Q.1 Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan has virtually inaugurated the Centre for Research and Innovation in Artificial Intelligence at which IIT? कें द्रीय शिक्षा मत्रं ी धमद्रें प्रधान ने शकस IIT म ें अशटिशिशियल आटं ेशलजेंस म ें ऄनसु ंधान और नवाचार कें द्र का वस्ततु ः ईद्घाटन शकया? 1. IIT Kharagpur 2. IIT Hyderabad 3. IIT Madras 4. IIT Bombay 5. IIT Delhi Ans.2 IIT Roorkee Centre for Drone Research IIT Delhi ISRO will support 8 joint research projects under its RESPOND programme Rapid Antigen Test kit for COVID-19 launched by Sanjay Dhotre || Priced ₹50 IIIT Hyderabad app "Crop Darpan" to help farmers in crop disease diagnosis IIT Kharagpur Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Institute of Medical Sciences and Research IIT Madras India's first 3D printed house inaugurated by Nirmala Sitharaman IISc Bangalore (37) Times Higher Education Asia university rankings 2021 IIT Ropar (55) Tsinghua University, China has gained the first position IIT Indore (78) Daily Current Affairs Class at 7:00 AM Mon to Sat @ Adda247 Youtube Channel IIT Madras IPPB to digitise milk procurement IIT Bombay (177) QS World University Rankings 2022 IIT Delhi (185) IISc Bengaluru ranked number 1 in the world for research IISc Bengaluru (186) Globally, MIT is the top university for the 10th consecutive year IIT Madras Mobile Payment Forum of India (MPFI) to develop voice-based solutions for digital transactions IIT Ropar Prototype of a moveable electric cremation system IIT Bombay Virtual Conference of BRICS Network Universities IIT Bombay world’s first Microsensor-based Explosive Trace Detector (ETD), NanoSniffer IIT Delhi Rapid Antigen Test kit for COVID-19 NIT Rourkela ISRO 'Space Technology Incubation Centre' (S-TIC) IIT Hyderabad Technology innovation hub on autonomous navigation (TiHAN) IIT Kanpur Punjab National Bank + Foundation for Innovation & Research in Science & Technology (FIRST) to set up a Fintech Innovation Centre (FIC) IIT Roorkee Ministry of Road Transport and Highways for Development of Highway Infrastructure IIT Madras algorithms for drones to help study how fire behaves in space stations, shuttles and satellites IIT Madras CREST (Centre for Research on StartUps and Risk Financing) to provide academic and thought leadership in innovation, entrepreneurship, and risk capital IIT Kanpur Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered grievance management application developed by Min of Defence Q.2 2021 edition of the World Athletics U20 Championships has been started at which country? शवश्व एथलेशटक्स U20 चैंशियनशिि का 2021 संस्करण शकस दिे म ें ि셂ु शकया गया ह?ै 1. Hangzhou, China 2. Nairobi, Kenya 3. Aichi-Nagoya, Japan 4. Doha, Qatar 5. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Ans.2 Sports Event Venue 2022 Asian Games (19th) Hangzhou, China 2026 Asian Games (20th) Aichi-Nagoya, Japan 2030 Asian Games (21st) Doha, Qatar 2034 Asian Games (22nd) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Sports Event Venue Third Asian Youth Games in 2021 Shantou, China Fourt Asian Youth Games in 2025 Tashkent, Uzbekistan Fourth Asian Youth Para Games in 2021 Manama, Bahrain Daily Current Affairs Class at 7:00 AM Mon to Sat @ Adda247 Youtube Channel Q.3 Which State Government has extended its sponsorship of Indian National hockey teams by another 10 years? शकस रा煍य सरकार ने भारतीय राष्ट्रीय हॉकी टीमⴂ के प्रायोजन को और 10 वर्षⴂ के शलए बढा शदयाहै? 1. Madhya Pradesh/ मध्य प्रदेि 2. Maharashtra/ महाराष्ट्र 3. Haryana/ हररयाणा 4. Kerala/ केरल 5. Odisha/ ईडीसा Ans.5 Q.4 Union Cabinet has approved an agreement on cooperation in the field of Disaster Management, Resilience and Mitigation signed between India and ________. कें द्रीय मशं त्रमडं ल ने भारत और _________ के बीच हस्ताक्षररत अिदा प्रबंधन, लचीलािन और िमन के क्षेत्र में सहयोग िर एक समझौते को मजं रू ी दी ह।ै 1. England/ आग्ं लैंड 2. Bhutan/ भटू ान 3. Bangladesh/ बांग्लादेि 4. Slovenia/ स्लोवेशनया 5. West Indies/ वस्े ट आडं ीज Ans.3 Q.5 Who will be made brand ambassador of adventure tourism in Kerala? के रल म ें साहशसक ियिटन का ब्ांड एबं ेसडर शकसे बनाया जाएगा? 1. Bandaru Dattatreya 2. Hari Babu Kambhampati 3. P R Sreejesh 4. Mangubhai C. Patel 5. Rajendra Arlekar Ans.3 Q.6 Kauvery Group of Hospitals has roped in whom as its brand ambassador? कावरे ी ग्रिु ऑि हॉशस्िट쥍स ने शकसे ऄिना ब्ांड एबं ेसडर बनाया ह?ै 1. Sourav Ganguly 2. AR Rahman 3. Devdutt Padikkal 4. Ajinkya Rahane 5. Mahendra Singh Dhoni Ans.5 Q.7 Which State government launched the ‘Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Bhumihin Majdur Nyay Yojana’? शकस रा煍य सरकार ने 'राजीव गांधी ग्रामीण भशू महीन मजदरू न्याय योजना' ि셂ु की? 1. Kerala 2. Madhya Pradesh 3. Chhattisgarh 4. West Bengal 5. Haryana Ans.3 Q.8 World Humanitarian Day is observed on which day? शवश्व मानवतावादी शदवस शकस शदन मनाया जाता है? 1. 13 August 2. 14 August 3. 12 August 4. 19 August 5. 10 August Ans.4 Daily Current Affairs Class at 7:00 AM Mon to Sat @ Adda247 Youtube Channel Today’s Current Affairs News 1 Union Minister of Heavy Industries Inaugurates Solar Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station at Karnal Lake Resort, Karnal. कें द्रीय भारी ईद्योग मत्रं ी ने कणि लेक ररजॉटि, करनाल में सोलर आलेशक्रक वाहन (इवी) चाशजिंग स्टेिन का ईद्घाटन शकया। • The Delhi-Chandigarh Highway has become the first e-vehicle friendly highway in the country, with a network of Solar-based Electric Vehicle Charging stations (SEVCs) set up by Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) under the FAME-1 [Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid) & Electric Vehicles in India] scheme of the Ministry of Heavy Industries. भारत हेवी आलेशक्रक쥍स शलशमटेड (भेल) द्वारा स्थाशित सौर-अधाररत आलेशक्रक वाहन चाशजिंग स्टेिनⴂ (एसइवीसी) • के नेटवकि के साथ ही शद쥍ली-चडीगढ राजमाग ि दिे का िहला आलेशक्रक-वाहन ऄनकल राजमाग ि बन गया ह।ै आसे ं ु ू भारी ईद्योग मत्रालय की योजना िे म-1 [भारत में (हाआशब्ड) तथा आलेशक्रक वाहनⴂ को तेजी से ऄिनाने और आनके ं शवशनमािण] के ऄतगित स्थाशित शकया गया है। ं News 2 Amazon has rolled out India’s first celebrity voice feature on Alexa with the nation’s biggest movie star Amitabh Bachchan. Amazon ने देि के सबसे बडे शि쥍म स्टार ऄशमताभ ब楍चन के साथ एलेक्सा िर भारत का िहला सेशलशब्टी वॉयस िीचर ि셂ु शकया ह।ै News 3 Bollywood actor and singer Ayushmann Khurrana has been appointed as UNICEF India's Celebrity Advocate for their global campaign EVAC (Ending Violence Against Children). बॉलीवडु ऄशभनेता और गायक अयष्ट्ु मान खरु ाना को यशू नसेि आशं डया का ईनके वशै श्वक ऄशभयान EVAC (ब楍चⴂ के शखलाि शहसं ा को समाप्त करना) के शलए सेशलशब्टी एडवोके ट शनयक्तु शकया गया ह।ै Daily Current Affairs Class at 7:00 AM Mon to Sat @ Adda247 Youtube Channel News 4 ADB will provide USD 500 million loans to expand the metro rail network in Bengaluru with the construction of two new metro lines totaling 56 kilometers. एडीबी 56 शकलोमीटर की कल दो नइ मरे ो लाआनⴂ के शनमािण के साथ बेंगल셁 म ें मरे ो रेल नेटवकि का शवस्तार करन े के शलए ु ु 500 शमशलयन ऄमरीकी डालर का ऋण प्रदान करेगा। News 5 Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) signed an agreement for cooperation in remote sensing satellite data sharing, according to Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). भारतीय ऄतं ररक्ष ऄनसु ंधान संगठन (आसरो) के ऄनसु ार, ब्ाजील, 셂स, भारत, चीन और दशक्षण ऄफ्रीका (शब्क्स) ने ररमोट सेंशसंग ईिग्रह डेटा साझाकरण म ें सहयोग के शलए एक समझौते िर हस्ताक्षर शकए। News 6 DRDO has developed an advanced chaff technology, which is used to distract enemy's radar-guided missiles, to safeguard Indian Air Force fighter jets from enemy missiles. DRDO ने एक ईन्नत चैि प्रौद्योशगकी शवकशसत कीहै, शजसका ईियोग दश्ु मन की रडार-शनदशे ित शमसाआलⴂ को भारतीय वाय ु सेना के लडाकू शवमानⴂ को दश्ु मन की शमसाआलⴂ से बचाने के शलए शकया जाता ह।ै • Two DRDO laboratories developed the "advanced chaff material and chaff cartridge - 118/I‚ • Defence Laboratory Jodhpur, a DRDO laboratory developed the advanced Chaff material and chaff cartridge-118/I in collaboration with High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL), a Pune based laboratory of DRDO News 7 India Ratings has revised India's GDP growth rate for the Financial Year 2021-22 to 9.4%. आशडया रेशटग्स ने शवत्त वर्ष ि 2021-22 के शलए भारत की जीडीिी वशि दर को सिोशधत कर 9.4% कर शदया ह।ै ं ं ृ ं Daily Current Affairs Class at 7:00 AM Mon to Sat @ Adda247 Youtube Channel News 8 Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal will inaugurate the country's first smog tower on August 23, 2021. शद쥍ली के मख्ु यमत्रं ी ऄरशवदं के जरीवाल 23 ऄगस्त 2021 को दिे के िहले स्मॉग टावर का ईद्घाटन करेंग।े News 9 Assam Government will preserve the Jorhat Central Jail as a heritage site as a mark of tribute to the freedom fighters during the celebration of 75th year of Independence.
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