LEWKNOR PARISH COUNCIL 1046 www.lewknor - p c . o r g . u k MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD IN THE JUBILEE HALL ON 9th MARCH 2020 Present: Mrs Caroline Hjorth (Chair) Mr Murray Graham Mr Les Gordon Mrs Ellen Peters Ms Barbara Drysdale (Clerk) Also present was: Cllr Caroline Newton (SODC) Apologies received from: Cllrs Karl Rolfe & Duncan Boulton (LPC) and Cllr Steve Harrod (OCC) Item 1: DECLARATION OF INTEREST Cllr Graham declared an interest in Item 10a(ii) and withdrew from the vote. Item 2: APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL The minutes of the parish council meeting held on 10th February 2020 were accepted as being a true record of proceedings and signed accordingly. Item 3: MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES There were no matters arising. Item 4: PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN SESSION No requests had been received by the Clerk. Item 5: THAMES VALLEY POLICE Councillors noted the usual email reports. Item 6: DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS The meeting noted receipt of monthly reports from both district and county councillors (both now on LPC’s website). See also Item 10c. Item 7: FINANCE a) The meeting received and noted a budgetary control report for year to date from the RFO which showed balances as of 4th March 2020: Treasurers Account: £2,857.89 Business Savings Account: £49,069.02 Hall Account: £1,688.87 The Chair approved and signed the Cashflow spreadsheet b) Councillors approved payment of the following outstanding accounts: Clerk i) LPRG&H Hall rental £91.00 S.111 LGA 1972 ii) B Drysdale Expenses £32.85 S.112(2) LGA 1972 iii) OALC Subscription £140.42 S.143 LGA 1972 iv) OCC TVERC data search £90.00 S.111 LGA 1972 v) Lewknor PCC Grant £200.00 S.214(7) LGA 72 Chair: …………………………………… Date:…………………………… LEWKNOR PARISH COUNCIL 1047 www.lewknor - p c . o r g . u k (This is a re-issue; original cheque lost and cancelled Ref No: CBO-3959034) vi) C Hjorth CIL printing £37.00 S.111 LGA 1972 vii) Allen Landscaping Hedgecutting £552.00 S.19 LG(MP)A 1976 viii) B Drysdale Petty Cash uplift £50.00 S.111 LGA 1972 c) The meeting considered a donation request from Home Start and decided to pass this time as LPC donated last year and at present the organisation was not helping anyone in the parish. d) Councillors formally agreed that LPC would ask for the next instalment of CIL money to be Clerk paid into its account rather than being held by SODC e) The meeting discussed the clerk’s annual hours worked /leave entitlement/outstanding pay and agreed that the amount owed would be calculated and approved by the finance DB/EP councillor, Cllr Boulton, and staffing committee chair, Cllr Peters; and paid in April. Revised standing orders for March were approved and signed to reflect a new tax code. f) The meeting discussed the need for a replacement for a broken dog waste bin. It was Chair/ agreed that the choice and purchase would be left to the Chair and Clerk. Clerk g) The meeting noted that LPC’s ICO fee would be paid by Direct Debit in early April. Item 8: NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN a) There was no update on Lewknor’s NP. b) Councillors noted receipt of Tetsworth’s NP. Item 9: CIL SPENDING There was much discussion about the various projects and the feedback received at last Monday’s CIL exhibition which was attended by around 25 residents. It was decided that the Clerk would re-submit a grant application to SODC for help with Clerk purchasing 5 benches in the new financial year. Another quote would be sought for the improved pathway into the village hall playground. MG/Clerk The Clerk would write to Barley Close residents who had contacted LPC about the Clerk suggestion of a new footpath behind their homes to update them. The Clerk would continue her efforts to get OCC to clarify the cost of the proposed traffic Clerk calming and Lewknor village entrance projects and what proportion LPC would be expected to contribute. The Clerk would research the idea of a concrete table tennis table for the upgraded Clerk playground. Cllr Gordon would visit Great Haseley to see their new outdoor gym and the Clerk would get some brochures for such equipment. LG/Clerk Item 10: PLANNING a) Councillors considered the following new applications: i) P20/S0513/FUL Land adjoining 2 Town Farm Close Lewknor Clerk Formation of parking bay (retrospective) Councillors agreed a submission of: No Objection ii) P20/S0617/PIP Land off Salt Lane, Postcombe Clerk Proposed 4 bedroom house and double garage Councillors agreed a submission of: No Objection with the following points: - as this development would be away from the main part of the village, Lewknor Parish Council would want it to be connected to the village pavement system. - Lewknor Parish Council does not want this to be seen as an opportunity to provide infill between the proposed new house and Number 10. Chair: …………………………………… Date:…………………………… LEWKNOR PARISH COUNCIL 1048 www.lewknor - p c . o r g . u k b) Councillors noted the status of the following applications: P19/S4596/FUL Highfield Lower Road Postcombe Approved Construction of new house c) Cllr Newton told the meeting that after instruction from central government, SODC had formally agreed to continue with the Local Plan and that it was now with the inspectors. Cllr Newton said this would probably mean that the Watlington edge road would go ahead. Item 11: HIGHWAYS AND TRANSPORT a) The illegal parking on the B4009 was discussed again. With continued concern about the LG impact of this on pedestrians and their safety and the fact that OCC could not install bollards for some time to come, it was agreed that notices would be erected, warning motorists that police were ticketing vehicles. Cllr Gordon agreed to arrange this. Clerk b) Councillors discussed the recurrent problem of speeding through Lewknor village, particularly at the beginning and end of the school day. The Clerk was instructed to ask OCC for replacement warning signs to erect in the village. Item 12: SPRING CLEAN Arrangements for the parish spring clean on 14th March were finalised and confirmed. Item 13: POLICY REVIEW Councillors formally approved the new and revised Grievance and Discipline policy Clerk documents (now on LPC’s website). Item 14: HAPPY CIRCUS The Chair gave more details from the LRPG&H committee about the circus event being organised by Friends of Lewknor School (FOLS) in the grounds of the village hall. Item 15: COMMUNITY EMERGENCY PLANNING SURVEY The Chair confirmed the survey details to be submitted by the Clerk. Clerk Item 16: CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED - Salt Lane road closure 25-27th March: Installation of poly duct in carriageway - Road Closure and “No Waiting” restriction 23-25th March: Watlington, Couching Street The Clerk reminded councillors that next month’s meeting was on the first Monday of April because of the Easter holiday. The meeting closed at 9.30pm Chair: …………………………………… Date:…………………………… .
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