THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 19, 1880. 5803 north, he purposes sending back superfluous To strengthen the garrison to be left here, the baggage and sick to Kandahar, and moving up 4th Native Infantry were ordered to be concen- Kakrez Valley, opening up fresh line of commu- trated at Quetta, and a wing' of the 2nd Beluchis nication. to march from Kelat-i-Ghilzai to Kandahar, with, the concurrence of the Political Resident.' 8. On the 1st July, the orders of Government Telegram from General Primrose, Kandahar, to were received through the Quartermaster- Quartermaster-General, Simla, — (dated 25th General, sanctioning an advance on Girishk, but July, 1880). that the Helmand was on no account to be Kandahar, 25th, July.—Information received crossed. The Kelat-i-Ghilzai garrison and line of this evening that Ayub's cavalry fell back last communications were not to be weakened, and night to Helmand. Report received to the effect troops from the reserve were to be pushed for- that one hundred and fifty cavalry crossed into ward at once, as the Commander-in-Chief con- the Argandab three days ago ; believed to have sidered the force proposed to be left at Kandahar been sent to take back Surteep's family hidden in weak in all arms. village there. Efforts appear to be made by 4. On the 2nd July, I received intelligence that Hubbeeboolla Khan, Barakzai, to raise people in Government intended Kandahar being reinforced Kakrez, without much success. There is much by the loth Foot, a battery of artillery, one excitement throughout the country. Native cavalry, and two Native infantry regi- ments. Cipher telegram from General Primrose, Kanda- 5. I was fully aware that immense difficulties har, to Quartermaster-General, Simla, — (No. would present themselves in pushing forward 430-K., dated 26th July, 1880). these corps, and that it would take some time Kandahar, 26th July.—Your telegram, 21st bafore they could reach me; but as Ayub's July. General Burrows states that should the advance would, I considered, have a disturbing enemy advance direct on Mai wand or on Khushk- effect on Kandahar and the country, I thought it i-Nakhud, he is prepared.to attack him; should advisable .that the force approved of by Govern- he attempt to reach Maiwand via Melmand, he ment should move to Girishk in accordance with would intercept him by Garmao Valley; should their orders. Ayub's force try to. avoid him by taking road to 6. "Accordingly, it marched on the 3rd July, Nish, via Melmand and Ghorak, he proposes to and I was then left at Kandahar with the follow- move by Maiwand into Kakrez. To do this he ing garrison:—Squadron of Poona Horse, details will reduce his baggage and send back some sick of 3rd Light Cavalry, 3rd Sind Horse, four guns reported unfit, and I will assist him in every way of C-2nd Royal Artillery, 5-11th Royal Artillery to lighten his column and make it more moveable. (Heavy Battery), 7th Fusiliers, and a wing of the the 19th Regiment Native Infantry,—vide return Telegram from General Primrose, Kandahar, to attached. This of course was a very weak garri- Quartermaster-General, Simla, — (dated 27th son ; but the 4th Native Infantry, followed by the July, 1880). 28th Native Infantry, were moving up along the Kandahar, 27th July.—General Burrows, under line, and I trusted to this becoming known, as also 'date evening 25th, reports situation .unchanged. that other troops were coming, to prevent any- Two Sind horsemen shot when patrolling near thing disturbing the ordinary state of affairs here. Sungboor. At Kandahar I hear on best autho- 7. On the 13th July the Head-quarters of the rity that Eabeeboolla Jhas been to Kakrez and 4th Native Infantry arrived here, and between has tried to raise the'people without success. that date and the 28th July, the remainder of the 'He was at Soznee on Sunday, and then proposed regiment and the 28th Regiment Native Infantry crossing into the Argandab. The second detach- joined at Kandahar. ment, llth Foot, left Sibi last night. Five men 8. It will thus be seen that I had no means of of first detachment struck down by sunstroke at strengthening General Burrows except by sending Nari. are all doing well. Head-quarters 9th, him some details of the 1st Regiment N. I. and and two mountain guns, left Quetta for Gulistan 30th N. I., left behind o*r joined at Kandahar from this morning. escort or other duties, and by 50 sabres of the 3rd Sind Horse under Lieutenant Monteith, who Telegram from General Primrose, Kandahar, to took out horses, &c., to equip the smooth-bore Quartermaster-General, Simla,—(dated 28th battery which had been rescued from the Wall's - July 1880). troops. On the 23rd July, however, by which Kandahar, 27th July.—General Burrows' force time the 4th N. I. were nearly complete, and some completely defeated; we take refuge in citadel; 'of the 28th had arrived, I arranged to send 230 thirty sowars have escaped. rank and file of the f onner regiment with a convoy of commissariat stores, and that some 130 of these "From Lieutenant-General J. M. "Primrose, C.S.I., should remain with General Burrows, the others Commanding the Kandahar Force, to the Adju- returning as escort to a convoy of his sick. tant-General hi India,—(dated Kandahar, 6th 9. Before this could be carried out, General September, 1880). Burrows had moved from Khushk-i-Nakhud, and IN forwarding the accompanying despatches the battle of Maiwand was fought. from Generals Burrows and Nuttall, relative to 10. I had, however, in the meantime, kept the action of Maiwand, I have the honour to sub- General Burrowsc ';lly informed of the instruc- mit the following observations for the favourable tions received from the Commander-in-Chief,— consideration of His Excellency the Commander- notably, the . Quartermaster-General's telegram in-Chief. •• dated i5th July, to the effect that he must act 2." On the 27th June the Political Resident re- according to his own judgment, and also the one ported to me that'Ayub Khan had left Herat with dated 21st July, saying that Ayub should not be infantiy, cavalry, and 30 guns. He at the same allowed to slip-pass Kandahar towards Ghazni time strongly urged that active support should -without being attacked; " be given to the Wali of Kandahar, then at Gir- 11. Acting on this -judgment, and on informa- ishk. After considering the matter, I decided on tion -which turned out to be inaccurate, he ad- -recommending that a brigade of infantry, a cavalry . vanced from Khushk-i-Nakhud on Maiwand, and regiment, and a battery of horse artillery should there found himself'in contact with overwhelming ' be sent to the Hefmand, ..._.-- numbers. ..
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