NEW ZEALAND AM LISTING BY FREQUENCY Freq City/Town Programme Region Operator tx_Location_lic kW_lic Website Notes licence 531 Auckland PMN 531 Auckland National Pacific Henderson 15.8 pacificmedianetwork.com/stations/531-pi 219954 531 Alexandra More FM Otago Central Mediaworks Alexandra 6.3 morefm.co.nz 205734 540 Tauranga Rhema Bay of Plenty Rhema Maketu 15.8 rhema.co.nz synchronous_lic 219961 540 Christchurch Rhema Canterbury Rhema Marshlands 3.16 rhema.co.nz licence is for daytime hours of operation only, 246735 covers 205718 night-time; synchronous_lic 540 New Plymouth Rhema Taranaki Rhema Kaimata 15.8 rhema.co.nz synchronous_lic 227155 549 Hawkes Bay Hawkes Bay Opapa 25 static.tab.co.nz/content/trackside/index.htmlN/C; TAB Trackside Radio suspended April 2020 205771 549 Kaitaia Rhema Northland Upper Rhema Awanui 5 rhema.co.nz 205762 549 Nelson Gold AM Tasman NZME Stoke 3.16 gold.co.nz 205740 558 Invercargill Gold AM Southland NZME Dacre 15.8 gold.co.nz 205792 567 Wellington RNZ National Wellington RNZ Titahi Bay Transmission Mast 158 rnz.co.nz/national Actual transmitter power believed to be 50kW 220102 576 Hamilton Star Waikato Rhema HamiltonSite2 Greenhill Rd 7.9 star.net.nz 205763 585 Ruatoria Radio Ngati Porou (RNP) Gisborne Iwi Ruatoria 6.3 radiongatiporou.com 218449 594 Timaru Star Canterbury South Rhema St Andrews 15.8 star.net.nz 219963 594 Whanganui Star Whanganui Rhema Wanganui Cameron Rd West 3.16 star.net.nz 227154 603 Auckland Radio Waatea Auckland Iwi Henderson 15.8 waateanews.com 218444 612 Christchurch Star Canterbury Rhema Marshlands 10 star.net.nz synchronous_lic 205796 612 New Plymouth Star Taranaki Rhema Kaimata 10 star.net.nz synchronous_lic 249584 612 Nelson Star Tasman Rhema Nelson 3.16 star.net.nz synchronous_lic 205732 621 Whangarei Rhema Northland Lower Rhema Maungakaramea 6.3 rhema.co.nz 205764 621 Dunedin Rhema Otago Rhema Three Mile Hill Dunedin 15.8 rhema.co.nz 219950 630 Hawkes Bay RNZ National Hawkes Bay RNZ Opapa 63 rnz.co.nz/national 225061 639 Alexandra Otago Central Alexandra 6.3 N/C; RNZ National ceased April 2019 220060 657 Tauranga AM Network (Parliament)/StarBay of Plenty RNZ/Rhema Paengaroa 39.8 rnz.co.nz/parliament 220098 657 Wellington AM Network (Parliament)/StarWellington RNZ/Rhema Titahi Bay Transmission Mast 158 rnz.co.nz/parliament 220103 675 Christchurch RNZ National Canterbury RNZ GebbiesSite2 Pass 63 rnz.co.nz/national 220088 693 Dunedin Gold AM Otago NZME Highcliff RNZ AM 15.8 gold.co.nz 205793 702 Auckland Magic Talk Auckland Mediaworks HendersonTransmission Mast Site 31.6 magic.co.nz 205773 702 Ashburton Gold AM Canterbury Mid NZME Winchmore 3.16 gold.co.nz 205703 711 Wellington Wellington Horokiwi 15.8 static.tab.co.nz/content/trackside/index.htmlN/C; TAB Trackside Radio suspended April 2020 205772 720 Invercargill RNZ National Southland RNZ Dacre 63 rnz.co.nz/national 220082 729 Whangarei Gold AM Northland Lower NZME Otaika 3.16 gold.co.nz 205714 729 Ranfurly Burn 729AM Otago Central Ranfurly AMBC 0.31 facebook.com/maniototos.burn 205695 729 Tokoroa RNZ National Waikato RNZ Wiltsdown 7.9 rnz.co.nz/national 220107 738 Christchurch Magic Talk Canterbury Mediaworks Marshland 15.8 magic.co.nz 205774 747 Rotorua Newstalk ZB Rotorua NZME Tihiotonga 3.16 newstalkzb.co.nz 205710 756 Auckland RNZ National Auckland RNZ Henderson 63 rnz.co.nz/national 220089 756 Palmerston Puketapu Radio Waitaki Palmerston 1 facebook.com/pages/category/Radio-Station/Puketapu-Radio-756-AM-131610440755656 211690 765 Hawkes Bay Radio Kahungunu Hawkes Bay Iwi Opapa 15.8 facebook.com/radiokahungunu 218446 774 New Plymouth Gold AM Taranaki NZME Bell Block 19.9 gold.co.nz 205778 792 Hamilton Gold AM Waikato NZME Eureka 15.8 gold.co.nz 205800 801 Nelson Rhema Tasman Rhema Nelson 3.16 rhema.co.nz 219957 810 Auckland BBC World Service Auckland Henderson 15.8 worldservice.co.nz 219956 810 Dunedin RNZ National Otago RNZ Highcliff RNZ AM 63 rnz.co.nz/national 220091 819 Tauranga RNZ National Bay of Plenty RNZ PaengaroaTransmission Mast Site 63 rnz.co.nz/national 220097 828 Palmerston North Manawatu Longburn 15.8 static.tab.co.nz/content/trackside/index.htmlN/C; TAB Trackside Radio suspended April 2020 205719 837 Whangarei RNZ National Northland Lower RNZ Otaika 7.9 rnz.co.nz/national synchronous_lic 220096 837 Kaitaia RNZ National Northland Upper RNZ Waipapakauri 6.3 rnz.co.nz/national synchronous_lic 220106 846 Masterton Newstalk ZB Wairarapa NZME Waingawa 6.3 newstalkzb.co.nz 205754 855 Hamilton Rhema Waikato Rhema Hamilton 6.3 rhema.co.nz 219952 864 Invercargill Newstalk ZB Southland NZME Dacre 31.6 newstalkzb.co.nz 205794 873 Tauranga Bay of Plenty Matapihi 2 static.tab.co.nz/content/trackside/index.htmlN/C; TAB Trackside Radio suspended April 2020 205699 873 Ashburton Newstalk ZB Canterbury Mid NZME Winchmore 3.16 newstalkzb.co.nz 205707 882 Auckland AM Network (Parliament)/StarAuckland RNZ/Rhema Henderson 31.6 rnz.co.nz/parliament 220090 891 Wellington Magic Music Wellington Mediaworks Horokiwi 15.8 magic.co.nz 205795 900 Whangarei Coast Northland Lower NZME Maungakaramea 5 thecoast.net.nz 205741 900 Dunedin AM Network (Parliament)/StarOtago RNZ/Rhema Highcliff RNZ AM 31.6 rnz.co.nz/parliament 220092 909 Hawkes Bay AM Network (Parliament)/StarHawkes Bay RNZ/Rhema OpapaTransmission Mast Site 31.6 rnz.co.nz/parliament 220095 918 Timaru RNZ National Canterbury South RNZ Fairview 7.9 rnz.co.nz/national synchronous_lic 220086 918 New Plymouth RNZ National Taranaki RNZ Bell Block 6.3 rnz.co.nz/national synchronous_lic 220061 927 Palmerston North Newstalk ZB Manawatu NZME Kairanga 6.3 newstalkzb.co.nz 205755 Copyright NZRDXL 2017-2020 28 September 2020 Page 1 of 3 NEW ZEALAND AM LISTING BY FREQUENCY Freq City/Town Programme Region Operator tx_Location_lic kW_lic Website Notes licence 936 Auckland Chinese Voice Auckland Henderson 15.8 936.nz 205801 945 Gisborne Newstalk ZB Gisborne NZME Wainui 6.3 newstalkzb.co.nz 205757 954 Dunedin Coast Otago NZME Centre Road 3.16 thecoast.net.nz 205689 954 Hamilton Waikato Hamilton 6.3 static.tab.co.nz/content/trackside/index.htmlN/C; TAB Trackside Radio suspended April 2020 205720 963 Christchurch AM Network (Parliament)/StarCanterbury RNZ/Rhema Gebbies Pass 31.6 rnz.co.nz/parliament 220087 972 Wellington Rhema Wellington Rhema Horokiwi 12.6 rhema.co.nz 205798 981 Timaru Canterbury South St Andrews 7.9 licence holder Rhema Media; N/C 10/08/2020; previously Star 205765 981 Kaikohe RNZ National Northland Upper RNZ Ohaeawai 6.3 rnz.co.nz/national 220094 990 Auckland Apna 990AM Auckland Henderson 15.8 apna990.com 205777 990 Nelson Tasman Richmond 5 static.tab.co.nz/content/trackside/index.htmlN/C; TAB Trackside Radio suspended April 2020 205736 999 Palmerston North Manawatu People's Radio Manawatu Community Access Setters Line 3.16 mpr.nz 219962 1008 Tauranga Newstalk ZB Bay of Plenty NZME Paengaroa 63 newstalkzb.co.nz 205781 1017 Christchurch Newstalk ZB Canterbury NZME Marshlands 6.3 newstalkzb.co.nz 205770 1026 Whangarei Newstalk ZB Northland Lower NZME Otaika 15.8 newstalkzb.co.nz synchronous_lic 205783 1026 Kaitaia Newstalk ZB Northland Upper NZME Waipapakauri 6.3 newstalkzb.co.nz synchronous_lic 205747 1026 Invercargill Star Southland Rhema Tussock Creek 7.9 star.net.nz 205766 1035 Wellington Newstalk ZB Wellington NZME Titahi Bay Transmission Mast 63 newstalkzb.co.nz 205788 1044 Dunedin Newstalk ZB Otago NZME HighcliffSite2 RNZ AM 31.6 newstalkzb.co.nz 205787 1053 New Plymouth Newstalk ZB Taranaki NZME BellTransmission Block Mast Site 6.3 newstalkzb.co.nz 205759 1062 Whanganui Gold AM Whanganui NZME Kaitoke 6.3 gold.co.nz 205767 1071 Ashburton Canterbury Mid Winchmore 6.3 static.tab.co.nz/content/trackside/index.htmlN/C; TAB Trackside Radio suspended April 2020 205721 1071 Masterton RNZ National Wairarapa RNZ Waingawa 7.9 rnz.co.nz/national 220104 1080 Auckland Newstalk ZB Auckland NZME Henderson 31.6 newstalkzb.co.nz 205785 1089 Palmerston North Gold AM Manawatu NZME Kairanga 6.3 gold.co.nz 205761 1098 Christchurch Newstalk ZB Canterbury NZME Ouruhia 15.8 newstalkzb.co.nz 205789 1107 Tauranga Magic Talk Bay of Plenty Mediaworks Maketu 15.8 magic.co.nz synchronous_lic 205685 1107 Rotorua Magic Talk Rotorua Mediaworks Hinemoa Point 10 magic.co.nz synchronous_lic 224974 1116 Nelson RNZ National Tasman RNZ Stoke 6.3 rnz.co.nz/national 220100 1125 Hawkes Bay Gold AM Hawkes Bay NZME Pakowhai 6.3 gold.co.nz 205749 1125 Dunedin Radio Hauraki Otago NZME Centre Road 3.16 hauraki.co.nz 205708 1134 Queenstown Otago Central Queenstown 6.3 N/C; RNZ National ceased April 2019 220099 1143 Hamilton RNZ National Waikato RNZ Eureka 6.3 rnz.co.nz/national 220084 1152 Timaru Newstalk ZB Canterbury South NZME Fairview West 15.8 newstalkzb.co.nz 205791 1161 Wellington Te Upoko O Te Ika Wellington Iwi Titahi Bay Transmission Mast 31.6 teupoko.co.nz 233966 1170 Waitomo Waitomo WaitomoSite2 1.26 licence holder Jeffares, Robert 244693 1179 Auckland Ake 1179 Auckland Iwi Henderson 15.8 facebook.com/Ake1179 218445 1179 Wanaka Otago Central Wanaka 0.31 licence holder Mediaworks; N/C 15/08/2020 205683 1188 Rotorua RNZ National Rotorua RNZ Tihiotonga 3.16 rnz.co.nz/national 220101 1197 Whanganui Newstalk ZB Whanganui NZME Kaitoke 6.3 newstalkzb.co.nz 205750 1206 Dunedin Otago Highcliff 6.3 static.tab.co.nz/content/trackside/index.htmlN/C; TAB Trackside Radio suspended April 2020 205722 1215 Kaikohe Newstalk ZB Northland Upper NZME Ohaeawai 15.8 newstalkzb.co.nz 205786 1224 Invercargill Southland Kennington 15.8 static.tab.co.nz/content/trackside/index.htmlN/C; TAB Trackside Radio suspended
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