TOKYO Nov03-Feb04 No. 98 NUKECitizens' Nuclear INFO Information Center 3F Kotobuki Bldg., 1-58-15, Higashi-nakano, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164-0003, JAPAN URL: http://cnic.jp/english E-mail : [email protected] Abandoned plans for Suzu and Maki Nuclear Power Plants: the beginning of the end? The joy of the citizens of Suzu on hearing that the Suzu Nuclear Power Plant plan had been cancelled n Dec. 24th, 2003, Tohoku Electric Power This is the first time that a construction plan Company officially announced that it was has been abandoned for a nuclear power station abandoning its plan to build the Maki which was included in the government’s Basic ONuclear Power Plant in Maki Town, Niigata Pre- fecture. According to the company the proposal CONTENTS for the construction dates back 32 years, but if one Suzu and Maki Plants Abandoned 1-3 counts from the time when, in order to disguise its plan to build a nuclear power plant, the com- Recent Developments in Nuc. Fusion Research 4-6 pany bought land under the pretense of building a Open Debate re Fuel Reprocessing 7-8 health resort, the project is actually 40 years old. Leaks in Rokkasho Spent Fuel Storage Pool 9-10,16 However, in the end the resolute resistance of the Developments since Monju Court Decision 11-12 local people against the nuclear power plant pre- Anti-Nuke Who’s who: Misako Ogawa 13,16 vailed. News Watch 14-15 Nov03-Feb04 No.98 Nuke Info Tokyo Plan for Electric Power Development and which Plant is a direct result of a decision on Decem- had already commenced the safety screening pro- ber 18 by the Supreme Court to reject a lawsuit cess. In the same month, on December 5th, the by the proponents of nuclear power. As a result Suzu Nuclear Power Plant plan (Suzu City, Ishi- of this decision, Tohoku Electric was unable to kawa Prefecture), which has been pursued jointly procure the land adjacent to the land where the by Kansai, Chubu and Hokuriku Electric Power core of Reactor Unit 1 was to be built. Tohoku Companies, was declared “frozen” by the three Electric claims to be utterly dissatisfied with this companies involved. In reality this means that the “disturbing decision”. However the Denki Shim- project has been abandoned. This is the first time bun newspaper, which reported about the court that any electric power company has abandoned decision in its December 22nd issue, anticipating plans on the basis of its own management deci- the official decision of Tohoku Electric wrote, sion. “Unlike the era of constant progress, during this That’s two “firsts” in a row. What these cases era of liberalization withdrawal is one possible have in common is that the resistance of the local strategy”. The decision of the Supreme Court was people for around thirty years prevented the com- a good excuse for withdrawal. panies from constructing the plants, until times The land which Tohoku Electric tried unsuc- and circumstances combined to encourage them cessfully to buy originally belonged to the town, to abandon their plans. In the end, their long but the Mayor sold it to members of an anti-nucle- struggles bore fruit. It is just as Yohsaku Fuji, ar group. His action was prompted by Japan’s President and Director of Kansai Electric Power first ever local referendum regarding the location Company (KEPCO), said regarding the Suzu of a nuclear power plant, conducted on August Power Plant plan: “The resistance movement was 4th, 1996. The turnout reached 88% and 61% very strong. Time was moving on, but we hadn’ of the valid vote cast (54% of all eligible voters) t even begun a location assessment. During that opposed the nuclear power plant. time energy demand has become sluggish. Price In spite of the criticism from the proponents of competition has become fiercer as a result of nuclear power that the Mayor sold the land with- liberalization. The circumstances have changed out the approval of the Town Council, the Mayor completely.” The same fate befell the construc- was re-elected and the Niigata District Court, the tion plan for the Maki Power Plant, which was Tokyo High Court and also the Supreme Court all abandoned with the safety screening process still upheld that “this measure, taken in order to abide on hold. by the result of the referendum, was in accordance The same “first time” situation is about to visit with law”. It could be said that, in effect, the the construction plans for other nuclear power Supreme Court itself concluded that the volition plants that have been blocked in the same way. of the people, as expressed in the public referen- This is the beginning of the end for them too. dum, had to be respected. The Mayor of Mihama Town (Fukui Prefecture) The thing which made the referendum possible announced on December 9th the postponement in the first place was another piece of land - not of a decision regarding a petition presented to in this case land owned by the local government, the Town Council in the Fall of 2001 requesting but land collectively owned by opponents to the the extension of the Mihama Power Plant. As nuclear plant. This piece of land was located on reasons, the Mayor cited the circumstances fac- the coast on the proposed site of Reactor no.3. ing KEPCO, namely the downward correction for This became a lever for the opposition movement, electricity demand estimates and cost competition because it halted the safety screening process. following the liberalization of the electricity mar- When the former Mayor, a proponent of nucle- ket. ar power, was about to sell the land in question to Tohoku Electric, the women of the town orga- Continuous opposition stopped nized a hunger strike in the entrance hall of the construction of nuclear power sta- Town Hall and workers organized a sit-in in front tions of the Assembly Hall, so that the council meeting The revocation of the plans for the Maki Power had to be cancelled. If just one element in this Nuke Info Tokyo Nov03-Feb04 No.98 3 30-year plus struggle had been missing, instead the Secretary to the Minister of Economy, Trade of the plan being abandoned, the nuclear power and Industry made the following comment: station might be operating today. “There is a shift from increasing the supply and supplementing the quantity to lifting the quality Take the next step confidently of demand and supply.” The collapse of the plans for the Suzu and Evidently the times and circumstances have Maki power plants teaches us again the impor- changed. Let’s take the next step confidently. tance of keeping the campaign going and never (By Baku Nishio) giving up. Of course, the Suzu and Maki Nuclear Power Plant Datelines nuclear power problem is far from over. Nation- Year Maki Suzu Other 1965 Purchase of land for health Japan's first commercial wide there are more than resort begins reactor (TEPCO GCR) goes critical 50 reactors in operation and 1969 Newspaper article reveals the government is deter- nuclear power plant plan 1971 Tohoku Electric officially Power companies start mined to implement its applies to Maki Town maneuvering nuclear fuel cycle policy 1975 Local government requests First national anti-nuclear central government for site energy gathering held in no matter what. Neverthe- consideration Kyoto less, this experience clearly 1976 Kansai, Chubu and Tohoku Electric Power Cos announce shows that phasing out joint site proposal nuclear power is not “an 1979 Three Mile Island accident 1981 Included in the government's unrealistic dream”. Basic Plan for Electric Power Development The detection of the 1982 Tohoku Electric applies to ‘trouble concealment’ at government for permission to Tokyo Electric Power construct reactor 1983 Opponents unable to acquire Company (TEPCO) led to land. Tohoku Electric applies for suspension of safety the suspension of the oper- screening, advising ation of one nuclear reactor government of changed siting plan. after the other. In the wake 1986 Chernobyl accident of this scandal the problem 1989 Citizens stage 3 week action to block City Hall in response of the insecurity of nuclear to site inspection by KEPCO. power as a source of energy Inspection stopped. 1991 Growth in electricity demand supply was raised again begins to slow down last summer. Moreover the 1995 Attempts to sell town land to Liberalization of wholesale Tohoko Electric blocked by electricity begins. Monju blackout in North America opposition campaign. accident. Regulation for citizens' showed that a high depen- referendum passed. dency on nuclear power 1996 Representative of Citizens' prolongs blackouts. Referendum Action Committee elected Mayor. In an article in the Referendum held. Nuclear December 8th issue of power plant rejected. 1999 Mayor sells town land to JCO criticality accident Denki Shimbun, which members of Citizens' Referendum Action refers to the “freezing” of Committee . the construction plan for 2000 Governor of Mie Prefecture cancels Ashihama Nuclear the Suzu Power Plant, a Power Plant plan. staff member of the Agency Liberalization of electricity sales to large scale of Natural Resources and consumers. Energy is quoted as saying, 2001 Overwhelming rejection of nuclear power plant in “The notion that the con- citizens' referendum in struction of power plants is Miyama Town, Mie Prefecture connected to stable energy 2003 Nuclear power plant plan Nuclear power plant plan supply has changed”. And abandoned abandoned 4 Nov03-Feb04 No.98 Nuke Info Tokyo Recent Developments in Nuclear Fusion Research 1. Introduction - Developments regarding the sit- Even now, the level of public awareness in ing of ITER Japan of ‘nuclear fusion energy’ is very low.
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