July 26, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1337 Greeks began a series of competitions that ‘‘Yes, Mayor, I’ll get on it’’ are how most of Saraland’s amazing achievement is not only would develop into an international tradition of my conversations with Jimmie end. She is a a model for Alabama, but for the nation. It is incredible scale. The Olympic Games serve as close advisor, confidant, and most of all a true proof positive that when a community unites an opportunity to demonstrate athletic and friend. Blessed with a wonderful sense of behind a goal, it can succeed. We should all mental ability, strength, and spirit for both indi- humor, Jimmie is a keen observer of the peo- look to Saraland’s example. viduals and nations. The Olympics bring mil- ple she serves and of the community in which On behalf of the people of Alabama, I would lions of diverse people together, all with one she lives. I want America to know about this like to extend my congratulations to the hope: to see their country win. For our Nation, tireless champion of East Texas who gives Saraland School System, its leaders, students the Olympic Games help us to find our com- back more than could ever be asked of her. and the community at large. Job well done! mon ground and allow us to come together to Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to rise today to f support the young men and women who rep- wish Jimmie Ruth Cooley a very Happy 80th resent our great country. Birthday and many more years of happiness COMMENDING VETERANS OF THE I am honored to recognize the outstanding to come. KOREAN CONSTABULARY individuals from Orange County that will rep- f resent our Nation this summer in London, HON. LEE TERRY HONORING SARALAND SCHOOLS England. For their patriotism and excellence in OF NEBRASKA FOR SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT athletics, I’d like to recognize JW Kumpholz IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Water Polo), Courtney Mathewson (Water Thursday, July 26, 2012 Polo), Lauren Wenger (Water Polo), Samuel HON. JO BONNER Mikulak (Gymnastics), Tyler Clary (Swimming), OF ALABAMA Mr. TERRY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Kate Ziegler (Swimming), Russell Holmes IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor veterans of the Korean Constabulary for (Volleyball), David Lee (Volleyball), Paul Thursday, July 26, 2012 their outstanding sacrifice and service during the hard years leading up to the establishment Lotman (Volleyball), David Smith (Volleyball), Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to bring to Donald Suxho (Volleyball), Brian Thorton of the Republic of Korea. the attention of the House the exemplary The Korean Constabulary was originally es- (Volleyball), David McKienzie (Volleyball), Clay achievement of the Saraland School System, Stanley (Volleyball), Sean Rooney (Volleyball), tablished in 1946 in order to provide support which recently garnered the highest rating of to Korean National Police during the unifica- Danielle Scott (Volleyball), Jordan Larson performance from its accreditation agency. (Volleyball), Matt Anderson (Volleyball), and tion and independence of South Korea. They What’s even more remarkable about this ac- would eventually serve as the Republic of Reid Priddy (Volleyball). We are all proud of complishment is that the Saraland School Sys- you. Korea Army in 1948. tem was founded just four short years ago. During the years of 1946 and 1948, the Ko- Thank you again, and good luck to each of All too often, local news across America is you. Bring home the gold for Team U.S.A. rean Constabulary undertook internal security filled will stories about failing schools and de- tasks on behalf of the United States Military f clining scholastic standards. Indeed, our edu- Government in Korea and the people of South CELEBRATING THE 80TH BIRTH- cational system is being challenged like never Korea, defending their fledging country against DAY OF JIMMIE RUTH COOLEY before from a historic recession and dwindling internal unrest. revenues. But America is still the land of op- The Korean Constabulary believe they have HON. KEVIN BRADY portunity for those imbued with vision and a been treated unfairly due to their exclusion dedication to make a difference. OF TEXAS from benefits offered under the Republic of Four years ago, the City of Saraland defied IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Korea’s Military Pension Act. They have not the odds by seeking control of its local schools Thursday, July 26, 2012 been granted pension, financial aid for with the goal of raising the quality of education healthcare or military awards for their years of Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise for its children. The Saraland School System distinguished service because their years of today to celebrate the birthday of a dear friend set a goal to provide every student a ‘‘world- service before 1950 are unaccounted for be- and a true East Texas treasure, Jimmie Ruth class education.’’ This goal was successfully cause the Constabulary was under the juris- Cooley. She is a shining example of hard work met in June when Saraland received the top diction of the Department of National Defense and the success that follows. rating of ‘‘highly functional’’ for the school sys- during the years of 1946 and 1948. A three term mayor of her beloved Wood- tem’s vision and purpose. The high praise The Korean Constabulary would like to be ville, Jimmie has been a tireless, enthusiastic came from AdvanceED, formerly known as the honored by the Republic of Korea for their he- advocate for her community, for Tyler County, Southern Association of Colleges and roic service during such an unstable time in for East Texas and in fact the Lone Star State Schools. the country’s history. where she has left her mark as well. Saraland also received the accreditation Today, I honor all of the Veterans of the Ko- When it comes to accomplishing tasks and agency’s second highest rating in six other rean Constabulary and commend them for overcoming hurdles—Jimmie has got it cov- areas: governance and leadership; teaching their bravery and support to the United States ered. One of her dear friends, Mary Jane and learning; documenting and using results; Military Government in Korea. Neal, summed it up best, saying ‘‘She likes to resources and support systems; stakeholder f get things done’’. communications and relationships; and com- And she has. Over the years Mayor Cooley mitment to continuous improvement. RECOGNIZING ARKANSAS has served as a board member and a leader Much credit is due to the school leadership, OLYMPIAN MICHAEL TINSLEY in the Deep East Texas Council of Govern- including School Board President Bill Silver, ment; Three Rivers Council of Boy Scouts of Superintendent Wayne Vickers, and all the HON. TIM GRIFFIN America; Woodville Independent School Dis- Saraland School System administrators, prin- OF ARKANSAS trict Compass Arts; Tyler County Art League; cipals, teachers and students. Additionally, a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Tyler County Hospital Foundation. She’s tip of the hat is due to the people of Saraland worked tirelessly as president of the Tyler who, according to the accreditation agency, Thursday, July 26, 2012 County Chamber of Commerce, a past mem- have demonstrated an equally strong commit- Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas. Mr. Speaker, I ber of the Texas Office of Community Affairs ment to supporting their new school system rise today to recognize Mr. Michael Tinsley Task Force and Deep Texas Regional Review and making sure it succeeds. who will be representing the United States in Committee. Board president Bill Silver recently told the the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London. Longtime Texas Governor Rick Perry ap- Mobile Press-Register, ‘‘This community has Michael hails from Little Rock, Arkansas. Lit- pointed Jimmie to serve on the board of the bought into our own school system and that is tle Rock is located in the Second Congres- Lower Neches Valley Authority, where she has one of the reasons we have had such suc- sional District, which I represent. He attended talked water with me countless times because cess, in academics, sports and the whole Pulaski Robinson High School in Little Rock she knows how important our lakes and rivers arena.’’ where he had a standout track career. are to our communities in East Texas. And Physical evidence of the community’s in- His dedication to and performance in track yes, she has a professional career as well— vestment in their school system is manifest in and field in high school earned him a scholar- she is a graduate of the American Institute of the $30 million high school, a planned $14 mil- ship at Jackson State University in Jackson, Real Estate and now a retired real estate lion elementary school and another $4 million Mississippi, where he ran track and studied agent. dedicated to renovate the middle school. Criminal Justice. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:27 Jul 27, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26JY8.006 E26JYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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