MUSIC HALL Marks 2015 Winter Issue 1 MUSIC HALL Marks SPMH - President!s Message I am humbled to be elected as for a better or more committed the new President of SPMH. As team. Together we will strenuously someone who grew up in this city, endeavor to live SPMH’s mission – it is an honor to be connected to preserving, promoting, improving Music Hall which has and providing educa- always been a venera- tion about this building ble Cincinnati icon and that we love. a symbol of the cre- This is an exciting ativity in our commu- time to be in the Over- nity. the-Rhine. The up- I want to start by coming refurbishment paying tribute to imme- of Music Hall offers an diate past President opportunity for renewal Don Siekmann for the and revitalization that strength of his leader- will further solidify our ship. Don has gener- area by Washington ously donated so Park as one of the much of his time and Peter E. Koenig country’s premier mu- talent to SPMH. I am sical and performing delighted he will continue to play art centers. substantial roles on our board SPMH already has played an overseeing the successful Mighty important role in the planning for Wurlitzer Organ Concert Series the renovation of Music Hall. Our and being involved with SPMH’s fi- organization has been blessed nances and investments. with substantial funds from the late I also am thankful to the Board Patricia and Ralph Corbett, and we for their support. You could not ask are pleased to let you know that, Table of Contents SPMH President’s Message . page 1 Meet New Board Member . page 18 SPMH Board of Directors . page 2 Can You Top This? . page 19 SPMH Mission Statement . page 3 Corbett Tower, College of Music page 19 Meet the New SPMH President . page 4 Thank You, Members! . page 20 2015 SPMH Annual Meeting. page 5 2014 - 2015 SPMH Members . page 20 The New Music Hall . page 12 About the Cover . page 25 Memories of Music Hall. page 14 Acknowledgements. page 26 Happy Holidays’ Stars. page 16 MUSIC HALL Marks 2 as a result of our efforts and with tinue to thrive during the refurbish- our strong financial support, Cor- ment period when Music Hall will bett Tower will remain named Cor- be closed. We are developing a se- bett Tower in perpetuity. ries of marketing, outreach and ed- We look forward to working ucational programs to keep the closely with the Music Hall Revital- spirit of Music Hall alive in our com- ization Company, whose mission is munity. to organize and lead the renovation In closing, I want to thank all of of Music Hall and to ensure the our members whose personal ef- quality of its future maintenance. forts and financial contributions SPMH also will deepen our existing allow us to continue to carry out our relationships with the Music Hall mission. Your continued support of resident companies and the Cincin- our organization is much needed nati Arts Association. and sincerely appreciated. Additionally, SPMH will con- - Peter Koenig SPMH Board of Directors 2016 President Directors Ex Officio Directors Peter E. Koenig Andrew Bowen Patty Beggs Meredith Downton – Cincinnati Opera Immediate Past President Melissa Godoy Donald C. Siekmann Megan Hall Trey Devey – Cincinnati Symphony Barbara Harshman Vice Presidents Orchestra Tricia Johnson Lisa Allison Ken Jones Joanne Grueter Missie Santomo Ken Kreider Marcella Hsiung – Cincinnati Ballet Paul Muller Kathy Janson Ramon Rodriguez Ed Rider Steven Sunderman Rosemary Schlachter – Cincinnati May Festival Recording Secretary Sue Sommer Karen McKim Thea Tjepkema Emeritae Directors Bethany Vondran Norma Petersen Treasurer Joyce Van Wye, Mark Weadick - Co-Founder Music Hall Liaison Scott Santangelo www.spmhcincinnati.org. 3 MUSIC HALL Marks SPMH MISSION STATEMENT The mission of The Society for the Preservation of Music Hall is to preserve, promote, improve, and provide education about Music Hall, funding special projects in addition to Music Hall management’s opera- tional and maintenance obligations, and facilitating communications among Music Hall management, owner, and tenants, in order to perpetuate Music Hall as the premier cultural center of the Region, and as a National Historic Landmark of international significance. 2016 SPMH BOARD 1st Row from Left to right: Ed Rider, Kathy Janson, Peter Koenig, Karen McKim, Lisa Allison, 2nd Row: Scott Santangelo, Marcella Hsiung, Ken Jones, Don Siekmann, Joanne Grueter, Thea Tjepkema, Bethany Vondran 3rd Row: Tricia Johnson, Barbara Harshman, Steve Sunderman, Rosemary Schlachter, Meredith Downton. SPMH Board (See page 2 for complete board list) MUSIC HALL Marks 4 Meet New SPMH President Peter E. Koenig Peter joined the SPMH board perience in litigation. His areas of in September 2007 and since that expertise include real estate, ad- time he has been a valuable mem- ministrative, municipal and zoning ber of the team, committed to serv- law. He is actively involved with the ing Music Hall in such areas as Cincinnati Bar Association and is a archives and board nominations. member of the American Bar Asso- Recently he was appointed to the ciation, the Ohio Bar Association Music Hall Revitalization Company and the Kentucky Bar Association. board as SPMH Representative. Educated at Ohio University He brings a wealth of experience where he earned a B.A. (summa to the position. His volunteer activi- cum laude 1978), he earned his ties have included the position of J.D. from Case Western Reserve trustee on the boards of the Me- University School of Law in 1981. morial Hall Society, Cincinnati Born and raised in Clifton, and Preservation Association, Univer- having lived in Hyde Park for 30 sity Club of Cincinnati and the years, he and his wife Lucy now Episcopal Church of the Redeemer reside in Eden Park. Peter has in Hyde Park. twin children, David, a graduate of By profession, Peter is a the U.S. Naval Academy, and Julie, lawyer with his firm Buechner, Haf- a medical student at Stanford Uni- fer, Meyers & Koenig in downtown versity. In his leisure time, Peter Cincinnati. Licensed to practice in enjoys squash, tennis, opera, the- Ohio, Kentucky and several federal atre, travel and reading. courts, he has over 30 years of ex- Peter Koenig 5 MUSIC HALL Marks 2015 SPMH Annual Meeting Don Siekmannn talks about the Corbetts Peter Koenig addresses SPMH members The SPMH Annual Meeting the precepts of the SPMH Mission was held on Tuesday, September Statement, he underlined our com- 15th in Music Hall’s Corbett Audito- mitment to Music Hall and acknowl- rium. A capacity crowd enjoyed a edged the supportive role Patricia cocktail/hors d’oeuvres reception and Ralph Corbett played and con- and music provided by pianist, Don tinue to play through our SPMH Hurd. Members had the opportunity Corbett Endowment. Highlighting to purchase tickets for “Happy Holi- the activities of our organization days with the Mighty Wurlitzer” over the past year, Don included (December 10), and the Cincinnati growing our membership; conser- Finds its Voice DVD. Twenty-six re- vation projects and other funding stored panels from the 1878 Music efforts; the distribution of MUSIC Hall organ screen, on view for the HALL Marks to 4,000 readers; the first time and temporarily installed wealth of timely information on the on all walls of Corbett Tower, drew website much interest from the group. In acknowledging the gift, Don President Don Siekmann, announced that the ownership called the meeting to order. Stating transfer of the “Mighty Wurlitzer MUSIC HALL Marks 6 Organ” from the Ohio Valley Chap- Tjepkema was warmly welcomed ter of the American Theatre Organ to the board. Don announced that Society to SPMH had been com- he was stepping down as President pleted. While speaking of the very but before turning the meeting over successful Wurlitzer Concert Se- to newly elected President Peter E. ries, Don encouraged all to pur- Koenig, he emphasized his pride in chase tickets to the holiday concert SPMH, in members and directors; on December 10th and noted that pride in the organization’s accom- the patriotic themed May Wurlitzer plishments for Music Hall and his Concert will give the public one of pride in Music Hall itself. the last opportunities to experience Immediately after his introduc- Music Hall before its closing for tion, Peter Koenig along with renovation. The new slate of Offi- Megan Hall, presented Don with a cers was presented and retiring Di- gift from the board—a crystal com- rectors William Henrich and Ron memoration of his more than 5 Wehmeier were thanked. Thea years of service as President. Megan Hall, Peter Koenig present gift to Don Siekmann Peter Koenig, Don Siekmann Roger and Pat Fry, Linda and Don Siekmann 7 MUSIC HALL Marks Peter took the podium, conveying ation of interest specific tours and enthusiasm for his new role as enhanced methods of promotion. leader, his hopes and expectations Andrew voiced his expectations for for the work ahead. Emphasizing further improvements in the coming the importance of SPMH and its year while collaborating with out- history of support, he reiterated “we side groups to advance Music Hall will always be here for Music Hall.” tours. Andrew Bowen along with Kathy Janson took the micro- Meredith Downton shared details of phone to speak for the intricately an expanded tour program, and carved panels temporarily installed listed the past year achievements on the surrounding walls. She told with the efforts of Ramona Tous- the story of the original Music Hall saint. Among these were an in- organ’s magnificent screen from crease in the number of tours and the beginnings
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