Editor VOLUME XLIII No. 5 J. R. Spangler Associate Editors IN THIS ISSUE E. Earl Cleveland Andrew C. Fearing GENERAL ARTICLES George E. Vandeman Two Decades of TV Progress __.._ D. W. McKay 3 Managing Editor With Unity to Pentecost ..... ._... T. K. Struntz 11 Orley M. Berg The World Council of Churches (Part 1) Copy Editor __....___.__.________.__ B. B. Beach 13 J. Ina White How to Deal With People (Concluded) Art Editor ................................__....___....... R. R. Bietz 29 Harry J. Baerg The Invisible Adventist Press (Concluded) Contributing and Consulting Editors: Robert H. _._.________________..................... R. H. Utt 32 Pierson, President, General Conference; W. R. Beach, Secretary, General Conference; Theodore What Is Wrong With Young, Single Bible Carcich, General Vice-President, General Con ference; Neal C. Wilson, President, North Amer Instructors? ...._________.__.___ R. H. Lee 36 ican Division; Wilbur Alexander, Andrews Uni versity; R. A. Anderson, Loma Linda, California; B. L. Archbold, Ministerial Secretary, Inter- EDITORIAL American Division; C. D. Brooks, Ministerial Secretary, Columbia Union; George Burnside, Eyes on Atlantic City ......_.................. O. M. Berg 9 Ministerial Secretary, Australasian Division; W. J. Cannon, Columbia Union College; Harold Coffin, Andrews University; A. E. Cook, EVANGELISM Ministerial Secretary, Trans- Africa Division; F. W. Detamore, Evangelist, Florida Conference; W. Duncan Eva, Ministerial Secretary, Northern Evangelistic Effort in Madrid, Spain _ S. Iserte 15 European Division; R. H. Ferris, Pastor, Winni peg, Canada; Desmond Ford, Avondale College; Total Evangelism for the 70©s ......__ J. L. Shuler 17 W. W. Fordham, Associate Secretary, Regional Department, General Conference; O. Gmehling, Faith for Today Evangelism __ G. F. Dalrymple 24 Ministerial Secretary, Central European Division; M. G. Hardinge, Loma Linda University; Dunbar Henri, Pastor, Atlanta; J. R. Hoffman, Ministerial PASTORAL Secretary, Atlantic Union; Siegfried H. Horn, Andrews University; Pierre Lanares, Ministerial Binding Off Bible Course Interests _____________ Secretary, Southern European Division; Rosalee Haffner Lee, Bible Instructor; H. W. Lowe, ......_____._....____.___.. C. D. Brusett 7 Biblical Research, General Conference; W. H. Mattison, Ministerial Secretary, Southern Asia Who Killed the Soul of James G. Thresher? ._... Division; H. E. Metcalf, Ministerial Secretary, ______________________.__ H. Ford 8 Southern Union; K. J. Mittleider, President, Wis consin Conference; W. G. C. Murdoch, Andrews University; R. L. Odom, Research, General Con Ingredients of an Evangelistic Church _ J. Hules 20 ference; Enoch Oliveira, Ministerial Secretary, South American Division; G. H. Rainey, Associate Ministerial Secretary, Atlantic Union; U. D. THEOLOGY AND RESEARCH Register, Loma Linda University; R. M. Ritland, Andrews University; A. E. Schmidt, Assistant To Know God in the New Testament ...____._ Ministerial Secretary, South American Division; L. A. Senseman, Fuller Memorial Hospital; Harold _________________________...... R. E. Loasby 23 Shryock, Loma Linda University; Ralph E. Waddell, Medical Secretary, General Conference; Eric Ward, Evangelist, Southeastern California BY HIS SIDE Conference; R. C. Williams, Ministerial Secretary, Far Eastern Division. Do We Care? _..__._.__._____._._ A. R. Johnson 41 A Prayer Group Experience ................_ L. Gage 42 THE MINISTRY: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED MONTHLY FOR THE MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENT- ISTS BY THE REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIA FEEDBACK .........__.__........__..__._____ 34 TION, 6856 EASTERN AVENUE NW., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20012, U.S.A. $5.00 A YEAR; 50C A COPY. PRICES SLIGHTLY HIGHER IN CANADA. ADD 25C FOR YEARLY SHOP TALK .....__.....__ _____ .......___.. 39 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO COUNTRIES REQUIRING EXTRA POSTAGE. SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT WASHINGTON, D.C. EDI TORIAL OFFICE: 6840 EASTERN AVENUE NW., WASHING BOOKS _____.....______..__._._________ 43 TON, D.C. 20012. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: WHEN WRITING US ABOUT YOUR NEWS BRIEFS ........................_.____.__.._........._. 44 SUBSCRIPTION OR CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS, PLEASE EN CLOSE THE ADDRESS LABEL FROM YOUR COPY OR FROM POINTERS _____________.______.__ 48 THE WRAPPER IN WHICH YOU RECEIVED THE JOURNAL. THE MINISTRY Guy Stewan (left), treasurer, and William Lawson, manager of Faith for Today, at the entrance to the offices in Carle Place, Long Island. DONALD W. McKAY Layman, New York Two Decades PHOTOGRAPHS BY DAVID BURKE kjEVER had I been so downright scared I as when those lights glared at me for of TV the first time on that eventful night of May 21, 1950, when I looked into the eyes of a camera without benefit of script or experience," Pastor William A. Fagal, di Progress rector of Faith for Today, confessed to me the other day. He added, "I said Hello to FAITH FOR TODAY CELEBRATES an unseen audience I hoped, but wasn©t sure, was out there." ITS TWENTIETH BIRTHDAY ON I couldn©t blame him. I knew just how he felt because I was one of the amateur MAY 21 performers who volunteered when he MAY, 1970 pleaded for actors from his congregation in those early days of TV. My lines must have gone off satisfactorily during the performance even though the perspiration oozed from my body either from fright or from the heat of the bright lights shining on me. Afterward I was so unnerved from the experience I frantically hunted, and had everyone else search, for my wrist watch. Hours later I found it above my elbow! Pastor Fagal©s budget was so meager that it did not provide for professional actors and script writers. So he appealed to his church members. "I need actors, musicians, and most of all your prayers." During the first three months following the initial tele cast Pastor Fagal lost forty pounds; his wife, twenty, from the hectic pace and strain of their new way of life. Scripts were written each week to fit certain members of his congregation, then memorized and rehearsed hours each day for a week be William A. Fagal before the camera during a film fore the live program went on the air. ing of a TV program for Faith for Today. To most of the tyro performers the job was a grueling experience. One woman fainted during rehearsal, only to be the outstanding performer once the show went on the air. Others who had been perfect in practice flubbed their lines and had to be prompted by the script writer hiding behind a stage prop. Volunteers were needed each week to answer viewers© telephone calls and letters. One housewife volunteered to baby-sit while mothers were in the cast. Despite mistakes, poor casting, and myr iads of problems, Pastor and Mrs. Fagal were heartened when one viewer expressed the sentiment of most of the sixty-six who A scene of dedication. Faith for Today staff seek responded to the first program on that God©s blessing before beginning their duties. memorable day, "You have shown me how to draw help from the Bible for my prob lems." In those uneasy first few months when Faith for Today was a one-station program Pastor Fagal was able to carry on the du ties of telecasting, answering mail, and planning for new programs, as well as those of pastor of the large Washington Avenue Seventh-day Adventist church in Brooklyn, New York. But as the burdens of the television pro gram mounted it soon became evident that he couldn©t be church pastor and also han dle the TV program. There just weren©t Mrs. D. W. McKay, supervisor of the Bible School, enough hours in a day for both. Answer shows E. E. Duncan, coordinator of evangelism, a ing the mounting volume of mail from report showing the baptism of the 16,000th student. THE MINISTRY viewers alone was more than a full-time sermon which keynotes a message while job- graphically illustrating it. After considerable discussion with the TV Focuses Eyes of Millions on Adventists brethren of the General Conference the denomination decided it would underwrite As a result of this telecast Seventh-day an experimental program to be transmitted Adventists stand in the full glare of the from a New York City station for six TV spotlight. New York©s station ABC months, with Pastor Fagal devoting full reaches a potential audience of 9 million. time to this project. Yes, millions are able to learn of the mes On December 3, 1950, television history sage of salvation in the comfort of their was made when Faith for Today presented homes. Rich and poor alike may see and the first regularly scheduled television pro hear the story of what Adventism in ac gram sponsored by a religious denomina tion has to offer to a perplexed world. tion. This telecast originated in New Political leaders salute Faith for Today©s York©s American Broadcasting Company©s part in presenting Christian ideals in every studios. day situations. President Richard M. At the end of the trial period the oper Nixon wrote, "For the past two decades ating board of the General Conference your family-religious telecast has been a concluded that television was here to stay. vital factor in the progress and growth of It determined that Faith for Today should our nation . ." continue as a live program with kinescope "It gives me great pleasure to extend my recordings used to cover distant areas. best wishes to Faith for Today on the occa "Preaching is the least of a successful sion of its twentieth anniversary as the old minister©s duties," declared Pastor Fagal, est continuous religious television pro "and a minister©s real value is determined gram," said Walter Hickel,
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