New York in the Revolution. 125 DIB VENEKIS, 9a A. M. AUGUST 16th 1776 Two Letters from the Secret Committee at Poughlceepsie by Capt. Henry Benson was read & is in the words following to wit: Poughkeepsie, August 13th 1776. Sir: Among other measures devised for the defense of Iludsons River we have purchased and are fitting out Two Sloops, each of them more than a match for a Tender. We have given Capt. Benson the command of one, Capt. Casewell of the other. — It will he impracticable to get a sufficient number of men for them here, or in our opinion elsewhere, unless permission be given to the Capts. to inlist them from among the new Levies. We have written to Gren1. Washington on the subject and hope this expedient will meet with the approbation of the Convention. The State of Connecticut has sent us 20 Canon ten Twelves and ten six pounders with 50 rounds of shot to each Cannon. We find it necessary to direct Capt. Benson to endeavour to purchase at New York a number of Articles for the armed Yessels now fitting out here, which we cannot procure at this place and hog that all possible assistance may be given him. ..,.', We are &c &c. ROB'. YATES, Chairman. O/'dered, that the said letters be referred to Mr. Duer & Col. De Witt — Mr. Duer . having reported thereon, the Convention agreed to a Recital in the words following namely : Whereas the Secret Committee, appointed by this Convention to devise means for annoying the Enemies Ships and obstructing the Navigation of Iludsons River, having by their letter recd this day informed the Convention of their fitting out two armed Vessels at Poughlceepsie and giving the command of one of them to Capt. Henry Benson, who they have sent down to New York to procure and purchase sundry Articles necessarily required in fitting out said Vessels and request the Convention to supply Capt. Benson with money for that purpose. Ordered that Peter V. B. Livingston Esqr. as Treasurer of this Convention advance to Capt. Henry Benson the sum of £500 for the purpose aforesaid and take his receipt for the same. DIE LDNAE, 9a HO. A. M. Aua* 19th 1776 The Case of Capt. John Wisner stated as follows, towit: That he had enlisted about 20 Riflemen in Orange County and about 20 at Susqwhanna, that the men in Orange Coiinty thro' means of the Committee have enlisted in the Militia, That he has been ordered by the Field Officers of the Militia of Orange County with a Lieut, to raise 38 men of the Militia for the present Service, that he has enlisted upwards of 40 men, that by a letter from II. Wisner Bsqr. he has permission to fill up that Company, but that without part of the Bounty he cannot supply his men with arms. 126 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. Ordered, that Mr. Sacket & Mr. Tredwell be a Committee to report thereon with all con- venient speed1. .......... A Letter from Q-eneral Morris dated yesterday at New Roolielle was read ; he signifies the opinion that it would be most prudent to discharge the Militia of his Brigade at present, with Orders to hold themselves in readiness to march on the first notice. Ordered, that Mr. Jos*. Smith enquire of his Excellency General ^Washington, whether the discharge of that Brigade at present will interfere with any plan he has laid or directions, which he may have given for the defence of that part of the County and if their discharge will not interfere with such plan or direction, that they be discharged. DIE SABBATI, 4a HO. P. M. ATJG*. 24rtt. 1776 5th. Resolved unanimously that such of the Militia of Gen1. WoodhuWs Brigade as are or shall be in actual service, shall be entitled to Continental pay & rations agreeable to their respective Ranks. 6th. Resolved unanimously that Robert Townsend' be a Commissary to supply the Brigade with provisions till such time as Gen1. Washington shall give further Orders for that purpose. Ordered, that the Committee submit to his Excellencys Consideration the propriety of Order- ing Col. Smith's and Col. Remseri s Regt3. of Militia to join the said Brigade. MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 26th 1776 The Committee appointed to wait on Gen1. Washington with the Resolutions for carrying out the Western Suffolk Reg1, and Queens County Militia to prevent the Stock falling in the Enemies hands do Report, that according to orders they waited on his Excellency that he would immediately give Orders that Col. Smith's aud Remsen's Regts. should march into Queens County to Join Gen1. WoodhulV and as to calling out any more of the Militia, he asked what time we thought it would take to have the Militia of Westchester County Imbodyed, we told him we thought at least 4 or 5 days, upon which he made no reply. Your Committee do further report, it was the Generals opinion, that our Commissary should continue to supply the Troops under Brigadier General Woodhull and that he consult with the Commissary General, that they might not interfere with one another in purchasing provisions. SAM1. TOWNSEND WILLIAM SMITH. Ordered that 50 Blank Commissions be sent to the Committee of the County of Albany. 1 He was allowed $580.00 to enable liim to pay one half of the bounty to non-commissioned officers and privates of his Company as part of the Orange Co. Militia. Col. Allison & Col. Hawtliorne -were ordered to muster his men before the bounty was paid. 2 Son of Samuel Townsend, the member for Queens County. 3 Then a prisoner in the hands of the Enemy, taken near Jamaica on L. I. He died Sept. 20th. New York in the Revolution. 127 Ordered, that Mr. Adgate, Mr. Bleeoker & Mr. Duer be a Committee to nominate a suitable character for Major of a Keg1, of the Militia in the County of Albany. Ordered, that the nomination of the Officers for the Albany Rangers be committed to the same Committee. HAKLEM, AUGUST 29th 1776 Resolved and ordered- that the Brigadier Generals or commanding Officers of the Militia in the Counties of Orange, Ulster, Westehester and Dutchess do hold their Militia in readiness to march at a moments warning with five Days Provision and as much Ammunition as possible. At the House of Mr. 0dells in Philips^ s Manor, Aug. 31st 1776 Col. Jeromus Remsen followed the Committee (of Safety) from Harlem & requested to know the Sense of the Committee relative to the Disposition of the Regiment of Militia under his command lately come from Long Island. After mature Deliberation the Committee came to the following Resolutions to wit: Whereas Col". Remseris Regiment is composed of the Inhabitants of Kings & Queens Counties which said Counties are at present occupied by the Enemy, And Whereas it is the Duty of the Representatives of this State diligently to watch over the safety of their Constituents and to prevent their falling into the Hands of a Tyrannical Enemy who may compel them to bear Arras against their Country, Therefore Resolved that it be earnestly recommended to such of the said Militia, who are attached to the Cause of this invaded Country, to form themselves into Companies consisting of one Captain one Lieutenant one Ensign, three Sergeants, three Corporals, one Drum, one fife & fifty Privates. Resolved, that these Companies be commanded by the same Colonel, Captains & Subalterns under whom they have hitherto served And in Case any Officer or Officers should decline accept- ing his or their Commissions, the same should be tendered to the next commissioned Officers in Bank, till the whole Companies are properly officer'd And that in Case from the decline of a sufficient number of Officers to accept Commissions there should be any Vacancies, the Company where such Vacancy may be shall nominate an Officer to whom the Convention of this State will grant a Commission, whenever the said nomination shall be approved of by Brigadier General Wood/lull & Col°. Remsen. Resolved, that these Troops when raised shall be entitled to Continental Pay & Rations with a Bounty of four Pounds to each Man on passing Muster and that they contimie in Service till the last day of December next and that if any man should chuse to inlist for the space of three years or during the War they shall receive a bounty of twenty Dollars per Man on passing Muster. Resolved that each Man fnrnish himself with a good Gun or Musket, Cartouch Box or Bullet Pouch, a Blanket and Knapsack and every six Men with a Pot or Camp Kettle. DIE MKECUEII, 9a HO. A. M. SEPT"' 4th. 1776. The Committee to whom was referred the Consideration of the Resolution of the Convention of this State relative to the calling out the Militia of West Chester, Orange, Dutchess and Ulster . submit to this Committee of Safety the following Reasons among others 128 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. 1st. that from the best Information they have been able to obtain the Number of Armed and well affected Militia in the said Counties do not exceed three thousand and one hundred, the Number of disarmed and disaffected 2300, and the number of Slaves 2300 DIE LTTNAE 4" HO. P. M. SEPT. 16th 1776. The Convention was informed, that through the absence of General Morris the Militia of West Chester County are not so properly arranged &. managed as they ought to be at this critical Juncture, occasioned by the absence of Gen1. Morris, Therefore Resolved that General Morris now at the general Congress do immediately return and assume the command of hia Brigade.
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