MANDATORY PUBLIC DISCLOSURE A. GENERAL INFORMATION S No Information Details 1 Name of the school Amrita Vidyalayam Senior Secondary School, Ettimadai 2 Affiliation no (if applicable) 1930444 3 School code (if applicable) 55356 4 Complete address with pin code PALAKKAD MAIN ROAD 5 Principal name and qualification NEDUMARAN S M.Sc.,M.Ed., 6 School mail id [email protected] 7 Contact details (landline/mobile) 9566904939 vV,h*:n si:: {i&;;Yall!*k'i1?4# T .j,{3, ?{li[zrr,::lf ?4, /t. NO. GBSE/AFFIIe30 444t(Ex-o 0773-1819)/2010) 15 5?6Os- Dated= lz . 02.2020 ,,1n" Manager E Am rita"ViAyalayam Palakad Main Road, Ettimadai Post, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu-641 105. Subject: Extension of General Affiliation up to Sr.Secondary Level - regarding. Ref: Application No. EX-00773-1819. With reference to your applicatron on the subject cited above; I am directed to corivey the approval for Extension of General Affiliation at part with the Sr; Sec. level from 01'.04.2020 to 31.03.2022 as per details given below :- Affiliation No" 1930444 Affiliated for Si.Seionoary Levei Category Extension of Genefl Alfili_1'!i"?" Ferioi exieniion or 01 .04.2A18 to 31.03 .2023 General"i affiliation .! .:l i The,facilities reported at the time of inspection: ,,, rii s:N" iDetail isize Area on which school building ;,4 5 Acre ' ,situated reported by the lC 2 -firBeorple-yEifotnd:-- =-ffir; - re aUove sanAion is su :=:=J ffre scfroof witt fott ions issueO ttrereon Uy-tnel n CBsE/Respective S ,=_.-__J TF S;hool is required to apply on mxtension of affiliation al,cng] il-witn tfre requisite fee and other documents as pelBqle 10.3 of Affiliation eySlgril F"l - thts6te]el Government concerned as mentioned in certificate as per appendix lll issueld byl DistrictEducationofficer(DEo)/equivalg----_._1 L] r: I "t in way of comprehensive and quantifiable planning in way of curriculunr planning,ll,l infrastructure, resources, physical education, staff development and other co-l)-l il -'i-:J =; The school should go through the provision of Affiliation and Examination Bye Laws and keep a copy there of for reference purpose and also advised tc, visit CBSE websites i.e. http://cbseacademic.nic.in/ & http://cbse.nic.in/ for updates. T The School is expected to see all circulars on these CBSE websitesregulg4)'- The sch ool will fighting and Tr potable drinkin T for boys and g Admiss ion to Bye-laws and Affiliatio nbyel '€lamzB-or",2,lrrrgeretr*<.*dftan,ffi-lloo92 'lv .' "Shik$ha Kendra", 2, Community Centre, Predt Vihar. Oelhi - 110 O92 e*?r,& I {;mw '/H sP$ 0t:' *#t"g*n&'rlJ{* TW{" ?\h?|,;titt*4{a Con td ...2 -2' anei Bye The school is required to follow rule No.2.4.7 2,.4.8 of Affiliation Laws, ll hgarding Books an ,_,.::==li The number of section of the school shall be restricted to 64 as per the numkrer ofli class rooms reported by the Committee & shall not be increased by the sr:hoolll without specific a =_::=]i The school shall be solely responsible'for any legal consequences arising out ofl{ the use of school name/logo/society/trust or any other identity relatedrto runningll of school affiliated to CBSE. The school shall also be liable to bear all legalll charges incurred by :..::Jl The school must strive to promote conservation of environment'on their campusll through rain water harvesting, segregation of waste at source, recycling of organicll waste, proper disposal of waste including electronic waste, use of energy savingl[ and energy efficient electrical equipment, greening of campus, use of solar energy,ll education and awareness amongst children on environment conservation andll cJeanliness etc. _ == ::._ll The school snalt sunmit tfreir rnt fiiteOTcnooili thformation System (OASIS) as per details given in circular no. affiliation-06/2018ll g5t€+ -24@4e- Unk- {sr €Asl9---------------+s--:ave}lable -e*--9oerd's- websffi www.cbse.nic.in. __ __ll The optimum Section teacher ratio of 1 :1 .5 as well as student teacher ratio of 3(0:1 'T is to be maintained to teach various subjects arid school shall appoint quarlifi'ied,,dl and trained teaching staff on regular basis as per provisions of Affiliation Bye [al\ irsI/s of the Board n " +-.{,-:._J Every affiliated school shall sponsor regularly its bonafide and eligigikble Sitt.tdents;inI1 Boards Class X and Class Xll examinations from the year m(ne)nti(0t)n€ld 'il/hiri[el*l granting affiliation/upgradation regularly without break or info rmm wi1ifl.h, reasol)rls [] thereof in writing well in time about the non-sponsoring of the candtdiridatte)s. T Running of coaching institutions in the school premise s in the pl:e)te xt ifr plioviding coaching to the students for various examinations is not permitte tbVtyrn Board. Strict action would be taken on defaulters. n 5-:--l The Manger and the Principal of the school shall be jointly responsible for thr el authenticity of the online/offline docurnents/ information/data submitted by tl''il n Schoolto the Board. : part from rules to be adhered to by the school as mentioned above for drawing specific attention of the school authorities, the school authorities are required to acquaint themselves with all the rules contained in Affiliation & Examination Bye- laws and circulars/guidelines/notification issued by the Board from time to time, ny laxity in following rules/instructiohs of the Board will lead to action'against school as per Chapter 12 of Affiliation Bye-laws -201 B, Gontd.;.3 "ft1gt zfus", z, rrqgerfuo +rq, *-f, fdtrr, frd - uoo92 "Shiksha Kendra", 2. Community Centre, Preet Vihar, pelhi - 110 09? 4qfu* I tY.'e|reyl*st*z* : *9!-13,?252fr242" ?!5?fi?5f t"r$fl , frr, {}:t1-?2I4fi655 fq-ggf , fqlkhe: wwrv.rt*ta{f.nir:"i*.r"5-n,"11 r rlrx.afl(dk.irr -3- Conditions, to be followed within 60 days 1^ Compact land certificate should alscr be submitted by the school frorn tlre concerned Com petent Authority. 2. School is required to submit DEO'Certificate as per appendix lll of Affiliation Byte Laws. Special Gondition I The number of section of the school shall be restricted to 64 as per the numbilrl of class rooms reported by the Committee & shall not be increased by the schooll without specific approval of the Board. I The School is required to submit Recognition Certificate as per the Section 18 of[ Right to Education Act, 2009 from the concerned State Government. lf the sanrel has not been obtained earlier, the school is dir:ected to apply for Recognitionl immediately and submit the same to CBSE office within a oeriod o] ffS["#: It is mandatory for every affiliated school to become a member in the locatl Sahodaya of CBSE I II r\ \N\tr Joi nt Secretary (Affil iettion) Copy to: 1. The Principal Amrita Vidyalayam, Palakad Main Road, Ettimadai Post Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu-641 105. 2. The Regional Officer, CBSE,Regional Office 1630 A, rrJrr Block, 16th Main Road Anna Nagar West , Chennai-600040. 3" The Joint Secretary (lT), AMC, CBSE, Preet Vihar, Delhi- with a request to u,pdate records. */ Joi nt Secretary (Affil iartion ! "&ren *-<". e, vngarfto'+€. fi-fr ft-ER, frrm* - Iloo92 "shikstra Kendra", 2, CommunitY. Centre, preet Vihdr, Delhi - 1 10 o92 qlkf I litt}tr*n*: *It-1l-?252il?4:},2lytZ{l?$7 trff-f t f"*r U:11-]]54$f,[I liE$r;c- I /febrite; urvrrs"dr**att.nir.-irr.; f-r66i SCHOOLEDUCATION DEPARTMENT From To Dr.P. Mani, TheSecretary, Directorof SchoolEducation, CentralBoard of SecondaryEducation, Chennai-600006. Shikshakendra, No.2,CommunitY Centre, PreetVihar, NewDelhi-110 019. K.Dis.No.5O842tG1lS112012dated: l\'07'2012' Sir/Madam, Sub: Schools- Coimbatore District- AMRITAVIDYALAYAM, Palakad Road, EttimadaiPost, CoimbatoreDistrict - Applicationfor Main - affiliationto the CBSE,New Delhi - lssueof No ObjectionCertificate Regarding. Ref: From Chief Educational Officer, Coimbatore letter Rc'No. 53431A31201 2 dated . 9.7.2012. It is informedthat the Departmentof School Education,Government of TamilNadu has No Objectionfor the affiliationof the AMRITAVIDYALAYAM, which is locatedin SurveyNo. 237t1in PalakadMain Road, Ettimadai Post, Coimbatore District,which is havingthe following infrastructuralfacilities to the CBSE, New Delhi, subjectto thefulfilment of the requirementsas stipulatedby the council. 1 Total area of land ,.OOO"r", 2 ApprovedBlue Print in the name of the School- Submitted 3 Building'Certificates(A,B,C and D Licence) Submitted 4 Sanitary& Fire RescueDept., Certificate Submitted 5. Total No. of studentsstrength 2500. un DtREcroRoF sMmcAloN Gopyto The Correspondent, AMRITAVIDYALAYAM, PalakadMain Road EttimadaiPost, Coimbatore- 641 105. The ChiefEductional Officer, Coimbatore' AMRITA VIDYALAYAM, ETTIMADAI Tuition fees structure for academic year 2021-22 S No Class Fees / Annum 1 LKG 22000 2 UKG 24000 3 Ist Standard 40500 4 IInd Standard 40500 5 IIIrd Standard 40500 6 IVth Standard 40500 7 Vth Standard 40500 8 VIth Standard 41000 9 VIIth Standard 41000 10 VIIIth Standard 41000 11 IXth Standard 41000 12 Xth Standard 41000 13 XIth Standard (Commerce group) 55000 14 XIth Standard (Computer group) 62000 15 XIth Standard (Biology group) 62000 16 XIIth Standard (Commerce group) 55000 17 XIIth Standard (Computer group) 62000 18 XIIth Standard (Biology group) 62000 AMRITA VIDYALAYA : TAMILNADU & PUDUCHERY ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2021-2022 Month Week No. of Working days Details From 1st March to March 1 to 12 11 School reopens for Grade 10 15 to 20 6 School reopens for PP to Grade 9 22 to 27 6 29 to 31 2 29th Holi April 1 to 3 1 2nd Good Friday 5 to 10 5 10th Second Saturday 12 to 17 5 13th Ugadi 14th DR B R K Ambedkar Jayanthi 19 to 23 4 21st Sri Rama Navami 24th Summer Vacations Starts
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