Bihar Rural Roads Development Agency (An agency of Rural Works Dg1x..l!G"eg!lh"9 (Encl)/ Patn4 date- Letter No. C.E4 (HQ) 3054-04-3012020 5 / 13 /o8l2oZt From, Sanjay Dubey, res ad&.-CgO-cum-secretary-cum-Empowered Offrcer' BRRDA, 3'd Floor, Bhumi Vikash Bank Bhawan, Budh Marg, Patna' To, AII Executive Engineer, Work Division, Rural Works DePartment. Sub:.AllotmentofFundforFoRroadsanctionunderBudgethead3054toLevel-lPLofficeof BRRDA (PIUS) through CFMS 49 wE' dated 23-07-2021 Refr This offrce's tetter no- Soqo-4(go) 3054-04-30 / 2o2o / sir, prus timit of Level-l pL oflice of please find enclosed the rist of and increase in withdrawar BRRDA(PIUs)forpaymentto"ont.""t-'throughCFMSsubiecttotermsandconditionsmentionedOffi""rr of R.W.D.. Works Division below. The Executive f .gin"".;;-Dru*ing aid Oi.bursinn- been.nomlnated as approver on CFMS of Level-l Wlose names is given as *t hun" "ii'"J 'ig'utoti sanctioned and payment tfuough CFMS' office of BRRDA aod they wiil b" ierp?".iur" for expenditure in limit for the specified period for Level-l PL office The up to date totat *i ,a**ui'rilnii ,id increase enclosed herewith tpiilri"ieRRpn has also been indicated the PIU wise limit is R-upeesset en rtundred Thirty Nine crore Three Lakh Forty Two Thousand Ninteen Previous limit of withdrawal 739,03,42,019 .00 nuoees Sil<tvEigt t C.or. Sixty Seven Lakh Fift1 Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Seven Increase in limit of withdrawal DEEase in timit of withdrawal nrp*s eignt Hundred Seven Crore Sevenfv" Ninty Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Total limit of withdrawal 807,70,99,746.00 I-attr l.PaymentshouldnotbemadeintheworkswhichhaveadverselE/PQM/SQM./MQMU/other.hspectingof ;fff#'."#il;il;";ft;r6 ;;-rrt.irrion of ATRs. The insructions issued earlier vide letter against withdrawn amount fiom bank' allotment of fund fiom treasury, ufto *"t U" rnuintained 2. The total payment must not exceed the amount sanctioned' two weeks' PlUs are directed to submit utilization within i. Ali,h";;;-ed quality, quantity and rate ofthe item 4. Executive Engineer rn"ff U" rufffrutirfr"J *i* ,tr".rp^.cification, of *ort p"t t'rrctioned by the competent authority.before any na\ ment' ^ U"ing rua" io. ti" ,".to."tion of damage work exactlv 5. Executive Engineer shal "r.r;;;;;;;;;i'i, at the same chainage where the damage has occurred' Rules' ;.;;;;;;;;l'-ff1 complv with thJ Bihar PWD code and Bihar Financial ;. ;;; ii;"6"""y found in the name or amount must be reported to the undersigned' Engineer will be held responsible' A. foi uny inegularities concemed Executive 9. Diversion of Allotment is Strictly Prohibited' Encl : as above Yours faithfully ?r'l { Addl. CEO-cum-Secretary-cum - Empowered Offr cer, BRRDA MemoNo-C.E-4(HQ) 3054-04-30/2020 5l @ncl)/Patna,datet lJ f og l 20Zl Copy to- Administrative Officer, BRRDA, it is directed to release allotment ot level-loffice (divisions) of BRRDA on CFMS as per enclosure. :tlJklZ.tl (Sanjay'DLbey) Memo No - C.E-4 (HQ) 3os4-04-30t2020 5l (Encl)/ Patna. date:- f 3 lA lZoZl Copy to All C.Es, S.Es, Ex. En.s with enclosure for information and necessary action. MemoNo-C.E-4(HQ)30s4-04-30/2020 5l @ncl)/Patnaa"t",l i3 l8i ZoZ t Copy to IT Manager, R.W.D Patna for uploading with enclosure of information to Departnent Website. ffi-, (Sanjay Dubey) O-/ a. z 9 @ tr E _z @ TE @ ts !. P. E' 6',o \ z ? 't- < < < < i, < < O:-a l= < *= ir xi- -o= 60 6 =9P. 1 r q9, q6 c_a Er Ed o ir eLo 5d ;;d _o F0+ E9 gF 6 3 6+ 6i, E.@ G =+to 3a J -o 2 ? ?' l3 :' ?' IJ ls : r =' o. -"a\\ -t 7 \O.\ .J d_1 J\ -t 7.\ il :l{l tE €l ;t :l €: !l .:7l 5 2P z F i-=3 rL o El I ln !li;-lx I o\ I z. 5lE I o = 5l z. 4 arl Klzl F F v il 9. I iE I € r-X o6 C 4 o I El a f^ ja 2. 6@ E: I 2 il z 33hr I 3d I rl !-r l6 >9 Z= CD d; v +q 5'€ rno e? l:4 a.z (n r P lgEl (g zA iz E 3i I E9 cJ B O If EI 1; l;6 rii dg' 5X 938 - la r t * l;"- ^i:i a7 E; Il r: tza'; =l lq1 ?-.:124 +5 le H /4 .7 ll li d ; EI 6:1 &i.til 4v @qg ltq E; iS lir d1 id 8d q9 ld 6 3l leE - o: 6g t?4E Q 9 I?+ E4lY= 9r 60 1,? I i/ leY s ',, FE oz. ol ?r I n H9I B \<6 oo I 6r I f'E Yd I a q 3&11 ..- L! -a ct I e c { a d c t: c t, = t' __l b <F b b b 9' l.o qE a t) i.r =t tJ t) tJ t) N) i') N) l.J i..> O l.J o O o a a a t) l.) tsl t) tJ N) t.J l.J N l.) t'J N) v !l (\l a.l cl al c.l al (\ N N c.l (..l (\l al N O O O O tsa O O O ..! ...| .l n q a.l c ..l c.l ...| q cl .! n q q q c q q q q q q q &> _ v i E F .z >. 'ai = EJ a- !L q€ =o ri, oF su tL2 do foc -o uri .e5 Blx €>. .Z 9T t.d rF iul uE JO a ib IJ. E 9i 9c bo 5!o l.; a, IEl J z Ca x! -i- 9 FI in .., o.9A 4P. FO I -.2 tr85 ")3 E* Er! E hli *). 5 9E c 4 o?0 ilo qrf 9E 9F CE e3 \JFi ?z 9o O€ (-) ! 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