Seminole Sports Hall of Ronnie Billie Sr. PECS Students Recognized at Fame Inducts Four Citizens Shares His Story Board of Trustees Meeting SPORTS 1C COMMUNITY 3A EDUCATION 1B 7PMVNF999**t/VNCFS June 30, 2011 BY CHRIS C. JENKINS enough words to describe how good and Reporter grateful I feel.” 5SJCBM*OBVHVSBUJPO$FSFNPOJFT8FMDPNF/FX-FBEFSTIJQ “I always felt like I had more to HOLLYWOOD — A new era in offer and I am glad I am getting the leadership took their place among the chance now,” Sanchez added. Tribe as hundreds of Tribal citizens, Other newly elected Tribal Council special guests and media gathered at the RI¿FLDOV LQFOXGHG 0DQXHO 0RQGR site of the famed Council Oak tree for Tiger (incumbent), Big Cypress Inauguration ceremonies. Representative; Andrew J. Bowers Jr. In a stir of unprecedented changes (incumbent), Brighton Representative, LQWKH7ULEDO&RXQFLODQG%RDUGRI¿FHV DQG0DUFHOOXV:2VFHROD-U+ROO\ZRRG the June 6 event introduced some new Representative. faces and reintroduced former leaders. The Tribal Board of Directors For many, the day marked the much also welcomed in the following anticipated return of the outspoken, QHZO\ HOHFWHG RI¿FLDOV -RH )UDQN trendsetting and controversial icon Big Cypress Representative; Larry James E. Billie making his comeback as +RZDUG %ULJKWRQ 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH Chairman/Vice-President. DQG &KULVWRSKHU 2VFHROD +ROO\ZRRG :LWK JUHDW DQWLFLSDWLRQ DQG Representative. excitement Chairman Billie gave Other Tribal citizens weighed in on recognition to the individual clans on the new administration and the Tribe’s hand and thanked some of his supporters direction with high hopes and praise. individually. “A lot of changes need to be made “The Seminole Tribe has been in the Tribe,” said Tribal elder Elsie blessed with many opportunities, %RZHUV RI WKH +ROO\ZRRG 5HVHUYDWLRQ hopefully we (the new administration) ³:H WKH7ULEH QHHGWRVWDUWVDYLQJRXU can maintain that now,” said Chairman money.” Billie. “My purpose is to make revenue “This is a big event, especially for this Tribe.” KDYLQJ -DPHV %LOOLH EDFN LQ RI¿FH ,W “I have always felt I was a leader, I is a special day for me and the Seminole am back now and I can continue what the Tribe of Florida,” said Sandy Billie Jr. Tribe started, no hard feelings involved,” of the Brighton Reservation. “I would he continued. like to see the best interests of the Tribe The election of Tony Sanchez Jr. as kept.” the new Board President/Vice-Chairman “Mr. Billie (the Chairman) brings was another major move. Prior to his honesty and respect back to the Tribe,” candidacy for president, he served Sandy Billie added. as the former general manager of the Rep. Tiger said he has big plans in Immokalee Reservation Casino for the store for his community and remains past 11 years. grateful for the opportunity to serve the Chris C. Jenkins “I am very excited with a lot of Tribe being reelected. The newly elected Tribal Council and Board officials together under the famed Council Oak tree after Inauguration swear-in ceremonies June 6. EXWWHUÀLHV´ 3UHVLGHQW 6DQFKH] VDLG before the ceremony. “I do not have Please see INAUGURATION on page 4A #JH$ZQSFTT$PNNVOJUZ$FMFCSBUFTUI"OOJWFSTBSZ 'MPSJEB(PWFSOPS3JDL4DPUU.BLFT BY JUDY WEEKS three adult categories. Freelance Writer Rules dictated that all clothing items were required to be made 7JTJUUP)PMMZXPPE3FTFSWBUJPO by either Seminole or Miccosukee Tribal members and could only BIG CYPRESS — The Big Cypress Community celebrated be entered one time throughout the presentation. its 115th anniversary on June 3 and 4 at the Junior Cypress Miccosukee Tribal Administration Coordinator Betty Osceola Entertainment Complex with a clothing contest, All Seminole said, "These clothing contests are a valuable tool in continuing our Ranch Rodeo and live concert by country singer Trace Adkins. traditions. They provide inspiration and encouragement to Tribal At one time the Seminole people called the entire Florida artisans and supply an opportunity for them to study the work of SHQLQVXODWKHLUKRPHEXWDIWHU¿JKWLQJWKUHH6HPLQROH:DUVWKH\ others." were forced to seek the seclusion of the Everglades swampland of "I look forward to attending the clothing contests because they South Florida in order to prevent relocation to the Indian Territory are a wonderful opportunity to socialize," said Alice Billie of the Big in Oklahoma. &\SUHVV&RXQFLO2I¿FH2XUDQFHVWRUVXVHGWRWUDYHOIURPFDPSWR During the latter half of the 19th century, white settlers again camp sharing and teaching our heritage to the next generation. It is EHJDQWRHQFURDFKXSRQWKHLUUHJLRQPDNLQJLWLQFUHDVLQJO\GLI¿FXOW important that we do not become so involved in our daily activities for them to live off the land and plant their gardens. that we forget the importance of passing along our traditions." The Federal Government under the jurisdiction of the Bureau Big Cypress 115th Anniversary Ranch Rodeo of Indian Affairs attempted to establish agencies, prepare a As Seminole families began to migrate toward the Big Cypress census of the remaining native population and acquire lands for Reservation in the early 1930s, cattle ranching became a part of Tribal occupation. Not wishing to have their freedom curtailed, their economy. Many of the men took jobs as day workers on near the Seminoles resisted all efforts by the government to establish by ranches being developed by white settlers. reservations and continued to inhabit remote campsites within the The Bureau of Indian Affairs recognized the need to establish heart of the Everglades for several decades. some form of economic development to encourage the Tribal "According to public records, the Bureau of Indian Affairs members to make the Reservation their permanent home. They purchased a tract of 160 acres of land in 1889 and another piece in arranged for the purchase of a cattle herd from the Southwestern 1896,” said Big Cypress Council Rep. Mondo Tiger. “This acreage U.S. and had it delivered to the railroad landing north of Lake was located in the southwestern portion of what now comprises the Okeechobee. Big Cypress Reservation. This property became the nucleus for The Seminoles drove the cattle across country to their homes future land acquisitions that would eventually be dedicated as the in Brighton and Big Cypress. From these herds, the Seminole Cattle Big Cypress Reservation in 1936." Industry evolved and to this day constitutes a portion of the basic Chris C. Jenkins Big Cypress 115th Anniversary Clothing Contest HFRQRP\ :RUNLQJ FRZER\V DQG FRZJLUOV EHFDPH D SDUW RI WKH Connie Whidden, right, director of the Tribal Health Department, gives Governor Rick Scott All Seminole Tribal members were invited to participate in a clothing Seminole heritage. By participating in the 115th Anniversary Ranch materials and literature as part of a sit down meeting in the Tribal Headquarters in Hollywood contest in conjunction with the Big Cypress 115th Anniversary Rodeo, they continue the tradition of their ancestors. May 18. Scott visited the Hollywood Reservation on a guided tour of several Tribal facilities Celebration. Gathering at the Junior Cypress Entertainment led by Max B. Osceola Jr. Complex on June 4, the contestants competed in two youth and Please see ANNIVERSARY on page 2A See more photos on page 2A 5BNQB$PNNVOJUZ$FMFCSBUFT'BUIFST%BZ ;XMKQIT:]VWNN -TMK\QWV:M[]T\[ *ZQOP\WV*WIZL:MXZM[MV\I\Q^M Larry Howard Brighton Board Representative Johnnie Jones 48.4% Ryan Watson Tampa Reservation fathers share a group moment outside of the Boizao Steakhouse at the Tampa Community Father’s Day Dinner in West Tampa on June 17. Please see Father’s Day Section on page 1D COMMUNITY: A EDUCATION: B Health ............. 13B INSIDE: SPORTS: C ANNOUNCEMENTS: 15B Congratulations to all 2011 graduates! "t5IF4FNJOPMF5SJCVOFt+VOF ANNIVERSARY From page 1A In addition to the standard rodeo events, the all Seminole ranch rodeo incorporated challenging opportunities for the competitors to test their skills and entertain the spectators. A team event, Wild Cow Decorating brought laughter and applause from the crowd as the antics in the arena unfolded. The contestants were thrown to the ground by the steers, dragged on Happy Father’s Day. May we all be the ' # & # the end of a rope and went skiing down the arena on the end of " #!& a cow's tail. kind of Fathers that our children need and With All-Around Cowboy and Cowgirl Saddles as trophies, " # # & %" both men and women participated in nearly all of the events. It want us to be. & % ! was every rider for his or herself and the livestock showed no mercy. The wild horse riders risked life and limb to garner their !& ! # precious points, and the steers nearly made a clean sweep of the #&" "%" Lady's Breakaway. Champion bull rider Justin Gopher came out of retirement % &" !# for the special occasion and came away with an outstanding 75 #% # & point score that put him over the top as the All-Around Cowboy. Ayze Henry threw her hat into nearly every event and even rode the wild broncs in order to earn the All-Around Cowgirl title. James E. Billie Goat tying was added to the Junior Rodeo event roster in an effort to teach the youngsters the art necessary for calf roping. Chairman, # $%& Putting their experience to work, Cicero Osceola, Josh Jumper and Justin Gopher volunteered as judges for the junior Seminole Tribe of Florida events. "I grew up in rodeo with the adults guiding my way," said Gopher. "We looked up to our elders and they taught us HYHU\WKLQJWKH\NQHZ1RZLWLVRXUWXUQWR¿OOWKHLUVKRHVDQG help the younger generation." First place champions in each event received buckles commemorating the Big Cypress 115th Anniversary. Judy Weeks Judy Weeks Judy Weeks Judy Weeks Louise Osceola took first place in her division Dyani Justine Billie/Rayda sparkled in her Charlie Osceola, Hehchoo-Ye Jumper and Jacee Jumper were excellent Jobe Johns, Rayven Billie and Drayton Billie displayed outfits that bearing a traditional long skirt and cape.
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