PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S. Postage PAID EDDM Retail Monroe Twp., NJ 08831 VOLUME 52 / No. 7 Monroe Township, New Jersey July 2016 Kiwanians, thank you for your service! Rossmoor Kiwanis – yesterday, today and tomorrow An open letter to our wanis Club began trying to Rossmoor friends and sup- organize a Kiwanis Club in porters by Alyce Owens, Rossmoor. Finally successful president of the Kiwanis in 1974, our club was char- Club of Rossmoor tered with 22 new members I thought it would be very (all men of course) and interesting and enlightening weekly meetings with pro- to look back on just what the grams were held in restau- Kiwanis Club of Rossmoor rants all over the area – in- has done over the past 42 cluding right here at the years. With the help of John Cranbury Inn — every Thurs- Hogan, our now-deceased day evening. Women were club historian for many years, welcome as guests on the I’ve put together some eye- fourth meeting of the month! opening facts and figures. The new club’s first fund- In 1972, the Trenton Ki- (Continued on page 24) Young and ready to face an Seated, from left, are Doug Martin, Alyce Owens, Lana Ottinger, and Sidna Mitchell. ever-changing world Standing, from left, are Ruth Mullen, Shirley Blankstein, Rose DeBenedictis, Marie Bills, and Betty Schneider. By Diane England ware, Rutgers University, Worldwide economic Temple University, and Co- growth has been inadequate lumbia University. to ensure pay increases for Each student stepped up Mutuals act to limit home purchases by most workers for over 16 to the podium and expressed years now. Also, there’s thanks for the scholarship investors growing fear that new tech- (Continued on page 16) nologies will destroy even By Carol De Haan compared with that of resi- amendment by an over- more jobs. Still, Many of our 15 condomin- dent owners. whelming majority on May when five Monroe ium Mutuals either have Beverly Masters, presi- 11. Indications are that Township High amended, or will soon dent of Mutual 6, noted that other Mutuals have School seniors ar- amend, their Master Deeds 30 of the 150 homes in her adopted, or will shortly rived at the to preclude purchases of Mutual are tenant-occupied adopt this amendment to Women’s Guild of Rossmoor homes by non- and indications are that the their Master Deeds. Any the Community resident, outside investors. number of rented units Mutual that fails to do so Church of Ross- This kind of investing came might increase. “Some in- might be leaving itself open moor luncheon in about because of the na- vestor/owners take good to increasing purchases by early June, an tionwide economic down- care of their properties,” non-resident real estate event designed to turn of several years ago, says Masters. “But there’s investors. honor these recent when home prices deterio- another issue to be consid- In general, the amend- recipients of our rated precipitously. ered.” ments call for a unit pur- scholarships, the Some of our homes lin- “The problem” says Mas- chaser to reside in the unit three young gered on the market and ters, “is that banks might for 24 consecutive months women and two eventually sold for prices in refuse to grant mortgages before seeking to put in a y o u n g m e n the low five figures. While to prospective home buyers third-party resident, i.e., a seemed eager to bargain prices might have if the banks perceive a high tenant. If a unit were to be embrace the next been a great bonanza for ratio of tenant to owner oc- purchased by a trust, only phase of their lives. people with a genuine de- cupation.” Such a situation the beneficiary of that trust This September, sire to live here, they also will not bode well for the can occupy the unit. they will head off to lured real estate investors future of any community. A resident unit owner, the University of to purchase units, fill them At a directors’ workshop whose circumstances re- Maryland, the Uni- The five recipients of the Women’s with tenants of their own hosted some months ago quire him or her to seek an versity of Dela- Guild Scholarships choosing, and collect rents by attorney J. David Ram- exception to this amend- for unlimited years to come. sey, the question of high ment, can apply to the Eventually it became ob- tenant occupancy came up. Board of Directors for that vious that the “values ex- Ramsey submitted the draft Mutual, with the under- Inside this issue hibited by many investor/ of a Master Deed amend- standing that their decision owners were not consistent ment to deal with the mat- will be final and binding. Bits & Pieces .................. 2 Maintenance ................ 22 with the values of resident ter, which the directors dis- No amendment of this Bob Huber’s Almanac ..... 7 New Neighbors ............ 10 owners,” to quote the pro- cussed and to which they kind is needed in the co- Clubs ............................ 12 posed amendments. Fur- made occasional changes. operative Mutuals of 1, 2, RCAI Meetings ............... 2 Culinary Corner ............ 11 ther problems were the The first to adopt the pro- and 3 because, according Religion ........................ 20 Fitness Corner ............. 18 “reduced participation by posed amendment was Mu- to Mutual 3 President Vin- Sports ........................... 19 investor/owners” in the af- tual 11, whose president is Focus on Groups ............ 9 cent Marino, the governing Swimming Pool Rules .. 26 fairs of each Mutual, and an John Vergano. Mutual 6, documents for the co-ops Healthcare .................... 21 absentee landlord’s “lesser under President Beverly already limit rentals to a Landscaping ................. 21 This Month in pictures .. 14 pride of ownership” when Masters, then adopted the six-month period. 2 JULY 2016 The Rossmoor NEWS Introducing your 2016 Mutual directors Bits & Pieces By Carol De Haan Mutual 8 Mutual 12 Sue Ortiz At the recent annual meet- Richard Franks, president Salvatore Gurriero, president ings of the 18 Mutuals, the Robert Macchiarola, Muriel Calvanelli, following officers were vice president vice president July is National Ice Cream Restaurant. Located on the elected. These are the peo- Patricia Howe, secretary/ Geraldine McFadden, Month, and anyone who other side of Forsgate Drive, ple who work many hours, treasurer secretary/treasurer knows me, knows I like my just before the Turnpike en- without pay and often without ice cream. trance and bridge, Buxton’s a word of thanks, for the Mutual 4C Mutual 14 Ice cream is a sweetened was my family’s stomping Robert Gleason, president benefit of their neighbors and Joan Avery, president frozen food usually eaten as ground. There, one could or- Helen Madden, vice president their communities. Robert Landman, vice presi- a snack or dessert. But, it der the best hamburger with Joan Lundy, secretary/ dent/treasurer can also be a tasty lunch! wilted onion slivers. I think Mutual 1 Gail McCarthy, secretary treasurer (Try pairing it with French they were the first to serve Paulette Mascia, president fries…just sayin’.) iced coffee. And they were Albert deLorimier, Mutual 9 Mutual 15 Fred Milman, president/ Gerald McQuade, president Ice cream has a long and home to the Buxton Sampler: vice president varied history, from cups ten scoops of ice cream! Dale Ralston, secretary/ treasurer Edward Harkins, Mary Kansog, vice president vice president filled with snow or crushed Recently, I stopped at treasurer ice that were found in ancient Carol Turner, secretary Edward Visinski, secretary/ Day’s Ice Cream in Ocean Mutual 2 treasurer Egyptian tombs to the inven- Grove, New Jersey. I ordered Dennis Hagerty, president Mutual 10 tion of the ice cream cone in a large dish: three heaping Moya Brady, vice president Judith Sforza, president/ Mutual 16 the early 1900s to present- scoops of don’t-count-the- Anthony Pagano, secretary/ treasurer William Murphy, president/ day frozen yogurt and gelato calories sinfulness. I don’t treasurer Barbara Krysiak, treasurer to a container of the richest remember the names, but I vice president/treasurer Sidney Lincoln, vice president cream frozen to perfection to do remember the ingredients: Mutual 3 Donald Marvel, secretary James Murphy, secretary “custard” swirled high in a Guatemalan coffee, cash- Vincent Marino, Jr., president waffle cone at the Jersey ews, caramel, chocolate Mutual 11 Mutual 17 Loren Kelley, vice president Shore…it’s all good! chips, chocolate, and more John Vergano, president Peter Kaznosky, president Beverly Sabatino, secretary/ Do you remember when a chocolate. Enough said. Cynthia Marnell, vice presi- Anthony Cardello, treasurer “half-gallon” of rocky road When your carton of ice dent vice president was actually 64 ounces? If cream is too hard to serve, Mutual 4 Dolores Grieff, secretary/ Anthony Saccone, secretary/ you’ve had your head stuck microwave it on defrost or Michael Panzera, president treasurer treasurer in one of those old-fashioned Betty Hornig, vice president half power for 30-45 sec- ice cream cartons for the last Christina Leary, secretary/ onds. It’ll be just soft enough 15 years or so, you must treasurer to scoop. Or, leave the know they’ve shrunk the Letters to the editor opened carton on the coun- Mutual 5 packaging to 48 ounces. tertop for a couple of min- Daniel Jolly, president A day in June emotions I felt on that perfect Heck, I could almost eat the utes. Then scoop out all the Harry Murphy, vice president “What is so rare as a day day in June: entire box in one sitting, now. soft stuff around the edges. Robert Wright, secretary/ in June? Then, if ever, come “For the beauty of each hour, I said, “Almost!” Even Klon- Eat it as you go, until all that treasurer perfect days,” said the poet.
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