![NEUROPTERA of the USSR, II. DILARIDAE, BEROTHIDAE, and Slsyrldae *](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
UDC 595.741 (47+57) NEUROPTERA OF THE USSR, II. DILARIDAE, BEROTHIDAE, AND SlSYRlDAE * A. V. ZAKHARENKO V. V. Dokuchaev Khar'kov Institute of Agriculture DILARIDAE Handlirsch To the DiZaridae belong those Neuropterans which have the following character- istics: head without ocelli; 3 hairy protuberances on vertex resembling ocelli; d antenna pectinate (Fig. 2), antenna moniliform (Fig. 3); veins Sc and R not co- alesced at P tip of the wing; cell Sc with several transverse veins (Fig. 1); d ter- gite very large, ectoproct weakly developed (Fig. 4); P with well developed oviposi- tor (Fig. 7). The Dilaridae are small insects with forewing 3-16 mm long. They are distributed mainly in the Northern Hemisphere with 50 known species in 2 subfam- ilies. The taxonomical position of the family is not clear; there is a possibility of its relation to the Berothidae and Mantispidae. Data on the composition of the DiZaridae in the USSR are scanty. Hagen (1858) described DiZar turcicus from specimens from Turkey and Armenia. Navss (1911, 1912) noted this species for Crimea and described D. septentrionalis from the Far East. Gilyarov (1962) observed larvae D. turcicus in Krasnodar Territory and finally Asp'dck and AspSck (1967) described D. kirgisus from the USSR. Study of the collections of the Institute of Zoology, Acad. of Sciences USSR, the Museum of Zoology of Moscow University and our own collections led to the confirmation of these species in the USSR and to clarification of their distribution. Since positive identification of the species of the family is possible only through the d genitals, we are giving be- low figures of the d 9th tergite and genitals. Natural habitat of Dilaridae in USSR do not overlap, but there is the possibility of finding in USSR other species of the family, making it necessary to know the distinguishing characters of the genitalia. DILARINAE Handlirsch DiZar Rambur Type species. DiZar nevadensis Rambur, 1842; DiZar turcicus Hagen, 1858. The species is known from Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, and the USSR (Crimea, Caucasus). Forewing length 8-11 mm; tergite IX and d genitalia as in Fig. 8-9. Material. Crimea: Alushta, 2.VI.1900, 1 d and 6-7.VI.1900, 1 d (N. Kuznecov); Karadag, 21.VI.1914, 1 d (Isentilovich). Dagestan: Gunib, 10.VII.1924, 1 d (Rya- bov) . +Part I appeared in Entomologival Review 67(2): 160-166. *Originally published in Entomologicheskoye Obozreniye, No. 4, 1988, pp. 763- 768. 99 1~~~0013-8738/89/0003-0099$7.50/0 Q 1989 Scripta Technica, Inc. Fig. 1-7. Dilar septentrionalis Nav. 1) forewing (Sc - subcostal vein, R - radial vein); 2) d head; 3) d antenna; 4) d genital segments (T9 - 9th ter- gite, S9 - 9th sternite); 5) d genitalia; 6) male d segment from above; 7) 2 genital segments. Dilar kirgisus Aspock and Aspock, 1967. This species is widespread in the mountains of Central Asia, but not known out- side the USSR. Forewing 8-10 mm long. Tergite IX and d genitalia as in Fig. 10, 11. Material. Tajikistan: Pamir, Khorog, 5.VI.1956, 3 d, 29.VI.1956, 2 d, (Zhe- lokhovcev), 25.VI.1979, 1 d, (V. Mikhajlov); Ramit Reserve, 5.VI.1981, 2 d, 10.VII. 1981, 1 d, (Mikitova), Turkmenia Reserve, Badkhyzh, 7.V.1953, 1 d, (V. Potopolskij). Known from USSR and Korean Peninsula. Widespread in the Maritime Territory. Forewing 8-15 mm long. Tergite and genitalia of d as in Fig. 5-6. Material. Maritime Terr. : Jakovlevka, 29.VI. 1929, 1 d, (Diyakonov, Filip'ev) ; Vinogradovka, 7.VII.1926, 1 ? (Kirichenko); Sta. Tigrovaya, 7-9.VIII.1926, 1 d (N. Kuznetsov); Ussuriysk, 7.VIII.1957, 1 ? (Anufriev); Ryazanovka, 7.VII.1982, 1 d (Kerzhner); Kedrovaya Pad' Reserve 5.VIII.1962, 1 ? (L. Zimina), 8-9.VIII.1973, 4 ? (Kononenko), 5.VIII.1978, 8 O Vshivkova, 25.VII.1982, 1 d (Kerzhner). BEROTHIDAE Handlirsch Head without ocelli, antennae moniliform with abundant hairs (Fig. 13). Sc and R joined or not at tip of wing, Sc cell with a few transverse veins (Fig. 12). Male with segment IX normally developed, free or coalesced with ectoproct (Fig. 14). Tip 16 hca Fig. 8-11. DiZar spp., Tergite IX (from above) and genitalia of male. 8-9) Dilar turcieus Hag. ; 10-11) D. kirgisus Asp. et Asp. Fig. 12-16. Isoscelipteron fulvwn Costa. 12) Forewing; 13) head; 14) d genital segments (T-9 tergite IX, epr. ectoproct); 15) d genitalia; 16) 9 genital segments (gl - lateral gonopophysae; hca - hypocauda). of abdomen of ? in several species with well developed digitate appendages (hypo- cauda) on lateral gonapophyses (Fig. 16). Insects of small and medium size. Family includes 4 subfamiliae with 70 known species. Closely related to Mantispidae. In- habitants of tropical and subtropical areas of all continent~. In USSR one species first recorded for Caucasia by Aspock et al., 1980. BEROTHINAE Handlirsch ISOSCELIPTERON Costa Type species. Isoscelipteron fu~vwri Costa, 1863. Isoscelipteron fulvwri Costa, 1863. Dasypterk graeca Stein, 1863. Known from Greece, Italy, Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Turkey, USSR. In USSR inhabits Caucasia. Forewing 9-12 mm long. Male genitalia as in Fig. 15. Material. Armenia: Mergi, 6.VII.1931 1 P (M. Ryabov); Arax, Nyuvadi, 2.IX. 1932 1 ?, 3.1X.1932, 1 d, 1 ? (Ryabov). SISYRIDAE Handlirsch Small neuropterans of worldwide distribution. About 50 known species. Head without ocelli; antenna moniliform (Fig. 18); Sc and R join before wingtip; cell Sc with a few transverse veins (Fig. 17); d segment IX strongly reduced; ectoproct well developed, coxopodite IX strongly protruding from abdomen (Fig. 19, 20); ? ter- gite IX large, in form of 2 lateral plates joined by pair of lateral gonapophysae functioning as ovipositor (Fig. 21). The Sisyridae are related to certain Neuror- thidae and OsmyZidae. Three species -- S. fuscata (Fabr.) (Ulyanin, 1869), S. ter- minalis Curtis (Dragomiriv, 1927), and S. jutZandica Esb.-Pet. (Dorokhova, 1975) -- Fig. 17-21. Sisyra nikoana Nav. 17) forewing; 18) head; 19-20) d genital segments, lateral and poste- rior view (cp - ninth coxopodit); 21) ? genital seg- ments. are known from the USSR and in the collections of the Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR we discovered a 4th here reported for the first time - S. nikkoana (NavAs) . Genus Sisyra Burmeister Type species. kmerobius fuscatus Fabricius, 1793. Sisyra fuscata (Fabricius) . Hemerobius niger Retzius, 1783." Ik?merobius fuscatus Fabricius, 1793. herobius confinis Stephens, 1836. Sisyra morio Burmeister, 1839. Sisyra nigripennis Wesmael, 1841. Branchiotoma spongiZZae Westwood, 1842. Hemerobius fwnatus Motschulsky, 1853. Known from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, England, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, West Germany, East Germany, Poland, Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, USSR, Canada and USA. In USSR: Euro- pean part, Caucasia, Siberia. Forewing 5-6 mm long; d genital segments as in Fig. 22. Material. Karelia: Segozero, Padany, 13.VI.1921, 1 d (A. Martynov). Lenin- grad Prov.: ~ebyazh'e, 19.V.1904, 1 d (Bianki); Luga, 19.VII.1954, 1 d (Shtakel' berg). Bryansk Prov.: Briyansk, Bolva Distr., 12.VIII.1928, 2 d (V. Stark). Mos- cow Prov.: Mozhaisk, 8.VII.1903, 1 d, 15.VII.1903, 1 d, 5.VIII.1903, 2 9, 7.VIII. 1903, 1 d (Bianki). Poltava Prov.: Mirgorod, l.IX.1925, 1 ? (Fabri). Khar'kov Prov.: v. Gadary, 8.VI.1975, 1 d, 17.VI.1977, 2 d, 21.V.1977, 3 8, 5 9, 2.VI.1977, *The author does not explain why this prior name is rejected--Translation Ed. Fig. 22-24. Sisyra Burm. Male genital seg- ments. 22) S. fuscata Fabr.; 23) S. termin- alis Curt.; 24) S. jutlandica Esb.-Pet. 2 d, 9 0, 12.VI.1979, 1 d, 2 ?, 19.VI.1980, 1 0, 10.VI.1982, 1 d (Zakharenko). Do- nets Prov.: Khomutovskaya steppe Reserve, l.VIII.1982, 2 d (V. Gramma). Tatar Au- tonom. SR: Kazan surroundings, 6.VIII.1917, 1 2. Astrakhan region: Astrakhan Re- serve, 8.VIII.1965, 1 ? (Zagulyaev); 13.IX.1979, 1 P (A. Kosova). Gruzia (Georgia): Lagodekhi Reserve, 3-5.VIII.1961, 1 d (Zagulyaev). Krasnoyarsk Terr.: Lake Shiro, 12.VII.1897, 1 d (Vagner) . Sisyra teminazis Curtis, 1854 Known from Sweden, Finland, Ireland, England, Belgium, Netherlands, West Ger- many, East Germany, Poland, France, Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Rumania, USSR. In USSR - European part, Khabarovsk and Primorsk Terrs. Forewing 4.5-6 mm long. Male genital segments as in Fig. 23. Material. Bryansk Prov.: Bolva Distr., 12.VIII.1928, 1 d (V. Stark). ~har' kov Prov.: Gaydary, 21.V.1977, 1 d, 27.V.1977, 1 P, 2.VI.1977, 1 d, 2 9, 19.VI.1980, 1 9, 23.VI.1980, 1 d, 10.VI.1982, 1 d, 4 0 (Zakharenko). Khabarovsk Terr.: Bikin Distr., 9-14.VI.1927, 5 d, 2 9 (Martynov). Maritime Terr.: Sedishi, 7.VII.1927, 1 P (Rezvoy). Sisyra jutZandica Esben-Petersen, 1915. Found in Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark, West Germany, Austria, USSR. In USSR - European part, Siberia. Forewing 5.5-6 mm long. Male genital segments as in Fig. 24. Material. Kareliya: Vygozero, 28.VI.1921, 1 d (Martynov); Irkutsk Prov.: Lake Baykal, 14.VII.1925, 1 d (Vereshchagin); Yakut Autonom. SSR: Yakutsk vic., 2. VII. 1925, 1 d (Ivanov) . Sisyra nikkoana (Navgs). Nopia nikkoana Navgs, 1910. Sisyra japonica Nakahara, 1914. Sisyra ozenwnana Nakahara, 1914. Sisyra yamamurae Nakahara, 1914. Sisyra esakii Nakahara, 1915. Known from Japan; in USSR indigenous in Maritime Terr. and Sakhalin. Forewing 5.5-6 mm long. Male genital segments as in Fig. 19, 20. Material. Maritime Terr.: Yakovlevka, 17.VII.1926, 1 0, 27.VII.1926, 1 9 (D'yakonov and Filip'ev); v. Chernigovka, 24.VII.1912, 1 P (~mel'yanov), 6.VII.1927, 1 ?, (Shtakel'berg).
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