Autoimmun Highlights (2016) 7:6 DOI 10.1007/s13317-016-0078-x REVIEW ARTICLE The relative merits of therapies being developed to tackle inappropriate (‘self’-directed) complement activation 1 1 1 Samuel Antwi-Baffour • Ransford Kyeremeh • Jonathan Kofi Adjei • 1 1 Claudia Aryeh • George Kpentey Received: 9 October 2015 / Accepted: 3 February 2016 / Published online: 3 March 2016 Ó The Author(s) 2016 Abstract The complement system is an enzyme cascade complement inhibitors. It concludes by highlighting on the that helps defend against infection. Many complement possibility that a better inhibitor of complement activation proteins occur in serum as inactive enzyme precursors or when found will help provide a formidable treatment for reside on cell surfaces. Complement components have autoimmune diseases as well as preventing one. many biologic functions and their activation can eventually damage the plasma membranes of cells and some bacteria. Keywords Complement Á Activation Á Inhibitors Á Although a direct link between complement activation and Autoimmune diseases Á Therapy autoimmune diseases has not been found, there is increasing evidence that complement activation signifi- cantly contributes to the pathogenesis of a large number of Introduction inflammatory diseases that may have autoimmune linkage. The inhibition of complement may therefore be very The role of complement in human diseases, particularly important in a variety of autoimmune diseases since their autoimmune diseases, was relatively unknown some time activation may be detrimental to the individual involved. ago, but with increasing evidence that complement acti- However, a complete and long-term inhibition of comple- vation significantly contributes to the pathogenesis of a ment may have some contra side effects such as increased large number of inflammatory diseases, strategies that susceptibility to infection. The site of complement activa- interfere with its deleterious action have become a major tion will, however, determine the type of inhibitor to be focus in pharmacological research [1, 2]. used, its route of application and dosage level. Compared Attempts to efficiently inhibit complement include the with conventional drugs, complement inhibitors may be the application of endogenous soluble complement inhibitors best option for treatment of autoimmune diseases. The (C1-inhibitor, recombinant soluble complement receptor review takes a critical look at the relative merits of thera- 1-r sCR1), the administration of antibodies, either blocking pies being developed to tackle inappropriate complement key proteins of the cascade reaction (e.g., C3, C5), neu- activation that are likely to result in sporadic autoimmune tralizing the action of the complement-derived anaphyla- diseases or worsen already existing one. It covers the toxin C5a, or interfering with complement receptor 3 (CR3, complement system, general aspects of complement inhi- CD18/11b)-mediated adhesion of inflammatory cells to the bition therapy, therapeutic strategies and examples of vascular endothelium [3, 4]. In addition, incorporation of membrane-bound comple- ment regulators (decay accelerating factor—DAF-CD55, & Samuel Antwi-Baffour Membrane Cofactor Protein—MCP-CD46, CD59) has [email protected]; [email protected] become possible by transfection of the correspondent cDNA into xenogeneic cells [5]. These complement inhi- 1 Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, School of bitors target specific complement activators and prevent Allied Health Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana, P. O. Box KB 143, Korle-Bu, Accra, them from initiating activation and if activation is under- Ghana way, stop it from continuing [6, 7]. 123 6 Page 2 of 15 Autoimmun Highlights (2016) 7:6 Autoimmune disease autoimmune diseases such as SLE (lupus), affected tissues and organs may vary among individuals with the same Autoimmune diseases remain a major health problem disease [16]. One person with lupus may have affected skin despite enormous efforts to understand the underlying and joints, whereas another may have affected skin, kidney causative mechanisms [8]. The lack of clarity with regard and lungs [16]. Ultimately, damage to certain tissues by the to both the predisposing factors and the precise antigenic immune system may be permanent as with destruction of targets of the immune response has restricted the devel- insulin-producing cells of the pancreas in Type 1 diabetes opment of effective therapeutic approaches [9]. Autoim- mellitus [22]. mune diseases are a result of loss of tolerance where an Autoimmune diseases represent a class of diseases organism fails to recognize its own constituent parts as which are often difficult to treat effectively [23]. Although ‘‘self’’ [1]. An essential prerequisite for the pathogenesis of there are a number of drugs which exist to treat them, none autoimmune diseases is indeed the breakage of immuno- are adequate to control or inhibit the disease progression logical tolerance, leading to the immune system mounting [23, 24]. The inhibition of complement may be very an effective and specific immune response against self important in a variety of autoimmune diseases because as determinants [10, 11]. Several theories have been proposed the complement system becomes active, there may be since the mid-twentieth century to explain the origin of the destruction and removal of cells and substances, which exact genesis of immunological tolerance [10–12]. may be detrimental to the individual [3]. It is useful, These include: coral deletion theory where self-reactive therefore, to have substances which can be administered to lymphoid cells are destroyed during the development of the patients to prevent active complement activation thereby immune system, Anergy theory where self-reactive T or preventing autoimmune diseases from occurring [3, 23, B-cells become inactivated in the normal individual and 25]. cannot amplify the immune response, and Idiotype Net- work theory, where a network of antibodies capable of neutralizing self-reactive antibodies exists naturally within The complement system the body [13–16]. There is genetic, sex, and environmental factors associated with autoimmune diseases [16, 17]. The complement system is a complex system containing Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DR2, DR3, DR4 have more than 30 various glycoproteins present in serum in the been shown to be strongly and positively correlated with form of components, factors or other regulators and/or on some autoimmune diseases and negatively correlate others the surface of different cells in the form of receptors [26]. [17]. Sex also seems to have a major role in the develop- These are produced constitutively by macrophages and ment of autoimmunity with most of the known autoim- hepatocytes, and are present in the circulation as inactive mune diseases tending to show a female preponderance molecules until they are cleaved by a protease, which in whilst in areas where multiple infectious diseases are turn converts them into a protease [17, 26]. Several com- endemic, autoimmune diseases are quite rarely seen [18]. plement proteins are pro-enzymes and when activated Certain chemical agents and drugs can also be associated become the proteases that cut peptide bonds in other with the genesis of autoimmune conditions, or conditions complement proteins to activate them in turn [28]. Since which simulate autoimmune diseases [19]. each activated protease can activate many substrate mole- Autoimmune diseases can be broadly divided into sys- cules, the initial activation is rapidly amplified to produce temic and organ-specific or localized autoimmune disor- millions of effector molecules in the form of a cascade [26– ders, depending on the principal clinical pathologic 28]. features of each disease [1, 8]. Systemic syndromes include There are actually three complement cascades [29]. systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjogren’s syndrome, They are activated by different molecules, but many of the Scleroderma, Rheumatoid Arthritis and polymyositis. component proteins are the same and all the effector Local syndromes may be endocrinologic (insulin-depen- functions are also the same [29]. The classical complement dent diabetes mellitus—IDDM, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, cascade, activated by antigen-bound IgM and IgG, was Adddison’s disease etc.), haematologic (autoimmune hae- discovered first; the alternative complement cascade is molytic anaemia), neural (multiple sclerosis) or can activated by bacteria cell surface molecules such as involve virtually any circumscribed mass of body tissue [1, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Gram negative outer 8, 11, 16]. membranes, teichoic acid from Gram positive cell walls, The different autoimmune diseases can each affect the zymosan from fungal and yeast cell walls, and some par- body in different ways [1, 8]. For example, the autoimmune asite surface molecules; then the mannose-binding lectin reaction is directed against the brain in multiple sclerosis (MBL) cascade requiring synthesis of MBL by the liver in and the gut in Crohn’s disease [20, 21]. In other response to inflammatory macrophage cytokines [30–32]. 123 Autoimmun Highlights (2016) 7:6 Page 3 of 15 6 Complement activation stimulates several antimicrobial damage to endothelial cells, leading to systemic TMA, activities [33]. The endpoint is the formation of a mem- which manifests as decreased platelet count, haemolysis, brane attack complex (MAC), which inserts into lipid damage to multiple organs, and
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