BED BAMS An Ideal Flaw to Un All the New* ot loatM an tb« Beautiful RED BANK Shrewsbury Itlver one bout und Surrounding Towns Irani New York and provid- Told FearleMly and Without Blw RED BANK REGISTER ing every city convenience •\i luutd Weekly. Entered u Second-Clan Matter at th« Poat- Bubicrlptlon Prlcei On« Year $2,00, VOLUME LVIH, NO. 21. offict it Bid Bank, N, J, under tha Act of March 8, 1876. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1935. 8Lx Months 11.00. aingl* Copy 4c. PAGES 1 TO LITTLE SILVER TLOT SOLD. evenings, Mr,'Clayton was Instruct- Drum And Bugle Public Meeting Fine Oceanport Canvas Fence For ed to inform the band that the River Lady Elks Bowling Brooklyn Man Buys Place on Point street schoolhouse waB unavailable Parishioners To Road for Own Use. because plans were being made under Corps Wins Cup On Health Topics Estate Purchased The School Field tho auspices of the Works Progress Club Annual Show Give Testimonial Edward JTTlanagan, buyer for Administration to use It for an even- Prize of a Silver Trophy Award- Doctors and Dentists to Speak at Loesser, well known commercial flnn The Hedges Bought by James B. Red Bank Board of Education Ing school. The Shrewsbury avenue Affair to be Presented November of Brooklyn, has purchased through Dinner in Honor of Rev, John ed to Red Bank Organization Public Gathering Nest Mon- Madison of New York from Considers Means of Keeping schoolhouse Is not used for public 22 and 23 Promises to be Big the O. Howard Llpplncott real estate school purposes, although it is owned B. McCloskey and John J, at Parade at Long Branch on day Night at Atlantic High- agency on Monmouth street a large Edwin B. Houghton—New Out Spectators Who Do Not Success—Mr. and Mrs. Turn- Quinn to be Held December Armistice Day. , Owner to Occupy It. Pay Admission Fees. by the board of education. It la used ier Directing. lands High School. tract on tho Little Silver Point road, for recreational activities, under the 12 at the Molly Pitcher Hotel. which Is part of tho Lo.vett nursery The Hedges, an estate of ten At tho meeting of tho lied Bank direction of Patsy Vaccarelli, and the On exhibition at the meeting ol A publio meeting to arouse Inter- holding, Rehearsals aro under way for the Pinna nro progressing for tho testl. Shrewsbury post of the American le- acres near Oceanport and one of the board of education Tuesday night the request of the band was .referred to fourth annual ahow and danco Bpon- nionlal dinner to bo tendered Rev, est In hoalth matters will bo held Tho proporty Is located on the moat attractive properties»of Its kind suggestion was offered by William Mr. Vaccarelll. The building has no gion of Bod Bank Monday evening Monday evening, November 18, In the snred by tho Lady Elltr,' Bowling John B. McOloHkoy, who la complet- was a silver loving cup which wai north sldo of tho road lending from In this section, has been bought by L, Russell, ono of tho board mem- heating syutem. club for the bprmflt, of the luilgf. It auditorium of the Atlantlo Highlands Little Silver Point toward the Little hi:i ti-nth year an pnotor of St. won by the Drum and Buglo corpi Jameo B. Madison, a New York bus- bers, that canvas be bought as a A. letter was received from the will be Held In tlie Elks auditorium James's church, and John JaQuinn, high school under the direction, of Silver railroad depot and la In close Inesa man, for his own use. The new fence to enclose the high school ath- Taxayers association relative to the Frldny and Saturday evenings. No- of the post at the Arailatlce day par- the board of health and the Public v.iio wan recently appointed United ade at Long Branch. Forty-one mem- proximity to Prospect avenue. Tho owner purchased the place frorm Ed- letic grounds on West Bergen place cost of making changes to the Fias- vember 22 and 23. It la entitled Health association of that borough. premises In question are nearly op- States District attorney, on Thurs- bers were preient at tho meeting win B. Houghton of New York. Ray so that football, baseball and other conaro factory building and the Mul- "Honeymoon Cottage" and le a mus- day nilflit, December 12, at tho Molly The program will begin at eight posite the Lipplncott estate. The H. Stllknan of Eatontown was tho athletic contests cannot be witnessed arvey house for manifal training and ical comedy with a cast of sixty vcr- and Commander Morria Miller pre- property has a 100-foot frontage on 1 Pitcher hotel. Although prominent o'clock and tho theme will bo broker In tho transaction. The house by spectators' iree of charge. The domestic science purposes. Mr. Clay- men of the community outslda the alded. At tho suggestion of Morti- "Health Today and Tomorrow." tho Little Silver Point road and Is mer VanSauter, president of the on the estate has been rented tho contour of the field Is such that ton was Instructed to reply. Last j pariah are co-operating, It will. In a The two organizations In charge over 700 feet In depth, leading past two years by Mrs. Casso Leh- games can be seen almost as well by winter the people of Red Bank voted , corps, a letter of thanUs WBB ordered through meadowland to, a large grovo larr;e measure be a parish affair and of tho meeting believe they have a man and she will continue her res- people outside the field, especially If by a large majority to buy the two j will be held In placo of the annual aent to Councilman James S. Parkeu in tho rear of tho property. idence there until next spring, -when they are In parked corg, as those who for having hired a bus to provide program which will Interest young properties in question for the studies Fathers' night gathering. Tickets and old In their health as well as Mr. Flanagan plans to build In tho Mr. Madison will have the house en- pay for grandstand seats. mentioned. for the dlnripr were distributed at transportation for tho members of larged and modernized, A contract the corpe. their duty In their neighborhood near future a largo modern cottage That the wealthy and others among a meetinc last Friday night in the health problems. Most of tho speak- for his own use. for landscape work has been award- the well-to-do take advantage of the Ked Bank Catholio high school. Morgan 13llert, chairman of the ers will be doctors and dentists who ed to Ralph Wlederholt of Shrews- situation to see games without pay- house committee, reported that the Contest For Fire There will he accommodations for will be heard on various subjects per- bury and thia job is now under way. ing admission fees was the subject of 350 persons. A mcetinj; of the com- post's winter program of activities taining to health. The public is In- considerable! comment at the board was almost completed and that tho Joint Installation The estate is at the northeast cor- mittee chairmen will bo held tomor- vited to attend and there Is no ad- ner of the Eatontown and Long meeting. "You would be surprised to Chief Of Rumson row night in St. James's rectory. improvements to the post rocoiB were mission fee. notice how many of this class arc too nearly finished. Branch boulevard and Main street, Tho Bpeakers and their topics In- Of Officers Held Oceanport, opposite the Lady Wake- cheap to pay admission fees," was Harold J. Peters and Francis David Sheridan is Renaml chair- A letter was read from Leonard one remark made at the meeting. man and Miss Martina Ilealy It clude Mayor Chauncey C. Phillips, fleld house and Mrs. Adam H. Groel'a Murphy Nominated by Rum- Alexander of Holmdel, who 1B a pa- The New Officials of Vernon A. "They park outside in expensive cars secretary. tient at Base Hospital No, 81 at The "Tho Value of Public Health to a property. The last named place Is son Fire Company, Which Has Community"; Herbert S. Melnert, Brown Poet and of the Ladies' occupied by Mrs. Georgo H. Miles. and get entertained free of charge The following committees havs Bronx, New York, for United States and they dont seem to be thc least Choice of Selecting Chief. been appointed: veterans. Mr. Alexander la sick with supervising principal of the Atlantic Auxiliary of the Post Induct- An outstanding feature of The cheap j There wll] bf, a c£,ntC3t for the of_; Banquet—Mrs. Patrick Cottar chairman, heart trouble. Ho Is Improving, but Highlands publio echools, "Tho Value ed Into Office. Hedges is Its beautiful and picturea- trunk Dean. Alphonno Dallario. Urn. * of a Health Program In the Schools"; skates," was another statement. | flco of chief of the Rumson fire de- It Is uncertain when he will be able que landscape. Many fine shade WILLIAM TURNIER lre.l L. Jniioi, Edward Kelly, John Love- Dr. A. Rosonthal, "Appendicitis"; Dr. A Joint Installation of olJlcers of trees, a big rose garden and large Tho upshot of this chiseling In on partment this year. That municipal- Iy, Mui-y Ncl'uc. Mra. D«vid Noonsn. Mn. to return home. Victor Gregoza, Vernon A. Brown post of the Veter- games is that' the Athletic associa- ity has two companies and it is the John Kohrey, Wilbur Symington, Mad«- another member of tho post, 1B at A.
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