n f lnd K te Atn p Atr Lyal, C. H. C. 1993: Cryptorhynchinae (Insecta: Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Fauna of New Zealand 29, 308 pp. AUA AISOY GOU ACAE ESEAC EESEAIES M .. ogwo, Geea Maage, A (Caima .K. Cosy, Cuao, .. Aoo Coecio M .S. ugae, ogamme eae Maaaki Weua - acae eseac aie as a Aimas iisio Mou Ae eseac Cee iae ag 917 Aucka ew eaa UIESIIES EESEAIE .M. Emeso eame o Eomoogy O o ico Uiesiy Caeuy ew eaa MUSEUMS EESEAIE M .. ama aua Eiome eame Museum o ew eaa O o 7 Weigo ew eaa OESEAS EESEAIE .. awece CSIO iisio o Eomoogy GO o 17 Caea Ciy AC 1 Ausaia SEIES EIO AUA O EW EAA M C.. ua Maaaki Weua - acae eseac aie as a Aimas iisio Mou Ae eseac Cee iae ag 917 Aucka ew eaa n f lnd K te Atn p Atr br / 9 Cryptorhynchinae (Int Clptr Crlnd CC l prtnt f Entl h trl tr M Crll d ndn SW7 5 Untd Knd Manaaki Whenua PRESS nln Cntrbr lnd 1993 Copyright © 1993 Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd Νo part of this work covered by copyright may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means (graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping information retrieval systems, or otherwise) without the written permission of the publisher. Cataloguing in publication LYAL, C.H.C. Cryptorhynchinae (Insecta: Coleoptera: Curculionidae) C.H.C. Lyal. -Lincoln, N.Z. : Manaaki Whenua Press, 1993 (Fauna of New Zealand, ISSN 111-533 ; no. 9 ISΒΝ -7-51- I. Title IΙ Seies UDC 59573(931 Prepared for publication by the Series Editor using computer-based text processing, layout, and printing at Landcare Research New Zealand Lid, Mt Albert Research Centre, Private Bag 92170, Auckland, N.Z. Maori text by UniServices Translation Centre, Auckland Published by Manaaki Whenua Press, Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd P.O. Box 40, Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zealand Printed by GP Print Lid, Wellington Front cover The weevil depicted is Andrll pr male. Illustrator: Des Helmore. Uhinga mua Ko e wiiwara nei a A ndrll pr taane. Kai-whakaahua: Des Helmore. OUA SUMMAY ΗΕ WAKAOOGA ΜA Ε MAEA Class / karaaihe Insecta Order / oota Coleoptera Subfamily /whaamere-iti Cyoyciae Weevils / wiiwira Iusaio / Wakaaua Strnlptr hlbd mae / aae Iusao / Kai-wakaaua es emoe I isoaio a i e asece o may o ei aua eemies memes o is eee amiy ae muiie a iesiie e weeis ae a gou o eees a ae I runga i te noho tawhiti atu i teetahi atu whenua, i te kore moe kow secies wowie - some 5 so a i e hoari hoki, kua maha haere teenei tuumomo piitara amiy Cucuioiae - a ay oe amiy o ogaisms (eee kua rere kee hoki nga aahua o teetahi, o teetahi. I ems o weei auace a iesiy ew eaa I te ao katoa, e rima tekau mano nga tuumomo wiiwira is oe o e ices couies i e wo I e asece (`weevils') o te whaamere Curculionidae; he nui ake teenei o may o ei aua eemies a comeios mem- i eetahi atu ngaarara, kararehe katoa. e maha hoki o es o e amiy ae muiie a iesiie o a raatou kei Niu Tiireni nei e noho aa Νa e koe o oo aaou eaoiay egee Oe o e ages suamiies o hoariri i konei, kua tini haere raatou, aa, he mea whaka- weeis ae e Cyoyciae o wic i ew ea- miiharo te maha o oo raatou aahua. Ko Cryptorhynchinae a some 5 secies ae kow a may moe awai he hapuu nui o raatou, i. E rua rau rira tekau oona whaanau iscoey kei Niu Tiireni, aa, teeraa ea eetahi kaaore anoo kia kitea. Aoug ee ae so may cyoycie weeis i Aakoa e ui o aaou e akauaku e oo ua Νo ew eaa ey ae mosy icosicuous isecs a reira, kaaore ea e kitea e taatou. Engari, mehemea ka aata oe mig e ogie o o eig awae o em a a maatakitaki i nga raakau, i nga rau raanei e takoto n i raro owee ee ie eamiaio o aie as o o e o nga raakau, ka kitea nuitia. ea-ie aye i aie us wi eea age umes o Ahakoa kuuao, ahakoa pakeke, he raakau te kai; raakau em ora, popo raanei. Engari pea, he raakau kee taa te kuuao kai Amos a weeis ee o iig o ea as as o , he raakau kee taa te pakeke. E noho ana i roto i nga raakau aus a aae owee wii a sige secies ese pirau te nuinga o nga kuuao o nga tuumomo Cryptorhyn- wo ie sages o o ecessaiy ee o e same a o chinae o Niu Tiireni; kaaore e moohiotia ana mehemea e e a o ee e same as Mos o e ew eaa kainga n te raakau raanei, ko te hekaheka e tupu ana i cyoycie aae ee o (o a eas i ea woo runga i te raakau raanei. Ko nga mea rarahi ka keria oo ; wee ey ae igesig e woo ise o ugi gow- raatou rua i roto i nga manga raakau; ko eetahi o nga mea ig o i is o kow Wie age secies wi ue i nohinohi ka noho i roto i nga taataa rau. e ke rua i roto quie ick aces a ee uks some o e smae i nga rau raakau te mahi a nga toke o eetahi. secies wi eeo aiy i ea saks A ew secies He mea whakamiiharo teenei: ko te kai a nga toke e kitea (ntnd vrlf (aa hr tn r lf-nr f rn plnt lrv n engari kaaore n kia moohiotia h h t kai nga rbl hl th lrvl fd h bn dtrnd piitara pakeke. r p h r raakau ora. Engari fr n p th fd d b th dlt h t t b thnhnhrnoi,piitarateetahi raakau rtnd lthh t prbbl lvn lv fr - kaaore tino moohiotia nh n t r jrt f p Sdl fr th pnt f v f bll e ia. ndrtndn lthh n dlt btl b fnd n Ko t tuumomo Cryptorhynchinae tino moohiotia n vn plnt p th d nt nrl nf tht ko t n rhn (ycoes usus Kei nga pt- th nt fdn n tht plnt pt katoa t whenua tn ngaarara kitea n Kei t rhp bt nn f th lnd cryptorhynch- r r nga toke rt t kauri t t ines th -lld lphnt vl ycoes usus Ko eetahi tn Crptrhnhn n p h h lr nt fnd ll vr th ntr th lrv kamean,rrpetkiraakau.oranga Ko nga n tnnl n dd brnh nd trn f h tr o t tnt ko t iwi kiia n ko phln (pt as kauri nd thrn bh Mn thr Cryptorhynchi- vl ko nga tf n t hp kia n ko nae tnnl n d lrv nd t dlt seoa K r rrt rt nr Maaori rhp th t nfnt f th nll r n raakau n tawhiti, t atu ki nga pn Ko t hp br f th trb phln pt vl prt- Sogyoeus nga t t maatakitaki. K t ki lrl th n th n seoa th dlt nd lrv t tekau toru nt t roa. raatou nga ptpt f th nt tnnl n th dd nd dn d n n nga t t pht I t pn f bth ntv tr nd xt nldn p f pn puta rt raatou ka nn haere runga An th t t brv f th phln r i t r raakau. br f th n Sogyoeus btl p t 13 K t n rrh t hh runga nga mm ln hh rnd hl n pohutukawa brnh raakau nga waa katoa. n tn h nhnh nd trn rn th nht th dlt btl ll r t nn nga Cryptorhynchinae, aa, h t maataki- fr thr brr nd v r nd vr th br taki. I t ao kua hn rt nga r t aa, ka puta Whlt th rltvl lr-bdd p n b l- t p ltd fr thr ht tr t n t t lnd Ah kua tr t nga kai nga toke nga cryptorhynchnes r ll nd nnp nt pakeke kai, ko t hnn nga pakeke kei t tr nimlr th pnd dlht hr hddn n lf lttr r at nga toke hnn t hnn nga pakeke rpt hbtt nd bn tv t nht ka hnt ko th ko teewhea raatou. pt nown r bt th fdn hbt f lrv Enr ntn tnn th whaanau thn f dlt n r bt dlt trtr thn tht kaaore n kia kitea, kia aata rrt raanei. reira f th lrv nd r lftn f rptrhnhn rtni,Kei rrt pp n p bd n th dlt fr Indd fr n p the rt t aua o ew eaa n rv f Curcu- lrv nd pp hv nt bn fnd r drbd h lionoidea', ka rrt eetahi toke Cryptorhynchinae, n dntftn d trt nl th dlt hr rnd M thth S cryptorhynchine lrv r drbd n aua o New eaa n rv f Curculionoidea', b Ko Chr Lyal e kaiui e aaa-maaakiaki aa ia i ga rnd M wiiwaa i e aua isoy Museum i aaaa i Iga- agi Imua a ko aa mai e aaa-maaakiaki i Cucu- Coiuo Chr Lyal suies weeis a e aua ioiae i Aaia kie oga ma aawii i Aweika oki isoy Museum i oo Ega is as suies ae ;kamaieaua aaiiaaa-maaakiaki au ki ki ga kuu icue wok o Cucuioiae o Sou-eas Asia a kaaee me e wakauu ai o ga kuu me oo aaou Aica a aso eseac io e aasiic ice o mam- kaaee Ko aa mai iaaiaei e aaa-maaakiaki i mas a ei co-eouio is ese wok is o see- ga wiiwaa e kai aa i ga kaakao aakau i oo i ga eeig weeis i oica oess wi a sieie i e gaaeeee o ga akiwaa wea o e ao me e wakae- sucua aaaios a eae em o commuicae ekeeaga o oo aaou iaa e aaea ai e aaou e iiii wi eac oe y meas o squeakig oises Cis was ei kooeo eeai ki eeai Ι kuaia a Cis i e Wae eucae a oo Uiesiy a os a om Waaaga aaaa aa kua wiwi ia kie ou o Imeia Coege e a is wie uie se some mos Imeia Coege Ι oo ia aaua ko aa waie a i ew eaa coecig a suyig cyoycie uuia i iu iiei ei e koikoi aa maaakiaki aa weeiso is coiuio i ga wiiwaa Cyoyciae mo eeei ukauka ASAC e cyoycie geea o ew eaa ae escie igue a keye A 31 escie secies ae ace i sysemaic coe icuig a uio syoyms e mooogy isiuio a sysemaics o e geea ae iscusse a a aaiae ioogica aa o secies ae coeae o a escie secies e oowig ioma- io is gie aoomic isoy iiogay ye eosioies ye ae aa isiu- io (i egios o ew eaa a ioogica iomaio icuig ay eaig ecos e umes aocae y ou o a is cyoycie secies ae oie o aciiae iomaio eiea om some eay uicaios e ew geea a ew secies ae escie 1 geea ae suk i syoymy 11 secies ae ace i ew comiaios secies us mae uio omoyms ae given ew ames a 3 secies ae ace i syoymy ecoyes ae esigae o 91 secies wo ue a iy- eig secies ae ow ecogise i e ew eaa aua CECKIS O AA granulatus ou 1 ew syoymy punctulatus ou 1 ew syoymy Pageie seoaeii rostralis ou 1 ew syoymy 30Geus Nothaldonus ou 193 mediocris ou 1 3 mystacinus ou 1 31peacei (ou 1 31Geus Strongylopterus Scoee 137 simplex ascoe 17 32chathamensis (Sa 193 brevicornis ou 193 ew syoymy lineifer ou 191 ew syoymy sulcatus Wie 13 misturatus ou 191 ew syoymy barbifrons Wie 1 33hylobioides (Wie 1 tibialis (ou 1 5 Geus Homoreda ou 193 3 Kentraulax ou 199 ew syoymy ie Cyoycii 35flavisetosa ou 1911 ew comiaio Geus Sympedius ascoe 17 5 35murina (ou 1 ew comiaio lepidus ou 15 punctata ou 193 ew syoymy minor Broun, 191 7 35Geus Oreda Wie 1 rectirostris ou 199 7 37notata Wie 1 testudo ascoe 17 7 dubia ea 19 ew syoymy bufo (Sa 13 ew comiaio 7 37Geus Mesoreda ou 193 costatus (ou 1913 ew comiaio 7 38brevis (ascoe 17 ew comiaio densus (ou 1 ew comiaio laminata ou 191 ew syoymy ferrugatus (ascoe 17 ew comiaio setigera (ou 1 ew syoymy Geus Baeorhynchodes
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