Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-56108-2 - Quark-Gluon Plasma: From Big Bang to Little Bang Kohsuke Yagi, Tetsuo Hatsuda and Yasuo Miake Index More information Index adjoint representation, 18, 399 Big Bang, 1, 6, 193 AGS, 338 binary collisions, 279 Alternating Gradient Synchrotron, see AGS Bjorken flow, 270, 335 analytic continuation, 68, 89 Bjorken formula, 275, 340, anisotropic lattice, 110 348, 360 anisotropy parameter, 110 Bjorken picture, 250 anomalous dimension, 152 Bjorken’s x, 303 anti-hyperons, 315 black body radiation, 60 anti-screening, 2, 30 black hole, 228 aperiodic gauge transformation, 111 blue shift, 297, 310 area law, 100, 102 Bohr radius, 174 asymptotic freedom, 2, 24 Boltzmann entropy, 282 IR, 149 Boltzmann equation, 280 UV, 150 Boltzmann H-theorem, 283 asymptotic scaling, 104 boost invariance, 271 asymptotic series, 79 Bose–Einstein distribution, 44 AU (astronomical unit), 395 bottomonium (), 107, 108, 170 auxiliary field method, 166 BRST transformation, 21 average transverse momentum, 314 bulk viscosity, 269 axial anomaly, 29 azimuthal angular correlations, 372 azimuthal anisotropies, 366 canonical dimensions, 148 azimuthal distribution of particle emission, 319 Carlson’s theorem, 68, 89 Casimir operator, 70, 398 -function, 157 Centauro event, 325 background subtraction, 386 center-of-mass frame, 259 bag constant, 30, 32, 48 center symmetry, 54, 112 bag EOS, 212 central collisions, 247, 256, 358, 375 bag model, 32, 46 central plateau, 253 Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula, 94 central rapidity region, 253 balance equation, 201 centrality, 358 bare parameters, 22 of collisions, 376, 378 baryon, 2 CERES collaboration, 349 chemical potential, 346 Chandrasekhar limit, 225 free, 253 chaoticity, 322 rich, 253 Chapman–Enskog expansion, 286 basin of attraction, 151 charmonia states, 347 BBGKY hierarchy, 282 charmonium (J/), 170 BCS superconductivity, 4, 122 suppression, 174 beam–beam counter, 390 chemical equilibrium, 230, 316, 346 Bertch–Pratt parametrization, 322 chemical potential, 40 Bethe–Bloch formula, 381 Cherenkov counter, 387 Bianchi identity, 405 Cherenkov radiation, 384 440 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-56108-2 - Quark-Gluon Plasma: From Big Bang to Little Bang Kohsuke Yagi, Tetsuo Hatsuda and Yasuo Miake Index More information Index 441 chiral condensate, 124 critical baryon density, 6 chiral perturbation theory, 34 critical density of the Universe, 201 chiral phase transition, 122, 158, 162 critical dimension chiral symmetry, 29 lower (dLC), 139 dynamical breaking, 126 upper (dUC), 140 restoration, 10, 127 critical end point, 136 N × N critical exponents, 133, 134, 155 SUL f SUR f , 159 chirality operator, 28 critical fluctuation, 139 Christoffel symbol, 405 critical hyper-surface, 151 closed Universe, 201 critical region, 141 coherent models, 255 critical temperature, 5, 55, 306, 338 collective elliptic flow, 10 Cronin effect, 371 collective excitation, 177 crossover, 52, 104 collective expansion, 343 CSC, 9, 243 collective flow, 319, 343 current masses, 33 collective radial flow, 317, 366 curvilinear coordinate, 404 collision parameter, 317 collision term, 278 Dalitz decays, 350 color dark energy, 201 Coulomb interaction, 171 DCC, 324 Debye screening, 10, 332 de Broglie wavelength, 256 degrees of freedom, 2 Debye screening, 75, 82, 174 electric field, 299 Debye screening mass, 73, 84 glass condensate, 251, 255, 300 de-coherence time, 252 magnetic interaction, 171 dE/dx, 381 octet pair, 173 deep inelastic scattering, 251, 299 singlet pair, 172 de-excitation time, 252 string picture, 298 degenerate electrons, 221 strings and ropes, 255 degenerate Fermi pressure, 225 SUc3,17 density matrix, 287 color superconductivity, see CSC detailed balance, 106, 279 color–flavor locking (CFL), 243 dilatational current, 30 co-moving coordinates, 197 dimensional analysis, 147 compact star, 8, 218 dimensional regularization, 141 compHEP, 419 Dirac matrices, 396 complex phase problem, 117, 234 direct photons, 387 confinement, 2 dispersion relations, 74 confinement–deconfinement transition, 114 dissipative fluid, 267 confining phase, 102 distant collision, 256 constituent masses, 33 domain-wall fermion, 98 constituent quark-number scaling, 374 double tangent method, 240, 244 constraint equation, 291 Drell–Yan mechanism, 330 continuous phase transition, 130 drift term, 278 continuum limit, 94, 102 dynamical breaking of chiral symmetry, 31 contravariant tensors, 404 dynamical quarks, 116 Cornell potential, 107 dynamical screening, 75 correlation length, 138, 139 Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE), 7, 194, 209 expansion, 141 cosmic background radiation, 209 early epoch, 206 cosmic gravitational background (CGB), 13 early Universe, 6 cosmic microwave background (CMB), 7, Eckart frame, 268 13, 194 effective field theory, 22, 103 cosmic neutrino background (CB), 13, 209 Einstein equation, 200 cosmological constant, 200, 406 Einstein equivalence principle, 404 cosmological parameters, 195 Einstein tensor, 406 cosmological principle, 193 electromagnetic calorimeter, 350, 387 Coulomb phase, 102 electromagnetic current, 185 counter term, 146 electromagnetic probe, 330 covariant, 404 electromagnetic shower, 387 derivative, 200, 405 electron identification, 387 covariant transport equation, 284 elliptic flow, v2, 366 CP invariance, 19 elliptical azimuthal distribution, 319 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-56108-2 - Quark-Gluon Plasma: From Big Bang to Little Bang Kohsuke Yagi, Tetsuo Hatsuda and Yasuo Miake Index More information 442 Index energy density, 360 Gaussian integral, 60, 403 energy-momentum tensor, 200, 265 GEANT, 388 entropy, 40 Gell-Mann matrices, 399 entropy production, 254 Gell-Mann−Oakes−Renner relation, 31 EOS, 47, 234, 308 generalized law of mass action, 43 equations of state, see EOS geodesic, 198, 216 Euclidean space-time, 58 ghost, 21 Euler constant , 123 Gibbs–Duhem relation, 41 Euler equation, 267 Gibbs free energy, 40 Euler series, 90 Ginsparg–Wilson relation, 97, 119 event characterization detector, 378 Ginzburg region, 139, 141 expanding fireball, 345 Ginzburg–Landau potential, 6 expanding Universe, 193 Glauber model, 257, 359 expansion glitch, 219 high-temperature, 123 gluon low-temperature, 123 action, 95 distribution function, 304 Faddeev–Popov determinant, 20 fusion, 315, 333 Fermi gas model, 230 GRACE, 419 Fermi–Dirac distribution, 44 grand-canonical partition function, 40 fermion doubling problem, 96 grand potential, 40 Feynman diagrams, 419 Grassmann field, 20 Feynman functional integral, 19 Grassmann variables, 402 Feynman kernel, 400 gravitational collapse, 228 Feynman rules, 65 gravitational constant, G, 395 final state interactions, 314, 373 gravitational mass, 227 fine structure constant, , 393 gravitational radius, 409 finite size scaling, 54, 116 gravitational red shift, z, 228 first law of thermodynamics, 40 Green’s function, 21, 144 first order phase transition, 306 advanced, 67 first three minutes, 211 causal (Feynman), 67 fixed point, 149 connected, 144 Gaussian, 149 imaginary time (Matsubara), 67 stability, 156 retarded, 67 Wilson–Fisher, 149 flatness problem, 201 H-function, 282 flavor degrees of freedom, 1 Haar measure, 20, 98, 118 flavors, 19 hadron, 2 flow, 297 multiplicity, 314 fluctuation hadron spectrometer, 378 charge, 323 hadronic calorimeter, 378 event-by-event, 10, 323 hadronic gas, 307 forward scattering amplitude, 180 hadronic string, 44 fragmentation region, 253 hadronization, 206, 297 frame Hagedorn temperature, 51, 317 center-of-mass, 247, 412 Hanbury-Brown and Twiss effect, see HBT laboratory, 412 hard process, 297, 371 target-rest, 412 hard thermal loop (HTL) free streaming, 275 approximation, 69 freeze-out, 256, 263, 307 effective Lagrangian, 77 chemical, 256, 316 resummation, 77 kinematical, 316 HBT, 10, 320, 343, 363 thermal, 256, 316 HBT puzzle, 364 Friedmann equation, 200 head-on collisions, 247 full QCD, 100 heat conduction, 269 fundamental representation, 17, 398 heavy ion acceleration, 339 fur coat of wee partons, 251 heavy ion collider, 353 heavy mesons, 176 gap equation, 126, 127 heavy quarkonium, 172 gauge boson, 2 Helmholtz free energy, 40 p gauge parameter, 21 high- T hadrons, 329 gauge transformation, 18 HIJING, 301 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-56108-2 - Quark-Gluon Plasma: From Big Bang to Little Bang Kohsuke Yagi, Tetsuo Hatsuda and Yasuo Miake Index More information Index 443 hopping, 97 Lambert function, Wz, 127, 167 parameter, 97 Landau damping, 74 expansion, 99 Landau diamagnetism, 27 Hubbard–Stratnovich transformation, 125 Landau function, 6, 130 Hubble constant, 193 Landau functional, 130 Hubble Space Telescope (HST), 193 Landau picture, 250, 262 Hubble’s law, 7, 193, 198 Landau–Lifshitz frame, 268 hybrid star, 238 Landau–Pomeranchuk–Migdal (LPM) effect, 328 hydrodynamical evolution, 255 Large Hadron Collider, see LHC hyperon matter, 231 large particle multiplicity, 375 latent heat, 49 ideal fluid, 263 lattice gauge theory, 3 ill-posed problem, 184 lattice QCD, 92 impact parameter, 256, 304, 375 simulations, 183 information, 375 lattice scale parameter, 104 importance sampling, 105 lattice spacing, 94 inclusive cross-section, 302 leading particle, 371 incoherent models, 254 lepton pair, 386 incompressibility modulus, 234 spectrometer, 386 inflation, 7, 201 LHC, 8, 339 inflational Universe, 7, 201 Lie algebra, 17, 398 inflational cosmology, 325 light mesons, 176 infrared (IR) problem,
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