A Setting Book For Champions Author: Steven S. Long Editing and Developing: Darren Watts Layout & Graphic Design: Andy Mathews Cover Illustration: Sam Kennedy Interior Illustration: Nate Barnes, Adrew Bosley, Andrew Cremeans, Brendon and Brian Fraim, Sam Kennedy, Greg Smith, Mike Tanoory, William Withers SPECIAL THANKS To all the Hero fans who participated in the discussion of this book and offered suggestions for what it should include. You’re all Heroes! Sample file Hero SystemTM ® is DOJ, Inc.’s trademark for its roleplaying system. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, Hero System © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or computerization, or by Champions © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Fantasy Hero © 2003 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Publisher: DOJ, Inc., 1 Haight Street, Suite A, San Francisco, California 94102. Dark Champions © 2004 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Printed in the Canada. First printing September 2007 Pulp Hero © 2005 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Produced and distributed by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. Cops, Crews, And Cabals © 2007 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Stock Number: DOJHERO228 • ISBN Number: 978-1-58366-108-6 Star Hero, Justice Inc., Danger International, Western Hero © 2002 by DOJ, Inc. http://www.herogames.com d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................4 CHaptER SEvEN: SICkBay ............................................................71 CHaptER ONE: aNgElStONE laBORatORIES .................................5 CHaptER EIgHt: tRaNS-CIty CONStRuCtION .............................81 CHaptER twO: BaStION alpHa SECuRIty ..................................17 CHAPTER NINE: THe GM’S VaULT ..................................................89 CHAPTER THREE: EXECUTIVE CONTROL SOLUTIONS .....................27 CHAPTER TEN: ICON ....................................................................101 CHaptER FOuR: tHE ExOplaNEtaRy SOCIEty .............................39 CHAPTER ELEVEN: Motlee’S CREW ...........................................109 CHAPTER FIVE: GRAND CIENELAGO ISLAND ..................................47 CHaptER twElvE: vIllaINy uNlIMItED .....................................121 CHaptER SIx: MIllENNIuM CIty pOlICE DEpaRtMENt APPENDICES ................................................................................129 SPECIAL UNIT OMEGA .................................................................57 Sample file 4 Cops, Crews, And Cabals Hero System 5th Edition Revised INTRODUCTION APPENDICES IPER, UNTIL, DEMON. Everyone in the Chapter Five, Grand Cienelago Island, is a Champions Universe knows about orga- secret Caribbean resort that caters to superheroes. Finally, the last part nizations like this — groups so large and Being a hero is a tough job, and even the most of the book is several Vpowerful that they can, and often do, have dedicated crimefighter needs a vacation every now appendices contain- an impact on entire nations, continents, or even and then to unwind. Where better than a gorgeous ing character sheets the planet itself. DEMON’s scheme could easily tropical island with a resort and staff designed to for guards, agents, and spell the end of reality as people know it, while cater to his every need? other “generic” char- VIPER’s goals, though far more mundane, aren’t Chapter Six, MCPD Special Unit Omega, acters described in the necessarily any less dangerous. draws back the curtain to show you the Millen- player’s section of the But not every organization in the Champions nium City Police Department’s elite anti-super- book. Universe — or your campaign setting — needs to villain squad. Composed of men and women who be so large and monumental. In a society where work hard, play hard, and may have to make the superhuman powers exist and are publicly known, ultimate sacrifice for the people of the City of the some superhumans choose to do other things with Future, the SUO could be just the sort of assis- their powers than dress up in costumes to fight tance your heroes need to tackle a tough foe. (or commit) crime. They might use their powers Chapter Seven, Sickbay, provides all the details to earn a nice living, cause harmless trouble, or on a special medical care service for superheroes. help others in quiet ways. Similarly, businesses Heroes who get hurt in the line of duty can’t always and even entire sectors of the economy spring up go to the hospital or a private physician, and that’s around the Superhuman World, whether to cater where Sickbay comes in. Equipped to provide every- to it, serve it, oppose it, or exploit it. thing from EMT field teams to surgery on superhu- Cops, Crews, And Cabals takes a look at a dozen man physiologies, Sickbay may mean the difference organizations of the latter type — smaller and less between life and death for your heroes. well-known to the public than VIPER, but not neces- Chapter Eight, Trans-City Construction, discusses sarily any less useful or important in your campaign. a construction company that specializes in high-speed They run the gamut from groups that work with construction projects, including repairing the damage heroes, to ones neutral to them, to criminal cartels caused by superbattles. Run by a man with matter they have to oppose. transmutation powers, it’s the perfect solution to many Chapter One, Angelstone Laboratories,Sample describes filea problem caused by superhuman violence. a scientific organization and think tank whose work The remainder of the book is for the GM and interests often intersect with the Superhuman alone. It provides the GM-only information about World. Your heroes might contact Angelstone to have what’s covered in the other parts of the book. If a strange device analyzed, to obtain the latest intel- you’re a player, don’t read this section — you’ll ligence on what’s happening in Awad, or to get some spoil your fun! Chapter Nine is the GM’s Vault, tests run on evidence. which contains secret information about the first Chapter Two, Bastion Alpha Security, depicts a eight chapters — additional details the players “security” (read: mercenary) organization that uses shouldn’t know, or sometimes the correct infor- personnel who’ve undergone a low-level superhu- mation instead of what’s commonly believed. man augmentation process. In addition to providing Chapter Ten, ICON, describes the Interna- a ready resource for dictators and supervillains to tional Consortium, an up-and-coming criminal use, Bastion Alpha can become a steady supplier of organization that wants to supplant the likes of powerful “thugs” for anyone in your campaign. VIPER and rule the world itself. Unless your Chapter Three, Executive Control Solutions, heroes stop ICON in time, they’ll soon have details an organization that is in many ways the another major threat on their hands.... opposite number of Bastion Alpha. ECS is definitely Chapter Eleven, Motlee’s Crew, covers a crew a mercenary organization, one with a reputation for of skilled, hard-core robbers... each of whom successfully opposing and defeating superhuman happens to have a minor superpower or two that adversaries. But it’s much more responsible in who makes the job easier. None of them are a match it chooses as clients and how it performs missions. It for your heroes in a superbattle, but between their could easily become a quasi-ally of your heroes. wits, their skills, and their abilities they may cause Chapter Four, The Exoplanetary Society, is a your PCs all kinds of trouble. group of “concerned citizens” with an interest in Chapter Twelve, Villainy Unlimited, describes alien life on Earth and alien civilizations. With mem- an agency that provides numerous support ser- bers ranging from people who are seriously con- vices to supervillains: legal representation; bail; cerned about the threat posed by aliens, to violently costumes; mediation; and much more. If your anti-alien extremists, it could become a real thorn in PCs can find it and put it out of business they can the side of any alien hero. make life a lot harder for their enemies. Sample file Angelstone Laboratories 6 Angelstone Laboratories Hero System 5th Edition Revised ANGELSTONE LABORATORIES egun as a defense industry contractor a think tank-style organization. His justifica- during the Cold War, Angelstone Labo- tion for this was increasing the range of services ratories has grown to become a wealthy Angelstone could offer the government (and Band influential research organization possibly even private organizations), but his real with expertise in many fields. Since the mid- reason was satisfying his own intellectual curi- Seventies it’s included studies of superhumanity osity. The Research Section initially focused on and supercrime among its activities, and many topics pertaining to the war in Vietnam and the superheroes have come to rely on Angelstone as containment doctrine, but over the next decade a source of information and assistance in their branched out into topics of interest to private fight against evil. commercial clients, such as market research for large companies. HISTORY ATTACK OF THE SERPENT Angelstone broadened its focus further
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