DEPARTMEiIT OF EDUCAIION Region X- North.rn Mindahao ,ri&q- DIVISION OF MATAYBATAY CITY Sayre Hiehrvay P{, C.d5.n& M.hytal.y ctiy {s? W.hh.: d+.dm.l.ytahy.net .mall: depedmalavbal.v@imail com T.LLr: 0a&3!t - O9a DIVISION ME,MORANDUM No. (3tl9 s.2017 DeF I.A TCI Y0lViSlUi RTTEASED TO Chief4ID oatu L-2.lL20lL rrrys -!L Education Program SupervisoN Publk Schoob Diltrict Supervimn f,lemetrtrry strd Secotrdsry School Hcids All Otherr Comerned Thic FROM: L OPLENARIA. CESO VI (schoob DivisioD Superirterdent STJBJECT: DEVEIOPMENT OF PRINT AND NON-PRINT LEARXING RESOURCES (PHASE 1) DAl'F- Jrly 2O,2017 l. To ensure smooth and sustainable implementalion of Lpaming Resource Mansgement and Developrnent System (LRMDS) aad to strengthen leaming resource development ar the Division level, the fietd is hereby informed ofthe condrct oftlrc Division laining on tlrc Development ofPrint and Non-Print l€aming Resouc€s (Phse l) on July 25- 26, 2017 at Loiza's Pavilion, Casisang, Malaybelay City. 2 This activity aims to: a. orient participants on the standards and specifications of l.f,.MDS; b. acquaint participants on the four thematic areas ofclimate,change aod disast€r; c. develop and produc€ quality leaming r€souIc€ i! English, Sci€rtrc€, Mathematics , Filipino and Araling Panlipunan integrating any ofthe four themalic areas of climlte change and disaster; ald d. deliver technical assistance !o te8€her-writels duing the ulo*shop to ensure that the least mastored competercies are given emflrasis in developing leaming resources. 3. Particip8nts ofthis training arc the ebmentrry rnd tecoDdar!! tcrcters ofthe five learniry arcas (ErglistL Filipino, Science, Mathematics and Anling Panllpunan) with Oe Educrtiotr Progrsm Supervirors ofthes€ leaming areas (see Enclosure l). 4. Further, participalts are instructed to briog List of Least Mastered Comp€tencies itr NAT, Curiculum Guide, Leamers' ManuayTextbook, laptop ard extension wire. 5. Meals and snack shall be charged to HRTD fund while travel,Fnd oth€r related expenses shall be charged to local fund subject to the usual accounting and 4uditing rules and regulations. 6 Widest dissemination ofthis Memorandurn is desircd. Copy fumlsh.d: !€arninS Resourc. and Manag.h.nt S.ctioh{lo R.@rds Unit To b. post.d ln th. wlbslt. L Enclosure No. 1 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRINT AND NON-PRINT LEARNING RESOURCES (PHASE 1) SUBIECT NAME scHooL Marianne Beltran Malavbala!, Citv Cent alSchool Levy Ann Mae Villaraza BCT Elementary sch@l Charles Kaguing Malaybalay CiW Central School Felinda t, Daanay Earangay Elementary School Catherin I{- Pacut Mlglamin Elementary School Maricar Lila [. Monterde Managok Central sclpol Joy Saluntao Maligaya Elementary School Cherv Pagud Kalasungay Central Sahool FILIPINO Narciso N. Amparo Jr Eangcud Central School (17) Sherly Muzones linabo Central School Thelma Cbrabal Eukidnon Natiohal HEh school Annie Rose Arangco Bukidnon National Htsh school Aira Mae c. €sconde Casisans tlational HiIh School FelyAlaiar Bukidnon National Hkh School Emelit V. Seguira Apo Macote tlationaa High School Mebenie A- Garcia MNHS-Miglamin Annex Gleen Payot Manasok National Hkh school Anavenessa P. Perales Patpat Eletnentary School Tessie G. Yee 0alwanga.r Elementary khool MishelleS. Maninez Kpt. Angel Elementary School lennifer M. Sabonia Kalasun8ay central school Merlisa A. Ravina Cabanaahan Elementary School Mari.ien s. Bantilan Magsaysay tlehentaay School Ma. Socorro D. Ramos Aglayan centralschool lonarose M. Desalan EanEcud Cent.al School ENGLISH Merly M. Mirdl Gsisans Central Sctlool 177) Aileen M. Taeo Linabo Central School Marites Fosseen Sumpong CentralSchool ludith Madronero Bukidnon National tlsh khool Bukidnon tlational tfgh School Gerlen L. Bildo Kalasungav t{ational High School Odessa J. Tandayag Can-ayan lS (Secondary) Ethel E. Caluna M.lavbalav Citv NStE Leah M. clutario Malaybahy CiV NSHS Carol M. Salga lmbayao ElementarY School RowenaTagavuna Malaybalry CiW central School MichelleTaneca Malapgap Elementary School Juliet t\langelista Lalawan Elementary School SCIENCE Marichu EdBe San Martjn Elementary School (1s) Jow Naringahon Linabo CentralS.hool Michelle Galamiton Aglayan Central Schgol Dolly Layo Sumpongcentr.l School Era lbanez Sawaga Elementary S.hool Christine Mingo Bukidnon National tliSh School Mae Joy Aclo Eukidnon National l&h &hool Diane Olivida Bukidnon ational }l8h School Symphany Dawn Mangubat Bukidnon National firh School Peter Manriquez san Martln AINHs lan Augustus San Marth AINH5 Flora A. Buscaino Sumponc Centr.l Sclool Almira la.robis Candiisan Elementary School l.ish Joy Guinlamon Tag-ilanao Element{v School Artilou Amotillo Baganao ElementaMSchool Do.is Tirol Bangcud Centr.l Scltol Gtherine C. Cabalins BinalbaS ElemenErySchool Heidi Palmad. Macote Elementary lchool MATHEMATICS Ginalvn Daguplo Zamboantuita Centnl School (16) Marlbeth Ordanza fulavan ctntral schqol Femie Gocotaho Can-ayan lS (Secondaryl Da.yll R. sabote St. Petcr il.tional Hiah Sdrool Richard salingay Bukidnon Natioial {ah School Madon Cui?on Busdi lS (S€condarv) Marites Morlllo Busdi lS (Secondary) Noaa Manlunas Bamcud ilation l Hith School Alminda A. Buna Bangcud lational Hlth School Grace L Patricio Casisanr Gntral School Edna T. Revil AVES Analyn H. Escobido Kilap.agan Elementan SchoolM Shiela M. cant.lao san Jose Oementary School NoemeT. Eiponilla casisang Gntral School GracE A. tambo Airpon Vilase Elemcrtary School Rhea E.Sali casisang Cent,al School ARALII{G Vima Anffot zamboantuita cenral S.hool PANTIPUNAN Liezl Tioh San Roqua Elementary sahool {16} CheeryGret L Medu,a Dapulan E ernentary &hool ReYmond Ocont Simaya Elamentary School Tethyl Paz Saio Kalaiungay central Sthool Joseph L. Abello zamboanruita Central S.hool Beverly Jamisola Malaybalay City NHS Mark lawaence [erot Malaybalay City t{HS wilmers. Lanoian casisang Senior High School Enclosure No.2 MATRIX OF ACTIVITIES llme Ar{vttyfioDic ln dl.rtdF.dlltator9 Day 1- Juh 25, 2107 7:31}tfi R€8lrtrado.l Cm€lltr D. Ra2o,Rf 8:(xL&€0 OOcnlnS A.d!rld6 Raclcl R Valde 8:3G930 orrervl€w of Dlv DRRM hog.m Jlmdandt M. luclnr, PDO lt 9:3G1O:30 Revlew on Standa.d5 and Spedfcatlons ot PUriCis r. Yap, EPS TRMDS 10gG1tm Gco.lel lnsrudions R..ldn8 J. YrD, EPS 11:fllljl:0O &ltc$oo ( B.eak Up) EPS ln darac pcr lcamlng atc(l 12:OG1{X, LUI{OI BREAf, 1:(x}.s:m Wilterhop EtE ln drlge p€I le.rnlng aLe oqr 2, hlN 25,2Ol7 8dxFt d)0 WrttlCrop EPS ln d{rtr per le.mlnt atcll xl:(x}ldx) LU'{CH 8REAX 1:{X}3:30 w'ttedro0 EPS in d{'tc per lcamlnt 33G4r30 hilial Evaluatlon and Submlsslon ot ataa Outputs 4:3G5:00 Closure Ma. Co]roapdoo S. Reyes.
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