman, Co. I. back of the roster to provide a handy reference. Sale price for the roster will be 35 cents. Advanced * * * * * orders may be placed with Association by sending check or money order for amount desired, full name FEDERAL GUARD SERVICE, INC. of Livermore, and address to MPA headquarters. Orders will be California, is accepting applications for security promptly filled on the date of publication. If you guard employment in the San Francisco Bay area. place an order and then transfer prior to receiving They are interested in applicants who have had mil- the roster, please inform MPA of your new address. itary police experience. The requirements are: be- * * * * * tween 25 and 50 years of age, minimum 5'8" in Back issues of the JOURNAL are still offered for height, minimum 150 lbs in weight, in good phy- sale at Association headquarters. Copies of several sical condition and eligible for a security clearance. issues back to 1959 are still available. If you have Inquiries should be addressed to FEDERAL GUARD open spaces in your files, don't hesitate-send your SERVICE, INC., 66 South P. Street, Livermore, order now as all orders are handled on a first come- California. first served basis. Issues of 1964 cost 35 cents and 1963 and earlier are 25 cents each. Please enclose * * * * * full payment in check or money order. Money will be refunded for all issues that are no longer in stock. SECURITY ENGINEERS, INC. of Birmingham, Ala- * * * * * bama, is seeking a retired MP Criminal Investigator, The Indiana University Department of Police Ad- qualified as a polygraph operator, for employment has announced two fall courses as a in the Birmingham office. Personnel qualified and ministration Program. interested in the position are invited to write or call portion of its Police Executive Development The first, Supervision For Police, will be conducted collect: W. R. McKerley, President, SECURITY ENGI- from 28 September to 9 October and is designed to NEERS, INC., 547 American Life Building, Birming- broaden management's role in developing and im- ham, Alabama. * * * * * plementing progressive police programs in crime and traffic control. Tuition is $135. The second, running The Boston University Law-Medicine Institute of- from 2 to 13 November, is entitled Advanced Crim- fers a conference entitled "Forensic Medicine in inal Investigation and will cover advanced concepts Death Cases: Homicide, Suicide and Accident," to in the organization, administration and operation of be held 24 to 26 September. Interested parties should criminal investigation units. Tuition is $150. Details contact the Institute at 141 Bay State Road, Boston, may be obtained from Director, Center for Police Massachusetts 02215. Training, Indiana University, 618 East Third Street, Bloomington, Indiana 47403. i 1964 SEPTEMBER, W74R7L7195-0003 1 7) 1 o1AeCESSIONED Project LAMP (Logical Automation, Military Police) By Maj Harold L. Pitchford Chief, Concepts Development Division, USACDCMPA "Hello .. Tenth Army Provost Marshal's Office, MSgt has eventually had an impact on the organization, doctrine, and Ecklands speaking .. Current traffic situation on Route 1? concepts under which our military establishments operate. Yes sir, what is your printer number? 2701... Thank you ... Naturally, military establishments are little more than an ex- The overlay is now on your printer ... do you have any ques- tension of the economic status of the civilization which they tions? Thank you, sir, out." represent. Way out? No, not at all. In some respects a current capa- bility and will be as common in 10 years as the mimeograph What Do We Mean by Automation? machine is today. When we speak of automation in the military, we are The days when a staff officer is given a few hours to work primarily talking about the Command Control Information up a situation report are quickly disappearing. An unauto- System-1970. Essentially, this is a system of digital data mated staff division cannot exist in an otherwise automated computers interspersed throughout the theater army area and headquarters. Today a push of the button on a computer con- connected by near-perfect communications. Nearly all person- sole will yield-- nel will have some sort of capability to feed information into *The friendly situation this computer system.
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