Governors State University OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship Innovator Student Newspapers 9-29-1994 Innovator, 1994-09-29 Student Services Follow this and additional works at: http://opus.govst.edu/innovator Recommended Citation Governors State University Student Services, Innovator (1994, September 29). http://opus.govst.edu/innovator/444 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in Innovator by an authorized administrator of OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Workshops Pres. WolffRes ponses To Letter pg.2&3 pg.6 EallStudent Senate Elections to be held 1 GST HIVES ttsuA sio-/o l October 17 A mo � g<} to thepolls in Novem- Each student is respollSlble for OOCaining their cq>ics of ber to elect a governor, GovernorsStatewill go to the polls fonns, and oollccting tenstudent signatures. Upon election. <ktOOer I7 until <ktOOer I9 to elect eleven StudentSenators. Senatorse.'lJCdfd are to atterd regularSenatemcctin�JXll­ Starting today, students interested m C3IllJlllgnmg for the bclJXIte m Ck:tivities. and have fim. Beinga Governors Smte Senate can pickup C3IllJlllgllpackets at the Student Life In- Student Senator isan opportunity to shm\ your leadership formationin Desk the Hall of Governors . abilillcs. Heldonly twice a year.the Senateelections allow G SU stu- TentativeT Election imetable: dentsopportuni tiesto deterrnireoollege their representatives. Wednesday, Sqmnber 28, 1994; 1:00pm: Campaign Officesinclude: open Begins. College� of andPublic Admi nistration Wednesday,October 12, 199�;8:00am: PetitionsDue. Collegeof Arts and Sctm:cs Monday, <ktOOer17, I994; 8:00am-7:00pm: PollsOpen CollegeofEducation Tuesday,<XtOOcr 18, 1994;9:00am-7:00pm: PollsOpen CollegeofHcalth Professions Wednesday, O::t00er I9, I994; 9:00am-7:00pm. Polls Boordof Go\uoors Open Student-At-Large Thursday, O::tOOer 20, I994; Ballots Countcxl. Unofficial TheSenate has detenninalto giveample time to allowany Results. students meetingtions Senatequalifica to nm for an office. Monday, O::troer24, 1994;Appeals Dcadli.Jv:!. Eligibilityfor theSenate is OOscdon the following criteria, the Tucsda}', O::tOOer 25, I994; 3:00pm: New Senators Take Dr. PatriciaCarter getsa sweet welcometo ber new post as student must be in good academicand standing, beenrolled Office. Deanrl Student Affairs. Morepictum on page11. for at least one credit hour at Go\'CmOr State University. We nc.OOyou to getinvolved and make a diiTcrcncc! Festivities Of HispanicAmerican Heritage Month ContinueAt GSU by Wilbelmeoia Moore to teach. entertain.and transformon clooes\\ ith a renditionof the JXliXllar BarOOda;. Colorful costumes and broadcastfrom GSU of international, O::tOOer 5th fiom 3 to 4:30 p.m in song "La BamOO," and the audience distinctive props add enchantment oontcrnporary music in SJXlllish. Join theevents of O::troer at GSU the Hall of Go\-cmors when Lea can JXlfliciJXlle byclapping, dancing and drama, Lecturer Jesse Garcia Listen and dance to the music of in the Celebration of Hispmic Atiq \\ill create much c.xcitement and repeatingthe names of the Latin relates His{mlic History in ''The Gloria Estafan. Vicki Carr. 10!'£ American Heritage Month when \\ith l¥:r innovativeof demonstration Americanmmtries. Moorish Influence on the NC\v Jose. Roberto Carl� and Luis Music forand Piano voice be \\ill the themask inmotion To enhancethe TheC\'Cilts of theoontinues day in World" from 6-6:45 p.m in Room Miguel among others from 7-10:00 �g C\'ent at noonMort 0::1. 3, entertainment. Lea Atiq \\ill l¥:lp the Hall ofGo\-cmors fiom 4-5:50 A2 IJ.l. Thenproceed to the Hallof p.m Sample. too, some dclicioos inthe Hallof Honors. PatriciaMar­ youmake your 0\\n mask. p.m as the e.xcitementof the carni­ Go\-cmors for a broadcast \\ith Hispmicdelicacies. tine.x - Mezzo-Sopranoand Enrique In Room A2I34, O::I.OOer I Olh val ignites the area when the NA­ WOPA -AM To this final C\'Cnt all For further mformation. oontact Arias. Pianowill be heard perform­ fiom 5 to 6:30 p.m Latino Issues in JWA Dance Corpsdance introdoces the JXlltiCtJXlllts ofthis month'scele­ the Office of Student Life at (708) ingoontcmporary musicby oompoo­ Higrer Education \\ill be discussed styles fiom Haiti, Trinidad and bration are invited to a remote 5344550 ersFila. Ginastera,Ponce and others. in a JXlflCl that includes: On Octroer 4th, an annotated se­ Perales. LatinAmerican lection ofHis{mlic American mili­ cruitment and Educational tar) artifacts datingOOck to the SeMces from the Uni1o\:JSIIV SJXlflish-American War \\ill be on of Illinois. Chicago; Sylvia display and presenterl by William LagtmaS. Centerfor Cultural Luna in the Hallof Governors fiom Diversity and Patricia Binfa 10:00am to 7:00 p.m Boc:on! The Minority Student Big Mouth: A Magical tale fiom Center, fiom Moraine Ccntrnl America by Lisa Loomer Community College. can be seen on !.tlgc featuring large His{mlic Community Col- masks, oolorful ca;tumes, and ele­ legeRrouitrncnt Day is mentsof the supematural. The play ber II. Two Hwxlred � with Miguel, the twelve-year studentsfiom areaoomlffiwni tyl old heroreoounting thestory how of colleges \\ill be the guests he came to the United States in Go\uoors State. At 3:00 search of fux:dom after an escape p.m, Folk guitaristand · fioma militruy government Music. Nel&>n S<m,one of Latin magic,and spectacles move the stmy America's forcrna;t entertain- toward its upliftingconclusion when ers,will take his audience on Miguel rcmvers his voice and Latin American reaches the Cityof Angels (La;An­ thrrugh the sounds geles). There, free fiorn the tyranny rh}1hmsCentral of and of his homelaOO. he uses his ''big America and the Canlflcan. mouth" his "bocon ", to tell his story Hewill discussalso how to others. raphy,and wlture customs GSU student an art majorfrom Cesar Oul\17., founder Learn about the ro1e of mas in fluence the music ofthe JavierChavira, Joliet,um'eiled hisportrait m the late m tbe United FarmWorkers rl America,tbe at ceremoniesopening rl GSU's HispanicAmerican HeritageMonth many wltwcs andhowtheyareused region Theperf ormarw;x: celebration.The portrait beoome will part fltbe permanent art collection GoYemon at State. Pagel GSU INNOVATOR September 29, 1994 UpcomingGSU Events REGISTER Computer Workshops FOR Sharpen yoor OOf1lJXJ1er skills throogh avari­ "Microsoft Wordfor Wirldo\\s," ore of the oourseis offeredfrom 6 to 9 p.m Tuesdays,Oct WORKSHOPS! etyof oon-<:rOOit \\Ol'ksOOps Octir offeredduring mastsofuwre JX1)Uiar pdages, for allows mul­ 18, 25 aroNov. 1 aro8. Thefee is $225. Studentsfor enrolled 12 credit hours or bcrby GovernorsUniversity. State titasking on a �. The class ITK'ds "PCIMSDOS, " recommendedfor spreadslm moremay for enroll ''orkslqlsby JXl)'ing Theclasses meetatthe GSU Extension Center from6 to 9 p.m Tuesdays, Oct 11, 18, 25 aro aro dataOOse sofuvarc users, offers the funda­ only the additionalfre per credit hour, at Orlard Parle Placx:mall.153rdSt:roct aroLa­ Nov. 1. Thefee is $225. mentals of the Disk Operating System, such as usually about$35. Workshop; this tri­ GrangeRoad in Orlard Park "Paradoxfor DOS-lntroduction" offers data­ file narro; and wildcards. The oourse meets nrsler i.oclude credit offerin� in Coun­ If yooneed to learn the OOsicof knowledge da­ base ininsUuction creatinglists, reports, address fiom 9 am to 4 p.m Thursdays, Oct 13 aro seling, Communications, taOOses, enrollin the "dBASE IV" oourse meet­ books aro other specialty items. The oourse 20. lltefeeis$195. Computers, Education, Astronomy and ing from 1 to4 p.m Fridays,Oct 28 aroNov. meetsfrom 9 am to 4 p.m Wednesdays,Oct 5 A one-day\\orkshop on "Quicken (DOS), " the , AlcoOOlismi'SOO Abuse �. 11 aro18. Thefee is $225. aro 12. The "Paradoxfor Windows" version softwarethat allows the userto automate routine Counsel­ ing. Workslq) fees i.oclude handouts For tOO!Ie who have oo knowledge of the meets from6 to 9 p.m Tuesdays, Oct 18, 25, finaocialfor tasks � aroOOsiness, \\ill beof­ aOOamenities. Classestypicallymeet all workin� of a oornp.der, the "Introduction to Nov. 1 aro 8. Thefeeforeachclassis$225. fered fiom 9am to 4 p.m Monday, Oct 17. dayFriday aroSaturday for 1 credithour Petsonal" � ooursegives insUuctionin FortOO!Ie fiuniliar with "Paradox" woowant to 1kfee is $135. at eitherGSU or the Orland ParkPlace word procx:&'iing. spreadsheetcreation, dataOOse enhark:e theirskills, the intennediale level "WordPerl"ect6.0 (OOS)-Introduction," is a Mall. creation aOO � usage. The � software pdagethat allowsfor creating, edit­ Adding elective \\orkslqlsat noaddi­ \\Orkslq>6 meetsfrom to 9 p.m Wednesdays, ing, saving, aro printing OOcunxmts. Sessions tional tuition pa)mcnt is an cconomical Oct 5, 12, 19,26 aroNov. 2. Thefee is $195. arc from 1 to 4 p.m Sundays, Oct 23, 30 aro way to make progress toward )'OUI" Theintrodoctoty of \'CI"Sion "LLOls1-2-3 Ver­ Nov.6aro13. Thefeeis$195. dt>­ grec. For more infonnation, please sion 2.4" has students learningto create, save T\\o intennediale IC\d "WordPerfect 6.0 call Confcrcncx:s'Workshops and Wrekcnd aro print financial Slaterrents, sales reports,in­ (DOS)" coursesoffered arc in Octroer. TheC\'C­ College at 534-4099. ' -cntory sims aromore. Theclass ITK'ds fiom ni.ng class ITK'ds from6 to 9 p.m Fridays, Oct 6 to 9 p.m Thursdays, Oct6, 13, 20 aro 27. 14, 21, 28 aro Nov. 4, arothe da)tinleooursc Thefee is $195. CJ fl::m meets fiom 9am to 4 p.m Tuesdays,Oct 18 Water Safety If :you know the Lotus program aro need to aro25. Thefee is $195 for either oourse . 1111111111111111111111111 •.• harpcn yoor skills,the intennediate classITK'ds Forinformation on these \\Orl<slqls. orto reg­ Course Offered from6 to 9 p.m Thursdays, Oct6, 13, 20 aro ister, call the GSU E\.tension Centerstaffat • 27. Thcfeeis$195. (708) 403-3623. A Red Crossooursc mwater safety''ill be offered fiom 6 to 10p.m Tuesdays.
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