![Archaeologia Cantiana](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society 333 GENERAL INDEX. -•- W. signifies that the party is witness to a deed. N.B. Tlie full Indices to the "Pedes Mnium" and "Inquisitiones Post Mor- tem " are deferred till the completion of the reigns of John and ILewry III. re- spectively. Abel, John, a Kentish Baron of the Ex- Articles, the Forty-two, attributed to chequer, 26. Cranmer, 66 n., 72 and n. Abrincis, WilHam de, a Kentish justice Armilla, silver, exhibited at the Bo- itinerant, 24. chester congress, 42. Adelaide, Countess of Anji,W., 199,200. Armilh©, golden, in the Society's Mu- Agelric, Bishop of Chichester, sent to seum, described by ,E. Pretty, Esq., the great trial on Penenden Heath, to 41. expound the ancient laws and cus- Armilhe, Boman or Saxon, 42. toms of the land, 22. Arundel, Thomas de, Archbishop of Aiglissa, now Eccles, in Aylesford, 271 n. Canterbury and Chancellor, 25. Aiguemorte, 140,163. Ash [Essa], advowson of the church of, Aileua [Ailena?], daughter of Wul- 267. norde orWuluorde (Gillingham), 2 6 4 Ash, Thomas, customer at Sandwich, Alcock, John, Bishop of Bocliester, and 124. Chancellor, 2/7. Ashford [Essetesford], 212. Aldeua [Aldena?], widow of Amulf Ashford, Sir John Eogge's monument (Gillingham), 264, 266. at, 117; portrait in the Vicarage, 118; Algnieio for alneto, 326. incumbent not noticed by Hasted, . Alyanore, Countess of Winchester, wi- 119 n. dow of Sir Boger de Leyburn, 141; Aubervill, Hugh de, Stockbury, 277. question of her place of burial, 147 ; Auberville, William de, founds an ab- ascertained to be at Leeds, 192. bey at West Langdon, 24. Amber beads found at Sarr, 320. Auct', Henry de, W., 208. Amboldisherst [Amboldisehurst], Den Aula Begis. See Curia Segis. of, perambulated, 84. Aurelius, large brass of, found at Sarr, Amell, Bobert, W., 82. 314. Amell, Thomas, 82, 83. Axtede, Eowland de, extent of the _ Amri (Lord Pinch of Daventry), cha- lands of, A.D. 1270, 301, 304. racter of, 36. Aylesford, fines of lands in, 271, 282. Amy, wife of PhilipdeLeybura,133,157 . Aylesford, Heneage Pinch created Earl Andrew, John, churchwarden of Hawk- of, 31. hurst, his accounts, A.D. 1548, 56; shew the active progress of the Ee- Badcock's Cross in Hawkhurst, 81 n. formation, ib. ».,• A.D. 1549-1550, Baioe', Henrico, W., 202. ' 62; A.D. 1550,1551, 65 5 A.». 1551- Bankers, an estate near Lee, Kent, 26. 1554, 66. Bankwell, John de, a Kentish Baron of Anne, Princess of Denmark, a great pa- the Exchequer, 26. troness of Tunbridge Wells, 93 n. Barbling (or Bavmling), Bobert de, ex- Anne, Queen, her death, 93 and n. tent of the lands of, A.D. 1269, 299, Architectural Museum, London, casts 304. of fragments from the church, Dover Barham Downs, reception of Charles II. Castle, in the, 6. on, 123. 334 INDEX. Barrett, Mr., of Lee, in Ickham, his Bon, Simon de, W., 222. four marriages, 110 n. Bonington [Buninton], fine of lands in, Bartholomew Niger, 210. 269. Baseden, WiUiam, churchwarden of Borden, Alice de, Delminden, 261. Hawkhurst, his accounts, A.D. 1539 ?, Bore Place, in Chiddingstone, 28. 56. Boughton Monchensie, 90 n. Baseden, William, W., 79. Bourchier, Sir John, a prisoner in Basehden, George and William, 79. Erance, temp. Edw. III., 121. Bassenden, near Woodchurch, 33. Bourchier, Thomas, Archbishop of Can- Bath, William of, W., 203, 207, 208, terbury and Chancellor, 26. 209. Bourne, Lawrence, 83. Battle Abbey, the church and advow- Boys, Colonel, 98 and »., 101. son of Hawkhurst belonged to, 68 ». Boys, Mrs., 98 and n., 103. Bavelingham, Thomas de, consents to a Braibceuf, Clemencia, a daughter of grant to the Priory of CumbweU, 215, Stephen de Thurnham, 217. 216. Branten, Gilbert de, W., 217. Beachborough, visit to, xxxvii. Brasted Church, monument of Sir Bo- Beads, amber and clay, from Sarr, 319. bert Heath in, 33. Bealknap, Eobert de, a Kentish Chief Breche, in Aylesford, 271. Justice, 26. Brenchesley, William, a Kentish judge, Beauton, William de, W., 215. 27. Becco, William de, Levingesburn, 289. Brent, John, jun., Esq., Eoman armiUce Bechebyri, Adam de, W., 220. belonging to, 44; account of the So- Becket, Archbishop, excommunicates ciety's researches at Sarr by, 305. Geoffrey Bidel, 23 ; chief justiciary, Bret, John le, W., 200. 24. BreteU, Bobert de, Bomney Marsh, Bekesbourne, extracts from the parish 274. registers of, 235. Brick, largely used in the church, Dover Belhaven, Lord, attends the Prince of Castle, 4. Wales into Kent, 105. Bridges, Lady, 93 and «., 102. Bending [Bendeng, Bendinges], Adam, Brion, in Normandy, exchanged for Tun- grants the tithes of the marsh of Ca- bridge, 23. penes to the Priory of Cumbwell, 217; Bristol, William of, W., 203, 208. his seal, 218. British gold coin found at Cudham, de- Bending [Bendeng], Alice de, confirms scribed by Mr. Boach Smith, 330. the grants of her relatives to the Bron, Henry, W., 218. Priory of CumbweU, 218; her seal Bronze fibulas from Sarr, 311; other and counterseal, 219. bronze articles, 313. Bendinges, Adamde, W., 206,208,209. " Broomstical minister," a, 119 and n, Benenden, a manor near Dartford, 27. Bruera, Jordan de, 289, 290. Bengeberi, Beyngebi, 210, 215. Buckhxu-st, William, W., 82. Benjamin the chaplain, W., 212. Burcheston, 289, 290. Bernard the chaplain, W., 197. Burgh, Hubert de, Earl of Kent, chief- Besants, gold and silver, 289 n. justiciary, 25; founds the Maison Bertie [Beritege], Godwin de, 210. Dieu at Dover, 304. Betenham, Amisius de, Delminden, Burial " after the new fashion," i. e. ac- 259; Geoffrey de, ib. cording to the Directory, 113. Beyngebury[Bengeberi,Beyngebi],210, Burn, Michiiel de, W., 202. 215. Burne, perhaps Biahopsbourne, 290. Biddenham (PBiddenden) Blace, 33. Burne, Eustace de, Levingesburn, 289. Bigod, Hugh, Earl of Norfolk, 199 n. Burnes, Gilbert de, Bishopsborne, 268. Bigod, Thomas, W., 200. Jiisanti, 289 ». Caen stone employed in the church, Bistoe [Bristol ?], Walter de, W., 207. Dover Castle, 8,13,14,15,17,18. Blagge, Eobert, a Kentish Baron of the Casar, Sir Julius, Master of the Eolls, Exchequer, 29. 30. Blenheim [Bleniam], Miss Twisden's Ciesar, Sir Thomas, his Kentish estates, opinion of, 109. 30. Blund, William de, W., 200. _ Cage, Col., of Milgate, in Bersted, mar- Boden, a "broomstical minister" at riage of his daughter to his coach- Ashford, 119. man, 96. GENEEAL INDEX. 335 Camden, Charles Pratt, Lord, a Kent- bury, 325 ; of Eobert de Septvans to ish ChanceUor, 40. St. Gregory's priory, Canterbury, 326. Camden, WiUiam, (Clarenceux,) grant Chartham, inscriptions at, 233. of arms by, 238. Chastelo, Sir Eobert de, W., 221. Camera, Alexander de (Plumstead), ChastiUon, Henry de, Archdeacon of 265. Canterbury, 24. Campbell, Col., attends the Prince of Ohegworth, in tTlcomb, perhaps Chage- Wales into Kent, 105. wuth, 270 and n. Canterbury, Boman armUhe found at, Chelesfund, 289, 290. 44. Cheriton church, ancient monuments of Canterbury, fifteen archbishops of, hold the Eogge family in, 120. the office of Lord Chancellor, 23. Chesmunds, in Thanet, 308. Canterbury, Eoger, abbot of St. Augus- OhesseU Down, Isle of Wight, crystal tine's, 273. balls from Saxon graves on, 317. Canterbury Cathedral, monument of Sir Ohicheley and Eogge pedigree, 116. Thomas Eogge in, 119; inscription Ohiddingstone, Sir Thomas WiUoughby in St. Michael's chapel in, 241. buried at, 28; Bore Place in, ib. Canterbury, Christ Church, charter of ChUham church, monument of Sir Dud- William Capel to the prior and monks ley Digges in, 30. of, 324. Chinen, Zacharias de, W., 222. Canterbury, St. George's, inscription at, Chinon, the castle of, 205 n. • 235. Cholmley, Sir Eoger, a Kentish Chief Canterbury, St. Gregory's priory, char- Baron, 28; his manors disgaveUed,29. ter of Eobert de Septvans to, 326. Christ Church, Canterbury, charter of Canterbury, St. Martin's, Lord Eineh's William Capel to the prior and monks monument in, 32. of, 324. Canterbury, St. MUdred's church, old Christening " after the new fashion," i. e. Boman materials in, 9 and ». according to t h e D i r e c t o r y, 112 and n.; Capel, William, charter of, to the prior secret christening also among the Eoy- and monks of Christ Church, Canter- alists, 113. bury, 325. Christmas Day, Puritan desecration of, Capella, Bartholomew de, W., 206. 119 and n., 122; popular resistance, CapeUan, Walter, Eccles, 288. 119 ». Capenesse, the marsh of, inclosed by the Church books (Eomish), ordered to be monks of Bobertsbridge, 217. delivered up, 64 n. Casteilun, Alan de, W., 197. Church goods, sale of, A.D. 1548, 57 n., Casteleyn, Osbert, W., 216. 68 n.; purchase of, temp. Mar., 68 Castelon, Sir Eobert do, W., 221. and n. Castrete, Harry, churchwarden of Churchwardens' accounts, Hawkhurst, Hawkhurst, his accounts, A.D. 1528, 1515-1714, 55. 56. Claindune, Ealph of, W., 200. Catesmore, in Cheriton, 120. Clarembald, Abbot, a Kentish justice Cavendish, Lord Henry, 102 ®.; Mary, itinerant, 24. 102 n., 103. Clerke, John, a Kentish Baron of the Caxton, note on the birthplace of, 324. Exchequer, 27. Cerinton, Helto de, Stockbury, 277, Clifford, Boger de, a crusader, 163; 278 ».; Hugh, 277. marries Isabel de Vipont, 192. Chagewuthe, Eoeisia de Chagewuth, Cobbeham, Henry de, a Kentish justi- 270. ciary, 25. Chalvingden [Ohaluindune], Everard of, Cobham [Cobbeham], Henry of, W., 215. W., 200. Cock, Elizabeth, the last heiress of the Chancery, Court of, its origin, 20. Eogges, 125. Chapter of County Gossip, A.D. 1713- Cookewell, Vincent, W., 80. 1728, with notes by T. G. Eaussett, Cockman, Dr., 97,101. Esq., 87. Cockshot bridge [Cokshetebridge], 80 Charles IL, reception of, in Kent, on and n. his restoration, 123. Coco, Nioholas, W., 220; WiUiam, W., Charles Museum, Maidstone, bronze 222.
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