. • Standard Form For ~embera of the LeQlslature Ham. of Repr8sentativ. -,~~~~~~~~~~ ____ senator _________ 1. Birthday and plac. 2. Marria;1 (5) date place at..;" a;,ao aL; ,k,dz ~ 3. Significant event. for example: ". Bua i n .....1/ #i!~ ~ :n,,;t0 L:e. M..;,t/R.$/ B. Ciyic ro.ponaibiliti •• _____________________________________ C. profoa.ion~~2d~~~~~~~,~. ------------------------------------- I 4. Church memb.rshiP____ __,------------------------------------- 5 . S ... ion. IIrved 7 -#1 n,,,«ldO<e " 1./.',.; /fS"f? 6. Public Offic •• ". Local B . Stat • . C. N. ti onal J4.J""""'-" "",' 1.?6( :: :::::r:~ t:4m:::~~· ~=~L~,~A U<IML ~#~ . ~..t.., ckoo e,A,. Ckr,t,A]"''''''/r Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. 11. Degrees 12. Other applicable information ________~~~UL~~-------- J ' ~'l.lj /"<(' . #> . / 7/ __",-'-<e>\(#LVJ..,. "'44-,fu tXt @~("M<~,v-,1' ~;~ 1.I'.J'i/"f,S@",- ....J£'f,~ ______ . - ~ - .f. ,~&I ;;.91 d , ~ '" '''''''''',<3/rP «/ ~L~a'~'/.~~~J~9.~-------------------------------- - q6 #¢~ h-4'''''; ;?o/'N' ir/ p'--W.<-<.<;;( ;.rt. ~ at~" , ._ __ ~j8''''{_t>¥..~tJ'-'j · ,.tu§ ,/)J..p/ s:In-~_~t/ Ie " " "~ ~ . -tt,,~tK~ o.,dfoL<-.I (S'f!-lR.J~.'--______________ _ .AKww~ ~I L,L/!.I44 ... d -&AI .Ih~~".y rJ,,~d!4;";" ./k~dJ'~f'...L ~..dZ G.vr 1N~~. Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. • . CiOlfi, ///.,"/ Sources Log For Legislation Bntries Applicability So urce Mon Applicable Applicable Information obtained - @cd, - :i:%a1:t!;~ X;~:::'1" " ,...- UI/rl"('/p'I.I""'n' I"",..,,~.~ .. j ,/1/;1'" " ;;II!I/I("~~:'-( f 1(1(,0_",/ t :J~.i·"~7)"; l Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. I I~r~~t ' ~ ld~,~ ~lf l - i;;-i~~:ti~~~~I~~o ~~~: ~~li~I~~ ~l h.~g:~J~~fe ~ rl -'i:~~~~~, o In s Id cas, F.I' V mI bell,t Mr, Lou, SII w. Mr. U. O. I1lrllmpuls Ivey I . .. nroyonI. ' S~lt a d Miss Jennie Fu ler, Tbil r.OIll- ~ew Yok? Hei uy aud tru! y of b 'ote-g:lvl panyl h ve been tried and bave not been , "Why, ye.'1. of COurse I I \Ir·"l ~ Ybl;~;-Se8t1n0l ' ~'U* i w:nting. but arc stro g: throulotbout, 'Vhy shouilln} I? ll,ther 'I ' I, r , \>00 I entlon should perh ps be made of strange abont toat?" <I '" ,5 ch m , ,nl ISS~' II ,Ie 11amllton. who s undoubtedly . "0, I am so lila<!! w. De Mti al Ire Ins r, I h h ' I ' IJI.tl ~ \.. , Infe"ren onil tI e linear d.ancers Uw1 u ,t c varluly you do me ' onel • e avpr ,bllQuP !h , SI.Jg .\ I tnere'! Somethltl I wan you flat l.i1 . \thIs co \ :' ; for my' sake!" 1 Ilt w' dl eeted, a \" I Death '01 Lincoln Clark. ' "Wh,,1 ot conrse, my d, was : ,I" poll y M~dyo~ b ur old residents wIll ,rememl?er There :Jaothlng rwould .n sa ' e. ' ?bur Slightest , wIsh ~ ing pol c1 hide s ' numbbr 0 years· ' The C ICllI.'O Tribune in . " ~ll me what It Is &Ild ntatio s Ol !' Ulil' • anno flees , .Is death at nway. Mass., to e 1 ttend to: anythlrig: el .imlted labU IS of: II daf b rore esterday at the Ipe age ot 86. yo W tine toldo, my eblld mutua Plan!1 was:n . lle ' ~a eto Dubuque In 1 and lett here, i I. You are ,lIOgooo,,' Arcbl, , I we be lele about 1800. The Tribune says: ' J ' qderly, wlIUe ih~ voice sac ,ter II contrcive He w Presidential Elec r on the PlOree' , , ;snhl" t,' a~' d am dl an n~ ticket in 1852 an a Hepresenta- 'al'd 1 have setimy heart ?n • , ou to jump of tbe Broolt:lyr .ithb th 'a vertis .. tlv f om Iowa in the Thi ·second Con- • , ted ru! r e tion 0 gre s. He WI\S defeated tor reelettion. Mr. -,ITer' Il,pplf t the:' ent ill en co Cia k chang:ed his ,poUtle and [bccame Ii ;, The Meanier Sldlley, of t il Ith'6u 'Ian! Ie He u \lean, aud was api>O rited by Preslj line, passed uPlyesterday '01 a, und t hie Ideo incoln as First Hel(is er In 'Ba;ukrupJ, PaUl. ! ed. Fb theiT tee under tbe then new la, for the North- , The Libble cOng:er passM reg:ard i ,the ern DlsLrict 0[ lillnois. 0 ing: to a severe iter way to St. .Ii.o ' is. ± ' glV , in, regul r 10- Ii/o 58 ,he was forced to resi n thi~ positIon. No packet is du ,("ither f , in I a. Beetle '1139 , g n ot his danll:hters Is It 'e Wi' e ot the , ThOiSt. Paul wi I be dow . relgai4(ni!; tbe limited, ~e ' Challes 11. Hen. " ' • l{aft boats UJ) yesterdal comp • wbich 'eX'- ' It 'I . ' I Bronson, Sam i. Ilea, DeD if the; ola amount dr " " Go.o Be ~ uble !" ! Gate and Ladf'. 'race. D II be I' IIic,e t to par Ne rt'y OpPoSite ,the Gprlna Bank, for the, Crescent and 8tti~ater. by aD fire jO '(ires,lh" est ant finest as.ortmen ot ladie.~· and Water, :lteat8 ebes, ad: ra Insu ed ljy he said giln 'S&WheISI ill of the est make and Alex. Havell~, n old r~l~f :elve , wiled ina~' newest styles; also, a finel! e ot telescopes, Upper !.bsslssil?pl. dIed res t1V~ I 6S ~ AI ~ 1(00<!s ~Old a( the very lolvest prices. sas. He was topnerlY cler of tho, holeia 9 ot o~ ,[ J ' ' ' j ' Vonj(er, and otlIer packets : to the suma y helD; 'l'1e WO'1-'en" CbrlOllan' 'r~mpera!,ee was we)i Il~ed . i I ,' I, bot n mem r ba t I Union. ' , Th~MISSIS~IP'\lL.rlVer bar, ",y tcit 'ny I ~ SS pee .J ' i'Ijhe Women's ChrlstIaJ(t limperallce trom t. Loulsj to ,New ( land n ViJ(&tli n, tno I Union IIi meet this atte 00 at 2:30, in' trom the 1st cit JIU!Dary r'01.' lOunl" f hIs depOs 'i the par o~ ot , the Meth ist. , ·hurch.! A , j(ust ,000,000 basheIS'of'co ' . , i ! tull a nd~pce Is earnestly eq uested. i i els ot oats\' ~d 800.000 , I ard to bls matter. 11 • i ii ,I I which wonld Otherwise bav, ian"e" as,' 011l:&nl e , ' ' I by rail. The~lo ' waa sbl, at tloo 'J118 to thle I by\"essels awaUllllt' 'return , Or 6&nS. I ... ' its _e , rs 0 tbe" n- I ! ' .' " -,~ ''-, ~:;...' --"'-- uslon' would say at "'" .by ~ 1I,ck. W. ~TO or CutorIIr" ' I Prompt Heform of H, '" lidul Ih the'sald , ~' t- ' Wb~h.. • CPOd, .be en (or «.. to""" The prompt retorm of tlI~ e · TeleSource: .pb Iowa Territorial\vas and:t Statest Legislators,Wb.n. Collection compiled• ~I by .. ,volunteers .Ii. elJ, and staff10 Cat.. thetoriJi, State Historical enfee Society ofbled Iowa Library,digestion. Des Moines, Incob: Iowa. c~~p_ , 1'}.!~~~t: ~ J t Chll~ • .a. '1IT~ lhom C.. Ioria, ~,~~,.~n_.:t!v t,:t~t tile IIVel Ancestry.com - Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-2005 Page I of 1 BiographicaJ Directory ofthe United States Congress, 1774-2005 ~ilmc: Lincoln Clark Dale of Birth: 9 Aug 1800 Dnh' of ikallr 16 Scp 1886 !':1l't",et, O.f:\·l" '1: Representative L1cd:o j),ile\~:); 1839 [4 Mar lB51J S: ll:: Iowa, Massachusetts Country: United States of America l3io::,.r;1ph~ · : a Representative from Iowa; born in Conway, Franklin County, Mass., August ~ 1800 ; attended the district and private schools; was graduated from Amherst (Mass.) College in 1825; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1831 and commenced practice in Pickensville, Pickens County, Ala.; member ofthe State house of representatives in 1834, 1835, and 1845; moved to Tuscaloosa in 1836 elected attorney general by the legislature in 1839; appointed by Governor Fitzpatrick circuit judge in 1846; moved to Dubuque, Iowa, in 1848; elected as. Democrat to the Thirty-second Congress (March 4, 18S1-March 3, 1853); unsuccessful candidate in 1852 and 1854 for reelection to the Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth Congresses; resumed the practice oflaw in Chicago, 111.; appointe United States register in bankruptcy in 1866; retired from active business and returned to Conway, Mass" in 1869; died in Conway, Mass., September 16,188 interment in Howland Cemetery, "'.}llrn 1111'(,'111 I.i'>ll; I.,., ,'tn .,' 10. [;i" ,,·.(,I'ind ',". " ';' j·'li{,tl."fc!k:il'(';" i'·' 1"'~" I·_O(;."i(!. I co, 1.0'" ,,,' Il:'; 1;1 \ ,1;,' . Llni! ,! '" C(' ,. i""'·'·('I'i>;c,/JI'I',d",'I,'I .. ,·,lr (:I:i:r,I.C,/(I!(' (~}I. I," ,'I P ( "'\\'rJ"" -I 'rj .. '"'' ' T!li;;d;:t:.b ... ~(:(~()n[;lin tI _', '1'<1')'1:' 'ullliJ'c"<:I,)i'1, "I Iii'" ..', . {·'''.''r,,~ . , I', 1~'();;1111 ' _ ", ''''i' ",,!,! ! (,. 'r"r~, I 1'1 ~ I'rl'l'd ,1" a lll, 11)r. ·r ( :' ("iIl:r, ':' jllc i iliC ,.riP!l iI' ;.-.,. (,1' !hr"l,:h :'(011:,. "':li~ i" 0: I "'",,;n 'I .:, 1. ",.,. "Ji, I I I I I I I Copyright C 2007 , The Generations Network. Inc.- Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. http://search.ancestry .com/cgi -bin/sse.dll?indi v= I &db=U SCongress&rank =0& ti ps=O&gsfn= Li.
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