Otology & Neurotology 38:1500–1504 ß 2017, Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Resolution of Persistent Post-Stapedotomy Vertigo With Migraine Prophylactic Medication ÃOmid Moshtaghi, ÃHossein Mahboubi, ÃYarah M. Haidar, ÃyRonald Sahyouni, ÃHarrison W. Lin, and ÃyHamid R. Djalilian ÃDivision of Neurotology and Skull Base Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery; and yDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, University of California, Irvine, California Objective: To describe persistent post-stapedotomy vertigo indicating an incidence of 0.9% at our institution. The onset (PSV) and its treatment using migraine prophylaxis. of vertigo symptoms was on average 20 days postopera- Patients: A retrospective review of all patients with persis- tively. All five patients had daily vertigo episodes and tent PSV spanning 10 years at a tertiary academic hospital experienced complete resolution with no vertigo episodes was performed. Patients who experienced persistent vertigo after treatment. Symptomatic resolution was achieved over for a minimum of 3 months after surgery were included. an average of 9 weeks after initiating treatments. Those with possible perilymph fistula, long prosthesis, and Conclusions: Persistent PSV beyond 3 months is a rare benign paroxysmal positional vertigo were excluded. occurrence and its treatment can be challenging when there Interventions: All patients received instructions on migraine is no evidence of an underlying pathology. This subset of dietary and lifestyle changes and Vitamin B2 and magne- patients may be suffering from migraine, which was sium. In addition, prophylactic treatment with nortriptyline, triggered postoperatively. Treatment with migraine prophy- verapamil, or a combination thereof was started. laxis in this cohort of patients may result in resolution of Main Outcome Measure: Changes in vertigo frequency was vertigo. Key Words: Migraine—Persistent post- the main outcome variable. The secondary outcome variables stapedotomy vertigo—Stapedectomy—Stapedotomy— included the time period and medications necessary to Vertigo. achieve symptomatic resolution. Results: Four women and one man with an average age of 53 years were identified that met criteria for persistent PSV Otol Neurotol 38:1500–1504, 2017. Complications of stapes surgery are relatively rare and Some patients with persistent PSV may have no appar- include persistent conductive hearing loss, prosthesis ent underlying etiology, making diagnosis and treatment displacement, vertigo, dysgeusia, deafness, and facial challenging. In our practice, we have anecdotally noted nerve injury (1,2). Post-stapedotomy vertigo (PSV) that these patients commonly report a history of affects 8.5 to 45% of patients following stapes surgery. migraine. We concluded that a subset of patients with PSV is typically transient and resolves within 1 week persistent PSV could be suffering from vestibular (3,4). In 0.5 to 2.6% of patients, vertigo may persist migraine and surgical stress may have triggered the beyond 4 weeks (5,6). In these cases, long prosthesis, vertigo. In this study, we aimed to investigate the results perilymph fistula (PLF), benign positional vertigo of treating persistent PSV with a migraine prophylaxis (BPV), and pneumolabyrinth have to be ruled out (7– regimen. 9). A high-resolution CT scan of the temporal bone, Epley maneuver, and autologous blood patch comprise METHODS the work up to evaluate for these conditions (10–14). A retrospective chart review spanning 2006 to 2016 was conducted with permission from our Institutional Review Address correspondence and reprint requests to Hamid R. Djalilian, Board. All post-stapedotomy patients who developed PSV M.D., Division of Neurotology and Skull Base Surgery, Department of persisting beyond 2 months were included. Before initiating Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, University of California migraine prophylaxis, all patients were evaluated for other Irvine, 19182 Jamboree Road, Otolaryngology-5386, Irvine, CA possible etiologies according to an algorithm outlined in 92697; E-mail: [email protected] Presented at the American Otological Society Annual Spring Meet- Figure 1. As such, all patients with possible PLF, long prosthe- ing; April 26–30, 2017; San Diego, CA. sis, and BPV were systematically identified and excluded from Financial Disclosure: None. the study. Once all potential etiologies were ruled out, patients The authors disclose no conflicts of interest. began a migraine prophylactic treatment regimen (Fig. 2). The DOI: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000001596 first line therapy was commonly nortriptyline, verapamil, or 1500 Copyright © 2017 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. RESOLUTION OF PERSISTENT POST-STAPEDOTOMY VERTIGO 1501 Present with PSV Diagnostic Dix Hallpike Epley Oral Prednisone maneuver 1mg/kg x 5 days No improvement Improvement IT blood Stop patch treatment No improvement Improvement Determine if change Stop in pressure induces symptoms treatment Yes No CT scan r/o Migraine long prosthesis prophylaxis Yes No Consider changing Migraine prosthesis prophylaxis No improvement Improvement Consider Continue treatment for perilymph 3 months followed by fistula repair taper FIG. 1. Treatment algorithm for PSV and steps taken to rule out other etiologies. PSV indicates post-stapedotomy vertigo. both if there was no symptomatic resolution. Second line describing an episodic true rotatory vertigo (Table 1). treatment was topiramate if resolution was not achieved with All patients had a primary diagnosis of otosclerosis and first line therapy. All medications were given at escalating experienced improved hearing postoperatively. Two doses. Patients were also instructed to improve the consistency patients (40%) had a history of episodic vertigo before of their sleep hygiene and adhere to a strict migraine diet which stapedotomy while two (40%) had a history of migraine avoids foods that can trigger migraine (15,16). After 3 months of symptomatic relief, the drug(s) were tapered off one at a time. headaches, meeting international headache classification Symptom resolution was confirmed with multiple follow-up (IHS) criteria for migraine. None of the patients met appointments for at least 1 year postoperatively. criteria for vestibular migraine. There were no distinguish- ing features between patients with regards to severity of RESULTS otosclerosis, age of onset, and postoperative hearing when compared with the overall otoslecrosis cohort. Between 2006 and 2015, 312 stapedotomies were Postoperatively, all patients developed daily vertigi- performed at our institution. Of these, three patients nous episodes with an average postoperative onset of experienced persistent PSV, resulting in an incidence 20 days (range, 2–60 d). These patients were observed of 0.9%. Additionally, two patients with persistent PSV and treated as outlined in Figure 1 for at least 2 months were referred after being operated at other institutions. following the onset of vertigo and before initiation of The average age was 53 years, with all patients migraine treatment. All patients had CT scans to rule out Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 38, No. 10, 2017 Copyright © 2017 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1502 O. MOSHTAGHI ET AL. Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 38, No. 10, 2017 underwent empirictation and intratympanic elevation autologous changes (Table blood with 1). combination Both therapy. required patients a trial ofpatients a required third drug combinationpatient (topiramate) therapy after responded and failure to oneDose patient escalation single was medicationwas necessary confirmed therapy. at in Two avertigo all minimum upon cases. completion of of 1 Only(range, migraine year one prophylaxis after 3–15 which treatment. achieved wk). over There an wasment average treatment complete was course resolution initiated,seen of in of complete 9 all weeks symptomatic cases.Otosclerotic Once plaques relief the in was migraineings the prophylactic fistula treat- ante withuate fenestrum for were long no prosthesis.possible All superior/posterior canal evidence patients dehiscence had and negative to of find- eval- vertigo. cochlearFIG. otosclerosis. 2. Two patients had pressure induced vertigo, with eruc- Copyright ©2017 Otology&Neurotology,Inc. Unauthorizedreproduction ofthisarticleisprohibited. Nortriptyline Treatment approach to the management of post stapes 25mg No symptomaticimprovement No No symptomaticimprovement Magnesium oxide400mg Migraine lifestyleand and riboflavin200mg hypertensive? Verapamil 120mg diet changes Topiramate On SSRIor Nortriptyline 25mg and AND daily 25mg Verapamil Yes 120mg TABLE 1. Defining features of subjects included in the study Duration and Time Until Days of Treatment Hx of Hx of Medications Air-Bone Frequency of Post-op Until Complete Vertigo Migraine Used to Significant Significant Gap After Vertigo Before Symptom Symptomatic Before Headache Achieve Migraine Vertigo Age Sex Surgery Treatment Development Resolution Surgery Before Surgery Resolution Triggers Triggers 67 F 1.25 1–3 seconds, daily 60 days 15 weeks No No 75 mg nortriptyline and None Eructation, yawning, 240 mg verapamil change in elevation 58 M 3.75 30 minutes, three 2 days 6 weeks No Yes 50 mg nortriptyline Erratic eating schedule Food triggers and when hungry times per week 51 F 13.75 15 minutes, daily 5 days 13 weeks Yes Yes 75 mg nortriptyline and Sleep deprivation None 180 verapamil and stress 53 F 1.25 1–3 seconds,
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