/ 24 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Tues.. May 11, 1982 pWonchesfer roods: Fall River fire Fiona condos |whaf's happening? hits five blocks up to zoners On 15th, . pages 4 and 5 . page 7 . page 9 . • " •,- • S ■■ ri the Rainbow ;v : Cloudy tonight; Manchester, Conn. ■ f i i i sunny Thursday iiS-ll Wednesday, May 12, 1982 touches down — See page 2 iEanrliratrr U m l h Single copy 25c in Manchester! ;‘-W. Saturday, May 15th, •7.- Britain sends from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. is the grand opening of M' more troops our new Loan Center, and which could include allowing tbe QE2 in Southhampton, England, 2 By United Press International U.N. talks to go on for another three British warships 8,000 miles away Britain sent 3,000 more troops to days. Today marked the fifth day of Tuesday sank a suspected Argentine we’re inviting you to come the South Atlantic today aboard the U.N. peace efforts. tanker ship during a third con­ luxury liner QE2 and Prime Following the two-hour meeting, secutive day of bombardments. Minister Margaret Thatcher’s Pym said: “There were some Reporters with tbe fleet said 4'ISfAf'’'^ V i - ' ' - ' ' ■''■ "''4'■ • Cabinet met to decide how much developments overnight which hold British destroyers and frigates were help us celebrate! longer to give U.N. peace talks out some promise of progress. sweeping bays, harbors and inland before ordering a full-scale assault “We are continuing to work with channels in a massive sea dragnet to ■i to retake the Falkland Islands from all intensity at the U.N.,” but he cut supplies to the 9,000-man Argen­ Argentina. warned that “many difficult tine occupation force on the dis­ Parliament announced it would problems still remain.” He said puted islands. hold a full debate on tbe crisis British hopes have been raised In London, sources said the Thursday. The emergency meeting, “several times before only to be British fleet also had orders to find f ' called by the opposition Labor Par­ dashed.” and destroy two German-buiit ty, wiil be the fifth full House of U.N. Secretary General Javier Argentine submarines believed Commons debate since the Perez de Cuellar reported Tuesday lurking in deep-water inlets. The , Savings Bank Falklands crisis erupted April 2. “some progress” in his continuing submarines pose a major threat to S i In the South Atlantic, bad weather negotations with Britain and Argen­ the two aircraft carriers heading prevented the task force from tina but admitted a diplomatic solu­ Britain’s 60-ship naval task force of Manchester engaging in any miiitary action, the tion remained remote. U.N. peace talks entered their Ministry of Defense said. British Defense Ministry fifth day today with Britain pressing M aKhcstn: Main St. (Main Office); Purnell Place (Drive In): On Tuesday Britain said a frigate spokesman Ian McDonald said there Argentina to drop its demand for ul­ Burr Comers Stropping Center; East Center St.; Manchester ParkarJe; V... fired on an Argentine vessel was no military action in the timate recognition of its sovereignty Hartford Rd. at McKee St.; Shoprite Plaza at Spencer St.; Shopping Center believed to be a tanker in the Falklands defense zone, due largely over the islands. at North End. East Hartford; Burnside Ave.; Putnam Bridge Plaza. channel between the two main to bad weather. Boltoa: Bolton Notch at Rte. 44A. Aodovcr: Andover Shopping Plaza. Argentina has insisted Falkland islands. “Jn the past 24 hours, the task negotiations on the Falklands must Soath Wladsor: Sullivan Ave. Shopping Center. But an Argentine military Ashford: Junction Rtes.44& 44A. Tel.646-1700. force has not reported any further lead to Argentine sovereignty over M spokesman today denied any vessel The Esotcss Banir engagement. Ships of the task force the 149-year-old British colony it in­ Eastford; Monday i Friday, Rte. 19B next to post office. Tel. 974-3613. was sunk. have continued to enforce the total vaded April 2. Scotlaad: Tuesday S Wednesday, across from post office. Tel. 423-0523 “We did not have any ship in the exclusion zone, patrolling the Informed sources in London said Sprague: Thursday & Saturday, 18 W. Main St. Tel. 822-6319. channel,” the spokesman said. “We waters around and between the the government of Prime Minister Member F.D.I.C. have no information they hit islands.” Margaret Thatcher had decided to t ~ I Equal Opportunity Lender ^Herald photo by Tarquinto anything. Britain does not have con­ '"“He said anti-submarine-patrols give the talks four more days but trol of the channel.” are being maintained despite bad warned it stilf was not ruling out Prom preparations Mrs. Thatcher and her war weather — high winds and thick fog military force to retake the islands. Cabinet — Defense Secretary John r m — including patrols by Nimrod sur- “These negotiations will take a lit­ Nott, Foreign Secretary Francis veiliance aircraft. tle time. But the fact we are A Wally Blnoa delivers a rack of tuxedos to stores are stocking up In anticipation of the Pym and Home Secretary William As legendary Gurkba warriors Formal’s Inn on Main Street. Formal wear prom season. Whitelaw — met at Number 10 Dow­ and other elite British regiments r j V i ning Street to discuss strategy. prepared to board the luxury liner Please turn to page 10 Directors surprised and angered Y l\ Blacks still feel left out of hiring plan .3 By Paul Hendrle mative action plan acceptable to all. “If you can do it without us, fine,” thought we were in total harmony,” black community would result in white resident, John A. Tucci, Herald Reporter The plan was made final Monday, said Smith. “If you want us, you’re said Cassano. He questioned the large civil rights protests in town. during the trial. at a joint meeting of the Personnel going to have to ask us again. We point of continuing to work with the Smith’s comments also produced “To me, I can’t go along with all Two members of the town’s black Subcommittee and a Human want to work with you, but we have Human Relations Commission sub­ a backlash from Vincent T. Kelly, of this,” Kelly said Tuesday, “I can’t community surprised the Board of Reiations Commission subcom­ not been included in the process. We committee on affirmative action. “I 34 South Adams St. Kelly, who is go along with these people always Directors Tuesday night by saying mittee. expect you to deliver in the required am extremely disappointed at some white, was identified during last threatening me. Are we going to they remain dissatisfied with the Frank -J. Smith, of 93 Ferguson time. of the comments. year’s Community Development hire, or are we going to allow some just-drafted minority hiring plan, Road, said a network of the town’s “I would only ask that members “I am really at a loss to find out Block Grant trial as someone who outside people to come in and because they feel excluded from the black citizens has been one of the of the board take this whole issue what he (Smith) is taiking about. made public statements that could pressure us? We’ve got process. most successful sources of minority somewhat more seriously than some The idea that we would have be considered racially offensive qualifications and if they’ve got Win a free dream weekend on ’That angered Democratic Direc­ applicants for town positions in the of you have in the past,” added marches really doesn’t provide a during that controversy. qualifications, we’re going to hire tor Stephen T. Cassano and his Per­ past. But he said the affirmative ac­ Rubin Fisher, a member of the good working relationship,” added Even the town’s defense attorneys them.” Nantucket. While you’re celebrat­ sonnel Subcommittee. Cassano said tion plan falls to include this Human Relations Commission. Cassano, referring to earlier threats made a point not to defend Cassano defended the plan, w|iich he thought the group had an affir­ network. “Until about 9:15 this evening, I by Smith that failure to satisfy the statements by Kelly or another applies to all professional, clerical, ing with us at The Loan Center service and maintenance, police and fire openings. you can enter your name in our ’The recruitment process would in­ Center clude minority news media and contest for a free dream weekend Little Phone Book is referral agencies, the Human 14th, for more information on how Relations Commission and We’re celebrating because we’re on Nantucket Island. You don’t Interracial Council and minority Rainbow Loans can make your colleges and professional programs. one of the first savings banks in have to be an SBM customer or Five families — instead of the dreams come true. big pain for merchants current three — would be considered Connecticut to open a completely loan applicant to enter. Just fill out equally, making it that much more separate, consumer loan office. Come join.the festivities! On likely that minority candidates a coupon at T he Loan Center or pamphlet called the Little Phone Phone Book of Manchester. would be considered. By Raymond T. DeMeo Weiss asked Smith to give him The Loan Center lets you take out Saturday, May 15th, from 9 a.m. Herald Reporter Book of Manchester. Despite the name, the directory any SBM location, and xffop it in He says Merson offered him 50 wasn’t really local. It included recommendations on a further a loan in total privacy, total con­ Steve Laramie rues the day (je percent off the list price of $964 if he listings of businesses from all over mechanism to involve the black to 2 p.m ., along with entertain­ the gold box you’ll see display^ gave $337 to a salesman from an paid in advance and an additional 30 Greater Hartford.
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