City of Pearland A/P Checks FY 2017 thru 2-28-2017 CHECK VENDOR CHECK CHECK NO NAME DATE AMOUNT 246270 ADDI, LLC 10/05/2016 816.00 246271 Alert-All Corporation 10/05/2016 7,397.00 246272 All About Tires Of Pearland 10/05/2016 26.00 246273 All America Sales Corporation 10/05/2016 2,994.30 246274 Allen Boone Humphries LLP 10/05/2016 6,408.67 246275 Alliance For Innovation Inc 10/05/2016 5,100.00 246276 American Wrecker of Pearland 10/05/2016 320.00 246277 ARKK Engineers, LLC 10/05/2016 6,995.63 246278 ARKK Engineers, LLC 10/05/2016 6,270.00 246279 ARKK Engineers, LLC 10/05/2016 1,059.18 246280 Art & Kustom Kreations 10/05/2016 1,060.00 246281 Artistic Celebrations 10/05/2016 500.00 246282 ASCO Equipment 10/05/2016 1,616.58 246283 Autonation Shared Service Center 10/05/2016 35.57 246284 B & L Lock And Safe 10/05/2016 49.30 246285 Beck 'n Call, Inc. 10/05/2016 35.00 246286 Beta Technology Inc 10/05/2016 1,303.87 246287 Betsy Ross Flag Girls Inc 10/05/2016 1,197.30 246288 Binkley & Barfield, Inc. 10/05/2016 393.50 246289 Bob Barker Company Inc 10/05/2016 274.81 246290 Caldwell Country Ford 10/05/2016 37,382.14 246291 Caldwell Country Ford 10/05/2016 37,382.14 246292 Caldwell Country Ford 10/05/2016 37,382.14 246293 Caldwell Country Ford 10/05/2016 37,382.14 246294 Cap Fleet Upfitters 10/05/2016 350.00 246295 Carroll, Adam 10/05/2016 265.50 246296 CDW Government Inc 10/05/2016 1,372.80 246297 Centerpoint Energy 10/05/2016 11,216.85 246298 Century Asphalt Materials, LTD 10/05/2016 3,604.77 246299 CFM Interest TX Emer Care Spec 10/05/2016 156.25 246300 Chemsearch 10/05/2016 1,718.88 246301 Cherry Crushed Concrete 10/05/2016 7,484.08 246302 City of Texas City 10/05/2016 50.00 246303 Comcast Corporation 10/05/2016 9.09 246304 Community Systems LLC 10/05/2016 1,125.00 246305 Costello Inc. 10/05/2016 13,724.00 246306 Culligan 10/05/2016 37.45 246307 Dahill Industries 10/05/2016 293.12 246308 Dell Marketing LP 10/05/2016 6.00 246309 Detail Construction 10/05/2016 4,429.00 246310 Digitech Computer, Inc. 10/05/2016 13,052.03 246311 Donmar Grading Inc 10/05/2016 7,195.00 246312 DXI Industries, Inc. 10/05/2016 1,542.86 246313 Econocuts 10/05/2016 1,098.16 246314 Edison, McDowell & Hetherington, LLP 10/05/2016 250.00 246315 Elliott Electric Supply 10/05/2016 128.71 246316 Elliott's Automotive Inc 10/05/2016 700.05 246317 Errand Runner 10/05/2016 463.73 246318 Ewing Irrigation & Industrial 10/05/2016 1,451.91 246319 Fastenal Company 10/05/2016 2,022.11 246320 Federal Express Corp. 10/05/2016 166.82 246321 First Choice Coffee Services 10/05/2016 190.60 246322 Flowmore Services 10/05/2016 20,050.00 246323 Fort Bend Services 10/05/2016 6,286.50 246324 FR Depot, Inc. 10/05/2016 1,971.34 246325 Freese And Nichols, Inc. 10/05/2016 4,912.00 246326 Freese And Nichols, Inc. 10/05/2016 1,483.05 246327 Galls, Llc. 10/05/2016 18,655.00 246328 Garda Cl Southwest 10/05/2016 1,477.64 246329 Globalstar Usa Llc 10/05/2016 239.69 246330 Gray Matter Systems 10/05/2016 1,369.92 246331 Gulf Coast Lawn Machines 10/05/2016 119.89 246332 H&K Auto Parts 10/05/2016 304.42 246333 Hach Company 10/05/2016 6,657.36 246334 HD Supply Waterworks Ltd 10/05/2016 1,918.41 246335 Hill & Hill Exterminators Inc. 10/05/2016 75.00 246336 Hill Sand Company Inc. 10/05/2016 1,836.00 246337 Houston Business Journal 10/05/2016 2,783.00 246338 Houston Pasadena Apache Oil Co. 10/05/2016 22,183.52 246339 Hubspot Inc 10/05/2016 12,000.00 246340 Hutchison Hayes Separateion Inc 10/05/2016 24,784.44 246341 Iteris, Inc 10/05/2016 15,200.00 246342 Jacobs Engineering Group Inc 10/05/2016 1,036.84 246343 Juarez Gardening 10/05/2016 8,740.00 246344 K. R. Allen Industrial Services, LLC 10/05/2016 5,339.31 246345 Key Instalations Llc 10/05/2016 845.00 246346 Knorr Systems Inc 10/05/2016 7,069.90 246347 Lanestaffing Inc 10/05/2016 1,272.00 246348 Lawnscapes Unlimited 10/05/2016 10,325.85 246349 Leininger, Katie 10/05/2016 1,142.92 246350 LJA Engineering & Surveying, Inc. 10/05/2016 9,399.33 246351 LJA Engineering & Surveying, Inc. 10/05/2016 121.94 246352 Lone Star Pavement Services, Inc 10/05/2016 2,097.57 246353 Longs Auto Repair 10/05/2016 320.00 246354 Lowe's Home Centers Inc 10/05/2016 258.41 246355 Mansoor, Jeff J. 10/05/2016 550.00 246356 Martin Asphalt Co. 10/05/2016 281.93 246357 Meritage Homes of TX, LLC 10/05/2016 89,316.55 246358 MICSA 10/05/2016 20.00 246359 Mikayla Architects 10/05/2016 5,675.00 246360 Minuteman Press Pearland 10/05/2016 150.00 246361 MKP Consulting 10/05/2016 525.00 246362 Napco Chemical Co., Inc. 10/05/2016 5,516.49 246363 National Recovery Agency 10/05/2016 840.40 246364 Neopost 10/05/2016 82.41 246365 Nova Water Technologies Llc 10/05/2016 126.00 246366 NTS Mikedon, LLC 10/05/2016 290.00 246367 O'Day Rental & Supply Inc 10/05/2016 1,900.67 246368 Pearland Animal Hospital 10/05/2016 2,308.00 246369 Pearland Chevron 10/05/2016 202.00 246370 Pearland Lumber Company 10/05/2016 2,616.03 246371 Pearland Transmission Man Llc 10/05/2016 2,277.88 246372 Power Pro-tech Services, Inc. 10/05/2016 650.00 246373 Provins, Lawrence 10/05/2016 1,207.60 246374 R S H Trucking, Inc. 10/05/2016 120.00 246375 R Washers, LLC 10/05/2016 120.00 246376 Red Wing Shoe Co 10/05/2016 150.00 246377 Rimkus Consulting Group, Inc. 10/05/2016 225.00 246378 Sam's Club Direct 10/05/2016 1,068.94 246379 Schneider, Don 10/05/2016 1,800.00 246380 Securadyne Systems Texas LLC 10/05/2016 1,092.72 246381 Sinistore, Kim 10/05/2016 31.19 246382 Sirmons, Clarence 10/05/2016 39.96 246383 Smith Municipal Supplies 10/05/2016 2,073.03 246384 Southern Flowmeter Inc 10/05/2016 6,270.00 246385 Staples Business Advantage 10/05/2016 4,034.45 246386 TEEX 10/05/2016 300.00 246387 Texas Association Against 10/05/2016 60.00 246388 Texas Association of Gov IT Managers TAGITM 10/05/2016 150.00 246389 Texas Civil Service 10/05/2016 99.00 246390 Texas Department Of Health 10/05/2016 75.00 246391 Texas Highway Products Ltd 10/05/2016 7,350.00 246392 TEXAS PRIDE UTILITIES, LLC 10/05/2016 78,640.00 246393 Texas Sterling Construction 10/05/2016 569,139.60 246394 The Scruggs Company 10/05/2016 3,146.00 246395 Transunion Risk & Alt Data Solution 10/05/2016 488.00 246396 Victor O. Schinnerer & Co. Inc. 10/05/2016 50.00 246397 Volgistics, Inc 10/05/2016 1,608.00 246398 Wagner, Joe 10/05/2016 75.00 246399 Ww Grainger Inc. 10/05/2016 2,949.69 246400 Xerox Government Systems 10/05/2016 6,970.00 246401 XL Parts 10/05/2016 565.32 246402 Yellowstone Landscape 10/05/2016 992.00 246403 UB Refund - Beazer Homes Texas LTD 10/05/2016 10.71 246404 Brazoria County Appraisal 10/05/2016 88,771.00 246405 Forever Parks Foundation of Pearland 10/05/2016 307.63 246406 Foster Fence Ltd 10/05/2016 7,491.87 246407 Garland/dbs Inc. 10/05/2016 241,911.98 246408 Garland/dbs Inc. 10/05/2016 28,293.80 246409 Garner, Jennifer 10/05/2016 51.00 246410 Hardy, Joel 10/05/2016 213.96 246411 Harter, Deanna M. 10/05/2016 321.12 246412 Kilpatrick, Tara 10/05/2016 214.21 246413 Lopez, Adrianna 10/05/2016 196.24 246414 Lopez, Onesimo 10/05/2016 159.30 246415 Montgomery County Horticulture 10/05/2016 150.00 246416 Nesby Davis, Cara 10/05/2016 192.00 246417 O'neil, Chad 10/05/2016 265.50 246418 Reddico Construction Company Inc 10/05/2016 24,650.00 246419 Ro'vin Garrett C.t.a. 10/05/2016 16.75 246420 Ro'vin Garrett C.t.a. 10/05/2016 16.75 246421 Ro'vin Garrett C.t.a. 10/05/2016 16.75 246422 Ro'vin Garrett C.t.a. 10/05/2016 16.75 246423 Texas Department Of Motor Vehicles 10/05/2016 16.75 246424 Texas Department Of Motor Vehicles 10/05/2016 16.75 246425 Texas Department Of Motor Vehicles 10/05/2016 14.25 246426 Texas Department Of Motor Vehicles 10/05/2016 14.25 246427 Texas Fire Marshals Association 10/05/2016 350.00 246428 U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, Clerk Office 10/05/2016 50.00 246429 Walker, Neelie 10/05/2016 44.60 246430 Britton, Paul 10/05/2016 50.00 246431 EVANS, RAY, ANTHONY 10/05/2016 787.00 246432 Ladies Of The Lake Foundation 10/05/2016 87.50 246433 Miller, Connie 10/05/2016 59.00 246434 Nell McCallum & Associates, Houston Inc 10/05/2016 660.50 246435 North Central Texas Council of Governments 10/05/2016 1,300.00 246436 SHAIKH, YASSER 10/05/2016 150.10 246437 Stephenson , Christine 10/05/2016 140.00 246438 Stork Plumbing 10/05/2016 20.00 246439 Stork Plumbing 10/05/2016 54.50 246440 Westin Homes 10/05/2016 2,096.25 246441 Westin Homes 10/05/2016 2,778.75 246442 EVANS, RAY, ANTHONY 10/05/2016 493.00 246443 FARROW, ASHLEY, LYNDELL 10/05/2016 217.00 246444 LOPEZ, EUNICE, A 10/05/2016 67.10 246445 Abstract Services Of Houston 10/13/2016 40.00 246446 American Medical Gases 10/13/2016 1,647.00 246447 AOT Public Safety Corporation 10/13/2016 110.40 246448 AT&T 10/13/2016 75.81 246449 AT&T 10/13/2016 696.16 246450 AT&T 10/13/2016 483.39 246451 AT&T 10/13/2016 520.89 246452 AT&T 10/13/2016 1,155.99 246453 Autonation Shared Service Center 10/13/2016 526.08 246454 B & L Lock And Safe 10/13/2016 225.00 246455 Backyard Retreats 10/13/2016 12,980.00 246456 Berrydunn 10/13/2016 4,444.98 246457 Brazoria County Mud #17 10/13/2016 10,220.00 246458 Brazoria County Mud #18 10/13/2016 10,477.50 246459 Brazoria County Mud #19 10/13/2016 11,972.50 246460 Brazoria County Mud #23 10/13/2016 4,822.50 246461 Brazoria County Mud #26 10/13/2016 25,207.50 246462 Brazoria County Mud #28 10/13/2016 10,337.50 246463 Brazoria County Mud #34 10/13/2016 7,060.00 246464 Brazoria County Mud #35 10/13/2016 1,552.50 246465 Bricks 4 Kidz Pearland 10/13/2016 140.00 246466 Brooks Concrete Inc 10/13/2016 65,645.67 246467 C Link Corporation 10/13/2016 800.00 246468 Century Asphalt Materials, LTD 10/13/2016 1,324.55 246469 Chemsearch 10/13/2016 719.72 246470 Cherry Crushed Concrete 10/13/2016 206.25 246471 City Build Utility Supply 10/13/2016 681.70 246472 Citygate Associates, LLC 10/13/2016 4,701.38 246473 Clear Brook City M.U.D.
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