PHYSICAL REVIEW B, VOLUME 65, 193301 Spatial-dispersion-induced acoustic anisotropy in semiconductor structures F. Alsina,* P. V. Santos, and R. Hey Paul-Drude-Institut fu¨r Festko¨rperelektronik, Hausvogteiplatz 5–7, D-10117 Berlin, Germany ͑Received 21 November 2001; published 19 April 2002͒ We demonstrate that a Rayleigh surface acoustic wave ͑SAW͒ propagating on the surface of a ͑001͒-oriented GaAs quantum well structure induces different optical properties for propagation directions along the ͓110͔ and the ͓¯110͔ symmetry axes. The nonequivalence of the two directions is attributed to the lift of the fourfold rotation symmetry of the optical and acoustic properties around the ͓001͔ growth axis by the finite wave vector of the SAW, a spatial dispersion effect which is also expected for bulk modes in zinc blende semiconductors. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.65.193301 PACS number͑s͒: 77.65.Dq, 77.65.Ly, 78.20.Hp, 78.55.Ϫm The symmetry properties of elementary excitations in a The investigations were performed by using photolumi- crystal are mainly determined by the crystal point group. In nescence ͑PL͒ spectroscopy to map the acoustic and the pi- addition, nonlocal effects make these properties also depen- ezoelectric fields induced by a surface acoustic wave of the dent on the wave vector q of the excitation, a phenomenon Rayleigh type ͑SAW͒ propagating on the QW structure. The 1 called spatial dispersion. For excitations with wavelengths samples consist of a 12-nm GaAs QW with Al0.3Ga0.7As much larger than the lattice constant, such as elastic waves barriers grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on GaAs ͑001͒. and photons in the visible range, spatial dispersion is nor- The QW is placed 100 nm below the surface. SAW’s propa- mally small; as a result, the qϭ0 limit applies and their gating along the xЈ and the yЈ surface directions were gen- symmetry becomes imposed by the crystal point group. Un- erated by identical aluminum split-finger interdigital trans- der appropriate conditions, however, a nonvanishing q may ducers ͑IDT’s͒ deposited on the sample surface, as illustrated lower the symmetry relative to the crystal. Interesting ex- in the inset of Fig. 1. The IDT’s were designed for operation amples of the reduction in symmetry of the optical properties at a wavelength SAW of 5.6 m, corresponding to a fre- of cubic semiconductors include the intrinsic optical quency SAW /(2 ) of 520 MHz at 12 K. The PL measure- anisotropy2 and the pressure-induced optical activity,3 which ments were carried out at 12 K using a confocal microscope are of second and first order in q, respectively. with illumination and detection areas with a diameter of Spatial dispersion also affects the symmetry of vibrational about 2 m. The continuous radiation from a Ti:sapphire 4 ϭ modes. These effects are particularly interesting in polar laser ( L 765 nm) was employed as excitation source. The crystals, where vibrations with a nonvanishing q may induce setup also allows for interferometric measurements of the a macroscopic electric polarization field. The electron- vertical ͑i.e., parallel to z) surface displacement induced by phonon interaction becomes mediated not only by the ordi- the SAW, which was used to determine the absolute magni- nary deformation potential but also by the piezoelectric ͑for tude of the SAW acoustic field. The latter will be specified in acoustic phonons͒ or Fro¨hlich ͑for optical phonons͒ mecha- terms of the ratio Pl between the acoustic power and the nisms associated with the polarization field. Recently, Il- 5 width of the SAW beam. isavskii et al. reported differences in acoustoelectric proper- Photoluminescence spectra of the GaAs QW recorded un- ties induced by a reversal in propagation direction of elastic der SAW’s propagating along the two perpendicular direc- modes in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 layers on LiNbO3, which were tions xЈ and yЈ are shown in Figs. 1͑a͒ and 1͑b͒, respec- attributed to an interference between the deformation and tively, for different values of Pl . In the absence of a SAW, piezoelectric mechanisms. In zinc blende semiconductors, the PL spectrum displays a main emission line at 1.5388 eV the interference between the deformation potential and the corresponding to the electron-heavy hole (e-hh͒ excitonic Fro¨hlich interactions induced by a LO mode propagating transition. The much weaker line at 1.5462 meV is associated ϭ͓ ͔ along the z 001 direction leads to different Raman polar- with the electron-light hole (e-lh͒ transition, which becomes izabilities along the xЈϭ͓110͔ and yЈϭ͓¯110͔ axes.6 In this visible due to the high excitation intensities ͑approximately Brief Report, we show that the superposition of the two 100 W/cm2͒ produced by the focused illumination. In addi- mechanisms induced by an acoustic mode in ͑Al,Ga͒As tion to these two well-defined emission lines, a third struc- quantum well ͑QW͒ structures also removes the invariance ture appears as a shoulder on the low energy side of the e-hh of the optical properties under a 90° rotation around the z line ͑indicated by an asterisk in the figures͒. The dependence ϭ͓001͔ growth axis. Specifically, we demonstrate that the of the PL on excitation intensity and on temperature indicates phase relationship between the acoustic ͑u͒ and the piezo- that this structure arises from excitons localized on potential electric (⌽) fields composing the wave function of elastic fluctuations in the QW plane. modes differs by 180° for modes propagating along the xЈ Under the influence of a SAW, the PL intensity becomes and yЈ axes, thus leading to different optical properties. The strongly suppressed ͑note the logarithmic vertical scale in phase difference, which is also expected in zinc blende crys- Fig. 1͒ as a consequence of ͑i͒ the ionization of the photo- tals, arises from the distinct transformation properties of the excited excitons7–9 and of ͑ii͒ the sweep of the electron-hole two fields under a 90° rotation of the crystal. pairs out of the microscopic PL detection spot by the longi- 0163-1829/2002/65͑19͒/193301͑4͒/$20.0065 193301-1 ©2002 The American Physical Society BRIEF REPORTS PHYSICAL REVIEW B 65 193301 FIG. 1. PL spectra of a 12-nm GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As single QW in the absence and under the influence of a surface acoustic wave with ͑ ͒ ϭ ͑ ͒ ϭ ¯ power density Pl propagating along the a xЈ ͓110͔ and b yЈ ͓110͔ directions. tudinal component of the piezoelectric field, which moves much stronger type-II modulation induced by the piezoelec- 9,10 with the SAW propagation velocity vSAW . The structure tric field, which controls the spatial distribution of the elec- associated with localized excitons disappears already for tron ͑n͒ and hole ͑p͒ densities.12 The latter also depends on very low Pl levels, thus indicating that the carriers become the transport properties of the carriers, which determine their delocalized. In addition, PL lines split into two components ability to follow the dynamic potential. The highly mobile ϩ(Ϫ)ϭ 0 ϩ⌬ ϩ(Ϫ) ϩ(Ϫ)ϭ 0 with energies Ee-hh Ee-hh Ee-hh (Ee-lh Ee-lh electrons can readily follow the dynamic modulation; they ϩ⌬ ϩ(Ϫ) ͒ remain, therefore, concentrated close to the maxima of the Ee-lh for the e-lh transitions with increasing SAW am- plitude. The splitting is attributed to the sinusoidal band-gap piezoelectric potential. In contrast, the lower mobility of the modulation induced by the SAW strain field, which leads to holes leads to a wider spatial distribution of the hole density two transitions with a high joint density of states with an p in the SAW potential. As a consequence, the recombination ⌬ ϭ⌬ ϩ Ϫ⌬ Ϫ 10 probability ͑proportional to the product np) peaks at the energy separation Ee-hh(lh) Ee-hh(lh) Ee-hh(lh) . The degree of PL quenching in Fig. 1 is approximately the same position as the electron concentration n. The difference ͑ ͒ same for SAW’s propagating along the xЈ and yЈ directions. in oscillator strengths for the PL doublets in Figs. 1 a and ͑ ͒ The relative intensities of the low and high energy compo- 1 b indicates distinct charge distribution for SAW’s propa- nents of the PL doublets, however, differ considerably for the gating along the xЈ and yЈ axes, and, thus, different phase two propagation directions. In fact, while for SAW’s relationships between the acoustic and piezoelectric fields. ⌽ launched along yЈ the oscillator strength of the e-hh and e-lh The phase relationship between u and becomes clear if lines concentrates on the high energy doublet component, we consider that the longitudinal (u j) and transverse (uz) SAW propagation along xЈ leads to the enhancement of the displacement fields of a Rayleigh SAW propagating along ʈ ʈ ͑ ͒ low energy component.11 Due to the larger strain splitting, the j(j xЈ or j yЈ) direction of the 001 surface can be 13,14 the transfer of oscillator strengths becomes particularly pro- written as nounced for the e-lh transitions, where the high ͑low͒ energy ͑ ͒ϭ ͑ ͒ i ͑ ͒ component practically disappears in Fig. 1͑a͓͒Fig. 1͑b͔͒ for u j j,z,t u j,0 z e 1 high Pl levels. These results clearly demonstrate that differ- and ent optical properties are obtained for SAW propagation along the xЈ and yЈ symmetry axes. ͒ϭ ͒ i ͑ ͒ uz͑ j,z,t iuz,0͑z e , 2 In order to understand the difference in oscillator strength for the two propagation directions, we first recall that while respectively, where u j,0(z) and uz,0(z) are real functions, and ϭ Ϫ ϭ the type-I potential modulation by the SAW strain field de- kSAWj SAWt, with kSAW 2 / SAW , denotes the SAW termines the recombination energies, the relative intensities phase.
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