AU forms 01 COMPACT . Insurance ''THE ACADIAN" 1963 MODELS NE S CONTACT ST. JOHN'S NEWFOUNDLAND TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 19/,3 Nova Motors' ltd .. 94171 VOL. 70. NO. 54 ' 16 PAGES SEVEN CENTS, EF U.K. To Streamline IOther i. nions Control Of Forces Start Token .•.. LONDON (AP) - The Brit· The British government now Ish government announced Mon· receives military advice from:StrBlkes Today".' •.... : ..... E four .s epa rat e departments, . day its intention to unite the country's sea, land and air each having its own minister: The admiralty, the war office, II f h II~' . forces under a single dcfence the air ministry and.the defence s PARIS, Reuters-A ca or sympat y wa K·· ministry to face the perils of the nuclear age. ministry. outs in support of F!'ance's 250,000 striking coal: WARNS OF GIMMICKS Announcing tile decision':n Healey warned Thorneycroft miners was issued Monday night by transport,' o House 0[" Commons, Dcfence MinisterThorneycroft made clear against using what he called public utilities and teachers unions as tension' "institutional g i m m i c k s" to that a merger of the Royal Navy achieve a more effective. de· increased in the minefields dispute. army and air force is not con· templated. The scheme is for a fence policy. Union leaders representing railway, bus "There is no substitute for de- defence minister to eKcrcise suo cisions at the top by the elected and subway workers, teachers and students. preme control ovcr a central de· fence organization in which the representatives of the British called for token strikes today ranging from 15.' people. Over the past 12 years admiralty, war office and air these decisions have not been force would function as subor· minutes to an hour to demonstrate solidarity. dinate departments. made." wit h t he miners and .proteSt 'government at~: Thorneycroft also reiterated Healey lashed the government the government's determination for trying to maintain "the fie. tempts to order the miners back to work. to kecp the national nuclear de· I tion of an independent (nuclear) . deterrcnt" This is undermininn The call came as In the great 1FEW REPORT terrent. I TIIORNEYCROFT the Atl.a~tic alliance, he said~ c~alfields of e~stern and north· I In the Lorraine fields. only The Conservative minister's In hIS speech, Thorneycroft e.ln France miners sho~lted de· 309 miners were said to have outiine o[ policy "drew a bar· I spol,esman on defence affairs said Britain will back U.S. ef. fJa~ce at mass meetmgs as reported for work out of a to· rage of criticism from Labor's: Denis Healcy. forts to set up a mixed.manned I theIr walkout entered its fourth tal work fo.r~~ of 8,362. • force of Polaris missile· carry· day. The reqUlsI!lOn orde~-lssued ing surface ships as' part of a PolIce rIot 5 qua d 5 were I after a cabinet meetmg ore· NATO nuclear force. This would rushed int? the Lorraince basin \ sided over by President de be in addition to Britain's own coal .area III eastern France but Ga~Jle-was the target o~ 5,000 OIiL-Primc John Diefcnbaker greeted by an en­ contribution of H.bombers and no VIOlence was reported.. ,stnkers at a mass meetmg at. ~Iil1istcr is . i Polaris.earrying submarines. The gOl'ernm~nt "requlsl~lOn" ~orbach near the Saar border l'fI\lr!! ill this lIorthern Ontar io town, as he heads for his home riding order, threatenmg the mmers In eastern France. Alhel't, ,,"hNe he was nom ina ted for his Parliamentary seat on I with Cines and imprisonment 'In' They shouted "De Gaulle. · 6 less they returned to work, give us bread" and "No requi· The prime ~ linisler is travelIil1g this leg of his trip by h:ain.-(UPI came into effect during the sitioning" at a meeting in which Sen tence, morning in the Lorraine fielrls. they were addressed by leaders , . Its application to the northern of the Communist·led CGT. fhe pits was postponed until Tues· Catholic CFTC and the socialist day because l\Ionday is not a· Force Ouvriere trade unil)ns working day there. Iand independent speakers. The miners are asking for nn dge Norris Raps prisoners' dock. The other three 111 • per . cent pay increase, were being tried in absentia. I shorter worldng hours and im· In addition, the court sen·! proved pensions. tenced three other defendants to I The government. fighting in· life in prison. Two of these arc I fJation. has offered an increase J_.... arers' Lawyer Three of the person~ sen· fugi~ives who were tried in ab· i of 5.77 per cent.this. year with I tcnced to death were In the sentIa. ncll' pay talks in September. --_.... _._- OTTAWA (CP) - Mr. Justice ture" In favor of the Canadian ! -------.--.•. -----~-.------.-----.--.-...• _- ---- -.-~--- T. G. Norris, resuming his one· 'Labor Congress, ,the. Carllldi,ani m a II .investigation of Great Maritime . Union and taoueUe Lakes labor strife, Monday. ac- Lakes Shipping Limited. cused . the Seafarers' Interna· The SIU official in Vancouver iTass'Tilkes Swipe At tional rnion of Canada of "d.e· also-said that "high officials" ~gree Iiberately falsifying" the nature of the British Columbia depart· of his inquiry to Its member· ment of labor "are completely .\L\~ DO:-;:\t::I.1. r ship. disgusted with the kangaroo· U. S. Exports Offer ICP, - Hobel·t The Vancouver jurist also .-:rl- court set·up of the, Norrin In­ Social Credit leadcr ticized SIU lawyer Joseph Nuss quiry." MOSCOW IAPI - The of· h~rd 10 get and a third ;:rolIl' and . second . hand ciVllian conlidcnrc ~Iollfiay for "dcliberately. trying to avoid r."rr. Justice Norris opened his clothin;:. I!adcr Heal Caou· ficiat Soviet news agency Taos which the U.S. will sell freelv my rulings" on the conduct of hearings today after R two· took 'I sarcastic swipe at the but which the Russians wiil "The United states does not agree 10 nuclear the fedel'al Investigation. week break. pla<:e any obstilcles on the for Canada if n non· United States Monday for 0[' hardly buy. He said 1\-11'. Nuss should hike fering unlimited exports to Referring to the last group. sale o[ rat poison. This is rornmiltrr (,f rm'lii!' stellS to ensure that SIU publl· Tass correspondent Valentin very humanitarian. Nor is I:I\'!!Nnended ii' their (a· the Soviet Union of rat poi· l~ations do not misrepresent the B,'dau I" son, rags, pigeon feed and Vasilels wrote: grain to feed pigeons placing inqniry Inlo shipping disrup. II "What does the t: 11 i ted on thc strategic goods list. l'I!mr;on ~Aill Ihat Mr. chewing gum. lions and violence stemming TRURO N L'b Statcs-a big industrial power .. Chewing gum is also safe . ,hUe t~kill~ a "I'ery from the clash of the SIU and C p' l S I era I Leater1 Lester PearSOll was Tass said the U.S. is guided on ICi ent' ( " .- by spccial rules in trading shouting from the hOllse tops strategically. • ." ~!;lion" apin't llUc!"aI' rival unions. greeted by enthusiastic supporters on his alTival The Tass commentary con· ha! a~rcpd to accept with Russia and divides U.S. about freedom of trade-offer Mr. Justice Norris, sitting for LONDON (Reuters'. _ For. here as he moved his campaign into this lJl'Ovince for cluded by saying it would be d!ci!ion wa, made by commodities into three groups [or sale to another big indus· . , lahorthe looth inquiry, session was of apparentlyhis publil! mer French Premier Georges t Ile Apn '1 8t h Fe d eraI e 1ection. The Opposition. Lead- -one banned for export, a trial power?" .interesting to know what pro- rOnlm illce. 1I0sals the U.S. will prepare referring to a report. published Bidault. wanted by,French se- er finished the first leg of his campaign last week­ second comprising commodi· "There is a list, 26 pages . , ~;'.-;::; !'ARSON ties) which the U.S. makes of compact p r i n ted text, for the forthcoming world in the latest edition of the SIU's cnrlly police, expressed confi· end.-(UPI Telephoto). trade conference. official newspaper, the Cana. dence on a recorded television drawn up with amazing cir· dian Sailor. program here Monday. night cumstances. For Instance "Perhaps," Tass said. "the American manufacturers are list of goods for cnrestricted I SIU port agent Rod I1einekey, t~at his underground movement 6 Die As allowed freely to sell to the trade will be increased by In a column on Vancouver mar- Will 0 V e r t h r oow President 'Personal Abuse Sovie~ Union rags, cuts from adding last year'! mow or inc affairs, attacked Mr. Justice Charles de Gaulle. pieces of waste and new, old the holes from doughnuts." Norris, accusing the jurist of do· BldauJt, who heads !he anti· ing "everything In his power to Gaulltst Council of Nahonal Re­ Bus' Plunges impede, hinder and embar. slslance, appeared on the BBC Out' -Pearson rass" the seafarers' union. new program Panorama. An In· Mr. Heinekey wrote that the formed source said the Inler­ COOKSVILLE, Onto (CP) - nof to reply to personal aUack; In River judge has come out with biased view was filmed In London at a Liberal Leader Pearson said or the partisan bitterness of President Hal C. Banks and secret hideout about four or five Monday night he does not in· frustrated and desperate men." NEW YORK (AP)-A driver I showed a "complete biased :lao weeks ago.' tend to reply to "personal nt· Mr.
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