Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (A Govt. of India Enterprise) Notice Inviting “Expression of Interest” (EOI) for Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation (API) of 2D Seismic Data in un-appraised onland areas in 22 Sedimentary Basins of India. ONGC has been entrusted by MoP&NG, Govt. of India to carry out Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation (API) of approximately 40835 LKM 2D Seismic data in un-appraised onland areas falling in 22 sedimentary basins of India. The basic objective of the survey is to map and study Tertiary/ Mesozoic/Proterozoic sediments for prospectivity and assessment of their hydrocarbons potential. ONGC intends to outsource the 2D seismic A & PI jobs to reputed service providers so that it can be acquired, processed and interpreted in a scheduled time bound manner in 4 to 5 years as shown in table 1. Acquisition is to start tentatively from October 2015. ONGC seeks Expression of Interest (‘EOI’) under International Competitive Bidding Process (“ICB”) from reputed and experienced Indian as well as International bidders for API of 2D seismic data in these hitherto un-appraised onland areas in 22 sedimentary basins: A. Acquisition B. Processing and Interpretation Interested bidders may submit their response for Acquisition (A) or Processing and Interpretation (PI) or both ie, A&PI. Bidder may participate in one or more sectors for data acquisition depending upon their capability. As regards the Processing and Interpretation (PI) the areas may be clubbed in 2-3 groups depending upon geological complexity and type of processing required. It may please be noted that this is just a business enquiry and it does not constitute any offer for the intended work. However, this EOI should not be construed as right to have tender document or to be shortlisted for the tender. Based on response to this EOI, ONGC intends to firm up the technical specifications, refine the plan of API and shortlist bidders for global tender to be invited for the purpose. However, ONGC reserves the right to accept, reject, or modify the requirements as specified in the EOI while formulating its final specifications and scope of work for the said work. I. Project Information Onland 2D seismic survey, regional in nature, is planned in 25 areas situated in 18 States / Union Territory of India. The areas are spread across onland part of 22 sedimentary basins of India viz Cambay, Kutch, Saurashtra, Rajasthan, Pranhita-Godavari, Krishna-Godavari, Cuddapah, Bastar, Cauvery, Vindhyan, Narmada, South Rewa, Satpura-Damodar and Chattisgarh, Bengal, Mahanadi-NEC, Ganga, Deccan Synclise, Bhima-Kaladgi, Himalayan Foreland, Spiti-Zanskar, Karewa and Andman-Nicobar basins. The operational areas can be broadly divided in four types. Out of the total areas, alluvial covered plain land are about 50 %, hilly terrain about 40 %, hilly terrain in Himalayan region about 5 % and desert area in Rajasthan about 5%. Shot hole depth in these areas is expected as 25-35 mts. Neither any well data nor any seismic reflection data is available in these areas. However, Geological, Gravity, Magnetic, Magneto-Telluric, Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) and Refraction survey have been done in few areas. Hence, subsurface information for proposed survey areas may be ascertained from these data or carried forward from the adjoining basins. Google images showing location of proposed lines in these areas is enclosed in fig.1 to fig. 11. Information related to general geology, objective of the survey, polygon coordinates of area, no of lines, elevation pattern along lines, logistics, other relevant inputs and tentative proposed parameters for 2D survey pertaining to each area are briefly described in para II. The fair weather window for execution of seismic work is September/October to May/ June for most of the areas except Cauvery and Himalayan region. Expected shot hole depth is 25-35 m, except Rajasthan, but may vary from area to area hence need to be finalized after experimentation. Few long offset (16-18 kms) 2D lines are also planned in some areas for delineation of sub-trappean basement configuration. Feasibility of Surface geochemical survey is also being considered along 2D lines at an interval of 2 to 5 km. preferably at or near uphole locations. Seismic lines are passing through plains, cultivated lands, jungles, reserve forests, national parks, sanctuaries and restricted/sensitive areas etc. The bidders are strongly advised to visit the areas of their interest and collect relevant information before responding to EOI. Bidders are required to obtain appropriate prior permissions from concerned authorities before start of work. For smooth and peaceful operation, bidders are required to take utmost care of statutory policy guidelines on HSE, public relations, filling of shot holes after blasting, storage and handling of explosive & payment of compensation towards damages, if any, etc. Bidders are further required to deploy alternate source of energy wherever the explosive source is not feasible. The bidders are required to propose most suitable industry standard acquisition parameters for best imaging of hitherto un-appraised subsurface areas. After analyzing the feedback from EOI, the final acquisition parameters in scope of work shall be firmed up while tendering. Considering their proximity, fair weather window, logistics, similarity of source & shot hole drilling, optimal utilization of field crew and to compress the API turnaround time, the proposed areas have been clubbed into 11 groups termed as sectors. For operational reasons, Vindhyan area is divided into two parts A & B and clubbed separately into two sectors 5 & 9. Financial Year (April-March) wise estimated data API as per plan is given in Fig 1A & 1B and summarized as below: Financial Year FY2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 Acquisition(LKM) 5918 16990 12430 5497 - Processing (LKM) - 12513 17470 9712 1140 Interpretation (LKM) - 1510 17240 17385 4700 A. Acquisition: To meet above plan, the requirement of seismic crew in 1st to 4th field season is expected as 15, 18, 11 and 6 respectively. Sector wise schedule of completion, quantum and required no. of seismic crew for data acquisition are given as below in table1: Table 1 Sl. Sector Area/Basin Schedule LKM LKM Crews States / UT 1 1a Cambay Oct’15-Mar’17 1240 Gujarat 2 1 1b Kutch Oct’15-Mar’17 1760 5280 3 Gujarat Oct’15- 3 1c Saurashtra 2280 Gujarat June’17 Oct’15- 4 2 2 Rajasthan 2260 2260 1 Rajasthan June’17 Pranhita- 5 3a Oct’15-Mar’16 350 Telangana Godavari 6 3b Krishna-Godavari Jan’16-Dec’16 600 Andhra Pradesh 3 2040 2 Oct’16- 7 3c Cuddapah 850 Andhra Pradesh June’17 8 3d Bastar Oct’17-Mar’18 240 Chattisgarh , Odisha 9 4 4 Cauvery Jan’16-Sep’17 1900 1900 1 Tamil Nadu 10 5 5a Vindhyan A Oct’15-Dec’17 4953 5865 2 Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan Jan’18- 11 5b Narmada 667 Madhya Pradesh , Gujarat June’18 12 5c Satpura Jan’18-Mar’18 245 Madhya Pradesh Oct’15- 13 6a Bengal 860 West Bengal June’16 6 3390 1 Oct’16- 14 6b Mahanadi -NEC 2530 Odisha June’18 Oct’15- 15 7 7 Ganga 3130 3130 2 Uttar Pradesh, Bihar June’17 Maharashtra, Karnataka, 16 8a Deccan Syncline Oct’15-Mar’19 10810 Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, 17 8 8b Bhima Jan’19-Mar’19 280 11400 3 Karnataka ,Telangana 18 8c Kaladgi Jan’19-Mar’19 310 Karnataka Uttar Pradesh, Bihar , 19 9a Vindhyan B Oct’16-Mar’17 300 Jharkhand South Rewa - Jan’17- Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, 20 9 9b 1460 3160 2 Damodar June’18 Chattisgarh, Odisha Oct’16- 21 9c Chattisgarh 1400 Chattisgarh,Odisha June’18 Himalayan Oct’16- Himachal Pradesh, Jammu 22 10a 1300 Foreland June’18 and Kashmir,Uttarakhand, 23 10 10b Karewa July’18-Dec’18 300 2100 2 Jammu and Kashmir Himachal Pradesh, Jammu 24 10c Spiti- Zanskar Apr’18-Mar’19 500 and Kashmir 25 11 11 Andman-Nicobar Apr’18-Dec’18 310 310 1 Andman and Nicobar Islands Total 40835 B. Processing and Interpretation : Data acquired in different areas as above is to be processed as per schedule given as below in table 2 . Table 2 Sector Processing Interpretation Sl. Sector Area/Basin LKM LKM Schedule Schedule 1 1a Cambay 1240 Apr’16-Sep’17 Jul’17-Mar’18 2 1 1b Kutch 1760 5280 Apr’16-Sep’17 Jul’17-Mar’18 3 1c Saurashtra 2280 Apr’16-Dec’17 Oct’17-Jun’18 4 2 2 Rajasthan 2260 2260 Apr’16-Dec’17 Oct’17-Jun’18 5 3a Pranhita- Godavari 350 Apr’16-Jun’16 Jul’16-Sep’16 6 3b Krishna-Godavari 600 Jul’16-Mar’17 Jan’17-Sep’17 3 2040 7 3c Cuddapah 850 Apr’17-Dec’17 Oct’17-Mar’18 8 3d Bastar 240 Apr’18-Jun’18 Jul’18-Sep’18 9 4 4 Cauvery 1900 1900 Jul’17-Mar’18 Oct’17-Mar’18 10 5a Vindhyan A 4953 Oct’15-Jun’18 Oct’17-Sep’18 11 5 5b Narmada 667 5865 Jul’18-Sep’18 Oct’18-Dec’18 12 5c Satpura 245 Apr’18-Jun’18 Jul’18-Sep’18 13 6a Bengal 860 Oct’15-Dec’16 Oct’16-Mar’17 6 3390 14 6b Mahanadi -NEC 2530 Apr’17-Dec’18 Jul’18-Mar’19 15 7 7 Ganga 3130 3130 Oct’15-Dec’17 Apr’17-Mar’18 16 8a Deccan Syncline 10810 Oct’15-Jun’19 Apr’17-Sep’19 17 8 8b Bhima 280 11400 Apr’19-Jun’19 Jul’19-Sep’19 18 8c Kaladgi 310 Apr’19-Jun’19 Jul’19-Sep’19 19 9a Vindhyan B 300 Apr’17-Jun’17 Jul’17-Sep’17 20 9 9b South Rewa -Damodar 1460 3160 Apr’17-Sep’18 Apr’18-Dec’18 21 9c Chattisgarh 1400 Apr’17-Sep’18 Apr’18-Dec’18 22 10a Himalayan Foreland 1300 Apr’17-Dec’18 Sep’18-Mar’19 23 10 10b Karewa 300 2100 Oct’18-Mar’19 Apr’19-Jun’19 24 10c Spiti-Zanskar 500 Oct’18-Jun’19 Apr’19-Sep19 25 11 11 Andman-Nicobar 310 310 Oct’18-Jun’19 Apr’19-Jun19 Total 40835 Data is to be processed by deploying experienced and professional experts using state of the art processing hardware/software and adopting most optimal processing flows and reliable Velocity analysis, Pre-stack Time and Depth Migration (Pre-STM and Pre-SDM), Inversion, AVO techniques suitable for each areas to obtain geologically conformable subsurface images amenable for meaningful interpretation.
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