INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST St. Mary’s Oratory SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Introit: Ps. 27, 8, 9. The Lord is the strength of His people, and the protector of the salvation of His anointed: save, O Lord, Thy people, and bless Thy inheritance, and rule them for ever. Ps. 27, 1. Unto Thee will I cry, O Lord: O my God, be not Thou silent to me, lest if Thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit. V. Glory. Collect: O God of virtues, to Whom belongeth every excellent thing, implant in our hearts Sunday, the love of Thy name, and bestow upon us the increase of religion, fostering what things are good, July 4, and, by Thy loving care, guarding what Thou hast fostered. Through our Lord. 2021 Epistle: Romans 6, 3-11. Brethren, all we who are baptized in Christ Jesus are baptized in His death. For we are buried together with Him by baptism unto death; that as Christ is risen from to the dead by the glory of the Father, so we also may walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection. Sunday, Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with Him, that the body of sin may be destroyed, and July 11, that we may serve sin no longer. For He that is dead is justified from sin. Now if we be dead with 2021 Christ, we believe that we shall live also together with Christ. Knowing that Christ, rising again from the dead, dieth now no more, death shall no more have dominion over Him. For in that He died to sin He died once; but in that He liveth, He liveth unto God. So do you also reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God; in Christ Jesus our Lord. Gradual: Ps. 89, 13, 1. Return, O Lord, a little; and be entreated in favor of Thy servants. V. Lord, Thou hast been our refuge from generation to generation. Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps. 30, 2, 3. In Thee, O Lord, have I hoped, let me never be confounded: deliver me in Thy justice, and release me; bow down Thy ear to me, make haste to deliver me. Alleluia. Gospel: Mark 8, 1-9. At that time, when there was a great multitude with Jesus, and had DIOCESAN nothing to eat, calling His disciples together He saith to them, I have compassion on the multitude, APPROVED for behold they have now been with Me three days, and have nothing to eat; and if I shall send TRADITIONAL them away fasting to their home they will faint in the way: for some of them came from afar off. LATIN MASS And His disciples answered Him, From whence can any one fill them here with bread in the APOSTOLATE wilderness? And He asked them, How many loaves have ye? who said Seven. And He FOR THE commanded the people to sit down on the ground. And taking the seven loaves, giving thanks He IMPLEMENTA- broke, and gave to His disciples to set before them; and they set them before the people. And they TION had a few little fishes, and He blessed them, and commanded them to be set before them. And OF THE they did eat, and were filled, and they took up that which was left of the fragments, seven baskets: MOTU PROPRIO and they that had eaten were about four thousand: and He sent them away. SUMMORUM PONTIFICUM IN Offertory: Ps. 16, 5, 6, 7. Perfect Thou my goings in Thy paths, that my footsteps be not THE DIOCESE moved: incline Thy ear, and hear my words: show forth Thy wonderful mercies, Thou Who savest OF them that trust in Thee, O Lord. LA CROSSE Secret: Be propitious to our supplications, O Lord, and graciously accept these offerings of Thy people; and, that the prayer of none may be without effect, the petition of none vain, grant that what we ask in faith we may effectually obtain. Through our Lord. Communion: Ps. 26, 6. I will go round, and offer up in His tabernacle a sacrifice of jubilation; I will sing, and recite a psalm to the Lord. Postcommunion: We have been filled with Thy gifts, O Lord; grant we beseech Thee, that by their effect we may be both cleansed and fortified. Through our Lord. First Mass of Canon Bryan Silvey CALENDAR OF EVENTS On Sunday, July 18, please join us in welcoming one of our newly ordained priests, Canon Bryan Silvey. He was ordained Sunday, Sixth Sunday after Pentecost on July 1, the Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, July 4 by His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke in the Institute’s church of July 5-9: Girls Camp in Green Lake, WI Saints Michael & Cajetan in Florence, Italy. On Sunday, July 18, Canon Silvey Sunday, Seventh Sunday after Pentecost will offer a First Mass at 10:30 AM and will bestow his July 11 first priestly blessing after all Masses. July 12-16: Boys Camp in Wausau All those who receive a first priestly blessing may obtain a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions. Sunday, Eighth Sunday after Pentecost July 18 10:30 AM First Mass of Canon Bryan Silvey MARRIAGE BANNS First Priestly Blessing after all Masses Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Wall of Wautoma announce the approaching marriage of their daughter Makaley to July 19-23: Girls Camp in Wausau Mr. Kevin Shawbitz of Green Bay on Saturday, July 17 at St. Mary’s Oratory. Sunday, Ninth Sunday after Pentecost July 25 Commemoration of St. James the Greater If anyone knows of an existing impediment which would prevent this marriage, he is bound to let the Rector Sunday, Tenth Sunday after Pentecost know as soon as possible. August 1 This is the SECOND publication of the banns. Thursday, 10:00 AM Pontifical Mass at the Shrine of Final total from Second Collection for the Sisters’ Novitiate: August 5 Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse $15,477.00 Celebrated by H.E. Cardinal Burke Thanks to your generosity, the Sister Adorers of the Royal Saturday, 8:00 AM Low Mass Heart will be able to continue welcoming young women August 7 9:30 AM Mandatory Rehearsal for from around the world to their formation program. Confirmands and Sponsors May God bless you. 11:00 AM Sacrament of Confirmation SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION followed by Prelatial Mass CONFERRED BY HIS EMINENCE THE MOST REVEREND Sunday, Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost RAYMOND LEO CARDINAL BURKE August 8 AT ST. MARY’S ORATORY SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 AT 11AM Sunday, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary This opportunity is open to children of the Oratory aged 12 August 15 and up who are duly prepared. The deadline for registration is July 10. Please call the Oratory office to MUSIC FOR SUNDAY MASS – register your child. Your child is not considered registered until you have furnished a copy of his baptismal certificate Entrance Plein jeu - Michel Corrette (d. 1795) and indicated his sponsor and his confirmation name. A sponsor must be a confirmed Catholic at least 16 years of Kyrie Mass for Three Voices - William Byrd (d. 1623) age. Parents may not be sponsors for their own children. The confirmation name must be the name of a canonized saint. Gloria Claudio Casciolini - (d. 1760) All confirmands must pass individual examination by the Rector. The examinations will occur in church on Sunday, Credo I July 25 at 12:15 PM. The mandatory rehearsal for Offertory confirmands and sponsors will take place in church on Non Nobis Domine - William Byrd (d. 1623) Saturday, August 7 at 9:30 AM. Sanctus Our prayers go with Sr. Marguerite-Marie of the Passion of the Mass XI Sovereign Priest as she transfers from the convent in Wausau to Europe and continues her formation there. Agnus Dei Guillaume Dufay (d. 1474) We welcome to Wausau Sr. Regina-Marie of St. Joseph, originally from Sheboygan, WI. Sr. Regina-Marie received the Communion veil as a novice this past March in Naples, Italy. Domine Non Sum Dignus - Thomas Allen Hunt (b. 1950) Omni die dic Mariae - Grzegorz Gerwaszy Gorczycki (d. 1734) We will be blessed later this summer with a fourth member of the community, Sr. Jacqueline-Marie of the Eternal Love of the Recessional Royal Heart. Sr. Jacqueline-Marie is originally from Marathon, Dialogue - Francois Couperin (d. 1733) WI and received the veil as a novice in February, 2019. Calendar Date/Time Mass Offered Offered For Servers Sun. 7/04 SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Soul of Joseph R. McCarthy Anthony Christensen 7:00 AM (2nd Class, Green) Comm.: Pro Papa By the Zeitz Family Vincent Christensen Sun. 7/04 SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Philip Martin James Zahn 8:30 AM (2nd Class, Green) Comm.: Pro Papa By Cecilia Gruetzmacher Jack Kocha MC: Michael Borger Sun. 7/04 SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Susie, John, & Kathy Th: Robert Borger 10:30 AM (2nd Class, Green) Comm.: Pro Papa By Jo Ann Egelkrout A1: Innish Wall A2: Matthew Zielinski Mon. 7/05 Saint Anthony Mary Zaccariah, Confessor Soul of Ray Kowski Matthew Prusinski 6:00 PM (3rd Class, White) Comm.: Pro Papa By Kevin & Melanie Hock Matthew Zielinski Tue. 7/06 Saint Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr Souls of Our Parents Liam McNally 8:00 AM (4th Class, Red) Comm.: Pro papa By Alfred & Beth Bulcher Jude McNally Wed. 7/07 Saints Cyril and Methodius, Bishops and Confessors Mary Simerson Robert Borger 8:00 AM (3rd Class, White) Comm.: Pro Papa By Joanie Karnowski Peter Borger Thurs.
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