Hymn Tune Composer Collection Publisher Yarnold, B. Manuals Only (Biggs) Yarrington, John Music Supplement 2 (Methodist) Abingdon Press Yon, Pietro A. Yon/Bock Piano Favorites for Christmas Young, Gordon Black Notebook Young, Gordon Black Notebook Young, Gordon Black Notebook Young, Gordon Black Notebook Young, Gordon Black Notebook Young, Gordon Black Notebook Young, Gordon Black Notebook Young, Gordon Black Notebook Young, Gordon Black Notebook Young, Gordon Black Notebook Young, Gordon Merry Carols for Organ Young, Gordon Merry Carols for Organ Young, Ovid I Could Sing of Your Love Forever Young, Ovid I Could Sing of Your Love Forever Zachau, Friedrich Wilhel Parish Organist 04 CPH Zeuner, Charles A Century of American Organ Mu Zeuner, Charles A Century of American Organ Mu Zeuner, Charles A Century of American Organ Mu Zipoli, Domenico Black Notebook Zipoli, Domenico Oxford Service Music for Organ Oxford Zipoli/Callahan Preludes and Postludes for Manu Zschech/Carter Contemporary Hymns and Songs Zschech/Tornquist Big Purple Book of Praise and Wo Word Zundel, John A Century of American Organ Mu Zundel, John A Century of American Organ Mu Zundel, John A Century of American Organ Mu A Babe Is Born Powell, Robert J. From Realms of Glory CPH Thursday, July 16, 2015 Page 81 of 433 Hymn Tune Composer Collection Publisher A Child My Choice Powell, Robert J. From Realms of Glory CPH A La Naninta Nana Butler, Eugene Carols of Christmas A La Puerta Baker, Philip E. Worship Supplement (Methodist) A la ru Hopson, Hal H. The Creative Use of Choirs in Wor Hope Publishing A la ru Hopson, Hal H. The Creative Use of Instruments i Hope Publishing A la ru Osterland, Karl Augsburg Organ Library Christma Augsburg A la ru Powell, Robert J. From Realms of Glory CPH A solis ortus cardine Dupre, Marcel Sixteen Chorales (Le Tombeau de A Solis ortus cardine Praetorius Orgel Chorale A Solis ortus cardine Praetorius, Michael Organ Chorales of the 17th and 1 A Solis Ortus Cardine Reinarius Christmas Music for Solo Inst A Solis ortus cardine Scheidt, Samuel Concordia Hymn Preludes 02 CPH A solis ortus cardine Scheidt, Samuel Concordia Hymn Preludes 02 CPH A Solis ortus cardine Willan, Healey 6 Chorale Preludes A Va De Worship Supplement (Methodist) A Va De Worship Supplement (Methodist) A va de Busarow, Donald A. Thirty More Accompaniments for A va de Husberg, Amanda Hymn Prelude Library 1 CPH A va de Skaalen Concordia Hymn Preludes 16 CPH A Virgin Most Pure Powell, Robert J. From Realms of Glory CPH Abba! Father! Honore, Jeffrey Organ Preludes for Glory and Prai Abbey Arnold, Corliss R. Free Harmonizations of Hymn Tu Hinshaw Abbey Hopson, Hal H. Creative Church Musician 6 Abbey Hopson, Hal H. The Creative Use of Choirs in Wor Hope Publishing Abbey (Isometric) Nanney, Herbert Free Harmonizations of Hymn Tu Hinshaw Abbot's Leigh Arnold, Corliss R. Free Harmonizations of Hymn Tu Hinshaw Abbot's Leigh Folkemer, Stephen P. God of Grace CPH Abbot's Leigh Held, Wilbur Hymn Prelude Library 1 CPH Abbot's Leigh Hildebrand, Kevin Organ Prelude Edition 4 Abbot's Leigh Hopson, Hal H. Creative Church Musician 6 Abbot's Leigh Hopson, Hal H. The Creative Use of Choirs in Wor Hope Publishing Thursday, July 16, 2015 Page 82 of 433 Hymn Tune Composer Collection Publisher Abbot's Leigh Hopson, Hal H. The Creative Use of Choirs in Wor Hope Publishing Abbot's Leigh Hopson, Hal H. The Creative Use of Handbells in Hope Publishing Abbot's Leigh Hopson, Hal H. The Creative Use of Instruments i Hope Publishing Abbot's Leigh Instructions The Creative Use of the Organ in Hope Publishing Abbot's Leigh Lovelace, Austin C. Worship Supplement (Methodist) Abbot's Leigh Patterson Concordia Hymn Preludes 19 CPH Abbot's Leigh Rawsthorne, Noel 200 Last Verses Kevin Mayhew Abbot's Leigh Webb, Charles H. Worship Supplement (Methodist) Abbot's Leigh Young, Gordon Lift High the Cross Aberystwyth Busarow, Donald A. All Praise to You, Eternal God (Hy Aberystwyth Cherwien, David Seasonal Interpretations (Trinity- Aberystwyth Eatherton, Sam Hymn Prelude Library 1 CPH Aberystwyth Haan, Raymond H. Black Notebook Aberystwyth Hancock, Gerre Organ Improvisations Aberystwyth Hebble, Robert Rejoice! Aberystwyth Held, Wilbur Concordia Hymn Preludes 19 CPH Aberystwyth Hopson, Hal H. Creative Church Musician 6 Aberystwyth Hopson, Hal H. Creative Church Musician 6 Aberystwyth Hopson, Hal H. The Creative Use of Choirs in Wor Hope Publishing Aberystwyth Hopson, Hal H. The Creative Use of Choirs in Wor Hope Publishing Aberystwyth Hopson, Hal H. The Creative Use of Handbells in Hope Publishing Aberystwyth Hopson, Hal H. The Creative Use of Instruments i Hope Publishing Aberystwyth Instructions The Creative Use of the Organ in Hope Publishing Aberystwyth Janson Concordia Hymn Preludes 07 CPH Aberystwyth Johhson, David N. Free Hymn Accompaniments for Augsburg Aberystwyth Krapf, Gerhard Sing and Rejoice 5 Aberystwyth Near, Gerald Augsburg Organ Library Lent Augsburg Aberystwyth Oxley, Harrison Finishing Touch Kevin Mayhew Aberystwyth Rawsthorne, Noel 200 Last Verses Kevin Mayhew Aberystwyth Rawsthorne, Noel 200 Last Verses Kevin Mayhew Aberystwyth Smith, Douglas 61 Trumpet Descants 2 Thursday, July 16, 2015 Page 83 of 433 Hymn Tune Composer Collection Publisher Aberystwyth Webb, Charles H. Worship Supplement (Methodist) Aberystwyth Willan, Healey 10 Hymn Preludes 1 C. F. Peters Aberystwyth Willan, Healey Ten Hymn Preludes 1 Edition Peters Abott's Leigh Hopson, Hal H. Creative Church Musician 6 Above All Names Hyslop, Scott M. Hymn Prelude Library 1 CPH Abridge Mawby, Colin Hymn Preludes for Lent, Holy We Abridge Oxley, Harrison Finishing Touch Kevin Mayhew Abridge Rawsthorne, Noel 200 Last Verses Kevin Mayhew Acceptance Beck/Webb Music Supplement 2 (Methodist) Abingdon Press Acceptance Hopson, Hal H. Creative Church Musician 6 Acceptance Hopson, Hal H. The Creative Use of Choirs in Wor Hope Publishing Acclamations Organ, Anne Krentz Organ Prelude Edition 3 Ach Bleib Bei Uns Gehring, Philip Hymn Prelude Library 1 CPH Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ Orgel Choralbuch Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ Walcha, Helmut Chorale Preludes 1 Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade Orgel Choralbuch Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade Micheelsen Choralmusik Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade Wente, Steven Concordia Hymn Preludes 19 CPH Ach Gott und Herr Orgel Choralbuch Ach Gott und Herr Arnold, Corliss R. Free Harmonizations of Hymn Tu Hinshaw Ach Gott und Herr Bach, J. C. 44 Organ Chorales Ach Gott und Herr Bach, J. S. 371 Chorales Ach Gott und Herr Bach, J. S. 371 Chorales Ach Gott und Herr Bach, J. S. Barenreiter 3 Barenreiter Ach Gott und Herr Bach, J. S. Chorale Preludes for Organ Ach Gott und Herr Bach, J. S. Chorale Preludes for Organ Ach Gott und Herr Bach, J. S. OC Neumeister Barenreiter Ach Gott und Herr Buxtehude, Dietrich Saemtliche Werke 3 Ach Gott und Herr Johnson, Stephen P. Hymn Prelude Library 1 CPH Ach Gott und Herr Marpurg 21 Chorale Preludes Augsburg Ach Gott und Herr Marpurg, Friedrich Wilh Twenty-One Chorale Preludes Thursday, July 16, 2015 Page 84 of 433 Hymn Tune Composer Collection Publisher Ach Gott und Herr Marpurg, Friedrich Wilh Twenty-One Chorale Preludes Ach Gott und Herr Scheidt, Samuel Ausgewaehlte Werke Ach Gott und Herr Walther Choralbearbeitung Ach Gott und Herr Walther Concordia Hymn Preludes 12 CPH Ach Gott und Herr Walther, Johann Gottrfr Choralbearbeitungen des 17. und Ach Gott und Herr Walther, Johann Gottrfr Orgelchorale Ach Gott und Herr Walther, Johann Gottrfr Orgelchorale Ach Gott und Herr Walther, Johann Gottrfr Orgelchorale Ach Gott und Herr Walther, Johann Gottrfr Parish Organist 01 CPH Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein Orgel Choralbuch Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein Anonymous Choralvorspiele Alte Meister Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein Bach, J. C. 44 Organ Chorales Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein Bach, J. S. Barenreiter 3 Barenreiter Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein Hanff Choralvorspiele Alte Meister Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein Johns Concordia Hymn Preludes 14 CPH Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein Kauffmann Harmonische Seelenlust Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein Micheelsen Choralmusik Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein Pachelbell, Johann Looseleaf 2 Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein Sweelinck, Jan Works for Organ and Keyboard Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein Vetter Choralbeitung Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein Walcha, Helmut Chorale Preludes 1 Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein Walther, Johann Gottrfr Orgelchorale Ach Gott vom Himmel, sieh darei Bach, J. S. 371 Chorales Ach Gott vom Himmel, sieh darei Zachow, Friedrich Wileh Organ Chorales of the 17th and 1 Ach Gott vom Himmelreiche Bobb, Barry Concordia Hymn Preludes 16 CPH Ach Gott vom Himmelreiche Bouman, Paul Hymn Prelude Library 1 CPH Ach Gott von Himmel sieh darein Bach, J. S. 371 Chorales Ach Gott! erhoer mein Seufzen Krebs Choralvorspiele Alte Meister Ach Gott, die armen Kinder dein Orgel Choralbuch Ach Gott, erhoer mein Seufzen u Bach, J. S. 371 Chorales Ach Gott, tu dich erbarmen Bach, J. S. OC Neumeister Barenreiter Thursday, July 16, 2015 Page 85 of 433 Hymn Tune Composer Collection Publisher Ach Gott, verlass mich nicht Orgel Choralbuch Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darei Vetter, Nicolaus Choralbearbeitungen des 17. und Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid Orgel Choralbuch Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid Bach, J. S. 371 Chorales Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid Bach, J. S. 371 Chorales Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid Bach, J. S. 371 Chorales Ach Herr, mich armen Suender Kuhnau, Johann Forerunners of Bach (Historical O Ach Herr, mich armen Suender (P Bach, J. C. 44 Organ Chorales Ach Herr, mich armen Suender (P Bach, J. S. OC Neumeister Barenreiter Ach Herr, mich armen Suender (P Buxtehude, Dietrich Saemtliche Werke Ach Herr, mich armen Suender (P Kuhnau Chorale Preludes for Organ Ach Herr, mich armen Suender (P Kuhnau Choralvorspiele Alte Meister Ach lieber Herre Jesu Christ Orgel Choralbuch Ach schoenster Jesu, mein Verlan Walther Chorale Preludes Ach traure nicht, du frommen Ch Orgel Choralbuch Ach wie fluechtig, ach wie nichtig Bach, J.
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