RINCiO SIGNED FOR ROLE IN 'CANDY' MAMA CASS DISCOVERS SOMETHING ROTTEN IN STATE OF ENGLAND KRLA BEAT Volume 3, Number 17 November 4, 1967 BIG MAMA ARRESTED BY SCOTLAND YARD By To,nyS- waa cleared when the prosecution offerednoevideneeinthee&K. SOUTHAMPTON- Wllen the Ma,illrate Seymour Collins told liner France docked at South• Mama Cau: MYou Juv,: thi• ampton on Thursday, Oc:tob<:r S, court wilhout a aiain on your Mama Cass Elliot wa,; involved chuaclcr.M Oullidc the, court the in a ~ries of f1n1a1tic q11ay1ide rQtoflhcgroup and a bunchof incidenlS which culminated in her triffids d!«ml 1he freed.Mama, arrest by Soocland Yard Sped1l bcM.incin1herup anddowa on lhc: Br anchOfficcn. lidewalk.La1crlhe1old•rq,ort• Cas., ,pmt that niJht in a W~t er: MYourLondonpolieean,woo­ LondonPoliceccll"'foreappca.r• derlul bU! I don't tbink muc:h of ing: in thee MlJis1ratn Court on a your jaib.. There j~ werm't ch:aqe of larceny. Tbechar,c ~ enoup blankculast 11.iaJ,tlnmy laud 10 the disappean11CC of two cell. Believe me, one blanket tcy1anda!W'ofblaoketsfrom docln't,ofararound thiscluct.r Ken$i1111on'1 Emlway HOid 11 themdofFet>naary. U•pal,d Billo The chara,es reprdiq the !heft A r ..,.t ofkeysandho(elblanteurelated OftheSoulhamp1on1rrQ1.man• 1oawi~ofapartmcn11~pied .,.t.ou Adl.er u.idwWt'djust b)'C..andoneort•oOlherpeo• comeolfthclmuwloen1 liltle pletowardJ1hemdotFebruary. fna,rey.uitsaldhehada Appanntly c- left the hole! un­ warn:nl ind led c .. away, SIJi aware 1ha1 her fricnd,r had IIOI 'formcd~jcliDed ,.... .... ..,.-...,......,. ..... "m.ana,ed 10 tct Cui: illlo our leftap<:>rtionoltheb.UunpaiJ. f--: but the doon were ripped Bd'oreleavin11.oodontohead Open,They pulledaadwepullcd . for the vacation ilolcof Majan:a They pulled harder and C ... WU with the restol lhelfOUp, 11bnin10apolicevehidt.w Mama Michelle revt-.ie-d that !he and The reil of the M amu and Pap1 John1reexpec:1in1ababy Papas, pt.._ Lou Adler and Scou n~c February. The ll"OUP also Mackenzie, waited out1idc Sou1h­ ditcuuedafrahlon1•1erm~d• amp10nci1ypolicahc1dqu1nenin ina contract with the Ounhill la· two Jlol~ Royce limou,ines until hel btJt confirmed 1h11 lhc:remay 1heywtre 1iYffl thcneWlltha1C1,s beaconsidcr:ablcdclaybetwttn wa• to be moved to London for thecurrent"Farewell to the FiM the ni11ht Ofl a Metr0p0li1an Po­ Golden Era" relca.candthecom• licewarrantallegin,larccny. pletion of a further album. In court Friday aflcrnoon c .., (Con1ittUU"" Pq.,4) Controversy Explodes In Pvt. Gripweed Disc LOl'lOON -A worm of con- on the rec:ord o, on 1he ftlm Ringo trovcrsy blew up in London Lands thi~ .ound1r:w:t.TheJotCOndoidcof1he Role In 'Candy' week ovtt the rdeMe via the ""ale ii Ken ~·• -After­ =-1a,:;kcd>i,1liriaJ novel by Tor- and pupil, of Mahariobi Mahesh Art~ United label of a "rak math,M • p~ which is no1 in LONOON-JUJI OVtr a yur ry Southern and Mason Hollen- Yoti 001, in any event, Rinao will called MHow I Won The WuM any way conncc1c,t •ith MHo"'· I ~ Johnlenoonaco.ptcdhioftrst ber1,"CanJy,Mfirscpubli<bcdas bcunablctospcndmorethana feamri111 Musl!C{lecr Gripwttd Won 1he War," Asain on 1hi1 »de iolo tcm:n rok, playin1 Private ion, •IO at 19S8, is banned in few Novunbtr w«l<s ,tudy,n, aDd the Third Troup, Since John 1he label credn.1 the perfonnancc Gripwttd of lhc: Third Troop ol many countria and the book ii Tran,;cnw;ln,tal Mcdrlacion " "ith Lennon pla)"1 the p,art ol Private to"Mu1ke{(ttrGr,pWttd and1hc the FounhMusll111ccoin1hcDict 11ill unoblamable vii. normal ,e- 1hc <>!hen. AftieT !hat he will be Grip,.·eed in the lllm, many fan, Third Troup.M Lcs.ter piclurc ~How I Won The 1ail10U«>e1il!London. due tospmdbctw,ecntwoalld of the Builes ...urned that thi. War.M At that 1ime Rinao admi1- Rin,o will appear in 1he cameo three pre-Chriwnas weeks "'°'-'t• record contained imtr\lrMntal The Bcatlei' U.K. Fan Club 1«re1ary Freda Kelly >1a1cd: " In tcd tha1 hc'd be .,illin1 tocom.idcr rok of Emmanuel, the Mex ocan in1 his "CandyM "'°""""°""· It i, and/or ,-oc:al rontribu1ion, by foUowin1 in hi< Mlow Bea1le's prdcner boy emp~d by Candy most unlitdy that k inao ,.-ould be John. faimesslofan,in Brit ain and abro~,.·earcmat,n1itclcar1ha1 footstrpsif and ,.-hen hew11 pre­ Cbri,11an's father 10 mow the lawn called upon 10 visit Ho!Jy,,·ood or ln f:w: t the,inalei1ano,ch~ 1hi,recordi1nothl111mon,than i,cntcd with a suitable film ,cripl. each Saturday. any other pan of Amcrica incon­ Ap.,,r1 from 1he currently un- nection with the makin1 of 1h11 tnl recordin& of <:On'P<N'rl K~n a souvenir of the trim theme. We CMUl7 K<>le Thorne'1 movie title 1h.-n,c. Abow are not •lammina the record or A month a10 (October 7 issue ,:;a.itirlerote,allthepartsin pic1ure. the mu,ic snatchcJof.oundtrack .ugesiina thai it 1t.ould not be: of The BEAT) I indicated that ''Candy" arc linlc more than brief Jn London, R inao 1old me: dialogue and banle noitc:J are to i,1uc:d. Bui wedon'1wan1 a whole the mmt interutina solo movie piCl,llppc,ara~cs.chanicrcrswho ''Thisiseuctlythctypc:o[pan be heard. Amonp rhe voices i.1 umy of fans complainin1 on 1he appcaranceyetrtceived fo rRinao move briskly 1n and out of Can- J have been hopins somebody that of John Lennon but nornore aroups that they e~pc-cr«t to he3r was undcrcon1idcr111ion in Lon• dy'1 1«na1e life. would olfcr me. h's a pan with a than five or !en s«onds of hi, m<»l:of John on i1,Thcpub!icis don. Now tho bi1 nc,.-, has bro­ tndlan Trip lot of scope for tumin1 Emm~nucl spcakin1 is included. Nd1her John a"·are 1ha1 John play, Gripw«J. ken-RinaoS1arrhasbecn 1iancd Rinao'sacceptanceof lhepart in1oanintcrcs1inatcrttnpc:rson, or 1hc 01her Bead-, are involvfd Therefore the name Gripweed on top!ayalonpidc RichardBurton, will cut .i.on his vi5il lo India. ,<0nality. l1'sal.<0averytmallpart in lhc compo.sition wort. They do tloc label of tile, record has led 10 Marlon Brando and a number of There i, still no «nain dcpanure which is al! I want 1oconsi<kr 11 noc.sin1orplay any of the muiic confullon all around," <>!her important iCrcen nama in da1c for 1hc Beatles' mu,h-l)06t• !hoe moment. '"Candy" which is baoed upon the ponedtriptolheE.tutheaucsu (Con1/n,.,,d.on P~ 4) November 4, 1967 THE BEAT P~•2 Novffllber -I, 1967 LAS VEGAS- Popular come• Gene Pitney hu jUM concllldftt dian.Jl.ichardPiyor,.,,u tirtdby hismostsuocasful AmccrK:antour since first ;he Aladdin Hotelhercbec~uscof undenakin& 1hc annual JO-day trek live ynrs •So,-'""" alle&«I obKffljties durin& hi, 17- cordina: to the William Morris day c111a1trmnt at the club. a~ncy. the Gene Pitney Show Dick Klntl1itsacktd Pryor aft• JTOSK(lovttS200,000,a rccord lor27playl111da1n. tr 1api111 the ~•n·, "'°"' dur­ Atthecloocofthctour,Pitney, in, whkh l'ryor alkply UMd ob­ who hu alwa1•• playfd a key role ,cenellln1U1ae•httllavin1al• in aeuin& up 1ho lalmi for his rcady been w;amed four times toun.1o1id th.at in 1he funrre he NEW YOJI.K-lllf: Hollies m: Jt:hedule-dtom.akeoneoftheirln• apinuwchconduct. inunds to fOC11S•n i11Cnasin1 LOS ANGELES - Donovan shareofaucntiononthcootltae frl'qutnt visiu co the United Scats lau.ndwd • COUl-~t con«n Kantllis revealed that beclUSC in1hemiddleofNovm,bc:r. tour .,,;,h his appeannoe Sq,tem­ ofthetapc,lheAmcricanGuildof The]VOUp will make a number bc:r 2l al the a,.,, Pa1Ace in San Var,c:ty Arti511 will notaucmpt to NOTHING ~~~~~-~lSc!"i1 of1clt-,isionappcaram:t1an.dare FranciKo. I~ llattd f,:,ra possible Jl.cftrrin1 10 1hc con­ ~nalilt ihc, hotel ,Ince Pryor'• national tour. cert, y,.,;,,1 said that f)or,ovan contrac1repor1cdtycall1 fortho BUTWORK ::,.,,,,,;,~~··"··· Ourin& tlitir U.S. visit which wilt '"initiatc<I a "'hole new Jlyle of comedi~n to ~rlorm Ma,, dirc:1od coinddo. .wilh the release of 1hclr pop concerts,. Such it the Nl· bythtoporalor:· ntW•lbum, they will appc:uon ladttr'1~.--.alcbarisn1a1hatono the Smo1hen Br01hcn CBS-Tclc­ micbl ha¥Cl'-ll•peu,tfall ... Tllh...,.1on-lCl)',m1rkJ..,_ T"" ,._ ..... ,,. ""'"' Beach Boys vi,ion shm,, on November 17. i11ghit1o011p. 1h1rdtiffll' Pryorhubc:onln"ho!M ha~thecorntron1b:a1muktt lor T s • Othcr nct.,·ork 1elevi1ion appcar­ Doftov&a"alon11wai1td A..,..,.;. Wll<r ... thc LWO previom mi .. &n<>e'i arcbcin1lincd up rorthc cantour.,,incon1inue1hroughthe 1akoby1hetnter11uw,,.-..,11h<' ::: :: ::;:;..:~u;:~::; ape tint .... ,. middlcofNO¥Cmber. ll-plroutc. no less than ~vencccn thows as a HONOLULU - The Buch resu]1ofadualbool.in1, Boy( --Summer Spec1acularM The Glories h>d bttn hooted .i,o.., in Honolulu have bec_n imo Trude: Hcl lct's in New Yori:, recorded for lattt release on 1htir SAM& DAVE wlitn their manapr had a call 0""nlahtl. BtoehcrReconh. from thc Apollo Theatre al,o in New York aslcin& him iflht 1it11 TO EUROPE couldrq,lacc Jam.,,andBobby DETROIT- Sam and Dave, popular exponents of Purify for one week. They 1,1id lhc .. Mcm• phis Sound" yes and r~n l»ck and forth be­ have embarked on a tween 1he1woen1I.J'lmcnt1. one monlh tour of Entland a~ Europt.thcirsccond vii-ii this Bu11ha1wasnotall,durin1thc year. middleoflhedaubll-run,thc&irls 'TheduoofSam~IMoorcand 11,ere.chrdultdtoplayaont-­ David Prater will bcaccomp.inied ni&htttin New ltrwy. bytht-irfullOfChestra. PEOPLE ARE TALK I NG nation",population ... how happy in1hisworkJOIOOlllfttrlitin1 more of his maurill it not re­ plodln1 equipment , •• wMn the ABOUT the r<Ollblc biJ M,,,.,,, Atlantic: is that A,r1M ju51 can·t bc:ddcd with hepitiUIJ ,. why corded by other ""iw ..
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