Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1978-79 The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 11-2-1978 The thI acan, 1978-11-02 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1978-79 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1978-11-02" (1978). The Ithacan, 1978-79. 10. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1978-79/10 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1978-79 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. A Weekly Newspaper, Published Independently by the Students of Ithaca College~ ...'"' , . .. ~ . ' Vol 48/No. IO It h,1cc1. NP\\ 't ork . November 2 1978 Hamill;~-L-;ft in the ti~~fi~., · By Chuck Post The house & stage lights Ms. Thue~en explained that decibels stay above 125 jmt lions of these volunteer <;taff & Dave O'Flaherty were flashed towards the end high decibel levels can cause turn 1he po,\er off. "We tur­ members, and he considep; the The power was turned off of the show, however no one ~tructural damage became the ned off the power because we Strand Theater to be "a totally during Jan Hammer's encore was seen playing with the wall of the theater could blow have a legal obligation to unprofessional operation." last Thursday at the Strand lights backstage, and the two out causing the roof to fall in. protect the building and the He <;aid that there may be a theater. Strand staff members who had Thuesen explained that the audience in it." law suit pending. According to Thomas requested the volume be tur­ Fire Marshall ~aid if the Kallman was irate at the ac- Kallman, spokesperson for ned down could not be contac­ McKall Productions, the con­ ted, according to Kallman .. cert"' promoter, the problem Then, during Hammer's en­ Ithacan Center of Controversy started during the concert core, the power to the theater when Michael· Thuesen and was turned off. The stage and another Strand member were houselights went off, the by Chuck Post taking decibel readings in the music suddenly died, the­ Ithaca College, in a1tcmpt theater. The reading~ are to emergency lights came on, and to <,top the New Yorh State make sure the sound did not Hammer stormed off the United Teacher As~ociat ion go over 118 decibels.. The dee stage, apparently giving the from becoming the bargining ibels must stay under 125 finger to someone off stage .. agent for the faculty, has because the building is an According to Kallman, one recently challenged that the historic landmark and to be or both of the missing Strand elecion ~hould be invalidated sure the fire alarms could be staff members had gone into as a re,ult of a ~ta1cment in the heard, should they ring. the basement o_f the theater September 281h is~ue of THE and turned off the power. ITHACAN. THE ITHACAN Strand staff members ap­ Barbara Thuesen, executive quoted Professor· Chester proached the technical person director of the Strand, told the GalasJra. a spoke,person for at the sound-board, asking to promoters later Thursday !he Ithaca College Faculty have the volume turned down evening that the Fire Marshall As~ociation, while he \\a~ uecause the decibel meter had turned off the power, said ,pecula1ing on the meaning of (which the Strand -had Kallman. The promoters in­ a letter ~cnt on September 15 borrowed from Cornell) read sisted that this be verified and w !he administration from 125 decibels. The technical two fire fighters were called to The National Labor Relation person complied with request. -the Strand. After hearing the Board. Later on during the concert, story, the fire fighters denied The Adminis1ra1ion \\a, Pholo hy Gail Lahm sfaff members again requested Chester Galaska. that the Fire Marshall or Fire required by the NLRB 10 fur­ that the volume be turned Sl'ptember 15, ,ent a lct!er to jeopardising I he elcctorial Department had turned the nish an eligibility Ii<;! of tho,e down. The technical person !he Administration that p,occ~-,. power off. The Fire Mar­ faculty who arc eligble to vole for Jan Hammer's tour chose, cautioned the administration The Adminiqration i~ shall had not even been in the in the election. The Ad­ at this point, to ta!<e readings against attempting to reported to have filed a com­ theater at the time. - mini~t ration stated that I hey with his own decibel meter challenge every voter on the plai111 that the election ,hould Later, the Strand put out a would contest each vote in­ which read lower than 118 and eligihlity li\t. Galaska, in not be certified on the ground, statement saying it was indeed dividually on the grounds that he therefore refused to turn ,peculating about the meaning thal Ciala\ha'~ <;tatemcnt rnuld staff members of the Strand the voter held a managerial the sound down, said of that letter, pointed out that have been con'>trued a, a who turned off the power. position. THE NLRB, on Kallman. such challenging may be prejudicial statement hy an regarded a\ ''challenging offical of the eleclion. Walter frivolou~ly." Bo non, Director of Public In- Ithaca-Albany Game on ABC To V. Galaska commented yc\ler- formation of Ithaca Colic!;. day, "it is difficult for me to refu~cd to Ackn<rnledgL' 1hat undcr"1and how the ad- such ·a compbint ha~ bt:'cn The American Broadcasting Maryland game. The game Bomber~ played Bloomsburg mini'1ration could interpret filed. Company has announced that has also been moved to State (Pa.) in the ~cason this speculation as seriously it will televise Saturday's Blecker Stadium (capacity opener, aired by WNEP Ithaca College vs. Albany 10,000) which has lights. (Scranton/Wilkes-Barre). State football game on a Two major ABC-affiliates, Local station WICB, owned regional basis, as part of a WIXT (9)in Syracuse and and operated by Ithaca Col­ college football doubleheader WTEN( 10) in Albany will lege. has also televised many Who's Who ·k carry the game live beginning of Ithaca's games this year on pac age. h k' k ff The Ithaca-Albany contest, at 4:00p.m.. wit . ic 0 a tape-delayed basis. The 1978-79 edition of nstein, Michele Bo~ko, Walter originally scheduled for · scheduled for approxn~?tely Ithaca, 8-0 and rankca tmru Who's Who Among Studenrs Bradhering, Thomas Burlin, I :OOp.m. at Albany State's 4: JOp.m. O!hcr ".',BC-afhhates nationallv in Division Ill. will in American Universities and Brian Campbell, Arthur Carr, .Universitv Field will be may also air the contest. mc'ct.Albanv, 5-2. for the third Colleges will carry the names Alexander Cortcselli, ~ill moved b·ack to 4:00p.m. to It will _b~ Ithaca's second time. lth~ca has won both of 40 Ithaca College students Denburg, Margaret DeYoe, acc·ommodate ABC's .national live telev1s10n appearance of prcviou!> contests by scores of who have been selected as Faith Domin~·, Steven Girelli, coverage of the Penn State vs. the 1978 season. The 33-0 (1975) and 24-0 (I 976). being among the country's Steven Goldstein, Robert most outstanding campu~ Halbran and Da,·id Hansen. leader~. Aho named were: .Joanna Campus nominating com­ Hinton, Mark Lamphier, mittees and editors of the an­ .James Lish, William Mc­ nual directory have included Donald. Diane Meirr. Mat­ the name~ of the~e student~ thew Morris, Scott '.'larrir, based on their academic Daniel Nr,·illc, Throphih1, achievement, ~ervice to the Nix, Maurn O'Dea, Da,id community, lcader,hip in ex­ Pcttee, Thomas Pla,tara!>,, tracurricular acti,itie, and Teresa Prinn·, .Jo,l'Jlh future po1e11t1at Rako'iki, Da,id Ro,enhl'rg. They ,,ill join an .:lite group Rosemary Sdrndl'r, ll:n id of students selected from more Sherman. Barhara ~hort. t ha n I , 000 i n q it u t ion, o f Dehra Simmon,, '\anr, higher learning 111 .50 \!ates, Smith, \\ a) Ill' Sturman, Pnn the l)iqncr tif Columbia and Tl•mrhin, Pl'ler I hro1>p, 'L'\L'ral l'nrc1gn ;1a11,111,. Chri,tina l'rojanr/\l- :ull: Stt1Lkili' twrwrcd thi, \c'.J, .h-anncttr Wil,on . t!C: Sman lh,,rtl. ·1 odd Her- -- 1·1,:,: ·,::'I Page 2 THEITHACAN November 2, 1978 ITHACAN EDITO Being that Ithaca College is closed on most holidays and many people leave school for other holidays, it is l!,Ood to know that members of Ithaca Collel!,e can sri/1 have one holiday INQUIRER to celebrate togerher. Halloween brings people lo?,elher and raises spirits unlike any other day 011 the Ithaca By Bette Ann Sacks Colle{!.e calendar. More so than a Bomber foorba/1 game, more so that a Ben Light Concert, Halloween 1:<; one of the last 'ilrongholdsfor "spiri( and unity among the/. C. community. Photos by Linda Melman, After unionization and CCLOP and Jewish rallies, it is refreshinf!. to realize that we can srtl/ unify in a lil!,ht, positive vain. and Gail Lahm Halloween festivities have been traditionally capped off at Ne/son·Road. There, gathered Queslion: around bonfires and beer, haloed anl!,els to lubricated diaphrams parade around with smiles and good cheer. This week, the Ithacan In­ It is· a loss to th<He who feel H(illoween activities are childish or beneath them. Halloween quirer I0ol1s at new faces on is one of the few times we can step out of our molds, be creative, and enjoy the creativity campus.
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