~:ov. L~bra~'y. : ..... Department, LVIII, I No. 49 18 Pages Wednesday, June 29, 1966 • 10 Cents o Copy, $3.00 a Year -- Press Run 320~ Council SATURDAY FIRE Highlights - |UNICIPAI. COUNCILLOR L. F. Fast Acting Villagers Bud" French reported Tuesday dght that plans for Terrace's enior Citizens Home have been inalized and that a fund raising Save Canyon City ampalgn will get underway.,in eptember. He.said ~the facliity :~ Fast action by villagers-us!ng~gardenlhoses • was credited ¢ovides 16 daybed ~its and with'Saving the Indian carom'unity 0f.CanyOn City0n the entral block for laundry, 'dining Nass RiVer from burning t0the round early Saturday morning. nd recreational activities. RC~P said the residents were [most fortunate the fire was put fishing or :logging, at the time. out as the village lacks adequate The population of Canyon Ci,ty :OONCl I WAS inforI~ed that firef~ghting equipment. is about 200. [unicipal Administrators now A tugboat and several men from ave the water bylaw under Columbia Cellulose •company's mass tudy and will come up with a River camp raced to the village Dart Gun evised version in the not too which is situated between Kinco. istant future. The new bylaw lith and Greenville. For Doggies lay carry a clause covering A distress call from an uniden- Municipal-,Council .. gave formal ~ater meters so that a regular tiffed Canyon City~ rosident-on- ap~rbval Tuesday night to eading sohedule can be set up. radio-telephone-i'el~b-rted the fire the use of a ~anquilizer dart gun .:. .:. .:. .:. b~ning~oizt"of control at 4:46 a.m., for the control of stray d~gs. OUNCILLOR. Derothy, Norton iihd threatening the entire village. The special gun was purchased ailed for an en~Ineer's cost re- A further call ~pbrted the'fire some time ago by the Municipality ~ort on the sewer project which under control at 5:50 a.m. but its use was curtailed because s now near completion. A ~ too. The fire, which police said was of_the danger of killing animals ion from Couneiilor Norton of undetermined origin, destroyed dueto misjudgment of height and ~tipulated that such a report the homeof Percy.Azak and partly ~weigh~anquil~er dosage is de- uust be presented to Council gutted a neighboring house. Pol. termined by the pou~dkeeper after 71thin two days. She said, '~'m ice said they had been unable to he has estimated the size "of-.his sortied about this sewer. I'm find the name of the person own- animal target.: Council weighed the".... ing the partly - destroyed house. possibility of misjudging an ani- afraid we're going into debt LAST DAY OF SCHOOL and passing marks all around, plenty and there's g~ing to be a Azak's house was the largest in mal's size and thus shooting it with bad day." brought grins to the faces of these three Clarence Michiel the village and centrally located. an overdose of tranquilizer. Over- -:. .:. .:. .:." Elementary students today. Lloyd Var~derkwaak .(left), now Villagers used ladders to sprin. dosage can kill; in grade five; Hen(y Co'rant (centre), now in grade six, kle roofs Of other houses adjacent Stray• dogs ~n the Municipality COUNCILLOR Tupper a sk e d and Gerry Koster (right), now in grade five, plan a summer to the Azak house to prevent the are currently being caught with a that Council authorize recreation flames from spreading. wire snare method.-Two laborers director Ray Sommorvilie. to of fishing, loafing and travelling. Teachers are pleased to seethe endof termalso. David Dossor (inset), grade six Police said' Azak's loss was esti- are employed for the purpose of schedule ball games.in.the com. mated at.S10,000.. Damage to the capturing strays within Municipal munity so that ballpark~ are us. 'teacher at Thornhill Elementary, leaves tomorrow for the other house was estimated at more boundaries. • ed to advantage and overlapping U.S., Mexico and then home to England after two years in than $3,000. Council heard deputy adminis. is eliminated. .Te.rlmce" •He .is.nlt sure wh:ether he'll :: return •~to~.Canodo:. Most of ,the v,qlage men were tratorTerryLester l~y, "The stray ~'animal~situsti0n~ds~.:~etting: so. ~ba~j rBYLAW/~Y PASS TOMORROW -, r ln~this~towiithat drastic me.urea ."~ i Sewer Recalled must be takeii.,~•~He cited several " For L Downtown cases recently :wherein children Terrace Library Boar~ placed Water Studied * have been attacked and bitten by Zoning Problems a timely request ,before Municipal dogs allowed to roam the streets Municipal Couneil has rejected at large. Council on Tuesday night #hen it* bids for the sewer extension pro- requisitioned for a trash can. Council agreed ,to the use of the gram planned for this year. Ten- Council had just :approved pur- dart gun and will advertise the Dominate Meeting ders will be reealled with the pro- endorsement. chase of six wire-mesh titter reeep. ject completion date advanced to tscles when the library letter came The first half of Tuesday night's Municipal Council June 30, lg67 and the tender dead- meeting was dominated by speakers from the public gallery up for consideration, line to July 1.1, 108(I. Local IWA Members as a zoning bottle appeared to be shaping up between two The lihrary will ~et its litter can Bids for the water extension groups of property owners. and the remaining baskets will be project were opened Monday, June Accept •Nemetz Plan presented Tuesday by Gerald Dnf- placed at strategic points in the 27 at 7:30 p.m. Bidding on the The first group, some 130 pro. fus who asked Council for a firm downtown area. - ' Cl0~e-to 500 members of the perry owners from "near aod reservoir job were EL B. Con- answer regarding a protest peti- J Cost of the i,itter baskets, which tracting, $~8,615; Blakeburn Con- International Woodworkers ,of Am. around the high school," were re. tion filed earlier at a public hear- will be hung from parking signs, erica in Terrace and Prince Rupert will be $20 each. struction, $47,465 and Russ Davis ing. The hearing was held a week Construction Ltd. $47,540. Two are believed to have voted 83 per ago to receive final submissions The Library Board was not quite other bids were received late. • cent in ,favor of accepting contract so successful in .*its request that Tennis Tournament regarding proposed-zoning bylaw On' the main extension project, terms .that would give them a 40- 401. The petition opposes proposed the Municipal grant for Terrace bidding Was as follows; Dave's cent-an.hour across-the:board wage Attracts Terrace rezoning of properties near the Centennial project be paid ira- Plunibing & Heating, $137,435; increase over two years, plus high school from residential num- mediately. Council was advised by A ms e o t Contracting, $105,937; fringe benefits. The third annual Botary.spon- ber one to residential ,number Municipal Comptroller J. Dando ~red Skeena Junior and Interme. Russ Davis Construction, $149,355; Members of the union met m three. Number three zoning will that. the Municipal grant cannot be Terrace Sunday to vpte on the Mr. [fate Tennis Tournament was held paid until September. H. B. Contracting, $178,860; Hub permit ~ight industry, multiple & Clayton Contracting Ltd., $129,- Justice Nathan Nemetz report on n Kitimat last weekend. Weather dwellings, and high rise apart. the wage dispute. m Saturday was ideal, but for taunts. 346.--One olher bid was received he finals on Sunday it was unsettl. Social Workers late. Terrace I W A representatives A second group of 10 property All bids have been turned over were unavailable for comment to. ~d and ecol. owners submitted a counter.peti. Attend Conference Mrs. M. R. Greening, distrlct.sup. to Wiltis & Cunliffe Engineering day when the Herald attempted to In All,Kitimat finals June Ks. tion Tuesday night in which appro- for study and recommendation. confirm the83 per cent estimate. akewich bested Debbie Nlchol in val of the proposed bylaw was ~rvisor for the department of sac- he girls "under 16", Kevin Morris given. The second group had ial welfare, and Mrs. Trean Crown, ,ver Dan Hendry in the boys "un. Victor Jolliffe as its spokesman. housemother ,for the Terrace Re- [er 14" and Bruce Mack bested He said: the ten property owners ceiving Home, have returned from Meltin Pot . o . tis, brother Bob in the boys "under on his petition did not protest the a foster parents conference in Vancouver. SMARTEST PREDICTION of the V proposed zoning plans and in fact WE OaT A, frantic phonecall The first of its kind, the confer- The Terrace Rotary trophy for were not approached by Mr. Duf- week is that of a pr.ovineial elec- Tuesday noon about a frantic sit- fus Or any one from the other ence was planned by foster par- tion on September 12. Reasoning uation. Nine light aircraft had ~ys "under 16" was the most hot- ents and social workers .to give contested. Prince Rupert's Grant group as to what their,feelings in behind the prediction is the landed one after, the other at the matter might"be.. foster parents an opportunity to Kelowna Regatta opens in Pro. Terrac~ Alrportand the call was [olkestad emerged the winner voice their feelingsand ideas een- ~ver Kitimat's Andy Robertson. A~fter due consideration Munici- ruler BennoWs hometown on . to inform us that bathroom loci. pal Council agreed the best meas. eerning the total program for ehil. August'l and he will surely want lities out there were locked.
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