3196 at his office in Gloucester; and that a copy of so And that it is also proposed by such intended much of the said plans, sections, and books of Act to enable -the South Wales Railway Com-- reference as .relates to each of the parishes in or pany, and any company that may be incorporated through which the said intended railways and for the purpose of constructing docks at Britton works are proposed to be made, and also a copy of Ferry, in the county of Glamorgan, or other the the said Gazette Notice, will be deposited, on or owners of such docks, to enter into such arrange- before the thii-tieth day of November in the pre- ments and agreements with respect to the use of sent year, with the parish clerk of each such such docks, and the wharves, staiths, landing- parish, at his residence; and in the case of the places, warehouses, and other works connected Forest of Dean, or such part thereof as may be therewith, and upon such payments, terms, abd extra-parochial, at the Speech House, in the said conditions as may be mutually agreed on between Forest, and with the parish clerk of the adjoining the parties to any such arrangement or agreement. parish of Newnham. And that it is also proposed by such intended And notice is hereby also given, that it is pro- Act to enable the South Wales Railway Company posed by such intended Act to enable the South and the owners of the Bute Dock at Cardiff to Wales Railway Company to purchase lauds and make and enter into arrangements and agreements, houses by compulsion or agreement, for the pur- with respect to the use by the company of a portion poses of the railways and works so intended to be or portions of the said dock and the shipping-places authorized as aforesaid ; and also to enable the and other works and conveniences connected there- South Wales Railway Company to levy tolls, rates, with, and the construction or formation of additional and duties for and in respect of the use of the said shipping-places, staiths, slips, wharves, works and intended railways and works, and to grant exemp- conveniences connected with the said docks and tions from such tolls, rates, and duties. the said intended railway from the South Wales Railway to the Bute Dock, upon the payment of And that it is also proposed by such intended such sum or sums of money, and upon such other Act to vary, repeal, or extinguish all existing terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed' rights or privileges in any manner connected with on between them. the lands and houses proposed to be purchased or And that it is also proposed by such intended taken, or which would in any manner impede or Act to alter, amend, enlarge, and in part repeal interfere with the construction, maintenance, or the South Wales Railway Act, 1845 ; the South use of the said intended railways and works, and Wales Railway (Amendment) Act, 1846; the South to confer other rights and privileges. Wales Railway (Amendment) Act, 1847 ; the And that it is also proposed by such intended South Wales Railway Extension of Time Act,. ,Act to take power to alter, divert, or stop up all 1850 ; the South Wales Railway (Capital) Act, turnpike and other roads, railways, tramways, 1850; the Vale of Neath Railway Act, 1846; the aqueducts, canals, streams, and rivers, within or Vale of Neath Railway (Amendment) Act, 1847; adjoining to the aforesaid parishes, townships and the Vale of Neath RaiJway (Amendment) Act, extra parochial or other places, or any of them, 1848 ; and also some of the powers and provisions with which it may be necessary to interfere in of the several Acts following, relating to the the construction of the said intended railways and Forest of Dean Railway, otherwise called the Bullo works. Pill Railway, or some of them (that is to say) : And that it is also proposed by such intended the 49 Geo.-III. cap. 158, and 7 Geo. TV. cap. 47. Act to authorize the abandonment of the line or Dated this 14th day of November, 1850. lines of railway authorized by the South Wales W. 0. and W. Hunt, 3, Whitehall-place, Railway Amendment A.ct, 1847, to be constructed London. and therein described as diverging from the line of the South Wales Railway in the parishes of Neath Fleetwood, Preston, and West Riding Junction and Lantwit-juxta-Neath, or one of them, and ter- Railway. minating by two forks or branches near Britton (Extension of Time for Purchase of Lands and Ferry, in the parish of Britton Ferry, in the county Completion of Works; Re-issue of Forfeited of Glamorgan. Shares; Re-arrangement and Division of Shares And that it is also proposed by such intended and Amendment of Act.) .••:?, Act to enable the South Wales Railway Company, OTICE is hereby given, that applicatiph;is or their lessees, and the Vale of Neath Railway N intended to be made to Parliament, in the Company, to enter into such arrangements and ensuing session, for an Act to alter, amend, ex- agreements, with respect to the use of the station tend, and enlarge the powers and provisions'of or stations of the said railways at Neath, and the "The Fleetwood, Preston, and West Riding works connected therewith, and with respect to Junction Railway Act, 1846;" and in' such Bill apportioning and defraying the cost of such station so to be applied for, provision is intended to be or stations, by the payment of an annual or other made to extend the time limited for the compul- sum, for or in respect of such station or stations, or sory purchase of the lands and houses authorized to part thereof, or for the use thereof by the said two be taken by the said Act, and also the time autho- Companies, or either of them, as may be mutually rized for the completion of the works. agreed on between them; and for that purpose to And it is also proposed by the said intended enable the South Wales Railway Company to con- Act to confer on the said Company further and vey or assign to the Vale of Neath Railway Com- additional powers in reference to the regulation of pany such portion or portions of the said station their capital, the distribution and division .of or stations, and the land and works connected shares, and the acceptance, merging, and re-issue therewith, as may be agreed upon, and to enable of shares forfeited or in urrear, and otherwise to the Vale of Neath Railway Company to accept and re-arrange and regulate the same, aad to enable take a conveyance or assignment thereof; and also the said Company to grant a preferential or gua- to enable the said two companies, or their lessees, ranteed dividend for or in respect of any of the to make such other arrangements for the use and said shares. working of their respective lines, or portions there- . Dated this 14th day,of November 1850.. Of, and on such terms and. conditions as may be •;.. Bray and Gilbertson, Preston, Solicitors mutually agreed on between them. for the Bill. , '.-...'.
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