April 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E445 Patrina is an advocate for childcare in Mis- CELEBRATING THE ACHIEVE- kept his roots in mind as he has committed to sissippi. She feels that every community MENTS OF THE LEE COLLEGE playing college basketball at home for the Uni- should have affordable full-childcare service DEBATE TEAM versity of Texas (UT). At UT he will continue for any social or ethnic groups. Patrina’s to display his exemplary skills and pride for strong investment in Kaleidoscope initially HON. BRIAN BABIN the great state of Texas. began because she had to transport her own OF TEXAS Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the 24th Congres- children from the suburbs to the city every IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sional District of Texas, I ask all my distin- day. Patrina, one day, decided that instead of guished colleagues to join me in congratu- making the families in her community drive for Wednesday, April 13, 2016 lating Andrew Jones on his hard work and ath- quality care, she would be the one to step up Mr. BABIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cel- letic accomplishments. and provide it. It made good business sense ebrate the achievements of the Mendoza De- f as it also opened up many doors to be able bate Society at Lee College, in Baytown, to minister to families, by providing a loving, Texas. On April 4, 2016, the Debate Team PERSONAL EXPLANATION caring, and Christian environment to children, won their third consecutive Community Col- while their parents are away at work. Since lege National Championship in the Inter- HON. PETER J. ROSKAM opening in 2003, many of our students have national Public Debate Association (IPDA) Na- OF ILLINOIS shown to perform at the top of their class. The tional Championship Tournament. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Led by Director of Forensics, Joe Ganakos, first children to start at Kaleidoscope are in Wednesday, April 13, 2016 high school now and are expected to graduate the Mendoza Debate Society has become the high school in 2019. top-ranked IPDA debate program in Texas for Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, on roll call no. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me 2015–2016. The debaters achieved this in- 139, I was unavoidably detained. in recognizing Kaleidoscope of Learning and credible success through their unmatched Had I been present, I would have voted After School for its dedication to serving our work ethic and countless hours of practice. I Yea. great state of Mississippi. extend my congratulations to all the members f of the Mendoza Debate Society, captained by HONORING THE 250TH BIRTHDAY Kyle Diamond and Rigo Ruiz—and I wish f OF COLLIN MCKINNEY them all continued success in their future en- HONORING COMMONWEAL deavors. f HON. PETE SESSIONS HON. JARED HUFFMAN OF TEXAS CONGRATULATING ANDREW JONES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA ON BECOMING A MCDONALD’S IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ALL AMERICAN Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in honor of the 250th birthday of Collin McKin- Mr. HUFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in HON. KENNY MARCHANT OF TEXAS ney, a Texas patriot, statesman, and hero. Mr. recognition of Commonweal, a nonprofit in McKinney was a drafter and signer of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Marin County, California, in honor of their 40th Texas Constitution and is the namesake of anniversary. By serving our community in in- Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Collin County and the city of McKinney. His numerable ways, from offering a healing Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today courage of conviction and love of Texas fun- space for people living with illnesses to pro- to congratulate Andrew Jones of Irving, Texas, damentally shaped our state’s history and our viding educational opportunities to advocating on being named to the 2016 McDonald’s All nation. Mr. McKinney was born to Scottish im- for juvenile justice reform, Commonweal has American basketball roster. This is a tremen- migrant parents on April 17, 1766, in New Jer- had a unique and far-reaching influence dous honor from the basketball community as sey. Years later he moved to Kentucky before across many issues and areas for a genera- it pits the best high school players in the coun- settling in our great state of Texas. Mr. McKin- tion. try against one another in an exhibition game. ney was a man of faith and boldly preached Founded in 1976 by Michael Lerner, Caro- Mr. Jones also participated in the three-point the gospel message of love and redemption. lyn Brown, and Burr Heneman, Commonweal competition and Legends and Stars Shootout Mr. McKinney and four other individuals was envisioned as a healing space to serve as the players display their shooting ability were drafted by Judge Richard Ellis at the people and the planet. From the beginning, and point guard play. convention meeting at Old Washington-on-the- their partnership with the National Park Serv- The requirements to become a McDonald’s Brazos to write a declaration of separation ice has helped supply an appropriate back- All American are extensive as you must con- from Mexico. Today, we know this document drop—a scenic 60-acre site just south of the sistently be a consensus Top 20 player in the bearing Collin McKinney’s signature as the Point Reyes National Seashore—for the com- national rankings, and earn enough votes from Texas Declaration of Independence. He later passionate, attentive work done by the dedi- the selection committee. Andrew was one of went on to serve the Red River District in the cated staff and Commonweal community over 24 high school senior basketball players se- First, Second, and Fourth Congresses of the the years. lected to join this elite group of young men as Republic of Texas. Commonweal’s efforts have touched count- the best in the country from over 100,000 Author Samuel Houston Dixon wrote in his less lives within three broad areas of focus. players nationwide. Andrew has been consist- book ‘‘The Men Who Made Texas Free’’ that Their health and healing programing includes ently rated as one of the best guards in the ‘‘Mr. McKinney was a man of most admirable week-long retreats for people with cancer and 2016 class with his ability to create plays and character. He possessed a spirit of progres- yoga therapy classes. Their efforts to support soft touch around the rim. Mr. Jones’ following siveness which dominated his life. No one of the arts and education include classes for has only grown as his tremendous improve- that group of pioneers exercised a more teachers and students to better integrate cre- ment has been highlighted over the past year wholesome influence over those with whom he ative thinking into school curriculum. Finally, in his spring and summer performances in the came in contact than Mr. McKinney. He lived their advocacy for the environment and justice Amateur Athletic Union (AAU). He brings great a life worthy of emulation and was held in high incorporates work on health effects of environ- pride to the basketball community of Texas. esteem.’’ mental factors and research on juvenile justice Andrew has a natural gift for the game of In 1846 he settled near the Grayson-Collin laws. Their work is multifaceted and extensive, basketball as his court vision and slashing ca- county line which would become his final rest- and has left a lasting, positive impact that can pabilities creates scoring opportunities and ing place and later bear his name. In 1936 the be felt throughout our community. proves to be a nightmare for opposing teams. Texas Centennial Commission had his house For four decades, Commonweal has been a Andrew will only improve at the collegiate level moved to Finch Park in McKinney. Mr. McKin- beloved, wide-reaching organization, and they as his basketball gift continues to attract ad- ney lived under eight different governments in have contributed significantly to West Marin’s mirers and people who look up to him includ- his life. He was born a subject of King George culture and character. It is therefore appro- ing young fans that need positive role models III, became a citizen of the Colonial Govern- priate that we honor them today for their ongo- in their lives. ment of the 13 Colonies, then the United ing work and congratulate them on their anni- While Andrew continues to receive praise States, Mexico, the Provisional Government versary celebration. from scouts and people close to him, he has established by the Texans in 1835, the Texas VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:12 Apr 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13AP8.037 E13APPT1 smartinez on DSK9F6TC42PROD with REMARKS E446 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 13, 2016 Republic until annexation, the United States with Teach For America in the Mississippi predecessors. His great uncle, Harrison Doug- again, and then the Southern Confederacy. Delta region where he taught second grade at lass, was a contemporary of Booker T. Wash- Mr. McKinney’s life of public service and Carver Elementary School. He was awarded a ington during his undergraduate years at dedication to the cause of freedom should in- ‘‘Certificate of Appreciation for Excellence in Tuskegee University during the early 20th cen- spire each of us. I am proud to honor this Teaching’’ from the Indianola Association of tury, and studied and worked in agricultural statesman and encourage every Texan to Educators. extension at Iowa State University. He taught study his life so that we may continue his leg- Dr.
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