LAADULLISEN AINEISTON ANALYYSIOHJELMISTOT: ATLAS.TI Sanna Herkama & Anne Laajalahti Metodifestivaalit, Tampere 27.8.2019 SANNA HERKAMA ANNE LAAJALAHTI Erikoistutkija, FT Koulutus- ja kehittämisjohtaja, FT INVEST-tutkimushanke, www.invest.utu.fi Infor, www.infor.fi Psykologian ja logopedian laitos Prologos ry, puheenjohtaja Turun yliopisto Mevi ry, varapuheenjohtaja ProCom ry, Tiede- ja teoriajaos, puheenjohtaja TOPICS & Laajalahti 2019 Herkama • Technologies in qualitative analysis • What can you and can’t do with ATLAS.ti? • ATLAS.ti in practice Laajalahti, A. & Herkama, S. (2018). Laadullinen analyysi ATLAS.ti-ohjelmistolla. • Utilising ATLAS.ti – pitfalls and benefits In R. Valli (Ed.), Ikkunoita • Closing remarks tutkimusmetodeihin 2. 5th edition. Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus, 106–133. TECHNOLOGIES SHAPE OUR THINKING Medium is the 1 Conducting research has always been intertwined with the usage of message! various aids, tools, and technologies. Also, various software have assisted ~ Marshall McLuhan researchers for long. 2 Even such choices as the utilisation of A4 paper size (Järpvall 2016) and PowerPoint slides (Adams 2006) guide the way we process information, i.e. how we produce, reproduce, use, and share information! Herkama & Laajalahti 2019 TRADITIONAL OR COMPUTER ASSISTED Computer ANALYSIS? Assisted/Aided Qualitative 1 Traditional analysis: Should I go for a traditional way of analysing Data research material? Paper prints and coloring, copy-paste procedures, Analysis hanging papers on the wall, post-it tags etc.? Software 2 Computer assisted analysis: Should I use Computer Assisted/Aided Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS)? Storing data in one place, checking up things quickly, handling text and audiovisual material parallel, creating summaries in seconds… Herkama & Laajalahti 2019 CAQDAS – RESTRICTING OR EXPANDING THINKING? 1 Technologies shape our thinking – whether we want it or not (Laajalahti & Herkama 2018). 2 Fears and high hopes 3 Software shape our research practices, our relationship to research, and ourselves as researchers, both extending and restricting human possibilities (Goble et al. 2012, 17). ”The greater the methodological expertise and confidence in using a certain methodology in the context of software, the lesser is the influence of software.” (Friese 2011, 1.) Herkama & Laajalahti 2019 THE ROLE OF THE SOFTWARE IN ANALYSIS 1 Software do not conduct the analysis, they only assist it. 2 Software are not good or bad per se. The question is always about how we use them. 3 CAQDAS does not make the analysis any better nor it is a guarantee of a high-quality research. 4 If the research problem is vague or the analytic approach unclear, CAQDAS do not fix the problem! (Jolanki & Karhunen 2010; Laajalahti & Herkama 2018.) Herkama & Laajalahti 2019 WHAT ARE THE OPTIONS AVAILABLE? 1 Commercial ones: ATLAS.ti …and many other options, e.g., CAQDAS are often ANSWR, Datagrav, Dedoose, Ethnograph, f4analyse, Focuss On, based on the same HyperRESEARCH, MAXQDA (aiemmin WinMAX), NVivo (aiemmin idea but some NUD*IST), QDA Miner, Qiqqa, Qualrus, Quirkos, Raven’s Eye, Saturate differences do exist! App, Transana, webQDA, and Xsight 2 Free, open source software: e.g., AQUAD, Cassandre, CLAN, Coding Analysis Toolkit (CAT), Compendium, Computer Assisted Textual Markup and Analysis (CATMA), ELAN, KH Coder, RQDA, and TAMS Analyzer Herkama & Laajalahti 2019 WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH ATLAS.TI? 1 Explore various types of research material, even simultaneously (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, and video documents; both empirical material and literature reviews) 2 Organise and save research material 3 Mark and analyse data segments (that is coding) 4 Explore only some parts of the data (e.g., groups of respondents or codes, parts of the research material), make comparisons if needed 5 Save ideas and thinking process (e.g., create memos, comment items) 6 Use search functions 7 Create reports 8 Visualise abstract and theoretical ideas (e.g., create networks) 9 Create relationships (e.g., create links and relations) 10 Utilise also other software while working with ATLAS.ti 11 Work in teams and collaborate with other researchers (Laajalahti & Herkama 2018.) Herkama & Laajalahti 2019 INTERFACE Herkama & Laajalahti 2019 WHAT CAN’T YOU DO WITH ATLAS.TI? Researcher is always the key to 1 Researcher makes the analysis and interpretation, the software do not successful analysis, make any analysis! (Laajalahti & Herkama 2018.) not the software! 2 ATLAS.ti offers support to the researcher – without taking control of the intellectual process. (ATLAS.ti 8 Windows – User Manual.) 3 Researcher is searching for meanings, a computer for character strings. Cheers to that small (?) of a difference! (Eskola & Suoranta 2008.) Herkama & Laajalahti 2019 www.atlasti.com ATLAS.ti 7 ATLAS.TI – HOW still in use, e.g., at TO GET IT? many universities ATLAS.ti 8 Used to be only for Windows; now also version for Mac OS and Mobile for the iPad and Android. out on 6.12.2016, In addition, beta version ATLAS.ti Cloud: https://atlasti.com/cloud progressing all the Free trial version available (for Windows and Mac, ATLAS.ti 8): time http://atlasti.com/free-trial-version Student licenses: https://atlasti.com/students Herkama & Laajalahti 2019 UTILISING ATLAS.TI – & Laajalahti 2019 GOOD TO REMEMBER Herkama • ATLAS.ti interface allows easily intuitive inductive approach. • Also negative evidence exists. • World is not built on classifications. • You might not need all the tools and options available. • Quantifying research material is easy – but is it needed? (Laajalahti & Herkama 2018.) UTILISING ATLAS.TI – PITFALLS & Laajalahti 2019 Herkama • The software are not doing the analysis but instead they assist you doing the analysis! • ATLAS.ti may not save your time, nor does it guarantee the quality of analysis. • Do not let yourself get lost! (”Mess of codes”, ”Code jungle”, ”Drowning in codes”…) • Do I see the forest for the trees? • The codes created do not equal to insightful qualitative analysis! • Do not stop too early. You may still need to think over again! Interpret! (Laajalahti & Herkama 2018.) UTILISING ATLAS.TI – BENEFITS & Laajalahti 2019 Herkama • The administration and organisation of qualitative research material becomes easier. • Various types of data sets can be viewed simultaneously. • Remarks, thoughts, and comments can be saved and archived. • Quotations can be easily searched and copy-pasted to a final research report. • The amount of potential mistakes decreases. • When utilised properly, the accuracy, consistency, and transparency of the analysis increases potentially resulting to the higher level of quality in general. • At best, CAQDAS can free up researcher’s thinking capacity possibly allowing serendipity, i.e. ”unplanned or fortunate discoveries”. (Laajalahti & Herkama 2018.) SOMETHING FOR ME? WHAT TO & Laajalahti 2019 CONSIDER AS A NEW BEGINNER? Herkama • Size and structure of the research material • Aims of the current study • Research questions, designs, and analysis methods characteristic to your own field of study • Your own attitudes towards software in general and readiness to learn new things • Support and software available in your research community (Laajalahti & Herkama 2018.) GOOD LUCK! & Laajalahti 2019 • There is no ”right” or ”wrong” way to Herkama utilise ATLAS.ti. • Find your own way! • Do not give up! • Do not hesitate to try out! Be creative! Many inspiring moments with your qualitative data analysis! KIITOS! SANNA JA ANNE Herkama & Laajalahti 2019 LITERATURE • Adams, C. 2006. PowerPoint, habits of mind, and classroom culture. Journal of Curriculum Studies 38 (4), 389−411. • ATLAS.ti 8 Windows – User Manual. https://atlasti.com/manuals-docs/ • Eskola, J. & Suoranta, J. 2008. Johdatus laadulliseen tutkimukseen. 8th ed. Tampere: Vastapaino. • Friese, S. 2011. Using ATLAS.ti for analyzing the financial crisis data. Forum: Qualitative Social Research 12 (1), Art. 39. • Goble, E., Austin, W., Larsen, D., Kreitzer, L. & Brintnell, S. 2012. Habits of mind and the split- mind effect: when computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software is used in phenomenological research. Forum: Qualitative Social Research 13 (2), Art. 2. • Jolanki, O. & Karhunen, S. 2010. Renki vai isäntä? Analyysiohjelmat laadullisessa tutkimuksessa. & Laajalahti 2019 In J. Ruusuvuori, P. Nikander & M. Hyvärinen (Eds.), Haastattelun analyysi. Tampere: Vastapaino, 395–410. • Järpvall, C. 2016. Pappersarbete: formandet av och föreställningar om kontorspapper som Herkama medium. Lund: Mediehistoriskt arkiv, 1654-6601, 34. • Laajalahti, A. & Herkama, S. 2018. Laadullinen analyysi ATLAS.ti-ohjelmistolla. In R. Valli (Ed.), Ikkunoita tutkimusmetodeihin 2. 5th ed. Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus, 106–133. • McLuhan, M. 1964. Understanding media: the extensions of man. Toronto: McGraw Hill. ADDITIONAL READINGS • Friese, S. 2014. Qualitative data analysis with ATLAS.ti. 2nd ed. London: Sage. (Version 7.) • Friese, S. 2019. Qualitative data analysis with ATLAS.ti. 3rd ed. London: Sage. (Version 8.) • Humble, A. M. 2012. Qualitative data analysis software: a call for understanding, detail, intentionality, and thoughtfulness. Journal of Family Theory & Review 4 (2), 122–137. • MacMillan, K. 2005. More than just coding? Evaluating CAQDAS in a discourse analysis of news texts. Forum: Qualitative Social Research 6 (3), Art. 25. • Paulus, T. M. & Lester, J. N. 2015. ATLAS.ti for conversation and discourse analysis studies. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. doi:10.1080/13645579.2015.1021949 • White, M. J., Judd, M. D. & Poliandri, S. 2012. Illumination with a Dim Bulb? What do social & Laajalahti 2019 scientists learn by employing qualitative data analysis software (QDAS) in the service of multimethod designs? Sociological Methodology 42 (1), 43–76. Herkama • Woods, M., Macklin, R. & Lewis, G. K. 2016. Researcher reflexivity: exploring the impacts of CAQDAS use. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 19 (4), 385–403. • Woolf, N. H. & Silver, C. 2017. Qualitative analysis using ATLAS.ti: the five-level QDA method. New York: Routledge..
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