MIT’s The Weather Oldest and Largest Today: Partly cloudy, 74°F (23°C) Tonight: Overcast, 55°F (13°C) Newspaper Tomorrow: Showers, 66°F (19°C) Details, Page 2 Volume 120, Number 26 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Tuesday, May 9, 2000 Job Fair Redwine Agreement Named Reached Dean Class of 2001, GSC, SWE Sponsor Event Physics Professor By Laura McGrath Moulton Replaces Williams ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR The Class of 2001, the Graduate By Frank Dabek and Mike Hall Student Council, and the Society of STAFF REPORTERS Women Engineers reached an MIT announced yesterday that agreement this week to co-sponsor Professor of Physics Robert P. Red- next fall’s career fair. The decision wine will be the new Dean for represents the second consecutive Undergraduate year that the three organizations Education. Red- have co-sponsored the week. wine, who will Last year was the first time that be replacing the three organizations cooperated outgoing Dean to hold a joint career fair. After a Rosalind H. number of problems resulting from Williams, joint sponsorship, the organizations served most had considered holding separate recently as the RYAN OCHYLSKI—THE TECH career fairs for graduate and under- director of the Robert P. Redwine graduate students. Laboratory for Nuclear Science and “The initial plan was for the previously as the undergraduate Class of 2001 to sponsor it just with officer for Course VIII. SWE,” said Erick N. Tseng, Class Redwine called the new position of 2001 president. After discussion a very exciting opportunity. “I look among the GSC, SWE, the Class of forward to improving and enhancing 2001, and administrators, and undergraduate education at MIT. I despite squabbles over a GSC press think especially with new resources, release, the three organizations will we really have the opportunity to do again co-sponsor the career fair. some wonderful things,” he said. Redwine was considered some- Terms of agreement what an outsider to undergraduate According to the agreement, education: “I was not an obvious signed on May 7, profits from the choice. I haven’t been worried in career fair will be divided up so that recent years about undergrad the Class of 2001 will receive 44.5 issues,” he said. percent of the profit, the GSC 32.5 Graham C. Walker, professor of percent, and the SWE 23 percent. STEFAN CARP—THE TECH\ biology and chair of the search com- The first day of the fair will be Residents and friends cheer as a burning paper steer descends on a string to light up the pit, mittee which selected the new dean for graduate students, and the sec- marking the beginning of this year's Steer Roast. The annual party was nearly cancelled due to said that Redwine is qualified for administration concerns over safety issues. Career Fair, Page 22 Redwine, Page 23 SwapIt Declines To Fill Controversy Reigns in Final UA Meeting In Change, UA Councillors Will UA Council Overrides Finboard, Student Center Vacancy Be Chosen by Direct Elections Grants Summer Funds To LSC By Mike Hall Business and Financial Services ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR Peter D. Cummings, adding that By Dana Levine By Dana Levine The space in the Student Center SwapIt.com was “really looking for ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR STAFF REPORTER vacated by Newbury Comics has the teenage market.” The Undergraduate Associate voted last night to While reviewing the Undergraduate Association again been relegated to coatroom During its stay at MIT, Newbury transform UA councillor election into a direct and uni- Financial Board’s allocations last night for summer and status. Comics paid between $68-80,000 in form process. fall 2000, the UA council voted to amend the budget, allo- SwapIt.com, a CD exchange leasing fees, although Cummings “I think that this will improve the quality of the UA. cating an additional $3,000 to Lecture Series Committee. company, terminated discussions added that SwapIt.com’s fee could There are close votes on things. It definitely does matter Finboard allocated $70,437.63 to student groups this last week with the Campus Activi- have differed from that range based who represents you,” said UA councillor Christopher R. year, leaving about half that amount to be allocated dur- ties Complex on plans to lease the on different operating variables. Rezek ’99, who co-authored the bill with Mendel ing the appeals phase this fall. first-floor space after claiming that Founded by former Ziff-Davis Chuang ’02. LSC had initially requested over $3,000 in funding the MIT community is not diverse employees, SwapIt.com allows The bill, which passed with a 13-6-2 vote and from Finboard, which would allow the group to show enough to satisfy its business plan. users to exchange old CDs for cred- despite dissent from members from the Interfraternity four movies during the summer. The cost for running a Victoria L. Hood, SwapIt.com its good for the purchase of other Council, acquired the 2/3 majority required to amend movie typically runs between $750 and $1,000, depend- vice president for corporate devel- CDs from its national database. the UA constitution. The bill stipulates that UA council- ing on the age of the film. opment, said that her company was SwapIt.com is based in Maynard, lors will all take office at the same time, and sets a pro- As summer movies typically have poor attendance, looking to reach a broader age range Massachusetts and started its nation- cedure for a democratic election of the UA Council. LSC requested the UA funding so that it could eliminate than the eighteen-plus group served wide service on April 19. Under the new system, MIT’s student population the admission fee. by MIT. SwapIt.com’s concerns will be divided into voting districts, each of which will The Graduate Student Council donated a $1,000 gift prevented negotiations with CAC Space reserved for commercial use receive a number of seats on the UA council proportion- from an outside company which was intended to from becoming serious. Although students have clam- al to its population. While each dorm will comprise a encourage networking within the community. Although “It wasn’t as if we had signed a ored for a student lounge or student separate district, the FSILG community will be consid- Finboard and the GSC typically don’t co-sponsor lease,” Hood said. activity in the first-floor space, ered a single district. There are currently 27 available groups, this was decided to be a special case. “The target market defined in Cummings said that the space will spots for directly elected councillors on the UA. However, Finboard denied LSC’s funding request [SwapIt.com’s] business plan is house a business venture. During the spring UA elections, each dorm will vote because it believed that LSC did not clearly explain its considerably wider in scope than the “We’re looking for a business or to elect representatives to the council. Although a stu- financial situation. This would have prevented LSC demographics of the MIT campus,” said CAC Assistant Director of SwapIt, Page 22 UA Decision, Page 24 FinBoard, Page 25 2.007 cele- Comics SPORTS World & Nation . 2 brates its Women’s Track team Opinion . 4 30th anniver- places third at NEW- Features . 7 sary. MAC tournament. Arts . 9 Sports . 26 Page 21 Page 17 Page 27 Page 2 THE TECH May 9, 2000 WORLD & NATION ‘Love Bug’ Virus Suspect Arrested Bush, McCain to Meet Alone, WASHINGTON POST MANILA Philippine authorities Monday arrested a reclusive bank employee who lives in a gritty Manila public housing apartment from which Discuss Issues, Endorsement investigators believe the “Love Bug” computer virus was unleashed on the world. By Dan Balz that turned sour last winter. servative philosophy and a strong Law enforcement officials said they think that the man, along with THE WASHINGTON POST Bush needs McCain’s spirited commitment to electing a Republi- his girlfriend and her younger sister, who were still being sought, PITTSBURGH help in the general election against can president this year. So big pic- were involved in creating and spreading the virus, which crippled Two months after their bruising Vice President Al Gore, particularly ture, this is going to be an encourag- millions of computers around the world beginning last Wednesday fight for the Republican presidential to undermine Gore on the issue of ing meeting.” and was still popping up in some places Monday. A source close to nomination abruptly ended, George campaign finance reform. Bush in particular hopes the the investigation said the mischief sprang from an effort to pilfer the W. Bush and John McCain finally “McCain can’t look like he sold meeting will focus attention on Internet access passwords of fellow computer users in the Philip- will meet face to face here today out or got bought off,” another GOP areas where they agree, beginning pines, not with the intention to interrupt the world’s electronic mail morning with the door suddenly strategist said. “Bush can’t look like with their mutual dislike of Gore. traffic, as the program eventually did. open to a possible endorsement of he’s weak or can get pushed around.” But the two rivals remain at odds Although U.S. officials in Washington expressed skepticism at the Texas governor by the Arizona Speaking to reporters at a book over campaign finance reform, a this reading of events, the source here said: “I don’t think they ever senator. signing in a Pittsburgh-area mall central theme of McCain’s presiden- expected it to spiral out of control like it did.” McCain advisers had insisted that Monday night, McCain said, “I am tial campaign, and over Bush’s tax Investigators said the virus, which hobbled many Internet-con- it was unlikely the meeting would not seeking negotiations nor making cut, which McCain believes will not nected businesses and government agencies, was launched from a result in an immediate endorsement any demands.” The senator said he leave enough money in the budget personal computer in the messy apartment, located next to a fetid of Bush, but began to soften their and Bush would talk about a variety to reform Social Security.
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