Yas/Dd10 Deeds and Copyhold Admittances Catalogue

Yas/Dd10 Deeds and Copyhold Admittances Catalogue

_ DD 10/1 YORKSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY M a i n l y E g toir-ou g-li , Kellington, Keif ield Bond - Catherine Annby / Richard Bannister 1567 J MILNE HILL Lease in lee farm EGBROUGH 1 1598 v Bargain & sale with feoffment 1595 > 3 WELLINGTON Exemplification of a fine 1601 k EGBROUGH, SHERWOOD HALL, TRANltOR, KELLINGTON, S0W00D, (Latin) s Bargain & sale (copy) KELFIELD D 1602 ^ Bond - Thas. Fisher b 1603 -■&( Grant of lands EGBROUGH 1603 'V- 7 (Latin) Bond - John Annby i Robert Bordins 1603VL ? Bargain & sale SHERWOOD HALL 4 1603 •> (Latin) Exemplification of a recovery 1 0 1603 >1 EGBROUGH, SHERWOOD HALL, TRANMOR, KELLINGTON, SQW000D. (Latin) Bargain & sale EGBROUGH 1606 vX (Latin) 13. Feoffment EGBROUGH 1610 J (Latin) IS Bargain & sale EGBROUGH 1615 v- Feoffment EGBROUGH Ifr 1615 (Latin) DD 10/1 1•£ Bargain 4 sale SHERWOOD HALL 1615 J Feoffment EGBEOUGH 1 6 1 7 / i ■o Bargain & sale EGBROUGH 1618 J (Latin) i Bargain & sale EGBROUGH 1619 J (Latin) |Q Bargain & sale with feoffment 1622 / EGBROUGH 'Vj Bargain & sale KELFIELD 1628 (copy) fl I Feoffment HESSALL 1629 Lease BEGHALL 1633 Lease of fee farm KELFIELD 1638 Bond - Girlingtan / Jackson 1641 j (Latin) q £ Fine - Jackson / Girlington 1642 / EGBROUGH (Latin) r\^ Bargain & sale with feoffment 1643 KELFIELD Bargain & sale. Anne Wray. Bond (Fragment) 1647 </ KELFIELD Bargain & sale with feoffment 1647 'J EGBROUGH Bargain & sale EGBROUGH 1648 J -I* Bargain & sale with feoffment 1649 *' KELFIELD oi Bargain & sale with feoffment. Thos. & Nic, Bancks/ 1651 v Wm Hill I Roger Daley. KELFIELD (2) DD 10/1 ^ Bargain & sale with feoffment 1651^ EGBEOUGH "VS Fine. Eoger Daley t Roger Banks 1652 / KELFIELD Marriage settlement EGBROUGH / KELLIIGTOU 1654 - ■*/ Feoffment. Margaret / Richard Coates. 1658 ^ EGBEOUGH Will of George Gibson of CAWOOD 1659 J ^-7 Bargain & sale EGBROUGH 1960 / Bond (Latin & English) 1675 Bargain & sale with feoffment. Includes Bond. 1662 Skelton / Coates. EGBROUGH ^ Bargain & sale with feoffment, 1662 J Robert & George Richardson / Skelton Moiety of a garth at EGBROUGH Marriage settlement, Roger Daley / James Daley / Mary 1663 J Dronby. KELFIELD j Bargain & sale with feoffment. 1664 EGBROUGH . v Bargain Sc sale with feoffment, Wray / Gibson 1667 y KELFIELD I Bond. Savile Jackson / Thos. Styles 1668 y (Latin / English) Exemplification of a fine. 1669 J KELLINGTON / EGBROUGH Release of Savile Jackson's fortune. 1669 J 7 year lease, EGBROUGH 1670 lyC Release. EGBROUGH 1670 DD 10/1 Lease far 500 years. Annby / Horsell 1670 S EGBEOUGH Conveyance. Includes Bond. 1681 EGBEOUGH 6' Bargain & sale. Includes Bond. 1681 v EGBEOUGH Conveyance. Hey / Laycock 1685 & J KELFIELD Release. Hey / Laycocke. 4 $ 1686 KELFIELD < V One year lease EGBEOUGH 1687 Bargain & sale. EGBEOUGH 168? y & 4 One year lease. Harsell / Cowdall / Firth 1688 ^ EGBEOUGH CJ'J Lease & release. (copy) 1709 HEUSALL Cor HEATHElfSALL) Conveyance. Manor of Elmsall / ---- ? 1714 J EGBEOUGH 6S One year lease (page i missing) (copy) 1718 n/ DALBY, STAIUSBY, KIEBY BELLARS CLeics), PICKWELL (Leics)t EIDLEY (Kent), SOUTHFLEET (Kent), HAETLEY (Kent) Copy will of John Bromley of KELLINGTOIT. 1721 4 Jal He. will of Mr James, SELBY 1723 / Lease EGBEOUGH Estate inc. property at SELBY, 1724 KISKBY KALZEAKD, SITETTON iff 3 One year lease EGBEOUGH 1744 J (oU- Conveyance EGBEOUGH 1744 u u Mortgage KELLIUGTDH 1744 ^ One year lease of land at EGBEOUGH 1744 J DD 10/1 One year lease KELLINGTON 1749 One year lease KELLINGTON 1756J Chirograph of a fine KELLINGTON 1774 ^ Lease for a year of KOKEBY KANOS 1774 V Coat of Arms of Vidroore family (Bucks.) 1784 J Memorandum recording lease of release of a farm at 27 & 28 Sept. 1754 KELLINGTON Probate will af Julia Daniel ?date \/ YORKSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY DD 10/2A M I SGELL, AWEOUS /l. Exemplification of a fine 1608 DANTHORPE, TOLLINGHAM, CHumbers.] (Latin) J 2. Counterpart rent charge. 1709 v/ HEADI1TGLEY J 3. Further charge of £200 on property at 1766 S CAW00D, RYTHEE, SELBY, EGBEOUGH, WHITLEY, KELLINGTON, WEST HADDESLEY, BURN, BRAYTDN 4 CARLTON. 7 4, Lease for a year of the manor of E0KEBY (IT. Yorks) 1807 'S J 5. Assignment q±' certain annuities granted by R E Burton 1818 V from the annuitants to Godfrey Higgins HOTHAM, NORTH CAVE, BEVERLEY, M0LECR0FT. J 6. Assignment of insurance policy. John Mills / Robert 1820 / Burton / Godfrey Higgins.- j 7. Mortgage of a messuage, cottage, barns etc. at WUNVOOD 1823 situated at YEADON in the Parish of GUISELEY. J 8. Assignment of Jonathan Candler's share of estate of 1827 Mary Candler of TADCASTEE. J 9. Deed of covenants re. - 1831 J BLAKE HALL, MIRFIELD, ALMONDBUEY, LITTLEWYN, NEWSOME, LOCKWOOD, DEWSBUEY WEST & EAST ARDSLEY, CHICKENLEY, OSSETT, EILEY, KIRKHEATON, WAKEFIELD, HECKMONDWIKE, WHITE LEE, HALIFAX, THORNHILL, BRANNICAR, DROYLESDEN (Lancs.), HOFTON, WHITLEY, WOESBEOUGH, DAEFIELD, MARSDEN, STAINLAND, HUDDEESFIELD, DAWGREEff, J 10. Draft answer to a bill of complaint. Fenton v. Ballye. 1831 v/ DD 10/2A DD 10/2A Jll* Specification of Joseph. Attha of WALTOK for improvements 18461/' in atmospheric engines. Enrolled in Court of Chancery 27 April'-7 J 12. Deed of disclaimer re. estate of James Dufton. 1856 ' j 13. Draft notice of grounds of appeal against poor rates. 1857 ^ ALLERTOI BYWATER J 14. Affidavit of apportionment in High Court of Justice, 1886 / Chancery Division, re estate of Villiam Finder of HOLBECK. Includes dt. copy cert. PLEAS J 15. Pleas brought before the King at Wedstminster ELLENBOROUGH & MARKHAM 2 copies, Roll Trinity Term. 1821 j Includes list of jurors writ. Roll 1757, term of St. Michael. 1822 - 3 J Summer assizes, Yorks. Printed list of jurors. 1830.J Exchequer of Please - Yarks. (Fragment) DD 10/2A PROBATES 16. Probate will of Francis ITixon of Philpott Lane, London. Will 1799 ' Proved 1 8 0 2 / J 17. Probate will of John Potter of Whixley. Will 1802 * Proved 1818 / / 18. Probate will of Thomas Foster of CHATTERTOJT. Will 1806 I/ Proved 1806 J ■/ 19. Probate will of Joseph Dyson of LIUDLEY, HUDDERSFIELD Vi 11 1813 J, Proved 1814 J j 20. Probate will of Ruth Brookes of DOVER [Kent]. Will 1 8 2 0 / Proved 1821/ J 21. Probate will of Richard Collinson. Will 1824 v Proved 1824 J Includes related release of legacy - letter receipt certificate of baptism extracted from Parish Registry of SCULCOATES, 22. Probate will & codicil of Joseph Beanland. Will 1828 Codicil 1828 Proved 1829 / 23. Disclaimer by Mr John Hirst of trusts & executorships 1829 J under the will of Joseph Beanland. DD 1Q/2A JOHN LUDLOW S ESTATE J 24. Memo, af agreement re. John Ludlow's house etc. at 1843 ^ KINGSTON HILL (Surrey) (2 copies) J 25.' Statement of Ludlow's estate and proposal for liquidating 1858s/ debts. Includes related letter. J 26. Rent account 1858 - 1859 i 27. Statement of Ludlow's Estate. 1859 / / 28. Memo, of agreement of Mrs Ludlow's creditors re. her 1859 / estate. J 29. Letter: Samuel Shaen to the trustees and cestin que 1860 ' trusts of the estate of the late Mr Ballye re, Ludlow's estate, J 30. Mr Shaw's receipt for £1924 Is,3d. 1861 J 31. Executor's receipts for balance paid by Torr Jakeway 1865 </ & Taggart to Shaen & Grant, J 32. 2 statements of Ludlow's estate. n. d. YORKSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY DD 10/SB MISCELLANEOUS Settlement on the marriage of Lord Belasyse with dated 1 7 6 6 ’/ Charlotte Lamb, <2 copies) Copy will of Henry, Earl of Fauconbey. dated 1801V Articles of copartnership for a term of 13 years. Woollen 1806 J cloth manufacturers & merchants. Nutter / Wake. Articles of copartnership. Solicitors - Robinson / Heap 1817 J Conveyance of premises at LAHGBER for remainder of a term 1815 s/ of 6000 years, Watkinson / Hudson Assignment of monies arising from sale of R Burton's estate. 1818 / Lease for a year - YEADQN. Cromack / Lee 1823 1 Lease for a year - IDLE, Cromack I Lee 1823 J Conveyance of freehold premises in LEEDS & an assignment of 1825 J 2 terms to attend the inheritance. Wright / Clark. Probate of will & codicil of Mrs Mary Roberts of PONTEFRACT. Will 1818 v Codici 1 1819 Proved 1827 ^ Includes related letter, Allen to Batty, Fisher & Ludlow y re. search made in Prerogative Court of Canterbury. \ Writ of execution of an order re. Almshouse Close (or Hospital 1828 -J Close) at DONCASTER. Jackson / Hawe Settlement fortune of Mary Hill previous to her intended 1831 J marriage with WilliaM Strafford Probate will of John Hartley of HOLBECK (Leeds) Will 1833 f Proved 1834J DE> 10y2B Grant of a plot of freehold land at NBTHERTHOlfG far a school 1844 J pursuant to 4 & 5 Viet. Cap. 38 & also a right of way. The joint & several answers of John Dodgson, George Aspin, and n.d. \j Mary Ann Spurr (defendants) to the bill of complaint of John Priestley in Chancery. DD 10/3 YORKSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY K E L F I E L D — F L A G G S , SWIITGHEAD Se V I CAR IHGS IF I E L D S 1 , Lease & release. William LaycQcke to John Laycocke. 1685 ^ J2. Lease, Mortgage a bargain & sale. Hey to Laycocke. 1685^ 3 William Laycocke's disclaimer of rights of inheritance 1686 -J to the property of John Laycocke. 74. Mortgage in fee farm. John Laycocke to Martha Laycocke. 1686 J j ys- Lease & bargain & sale with feoffment. 1694v Viglesworth / Laycocke ,/e. Lease & release. Laycocke/Cawood. Includes Band. 1696./ y 7 ' Lease & release. Windle / Laycocke. Includes Bond, 1696 ■/ J 8. Release. Windle / Cawood 1698 J i 9. Lease & mortgage for £100. Cawood / Morrison. 1707 - Includes Bond. /l0. Mortgage for £150. Cawood / Whitehead. Includes Bond. 1712 J y 11. Lease. Whitehead / Cawood / Morritt. 1714. ^ DD 10/3 ECCLESFIELD / 12. Lease In fee farm. ECCLESFIELD. Langley I Cheycliffe 1591 / 13.

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