2Ol9 - 2O2O Scholarship Bulletin # 5 February l3,2O2O Scholarship Bulletins are on-line at http: / /lhs.citrusschools.org or https: / /onelecanto.com (under more category) or http: / /ww$'.citrus.k12.fl.us/departments/research and accou ntability / schola rsh ips (district website) Pleaae read the following list carefully. If you feel that you are eligible to apply for aay of the opportutritieE, pleaae feel free to pick up an applicatiotr lu Guldance or access the list olt the achools websltes rhlch ls liEted above. If you are urable to liad an applicatioD or know of any opportunities that are lrot llsted below, please ltotify or share with ME. Wieczorek in Cuidaace Department. Thank you! Remetrb€r to READ the schol,arship CARErULLY and FOLLOW ALL DIRECIIONS that are listed on the applicatioE. Failure to do ao, rnay result ia the loss of that scholarship opportunity. So, please read ALL the informatiou. If you have aay questions or clarilicatious oD the dilfereat opportunities, pleaae feel free to co[tact Ms. wieczorek i! Guidance. you are out your owE on the scholarship bulletin or applicatioE. Ia fairness to all applicants, applicationa must be subEitted ia accordaoce with the established deadlines. TIPSS Many of our local scholarship organizations request the following attachments to their applications. These items should be prepared in advance and be available to attach to your applications: 1.1 One to three letters of recomrnendation (Maybe from a teacher, coach, counselor, employer, or church / community member familiar with you and your community activities.) (Ask permission to copy letters and keep them on file for further use.) 2.1 A RcsuEG Detail your activites, awards, accomplishments, and community service throughout your high school career. (Make copies and keep them on file for further use.) 3.1 Aq Es3av (Brief, one-page) Include: * Outline your goals for t1le future, your family dFramics, and how your family will be impacted ifyou do not receive any financial help for college * Write a paragraph about your community service; how it impacted you and those you helped; and your intent or viewpoint concerning your future involvement in community ser\rice * Mention your work ethic at home, at school, outside of school. *** I(EEP YOI'R ES9AY OI{ YOI'R COUPUTER,.REA,DY TO AI}'UST FOR DITFEREI{T SCIIOLARSHIP APPLICATIOIT REQINREMEXTS 4.1 TranacriDt - READ CAR.ErITLLY - If vour scholarshiD apDlicatioa ls to be turned in to the culdaEce DeDartrrent. the ttangcriDt t ill be attached for vou. If vour aDplicatio! and transcriDt are to be mailed/submitted bv . cororrlete a transcriDt reouest form at least seek BEFORE it is due. February 2O2O Deadline f r,loa ctub otetrict gs-o This scholarship was created to establish a suitable Memorial to commemorate the untimely death of Paivi Harittu ftortr Paimio, Finland. Miss. Harittu, a Youth Exchange student ttaveling under the auspices of the Lions CIub International Youth Exchange Program, lost her life in a tiagic automobile accident in Orlando on the evening of July 4, 1983. Scholarships are for $ I ,000. They will be presented to outstanding students aid may be used for educational purposes or other educational travel. Come to Guidance to pick up an application. Citrus HlllE WoEclr's Club ScholaBhip $l,ooo Scholarship Applicants must be students of l,ecanto High School, rank in the top 2o7" of their class, demonstrates financial need, and live in Citr"us Hills or Hematdo area. Please pick up the application in Guidance. for New! FASFEIA Vivian Scott Scholarship Are you a senior and receive Aee or reduced lunch? Ttfs scholarship is for you. The criteria for this schota.lship are as follows: **Must be a senior who is on track to graduate in May 2020. '*Receive free or reduced-priced meals for lunch. a*Include a published picture with the 2020 Women of sugarmill Woods. Inc. ScholarshiDs Women of ill Woods General Scholarship This scholarship is worth $1,500. Eligibility for this scholarship is an aftend a 2 yea, or 4 year Florlda accredltcd college, university, or technica.l progiam $'orking toward a degree. Must have a 2.8 or higher GPA. Student must have a Fl.lanch.l EGGd. please stop by Cuidance to Dick uD the aDDlication. qlomen of Su ill Woods CF Fourdation ent ScholarshiD This scholarship is worth S1,000. Eligibility for this scholarship is must attend College of Centra-l Florida. Must have a 3.0 or higher cpA Student must have a Flnenclal n€ed. Please stop by cuidance to pick up the application. 2020 age February 2O2O Deadline continued... f Horoosas.a Lloo cl.,b Planning to major in tlle healtl care fleld? Examples: Eye sight preservation, hearing impared, ttle Eentally challenged, or speech, physical or occupational thelapy. Students Dust have at least a 2.5 GPA. This schola.rship is worth $1,000. Only Lcanto or Homosassa residents may apply. Applications can be picked u in the Guidance t. deadllue for subElssio! is 26,2020 ia Clu Inc. - The Tom Lawrence 2O2O Schol,arshi This is a $ t,000 scholaiship. Students appl]'ing for this scholarship must be a high school senior attendrng Citrus High, Lecanto High or Crystal River High. Student must attend college in the upcoming year. For more information and application, please stop by Cuidance aid a deadlilre for aubmisslon iE Frlday, February 24,2O2O. Aaroll A. Weaver Chapter 776 ItrOPH Scbohrship Aaron A. Weaver Chapter 776 Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) is pleased to announce its Chapter 776 College of Centrd Florida (CF) Endowed Scholarship that awards $ 1,000 to an applicant accepted or enrolled at CF as a full time student (12 or more semester credit hours) durins Academic Year 2019/2O2O. Interested applicarts can obtain the Chapter 776 scholarship information and application can be obtained in the Guidance Department or 776 must receive Echolarship applications NO Later than 5:OO p.E. Saturday, Febrlary 29,2O2O, Visit: wrrrrp.citruspurpleheart,org March 2O2O Deadline New! cF Honors Institute: Track 1 CF is offering ar exciting opportunity for graduating high school students. The Honors Institute/Community of Scholars program offers exceptional high school graduates two-year tuition scholarships, excellent trstmction in small classes, and superb preparation for entry into a bachelor degree progam- Up to thirty area high school students will be selected for admission into Track I of the Community of Scholars to begin as freshmen at CF in the fall of 2020. These students are eligible to receive scholarships of up to S3,000 per year for up to two years. CF is looklrrg for students with a mnimum 3.75 weighted GPA. Come to Guidalce to pick up an application or go oDline. The deadline for Eubmlssion is Sunday, Dlerch 1, 2020 visit: www.cf.edulhonors \/FW - Scout ofthe Year The VFW - Scout of the year program provides members of the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts who display standout citizeoship, patrlotrsm and love of country with the opportunity to be rewarded with college scholarships of up to S5,000. Come to Guidance for more information. The deadline for submission is SuDday, Merch 1, 2O2O Visit: https:/ /www.vfip.orq/cornmunitv/vouth-and-educatiotr/scout-of-the-vear IYEtr'! Beverly Hllls Llons Foundatlon, INC Open to all college bound students. Multiple au,a.rds of a $l,OOO each. You will need a resume, letters of recommendation, and a brief essay deadllae for subtalsElon is March 2O2O io, Busilress WoEen's Alliance - Citrus CouEtv Chamber of ComEerce (Female StudeEtsl $1,000 scholarship for ONLY FEMALE students. Need to provide proof of accepta.nce for enrollment at aJr accedited university, college, or technical school In Ftorlda, Have a GPA of 2.5 or better (non-GED students), demonstrate fam y llaalclal n..d, and be a Citrus County resident and gradua deadllne for submission is luarch 6, 2O2O ald Eust be turaed itrto The Ray Darling UDlrard Bourd ScholarshiD - Citrus Countv Rotary Club The Rotary Clubs of Citr-us County have established a Fund to provide an arnual scholarship of$l,SOO to a High Schoot student in recognition of the founding of Rotary Upwa-rd, Citrus County by Ray Darting in 1990. To qualiry students must be in t}!e final yeai at a Citrus County High School, plaining to attend Colege/University/Technical College in 2O2Ol2O2l and 8OO word essa],. plus, tlle applicant must have been a recipent of an UpwaJd Bound Award. CoEle to Guidance to pick up an applicaion. deadllne for aubmisalo! iE Friday, Match 6, 2OL9. New! Fort CooDer Charrter Daushters of the American Revolution - Local Scholarship for FeEale Studelts In 2020 Fort Cooper Chapter DAR is ofTering a $1,0o0 schorarship for a graduating senior woman. Appricants must be a resident of citrus Coun who has been accepted at a, accredited U.S. colle or unlversity, and demonstrate cotsiderable financial need deadllne for sub!aission ts SundEy, Msrch 1 5, 2020 (or postmarked by Friday, March 12, 2O2Ol. New! Spanish American Club of Citrus Countv. Inc. Candidates do not have to be of Hispanic descent to apply for this scholarship. This is a one-time schola.rship which is worth $l,OOO. Thev are deadllne for submission is lltarch 19, 2O2O and Eust be turned into New! "Campus Crime rSc Whatl A $5OO scholarship?!? Can you write a 3oo_word essay on the eflorts you have made to succeed and how you have worked to make vour safer? Ju st u form in Guidance deadline for submission is March 20,2o20 ta Page 2 of 8 lrtarch 2O2O Deadline conttnued... IIIRDC Educational Foundation hc. The WREC Educational Foundation is pleased to present its annual scholarship.
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