hT TT & 3T SECT'S JkV aCltf.JaV It Telephone 2365 Star Business Office SECOND EDITION VOL. 11. 11 XVI HlTi:r. I'AdKK 1UWAI1. soy KMIIKK l- nxoUT.r, mm -'. win SIXTH N I'.Vir.:. ... Mai NEW JU AFTE THE SALOONS SHALL REPUBLICANS EXPLAIN EXPENDITURES? JUDGE LYMER START! WON'T TELL HOW AMERICAN SHOOTS INTO A LIQUOR CASES MEXICAN MOB i (Associated Press Cable to The Star.) tliBflttClANT UP FOR DRUNKENNESS CALLED UPON TO TBLL WHAT The matter of publishing the qaH iuoue in an election, Atkinson said palgn expenditures of the Keinibllajta It ma-part- CITY thai whs a matter of concealing y OK MEXICO. Mexico. Novem In jail, heavily guarded. ' SALOONS VIOLATHD LAW BY SMLLIHG HIM LIQUOR. IK VIO- will, It Is understood, bo brosjli thods of campaign management and ber 19 The rioting nwalnst Americana WASHINGTON, D. C. November LATION OP LAW, APTHR HIS PRIDVIOUS CONVICTION. before the party committee. Clialnfllaii strategy. We imve our own plans of here today recited In the shooting of 12 It U asserted by those who ha been investigating Atkinson, of the Territorial committer, work," he said, "and some of them two persons, one being killed, by an the Texan lyxflbtng ca, wlfich caused the outlireaJsg who was in general charge of tho Wi are the result of years of American, ami tlio Itlflll Ifi ftltlUJUIIIAtlt- - study. We against Americans in Mexico, (hat campaign ly Anti-Americ- Komo, an Hawaiian, Htood on Ills ae often'ae you, have not the right," ritorial and the local county may have methods which are wholly more excited than over the man lynched was a has grown native of New wild judge. campaign, saiu tuts morning that while unknown to the other side, and which seitinient and further Mexico, u. S. A., and not of Mexioo. jrlgliUB .au a altizqn in tbo police court the "Give me the name serious outbreaks nre being prepared he had not the slightest objection par. would be exposed by a publication of The authorities of the United States tills morning, and refused to supply of the saloon." ior uy a massing or troops and Mexico sonally to the publication a our 1 and the state of Texas Komo started to do so, but after of all expenditures. do not see why FiririK into a ninli whlnli u'fia aton are all Information the District pendltures Investigating the affair certain to mentioning stop- he did not consider that It we should give our hands away. Thore ing his home lu Guadalajara, Chas. President the Pacific saloon, he . Porflro Diax of. Mexico I'.. was proper to publish the accounts. Is no Curothers. 1111 AniiTli-nn- liiiimi Magistrate, as a roeult of whloh tie ped and roitorated his assertion that other objection that I can think has ordered an Investigation of the re- "I shall lay in the mob and wounded a watchman. ported by was sent to jail for tliroo months. The ho could buy liquor whore ho pleased. tho matter bofore.tho of to publication of tho expenditure attack Mexioans on the Mex- commlttoe," said Atklngon.'T want to Larothers bus been arrested and is ican consulate at Culdud oharge against Komo wan drunken-noe- s, "Toll him," said the Judge to the In- accounts." say that I have not tho slightest ob The and ho admitted having heon be-Jo- re terpreter, "that the punishment ho will accounts, It Is bolleved, will not jection to showing all our books the court on a similar cliurgo get will dopond porhaps on the free- of be published, as thore are said to be IOWA EDITOR MADE SENATOR. accounts, which wore splendidly kopt ItoniB which thore is considerable in- ! ' about nine times. dom with which he glvos those SHOOTING MEN DES and are In perfoct order, to anyone terest In kooplng MOINES. Iown. KWml io "Where did you get the liquor," nsk". names." secret. There Is Lafayette who is entitled to sec them. But I do Young, editor of tho "Cap- ed Judge Lymer. But Komo continued to assort that talk, however, of legislative action to ital" has been appointed '( not approve the Idea of showing them place United States "From .the saloons," was the culm he was privileged to enter any saloons Hawaii In lino with statos where senator to succeed the late for publication." Jonathan rejoinder. "Citizens have the right to until he was cut short by Judge Lymer purity of elections has been made an TDIED r: Asked what reason there could bo Issue, WILUE purchase liquor," added Komo. imposing sentence of three months' and whore campaign commltteos for not showing the voters of the com. are compelled to make known how COUNTESS TOLSTOI "Citizens who have been convicted Imprisonment. Volnoy C. Driver and Wm. M Mc- - munlty how the party had spent they spend subscribed money. TRIES SUICIDE. Quaid will have to face on trial ST. charges of assault with Intent to kill, PETERSBURG, Novombor 12. The as soon as they aid In a fit condition Countess Tolstoi has made T TICKET to bo moved from 'Queen's Hospital. tw0 attempts to commit suicide' by TA LANE CONTEST TOE drowning, IKURA Drlvor Is now almost well and It Is she was rescued both times and wlh probably considered probable that McQuald survive. CAUSED A will also bo sufficiently recovered FIGHT NO TALK AND POLICE- Mr. Harry Gullott, n prominent Aus- -V COMES AND GOES within a very short space qf tinio - tralian Journalist, who Is now con- . now. Both nro still undor arrest, nected with tho .Now South .Wttlea. and pallue court 'proceedings The Canadian-Australia- n stoamor havo Oflicc In London, passed throujgti.on A OF ONE simply been FINE Makura, S075 tons, arrived at G.30 this suspended awaiting the the .Makura today. Mr. Gullott 'has mm DA COERCON recovery morning from Vancouver, en route to of both men. been connected with tho two leading Australia. The steamer loft Vancou- Chief Detectivo McDufflo repudi Sydnoy newspapers and Is a magazine Tho question of whether a contest ' ver at C.30 p. m. on the 4th Instant, ated the statomont made yostorday writer of no small success. "I voted the straight Democratic Then Podesta pushed Silva away; should be made of the voto In the sixth and after a stay of three hours at that ho had stated Driver's ticket," said Zoe PodesUi morning, Silva says Podesta lilt him on the precinct of the Fourth is being father this district Victoria, left again at 3:00 n. m. on was working to get got mouth, and Silva seized a stone. Po- by the mattor drop "and Silva maa with me. .Most considered' sevoral attornoys. Whe tho fifth. Strong south-we- st gales ped and was bringing prossuro to JAPANESE of us hackmen voted the Democratic desta grappled with Silva, telling him ther the violations of law In that pre prevailed until the ninth, after which bear on the Sheriff's Department and ticket, but some of them voted thw to drop the stono or he would make cinct which were described yesterday the wind modorated nnd continued so on Chief McDufflo to this Republican. When I went to the tele- him eat It, and Silva, being a small In The Star, constitute a ground for until port was reached. end. "What have I to do with the prosecution?" phone Silva rushed at mo and I pushed man and not particularly hungry at throwing out the vote of tho precinct The --Makura did not reach tho CRUISERS OFF J halt-pas- asked Chief McDufflo. "All I him away. Then he picked up a the tlnie, promptly dropped tho stone. Is the question at Issue. There appear wharf until close upon t eight know about It stone and went to hit me with it. If When Podesta released hlra Silva b,eat to be many witnesses to the fact that She had 434 pasongers on board, of is that Driver's father told x mq he had thrown it at my head he would it to the police station and took out a the law was freely violated, in that whom sixty-si- wero for Honolulu. he wanted to bring about u ro. The Japanese cruisers Asama and have smashed me up. He Is a little warrant for Podesta's arrest. several voters were allowed In each Tho through passengers Included Earl concilatloti and got his son away." Kasagl left port at ten o'clock this and Countess Harrowby, Lady McDufflo fellow and it's no uso hitting him, be- The two parties told their story to booth at once, also that voters were Fran further added: "You can morning for San iFrancisco. There cause he runs to the police station." Judge Lymer this morning. They allowed to mark their ballots outside cis Itydor, Goneral Godloy, of the Now deny thnt I mudo any such statement." was a fairly large crowd of people to Thus Podesta described the origin agreed on nearly overything but the the booths altogether. Zealand Forces, and the Hon. Hugh Deputy Sheriff Rose was present at see the cruisers dopart, the majority hitting. push- McKenzIe, Minister for Lands In tho time of conversation, nnd emphat of tho spectators being Jnpanese. of a row between himself and Manuel actual Podesta said lie Whether violation of tho law as to Australia, A Silva. Both were on ed Silva; Silva said Podesta him. secrecy ically stated that the two mon would guard of honor was supplied from hackmen tho hit of the ballot constitutes The Makura had very little cargo tho Bethel street stand.
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