Chapters from Educational Psychology (study material for the subject: Educational Psychology) Pavel Vacek Author: Doc. PhDr. Pavel Vacek, Ph.D. The text was created in the cooperation with: Bc. Lucie Hůlková Title: Chapters from Educational Psychology Year and place of publication: 2014, Hradec Králové Publication: first Reviewed by: Mgr. Kateřina Juklová, Ph.D. This publication is not for sale. Tento materiál byl vytvořen v rámci projektu „Inovace studijních oborů na PdF UHK“ reg.č. CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0036 Background Information on the Subject Instructor: Doc. PhDr. Pavel Vacek, Ph.D. Contact: [email protected] Number of Direct Training Hours: FS 13/26 hours; CS 18 hours Number of Self-study Hours: 18 hours Prerequisites: The subject builds on Fundamental and Developmental Psychology. Rules for Communicating with the Instructor: In person, by e-mail and based on pre-agreed consultations. Additional rules: Checking the quality of completed individual assignments and participating in an assessment test based on an application for consultation and the assessment dates specified in the Faculty Information System (STAG). Introduction to the Subject (Summary) The subject Educational Psychology has a permanent place within the system of pedagogical and psychological disciplines. It fulfils an integrating role within the context of one’s studies. It contains standard themes: psychology of learning (theories of learning, types and styles of learning, learning conditions and transfer, psychological aspects of assessing the process of learning), psychology of family upbringing, and psychology of ethics. Subject Objectives The objective of teaching this subject is to equip the students with internally interconnected knowledge of educational psychology (including the mastering of the basic terminology) in connection with previously acquired and to-be- acquired knowledge of the pedagogical and psychological disciplines. In terms of skills, the subject graduate will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to him/herself (identification of one’s own style of studying, competence in self- evaluation of one’s own pedagogical performance, etc.) and will also be able to apply the acquired knowledge to the educational process, both in routine educational activities (diagnostics of the personality of the learners, their leadership primarily in institutions outside of teaching, support in looking for the optimal style of learning of one’s clients) and in non-standard educational situations (equipping them with skills to cope with stressful and conflict situations). Literature BASIC LITERATURE ATKINSON, R. L. et al. Psychologie. Praha: Victoria Publishing, 1995. CANGELOSI, J. S. Strategie řízení třídy. Praha: Portál, 1994. ČAP, J. Psychologie vyučování a výchovy. Praha: UK, 1993. ČÁP, J. Psychologie pro učitele. Praha: SPN, 1980. ČÁP, J., MAREŠ, J. Psychologie pro učitele. Praha: Portál, 2000. FONTANA, D. Psychologie ve školní praxi. Praha: Portál, 1997. HARTL, P., HARTLOVÁ, H. Velký psychologický slovník. Praha: Portál, 2010. MAREŠ, J. Pedagogická psychologie. Praha: Portál, 2013. PRŮCHA J. (Ed.) Pedagogická encyklopedie. Praha: Portál, 2009. PRŮCHA, J., WALTEROVÁ, E., MAREŠ, J. Pedagogický slovník. Praha: Portál, 2001. RECOMMENDED LITERATURE Bendl, S. Školní kázeň. Metody a strategie. Praha: ISV 2001. Dittrich, P. Pedagogicko-psychologická diagnostika. Jinočany: H&H, 1993. Ďurič, L. and J. ŠTEFANOVIČ. Psychológia pre učitelov. Bratislava: SPN, 1977. JANIŠ, K., B. KRAUS, and P. VACEK. Kapitoly ze základů pedagogiky. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2010. KYRIACOU, C. Klíčové dovednosti učitele. Praha: Portál, 1996. HEIDBRINK, H. Psychologie morálního vývoje. Praha: Portál, 1997. HELUS, Z. Sociální psychologie pro pedagogy. Praha: Grada, 2007. HELUS, Z., V. HRABAL, V. KULIČ and J. MAREŠ. Psychologie školní úspěšnosti. Praha: SPN, 1979. HRABAL, V. Jaký jsem učitel? Praha: SPN, 1988. HRABAL, V. Pedagogicko-psychologická diagnostika žáka. Praha: SPN, 1989. HRABAL, V., F. MAN and I. PAVELKOVÁ. Psychologické otázky motivace ve škole. Praha: SPN, 1984. HRABAL, V. and I. PAVELKOVÁ. Jaký jsem učitel. Praha: Portál, 2010. MAREŠ, J. Styly učení žáků a studentů. Praha: Portál, 1998. MATOUŠEK, O. Rodina jako instituce a vztahová síť. Praha: SLON, 1997. MATOUŠEK, O. and A. KROFTOVÁ. Mládež a delikvence. Praha: Portál, 1998. MOŽNÝ, I. Sociologie rodiny. Praha: SLON, 1999. NAKONEČNÝ, M. Encyklopedie obecné psychologie. Praha: Academia, 1997. OUDOVÁ, D. Pracovní listy z pedagogické psychologie. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2000. PAŘÍZEK, V. Učitel v nezvyklé školní situaci. Praha: SPN, 1990. PIAGET, J., and B. INHELDER. Psychologie dítěte. Praha: Portál, 2007. SLAVÍK, J. Hodnocení v současné škole. Praha: Portál, 1999. SOBOTKOVÁ, I. Psychologie rodiny. Praha: Portál, 2001. ŠIMONÍK, O. Začínající učitel. Brno: MU, 1995. TAXOVÁ, J. Pedagogicko-psychologické problémy dospívání. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, 1985. VACEK, P. Autodiagnostika učitele. Pedagogická orientace - 96, 1996, no. 18–19, pp. 37–42. VACEK, P. K problematice autodiagnostiky učitele. In: Sborník Aktuální otázky pedagogiky a psychologie. Vysoká škola pedagogická. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 1997, pp. 137–144. VACEK, P. Průhledy do psychologie morálky. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2006. VACEK, P. Rozvoj morálního vědomí žáků. Praha: Portál, 2008. VACEK, P. Morální vývoj v psychologických a pedagogických souvislostech. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2010. VACEK, P. Psychologie morálky a výchova charakteru žáků. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2013. Requirements for Completion The subject will be completed with a credit and an exam. The prerequisite for awarding the credit is the fulfilment of (1) the criterion test, (2) seminar papers on assigned topics (individualised and joint), and (3) participation in managed consultations. The content of the seminar papers is linked to topic no. 3 (Analysis of one’s own style of study), no. 10 (Pedagogical and psychological characteristics of the pupil/learner), and no. 13 (Self-diagnostics of the pedagogue). The assignments will be specified in detail in a provided written outline. The oral exam follows the tasks involved in gaining the credit and its intention is to verify the depth of acquired knowledge in its interconnection and association with the appropriate skills applicable in educational reality. Rules for Consulting with the Instructor and for Work during the Course: The instructor will perform two five-hour blocks of jointly managed consultations which will be used to present the first six topics in a time period corresponding to full-time instruction. In addition to this, individual consultations by e-mail and, if necessary, consultations in person will take place. Table of Contents 1 The Subject of Educational Psychology .................................................... 9 1.1 Various Definitions of the Subject of Educational Psychology............... 9 1.2 The Position of Educational Psychology in the Structure of Psychological Disciplines .............................................................................................. 11 1.3 The Content of Educational Psychology ........................................... 12 1.4 The Importance of Studying Educational Psychology ........................ 12 2 Psychology of Learning ........................................................................ 16 2.1 The Term ‘Learning’ ....................................................................... 16 2.2 Theories of Learning ...................................................................... 21 2.2.1 Associationism ......................................................................... 21 2.2.2 Theory of Learning by Conditioning ........................................... 26 2.2.3 J. B. Watson’s Principles of Behaviourism .................................. 32 2.2.4 B. F. Skinner’s Behaviourism ..................................................... 34 2.2.5 Guthrie’s Methods of Breaking Habits ........................................ 36 2.2.6 Gestalt Theory of Learning ....................................................... 38 2.2.7 Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development ................................. 42 3 Learning Types and Conditions, Transfer of Learning ............................. 53 3.1 Types of Learning .......................................................................... 54 3.1.1 Sensorimotor Learning ............................................................. 57 3.1.2 Rote Learning .......................................................................... 60 3.1.3 Conceptual Learning ................................................................. 66 3.1.4 Social Learning ........................................................................ 73 3.2 Learning Styles .............................................................................. 80 3.3 Learning Conditions ........................................................................ 85 3.4 Learning Transfer ........................................................................... 86 3.5 Stages of the Learning Process ....................................................... 90 4 Psychology of Achievement Assessment ................................................ 98 4.1 The Term ‘Assessment’ ................................................................... 99 4.2 Achievement Assessment ................................................................ 99 4.3 Functions and Types of Achievement Assessment ........................... 102 4.4
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