,. M.S.A. D. NO. 41 DIBECTOR'S MEETING HELD The M.S.A.D. No . 41 School Director's Meeting was held at the administration building on July 14, 1976 at 7:30 p. m • . Directors present were: Nancy Belvin, Sharon Kallweit, ·Dr. Ralph Monroe, Harold Murray, Raebel Prescott, Rodney Ross, Clive Royal, Gary Eaton; Directors absent: Marcel Dyer, Rosabelle French, Cieorge Mayo, Donald stickney; staff: Mal­ colm Buchanan, Francis Foss, John Sherburne; Guest: Stephen Pratt, l'/I ilo Recreation Director. · otun AGENDA 1. Reading and Approval of June 2, 1976 lliinutes. Vote: Unanimous - To approve and dispense with the reading of the · June 2, 1976 minutes. 2. Communications: Letter of Resignation - Director, Stephen Hamlin - Milo. It was voted to accept the resignation Vol. 15, No. 32 of Mr. Stephen Hamlin with thanks for his service and to in­ Thursday, Aug. s·, form the Milo selectmen of the official resignation and their Twenty Cents procedure for procuring a replacement. 3. Milo Recreation Department - Mr. Stephen Pratt. Vote: ~rntral tlainr'.s lOrrkly Nrw.s ilagazine Unanimous - To authorize the use of buses to the Milo Recrea­ tion Dept., utilizing the same procedures as are used with the Brownville Recreation Dept., with Mr. John Sherburne, the District Transportation Supervisor, as coordinator.· 4. Staff Elections: SEE INSIDE : a) Elementary Music - Vote: Unanimous -To elect Eugenia More Baseball Photos Churchill Viscusi to the position of Elementary Music Teacher Weekly Hospital Report for the 1976- 77 school year. Piscataquis Retired Teachers Meet b) Speech/Hearing - Vote: Unanimous -: To elect Catherine Report on Activities of M. s. A. D. #41 Cushman to the position of Speech/Hearing K- 12 for the 1976- The Stubby Trucker turns Bundle Boy 1977 school year. c) Middle School Science - Vote: Unanimous - To elect Check Classifieds for Yard & Porch Sales Lawrence Homer to the Middle School Science position for the 1976-77 school year, .Cont'd on Page 8 MILO VOTERS OKAY TAX ABATEMENT At a special town meeting held July 29 at the Milo Town Hall, it was voted to allow the tax assessors to appropriate from surplus the sum of $11, 000 forthe purpose of allowing the assessors to grant Milo Woodcrafters, Inc. an abate­ menton the taxes assessed on the former American Thread Company. According to Town Manager Dale Green, the meeting was ~ended by approximately 120 voters and only 4 opposed the measure. This vote of the people will solve the· problem for the 1976 tax year. It is hoped that some solution can be reached before next year~ COMING EVENTS .. The C C Circle of the Sebec Community Church will hold The Milo ~ecreation 'Department's program or oaseoa11 is nearing its co!'lclusion and recognition its annual Church Fair.: should be given to all the players who have participated. In the Farm League, the Dodgers team When - August l2th consisted of (kneeling) Bobby Webb and Jay Murano, (Standing) Paul Healey, Lee Shook, Danny Where - Sebec ~ommunity Chase, Bobby Brackett, Peter Healey, Tammy Gray and Wayne Ireland. The Fanm League has Church at Sebec Village, Me. integrated both their teams by having a girl on each team. Even in Mllo the feminist movement is Fair starts· at 3:00 p. ~· still struggling on. More on Page 5 (Photo by Claude Trask) Ham dinner served at 5 P· m. and 6 p.m. Page 2 August 5, 1976 TOWN CR I ER THE TOWN CRIER is published ~acb. Thursday evening by the Milo Printing Company. We hope to C11(Uo eommu11 ity be of help to the citizens of the towns in our cover­ <\ge throughNEWS, INFORMATION, AND LOW PRIC­ ~e '-' ,j pi t a! <-11 <?. t.l, .,'.li ED ADVERTISING. We accept no financial responsibility for errors in ADMISSIONS WEEK OF JULY 26 advertising but will gladly print corrections. MILO Copies of mostphotos appearing in THE TOWN CRI­ Monda Wood ER may be obtained through our office. EMERGENCY 20 X-RAY 25 If you have lle\IS or available photos of any s ort we LAB 36 urge you to call or drop in. Deadline will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate copy received earlier in the week. Classified ad's 50 cent minimum including up '. :> 12 words, 3 cents for each additional ·word. Display Rhoda 's Cl Salas ad space by the column inch. 16 Elm Street, Milo & Servic.1 CA LL 943-7384 for Ad Space or with News Joanne Brigham, Editor CB RADIOS, ANTENNAS, SUPER SCANNERS & ACCESSORIES FOR SALE F irst Class F. C . C. License SERVICE Service un most electric and electronic equipment Longstreet's Septic Tank J.f you want to BUY, SET - . Call 943- 2809 for Information RENT or SWAP, t"}' "Town Jervice. No extra mileage Crier" Classifier). charge from Bangor. Low rates. Contact Longstreet's FOR RENT Septic Tank Service, Box 292, "'-------------------------1 Wheelchairs, Walkers, Canes Bangor, Me. 942-0342 Crutches, for sale or rent at- PART- TIME RECREATIOI\ DIBECTOR WANTED Daggett's Pharmacy in Milo. ' HELP WA!\TED TOWN OF MILO Call 943-7780. ACT NOW -Turn spare time into $$$! Be a SANTA'S Part- time position available as Recreation Director for FLOWE RS Demonstrator, earn com- the Town of Milo. Job will run from September 1 1976 to we have Fresh and Artificial mi$$ions up to 30% - OR - December 31, 1976. Position to be re-evaluat~d after Flowers for all occasions. have a Toy & Gift Party in December 31, 1976 to determine if the town will continue MILO FLOWER SHOP ON Mai1 your home and earn FREE with _a part- t ime Recreation Director. Salary negotiable. Street, Milo 943-2638. Gifts! Our 29th Year! Call Job mvolves maintaining the fall and winter recreation or write SANTA's Parties, program. Applications will be accepted until August 20, VILLAGE GIFT SHOPPE Avon, Conn. 06001. Phone 1976 at 5:00 p. m., at the Milo Town Hall. For further For the unusual and different 1 (203) 673 - 3455. details call or write Dale Green, Town Manager, Milo, visit the Village Gift Shoppe, Maine 04463, Tel. 943-2376. Spring Stree, Milo. CARD ?F THANKS We wish to thank our friends 11i------------------------..;;J WANTED and neighbors for all their PORCH SALE Club Secretaries, earn cash many acts of kindness during Sat. Aug, 7 from 9:00 to 1:00 FOR SALE value for merchandise. Con­ our recent bereavement. A at 15 Clinton St. , Milo. Ladies $800. 00 or best offer: 1972 Clothing (some new) Sizes 12, Toyota Corolla. Excellent tact Town & Country Clothing special thanks to the Milo 14, 16, and larger sizes. Also rwming condition. Car has Store in Milo. 943-2251. Police Dept., the Milo Com­ munity Hospital and Daggett's misc. household items. had and passed all recom- Pharmacy. YARD SALE mended inspections by Toyota SERVICE The family of Bill Webb August 6 - 7 _ 8 from 9:00 dealers. 23 m. p. g. Te le. Carpenter for hire by the a. m . to 5:00 p. m. Martin 965-3971 - Cause: Departure . !tour. Remodeling, shop work GARAGE SALE Grant, Pleasant St. , Brown­ and finish. Saturday and Sunday, August YARD SALE Call H. R. Roy at 965- 8456 vill_e, Maine. Dishes, toys, 8 and 9 at 8:00 a. m. at Dog­ ladies & childrens' clothing There will be a table and a section in which to sell items gett's, Main St., Brownville books, end tables, coffe~ MOBILE HOMEOWNERS -­ Village - 965 - 8449. It's a table, baby items, small port­ for the benefit of the Milo Community Hospital at a Yard Roof Problems? End Them good one, lots of nice things able color T. V. , lightweight Sale to be held ln Livermore's like.-- snowmobile and sled, portable phonograph and other With A New Mobile Home - ­ yard at 40 Park St. , Milo, on Pitched Roof Stops Leaks, toboggan, hand tool s & power miscellaneous items. August 9th and 10th, 10 a. m ' Stops Noise, Insulates. We tools, 3 burner gas stove with to 6 p. m. If rainy will be also install a complete line of gas bottle & governor, fishing FOR SALE held next t wo following pleas­ Add- A-Rooms and Garages. equipment, motors, twin beds, 1965 Rambler - running con­ ant days. Anyone wishing to Call Collect 622 - 7732 or stereo console, tables, ladies dition - $150, 00 - good tires. Write Downeast, Box 328, clothes size 14 & 16, ladies Heavy steel utility trailer, help, please bring items, Hallowell, Maine snowmobile suit size 16, and excellent condition - $85, 00. food, or candy before that lots more. Calvert, Park St., 943- 8802 date. Win lucky number. / THE TOWN CRIER August 5, 1976 Page 3 'IHANDS OF TRUST" Main Street, Milo Oaggett's PHARMACY 943-7780 the men in white coats come after with a net -- and Travis McGee was definitely in the way. LIBRARY SUMMER HOURS: Mon. - Weds. - Fri. - - 2 - 5 and 6 - 8 p.m. The Milo Public Library Staff PISC. COUNTY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION TO PRESENT DEMONSTRATION ON CANNING & FREEZING AT MILO With garden produce becoming plentiful, it's time for home MILO PUBLIC LIBRARY NEWSLETTER canning and freezing of fruits and vegetables. Whether you're experienced at canning or just starting out, its nice to keep up This week we feature novels of suspense and mystery0 The Blue Hammer, a new "Lew Archer" novel by Ross to date with the latest cam1ing and freezing procedures. MacDonald, is one of his incomparable bests. -- Ruth Johnson and Betty Clisham, Nutrition Aides of the The Plot: The theft of a valuable painting -- The long-age Piscataquis County Cooperative Extension Office will be pre­ di?appearance of a famous artist -- A murder as deceptive as senting a demonstration on canning and freezing on Monday, a _magician's illusion -- a horrendous, but now buried, explo­ August 9, from 2:00 to 4:00 at the Milo Town Hall.
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