ChristianHomes (Genesis2:21-24) byCharlesB.Hodge,Jr. All brides wish to be well-“groomed” Thus, He cuts himself asunder. His only obligation this lesson involves courtship. It involves mar- now is to this new union, this new home. His riage. It involves a happy Christian home. new relationship transcends all other earthly re- I do not have to tell you of the misery and lationships. failure that is happening at home today. I read Brother Cline Paden told us about being part- last week that in our United States our divorce ners with God. He said we were not just called rate now approaches 50 percent. One of two. en masse, but we were seen, identified, named, How tragic! And many of the married people known, and loved from eternity. He said God are miserable, disappointed, and warring. Of all has a plan for our lives, that there is something the things that man wants, it is a happy home. If here for me and me alone to do. This sanctifies there is anything that a man can have, it is a marriage. This means that a man and a woman happy home. It is not just for the elite, the rich, ought to place high priority upon whom they or the brilliant. God established the home, and marry. He made it good. God intended for every mar- Marry right. Marry God’s choice. You will ried person to fulfill his potential in a home. either marry God’s choice or Satan’s choice, one Eve was made married. If there is anything of the two. Of all the prayers that parents should that every one of you can have today, it is a pro- pray, they should be praying that the partner ductive, happy, wonderful home. It can be yours. their son or daughter seeks will be the one which It can be yours today. God Almighty called. We need to pray for that Jesus said in Matthew 19 that He could not other mate, that other soul. Genesis 1:31 ends improve on Genesis 2:24. So the fundamental ori- that great creation chapter. Every time God made gins of man not only have not been altered, but something, He stood back and looked at it. And they cannot be improved. He said, “It is good.” Having made man and This lesson will emphasize three great truths woman and married them in Eden, God stepped about the home which are brought out in Gen- back and said, “It is very good.” The greatest esis 2:24. creation of God was the home. The greatest matchmaker on earth is God. If it is not God’s I. SURRENDER match, stay out of it. The first truth is surrender. We will make Parents, teach your kids to marry a Chris- many statements today that will sum up our tian. I would like very simply to tell you whom message, I hope, but one of our mistakes in the they should marry. It is real simple. I guarantee world at large and in the church particularly is it. Tell them, “Marry someone who loves God the fact that we are always trying to get people more than you.” Now, if I demand that of my to commit without prior surrender. It is futile to mate, I must first practice this truth myself. I will commit without surrender. The problem in many love God more than I love my mate. Two may homes is not the commitment but the fact that love each other as much as a man and a woman the man and the woman never surrendered at physically can, but that dimension of God, the start. I don’t care how many vows you take, heaven, and eternity is not in it. To love God if there is not a total surrender of the two mates, more than a mate does not diminish love be- the home cannot produce. Jesus says a man tween mates. It produces a pure love because of leaves his father’s house. He surrenders. He dies. the presence of the love of God. To put God first 1 and foremost means that I will have the proper incompatible and work to compatibility. The two love for my mate. Not to love God is to dimin- become one. ish my love for my mate. If a man is not compatible with himself, he This keeps us from marrying outside the will not be compatible with a mate. I don’t care Lord, does it not? This keeps us from just mar- who that mate is. If a man cannot handle life, he rying a mediocre church member, does it not? cannot handle marriage. I am not against semi- This simply means that my allegiance to God is nars, marital encounters, or retreats. I am not so fundamental, so bedrock that I will only against some of these “how-to” books. But some marry the one whom God would select. What of it is just downright amusing. We are trying to else has it done? If my mate loves God more than attack the problem of marriage, and marriage me, then she will be faithful whether I am or not. isn’t a problem. It never has been and it never This also puts a restraint in our home because will be. Marriage is not the issue. The issue is my mate is there sanctifying the home in spite people. People with bad character can’t have of me (1 Corinthians 7). This also means that we holy marriages. People who are weak, unstable, will be Bible teachers or church workers. Many wishy- washy, who will not work, who cannot people tell me they can’t work in the church be- make decisions, who are emotional cripples, and cause of their mates. They must have the wrong who can’t cut it in an adult world cannot build a mate! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every one of successful home. The failure at home is a failure us were to love God even more than we love our in life. The attitude that we can build a marriage mates? That would put a dimension of love in or save a marriage without reconstructing the our homes which would lift us from mediocrity people is utter absurdity. into greatness. I don’t know why we think that if we get to True marriage is only found in the love of be good Christians we won’t have any problems. God. My home belongs to God. Surrender. Adam and Eve had problems. They may have been fussing that day that Eve went out alone. II. COMMITMENT Have you ever wondered why Adam and Eve The second truth is commitment. I don’t di- weren’t together that day? Good people have minish commitment when I tell you to surrender problems. Good marriages have problems. Some first. Having surrendered, a man now is wel- of the best marriages on earth have problems. It come to commit. A man leaves his father’s house is not perfection, it is priority. Two people are and he cleaves, he is glued or committed to his joined together to fight life’s problems. So God wife. doesn’t exempt us; He doesn’t remove our prob- Marriage does not demand perfection. Aren’t lems. He allows us to yoke ourselves together you glad? It demands priority. It must come be- that we might use our problems, that we might fore jobs, children, in-laws, or anything else. A profit from them, that we might mature through man surrenders and then commits. them. I don’t know too much about the laws in Texas. I know more about the laws in Califor- III. FIDELITY nia. But for many years in California, many di- The third truth is fidelity. A man leaves his vorces were granted simply because of incom- father’s house—surrender. He cleaves to his patibility. The Bible says a man and a woman wife—commitment. The two become one—fidel- get married. A male and a female, right? Thus, ity. Sociologists report that the one trait that is you start out incompatible. Right? There has to wanted in marriage is fidelity. Somebody says, be some kind of a difference. The very fact of “Brother Hodge, I thought it would be love.” marriage is based upon, not two women or two Talk to any marriage counselor on earth and he men, but two incompatible people, a male and a will tell you that the one commodity that all mar- female. Adam and Eve were not the same, were ried people want, when you boil it all down, is they? Here is my point! We have to learn how to fidelity. Faithfulness! Trust! That is the reason “compat.” I don’t know if that is a good word or why when there is a scandal, people are shat- not, but it works well here. We don’t start out tered. Fidelity and trust have been blown to compatible and get incompatible. We start out smithereens. People demand fidelity. 2 Marriages are made in heaven, but the main- children successful. Children are here to make tenance is on earth. Marriage is not finding the their parents successful. Christians are here to right person so much as being the right person. make other people successful. Who are you mak- How can I expect my mate to be what I am not? ing successful? 1 Corinthians 13 says that love is faithful. Love Fidelity means I am not here to push my believes all things.
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