MarcE 0, 1911 ^HE DAILY MIRROR Page 5 STANDARD THE ONL¥ MASTERED BY WOMAN. POCKET-BRED GERMS 16-YEAKS-OLl) MY^iTEUY. e Ju-litsu Expert Shows How Big Exeter Man Surrenders at liverpcol Coa» REAL BREAD. Handkerchief Should Be Carried in Muscular Men May Bs Overcome, lessing to Ca!e Royal Murder. Sleeve for Hygienic Reasons. Impossibility of Being Deceived by A large, muscular man was literally twisted round The man who made a sensational confession lo Numerous Imitations. a woman's little finger during the week-end at a the Liverpool police in connection with a .sixtcen- private ju-jitsu demonstration by Mrs. Edith Gar- ARMY FASHION, year-old murder mystery was brought lo London riid; it was a sight to make pohcemen weep as early yesterday and will appear to-day at War!. borough-street. TOO MUCH OUTER BRAN. they thought of prospective encounters with suffra- Still another old-fashioned and almost universal He gave his name as Frederick Cliarlcs Bed­ g'ette experts. But no police were present. practice among men has been condemned by the She selected her husband for the purpose, and ford, and confessed tliaf he was the perpetrator Standard bread !s not only better than any other provided nice springy mattresses for him to fali^ remorseless medical man—the simple act of putting of the mysterious murtler at (he Cafe Koyat ia kmd of bread. It Is the only real bread there Is. one's handkerchief into one's pocket. Kcgent-street, which startled I^oiidon sixteen vcars upon.- The ladies among the invited guests, who' ago. bo not be-mlsled by " fakes." included several ardent advocates of women's '• Handkerchiefs should never be put Into suft~rage, applauded heartily. The applause of iSliglit and day ever since, said Bedford, the Those who have once tasted genuine standard the men seemed less whole-hearted. pockets," a London doctor told The- Daily Mirror murder had been weighing on his con«.iencc. Six­ bread cannot be dehidcd by bogus concoctions of The poor fellow was rolled and twirled head yesterday. "They should be stuffed instead, Army teen years lie bore tlie mental agfui;^ but at last flour and bran. Millers and bakers of the nar- foremost, sideways and promiscuously. He raay fashion, into one's coat sleeve. he could no longer keep his drcadlul .'^ecrct. It was on December G, 18!).l, fh;it Iliirry Martin, rowj shortsighted and dishonest type, who have not have tried his very hardest, for he is something " Tfie_ practice of carrying a handkerchief in a of an' expert himself, but he certainly failed, not pocket is obviously unhygienic. Hundreds of men the night watchman at the Cafe Ii03-al, was shot regarded standard bread as "a passing craze" only to master the vigorous little lady, but to pre­ have contracted severe colds and possibly worse in the grand saloon on the premises, his body being and counterfeited it with downright rubbish,^arc vent her putting a final effectual " lock " upon him, ailments through the habit. - found by a cellarmnn goin^ to work IJiere at 0.30 a.m. Every effort to trace the murderer was in vain. rapidly becoming wiser. She showed how inexpedient it was for him to " In the first place a pocket is a place of dark­ Bedford, who is a labourer from iCxeter, gave him­ For the public wtU have what it wants. Bakers throttle her, chuck her under the chin, or even put ness and, warmth—the favourite conditions for the self up at the l'resc{U-strcet I'olirc ytaiion at Liver­ an arm round her waist; without her consent. Con­ breeding of germs. If a man has a special hand­ who cannot supply standa'^d loaves of even tex­ pool, and made a long written statcmpnt describing dign punishment was his portion every time. She kerchief pocket, in time that pocket becomes in­ the crime. ture, appetising, moist, whcaty in flavour, and is little, but very wise, and she hurled him broad­ fested with dangerous organisms. cast. "The handkerchief is stuffed into one's pocket, In it he said that wdien the Cafe Royal closed skilfully baked, "made from fiour containing 80 for the night on December ri, I8W, hi- crawled Little girls from the Crouch End High School, in and the organisms find a home, on the pocket per cent, of the wheat berry, including the germ lining. under a se^it and waited "until (he old. man had neat athletic costumes showed upon each other's closed the place," Ids aim being robbery. and the whole of the senicilina," are losing all persons how they would deal with any mere male INHALINQ 0ERM3. their custom. Millers who. persist in trying to creature who had the audacity to pull their hair Thinking that (he coast was clear, lie came out, or clasp their shoulders from behind " It will be seen that a perfectly clean handker­ but Martin discovered him and rushed forward to foist spurious standard flour;upon bakers are pay­ chief win become immediately infected the moment secure him. Bedford says he struck Martin with ing the penalty in waning sales. it is put into the pocket. an Iron pipe and sJiot him when he fell. Then, he " Now whenever a man blows his nose he natur­ declares, he escaped by the back way, too fright­ SHOULD NOT BB DglLREB. MATRON OF HONOUR. ally draws in a deep breath immediately afterwards, ened to think of robbing the safe, the handkerchief still being held to his face. The wholesale price of the best quality standard Canadian Custom Introduced at Wedding of Then came tlie remarkable statement that he flour is practically the sarae as for white house­ "Consequently he inhales innumerable .germs, handed (he revolver he had used lo Henry Fowler, Sir H. Gilzean-Reid's Daughter. more or less poisonous, which may bring about the man who was hanged uith Albert fililsom for hold flour, so no baker has.any excuse for offering serious illness or disease, the murder of Mr. II. .Smith at Muswell IliU. a loaf made from sham standard fiour. Closely following the fashion of benedict best " The only sensible and hygienic way to carry Directly the news of the confession was received Representatives of all the great irnUing firms men at weddings has come the matron-of-honouh a handkerchief,is to put it up one's sleeve or rather at Scotland Yard Inspector Fowler, wdio. was en­ will be showing samples of standard flour on the At the marriage of Colonel Edward Bramhali cuff. Here there is no cul-de-sac. The draught gaged as a sergeant on the mystery in 1894, went Corn Exchange to-day, as they were last Friday, and Miss Gilzean-Reid, daughter of Sir Hugh of air caused by the blowing of the wind or the to Liverpool. guaranteed as made from the same wheat as tlie Gilzean-Reid, at Hendon on Saturday Mrs. swinging oi the arm is sufficient to Iceep the sleeve highest-grade and most expensive white flour they Burgess acted as matron-of-honour to the bride, passably germ-free. produce. her duties being those generally performed by the "People who persist in carrying liandkerchiefs in FISHERMEN ATTACK GENDARMES. It has not been easy for conscientious millers to chief bridesmaid; their pockets should at least protect themselves by fix prices for standard flour, for in the past the " Married men, especially in the case of brothers, frequently spraying their pocket-linings with some Angry Crowd Smash Windows with Stones frequently act as best. men nowadays, and now antiseptic, such as eiicalyptui dissolved in eau dc various separated grades of white flour have been —Woman Killed and Many Injured. sold at different prices, and, of course, each kind married women are beginning to act as brides­ Cologne. of wheat produces only one standard grade of maids," the clerk of one of the mo.st popular flour—all the berry except the outer bran. There churches for important wedding.-^ told The Daily (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT. 1 Mirror. PARIS, Sunday,—A terrible light took place af are about 300 difi'erent kinds of wheat, which are ROME LOVE DRAMA. blended like teas. The fashion of having a matron-of-honour seems Cancale yesterday between an angry crowd o£ to have come to this country from Canada, where fishermen who have gone on strike and gendarmes. MILLERS ORIKOIKd tOSAL WHEAT, it has been in vogue for some years, The fishermen attacked the house of an pllicial, Bakers-usuaUy contract for three or four months smashing al! the windows with stones andbricks. ahead, reserving the right to take weekly supplies To frighten the men the son of the official, a of _ what grades they choose, at current market MILLIONAIRESS WEDS SECRETLY. youth of sixteen, fire<i a revolver in the air. This prices. _ Tiiey arc working out existing contracts only provoked them to attack the gendarmes, and by taking an ever-growing proportion of standard Possessor of £4,000,000 Fortune Quietly brutal blows were given on each side. flour. ' Married to New York Doctor. A woman who was knocked about died from Though foreign wheat fell in price a little last syncope, and many gendarmes, sailors and fire­ week, Kngtish wheat did not, which is believed to men were badly hurt. indicate tfiiit country millers are grinding ioca! News has just come to hand of the secret wed Great excitement prevailed here yesterday, says wheat more extensively and- so increasing the de­ ding of Mrs.
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