Library File Report by Title Title Author LocalCallNumber "With Jesus" The Story of Mary Miravalle, Mark 232.91 Mir Co-Redemptrix 101 Questions and Answers on Brown, Raymond E. 220 Bro the Bible 15 Days of Prayer with Saint Garcia, Jaime 269.6 Gar Augustine 50th Anniversary of the Cursillo The Cursillo Movement 255 Cur Movement in the United States of America 7 steps to becoming financially Lenahan, Phil. 261.8 Len free : Abide in My Word: 2010 Mass Author, No 264 USCCB Readings at Your Fingertips Abundance of Grace : The Patricia O'Connell Killen 282.797 KIL History of the Archdiocese of Seattle 1850-2000 ACTS 2:32 Of This We Are All Behnke, Leroy Deacon 282 Beh WITNESSES Acts of faith : Moore, James T., 282 MOO Moore, James T., 282 MOO Addiction and compulsive EDWARD J. FURTON, ED. 261.8 FUR behaviors : Adult Education in the Parish Rucker, Kathy D. 268 Ruc After goodbye : Friesen, Lynette. 248.8 Fri Against the Tide Merici, Angela B Mer All My Days For God Coyle, Rev. J.B. Coyle 235 Coy Am I living a spiritual life? : Muto, Susan Annette. 248.48 Mut American Catholics: A History of Hennesey, James J. 282.73 Hen the Roman Catholic Community in the United Stat Annulment, the wedding that Foster, Michael Smith. 262.9 FOS was : Apocalypse, The Corsini, Eugenio 228 Cor Apologetics and Catholic Kelly, Rev. Bernard J. Kelly 282 Kel Doctrine Appreciative inquiry in the Paddock, Susan Star. 282 Pad Catholic Church / Archdiocese of St. Louis: Three Riehl,Christian REG 282.778 RIE Centuries of Catholicism, ARC 1700-2000 Are you really listening? : Donoghue, Paul J. 153.6 DON Arise : Michael, Chester P. 241 Mic 1 Tuesday, August 07, 2012 Library File Report by Title Title Author LocalCallNumber Ark And The Dove, The Elwell, Rev. Clarence E. Ph.D. 268 Elw ARS Caritatis Pontifical Council 262 Pc Art of Preaching, The Valentine, Ferdinand O.P. 251 Val Ascent of Man , The J. Bronowski 501 Bro Ascent of Mount Carmel Cross, St. John of the 248 Cro Ascent of the Mountain of God, Hays, Edward 242.34 Hay The Ascent to God: Faith as Art, Sobosan, Jeffrey 231 Sob Risk and Humor, The Ashes to Easter : Morneau, Robert F., 242.34 Mor Morneau, Robert F., 242.34 Mor Asian Journal of Thomas Merton, Thomas, 808.88 Mer Merton, The At the crossroads: a vision of Doran, Thomas G. 233 DOR hope / Atheism in our Time Ignace Lepp 211 Lep Augustin's Quest of Wisdom Bourke, Vernon J. B Aug Augustine of Hippo : Brown, Peter, B Authentic preaching / Halvorson, Arndt L., 252 Hal Awakening call :, The Finley, James. REG 242Fin Finley, James. 248Fin Baptists in America /, The Armstrong, O. K. 286 Arm Basic Norms For The Formation Congregation for Catholic Education 253 Con Of Permanent Deacons Basil Moreau : MacEo?in, Gary, B Mor Battle for the Catholic mind :, May, William E 230.2 MAY The Be Not Afraid Vanier, Jean, 248.42 Van Vanier, Jean 248.42 Van Bearing Fruit By Streams of Wall, Barry W. 262 Wal Waters Beatitudes :, The Galilea, Segundo. 266.001 Gal Beatitudes, The. Tugwell, Simon. 226 Tug Becoming a community of salt Heins, Peggy Prevoznik. 261.8 Hei and light : Becoming a person in the whole McMahon, Edwin M., 248.4 Mcma Christ, Becoming Catholic even if you Killgallon, James J., 248.4 Kil happen to be one / Becoming followers of Jesus : Paleczny, Barbara 242.2 Pal Befriending Payne, Joseph, O.P. 241.6Pay 2 Tuesday, August 07, 2012 Library File Report by Title Title Author LocalCallNumber Best Catholic Writing 2007, The Manney, Jim (Editor) 282 Man Between two worlds : Timmis, Mike. 280.04 Tim Beyond a House Divided: The Anderson, Carl 303.31 And Moral Consensus Ignored by Washington, Wall Street, Beyond Belief: Essays on Williams, Emlyn 242 Bel Religion in a Post-Traditional World Bible In Current Catholic McKenzie, John L. S.J. (Ed.) 241.5 MCK Thought, The Bible of the oppressed / Tamez, Elsa. 261.8 Tam Bible, the Jews, and the death USCCB 232.96 USCCB of Jesus :, The Biblical Exegesis and Church Brown, Raymond E. 230 Bro Doctrine Biblical Meditations for Advent Stuhlmueller, Carroll. 242 Stu and the Christmas Season Biblical meditations for Lent / Stuhlmueller, Carroll. 242 Stu Biblical meditations for the Stuhlmueller, Carroll. 242 Stu Easter season / Bishop Walsh of Maryknoll Kerrison, Raymond B Wal Bless my child : Cragon, Julie, 242.8 Cra Blessed Are Those Who Have Orsy, Ladislas M. S.J. 261 ORS Questions Blessed are you who believed / Carretto, Carlo. 232.91 CAR Blessing to Each Other, A Bernardin, Joseph Cardinal 280 Ber Bold Prayers From The Heart Maalouf, Jean 242 Maa Book of Readings on the National Conference of Catholic Bishops 265 NCB Eucharist, A Book of readings on the United States Conference of Catholic 234.1 USC Eucharist. Bishops Book of sacramental basics /, Guzie, Tad W. 234 Guz The Guzie, Tad W. 264 Guz Borderof Death, Valley of Life Groody, Daniel G. 248.089 Gro Born Again Colson, Charles 248.2 Col Bound to forgive : Jenco, Martin. 234 Jen Bread for the world / Simon, Arthur R. 363.8 Sim Bread in the wilderness / Merton, Thomas, 248.3 Mer Broken Body, The Vanier, Jean 232.9 Van Buddha and the Gospel Coomaraswamy,Ananda K. 294.3 Coo ofBuddhism 3 Tuesday, August 07, 2012 Library File Report by Title Title Author LocalCallNumber Burnt Out Incense Raymond,M. O.C.S.O. 253 Ray Buying time : Elvy, Peter. 261.5 Elv Byzantine Christianity and Islam REG 261.2/7 BYZ : Call to peace :, A McGinnis, James B. 242 Mcg CALLED BY NAME Van, S.j. Breemen Peter G. 234 Bre Van Breemen, Peter G. 242 Bree Called to be friends / Comin, Paula Ripple. 248.4 Com Called to communion : Benedict 270.08 Rat Calling Tillapaugh, Frank 262 Til Can You Drink The Cup? Nouwen, Henri, J.M. REG NOU Canon law and realism. Onclin, Monsignor W.(Chair) 262.9 Onc Canon law between Onclin, Monsignor W.(Chair) 262.9 Onc interpretation and imagination. Canon Law For Religious: An Gallen, Joseph F. S.J. 262.9 Gal Explanation Canonizzazione Cappella Papale 235 Cap Cardinal Spellman Story, The Gannon, Robert i S.J. B Spe Care of the soul : Moore, Thomas, 158.1 Moo Caring enough to hear and be Augsburger, David W. 153.6 AUG heard / Cartas para el Camino Guijarro, Santiago 242 Gui Catechetical Documents, The Connell, Martin (Editor) 268.82 Con Catechetics a Theology of mcbride,Alfred 268 McB Proclamation Catechetics Today Trachta, M. Berenice, Sister, C.D.P., Ph.D. 268 Tra Trachta, M. Bernice, Sister, C.D.P., Ph.D. 268 Tra Catechism for Adults , A Cogan, William J. Rev. 238 Cog Catechism of the Catholic United States Conference of Catholic 238 USC Church. Bishops Walsh, Vincent M. Msgr. 238 Wal Catecismo de la Iglesia Catolica Estepa Laurens,Jose Manuel 238 Est Catecismo Para Adultos/ Killgallon, J. 238 KIL Catechism for Adults: La vida en cristo/ Life in Christ Cathechism of the Catholic Ratzinger,Joseph Cardinal 238 Rat Church Cathedral of St. Andrew Stained Saratain, J. Peter, Bishop of Little Rock 721 Sar Glass Windows, The Catholic and Christian : Schreck, Alan. 230.2 Sch Catholic Catechism , The Hardon, John A., S.J. 238 Har 4 Tuesday, August 07, 2012 Library File Report by Title Title Author LocalCallNumber Catholic Catechism , The Hardon, John A., S.J. 238 Har Catholic Church in China /, The Ladany, L. 282.51 Lad Catholic citizen :, The Whitehead, Kenneth D. (Editor) 261.8 Whi Catholic Daughters of the Marthaler, Berard L. 255 MAR Americas Catholic evangelization today : Boyack, Kenneth C.S.P. 269.08 Boy Catholic Evangelization, The Hater, Rev. Robert J., Ph.D. 268 Hat Heart of Ministry Catholic guide to medical ethics: Diamond, Eugene F 174 Dia Catholic principles in clinical practice, A Diamond, Eugene F 215 DIA Catholic Handbook for Visiting United States Conference of Catholic 253 USC the Sick and Homebound , The Bishops Catholic Household Blessings United States Conference of Catholic 248.3 USCCB and Prayers Bishops Catholic Imagination, The Whitehead, Kenneth D. 246 Whi Catholic perspective for leading Phelps, Owen. 248.6 Phe like Jesus :, A Catholic Philosophy of Redden, John D. Ph.D. 268 Red Education, A Catholic Response to Economic Therrien, Michel 330.9 THE Globalization, A Catholic Texans Landregan, Steve, M.A. 270.8 Lan Catholic Texans (sample copy) Landregan, Steve, M.A. 270.8 Lan Landregan, Steve, M.A. 270.8 Lan Landregan, Steve, M.A. 270.8 Lan Catholic Texans (sample copy) Landregan, Steve, M.A. 270.8 Lan Catholic Worker Movement :, Zwick, Mark. 267.1 Zwi The Catholicism and fundamentalism Keating, Karl. 273 Kea : Catholicism and Reason Hayes, Edward J. Rev. and others 280 Hay Catholico : Defiende Tu Fe Pbro. Dizan Vasquez L. 231.7 Vaz Pbro. Dizan Vasquez L. 231.7 Vaz Catholico: Defiende Tu Fe ' Vazquez, Dizan 231.7 Vaz Catholico:Defiende tu Fe Vazquez, Dizan 231.7 Vaz Catolico : Defiende Tu Fe Pbro. Dizan Vazquez L.. 231.7 Vaz Vazquez, Dizan 231.7 Vaz Catolico: Defiende Tu Fe Pbro.Dizan Vasquez L. 231.7 CCD Methods In Modern Collins, Rev. Joseph B., S.S., S.T.D., 268 Col Catechetics Ph.D. 5 Tuesday, August 07, 2012 Library File Report by Title Title Author LocalCallNumber CCD Methods In Modern Collins, Rev. Joseph B., S.S., S.T.D., 268 Col Catechetics Ph.D. Celibacy, Prayer and Friendship Kiesling, Christopher O.P. 253.2 Kie Centering in pottery, poetry, and Richards, Mary Caroline. 158.1 Ric the person / Charged with the Spirit : Donders, Joseph G.
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